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After 30 years of reform and opening up, China's economy has developed fast for a long time, people's living standards have markedly been improved and the overall living conditions of urban residents have been raised a lot. However, the conflict between the rapidly rising housing prices and slow growth of income is becoming acute in recent years, the housing difficulties become the biggest problems in the development of a harmonious society. To solve the housing problems for most low-income families, a multi-level indemnificatory housing system has initially been established. However, due to backward indemnificatory housing all over the country, there is still a big conflict between housing and the needs of majority low-income families, besides, due to some defects in the design of indemnificatory housing system, there are many problems to be solved in practice. All these problems need to be solved by deepening the reform of indemnificatory housing and establishing a comprehensive multi-level system of indemnificatory housing. This paper is made up of 6 parts, including the introduction part.
     In the introduction, the background and significance of this topic are presented.
     The housing conditions have been significantly improved since the urban housing system reform, but the rapidly rising housing prices exacerbates the housing difficulties for low-income families. Therefore, the establishment and development of indemnificatory housing system, to a certain extent, ease the housing stress for urban residents, Chinese housing indemnificatory system. However, due to many factors there are still many problems to be solved in practice. The study of indemnificatory housing system is quite significant. In theoretical sense, firstly, it is conducive to completing Chinese housing indemnificatory system and enriches Chinese social indemnificatory theory. Secondly, it can enrich theoretical research related with the real estate. Thirdly, exploring and improving the construction and operation modes of government indemnificatory housing is an important content of improving the economic theory for socialism market. The research on indemnificatory housing system also has far-reaching practical significance. First of all, the performance of indemnificatory housing can be improved so as to ease the housing conflicts as soon as possible. Secondly, development of housing reform can be promoted to improve administrative efficiency of government. Thirdly, the innovation and perfecting of national public finance, financial and other relevant aspects can be promoted. Fourthly, indemnificatory housing can reduce the housing gap in all social strata, which is conducive to the healthy development of the real estate. Fifthly, the structure of all housing can be optimized by speeding up indemnificatory housing. From the construction of indemnificatory housing, the importance of market competition mechanism must be fully played to improve the investing profit of funds for scarce public indemnificatory housing. Then, the relevant domestic and international academic researches are analyzed according to certain logic. Researches from abroad include the indemnificatory housing, the relations between indemnificatory housing and public housing, the rental management of public indemnificatory housing, the "filtering" phenomenon in the housing market, and the public indemnificatory housing policy and the effect assessment. The research on indemnificatory housing in domestic academia mainly focuses on the indemnificatory system, the nature of indemnificatory housing, and the efficiency and the perfection of the housing indemnificatory system research. Finally, the structure, main innovation and deficiency of this paper are briefly introduced.
     The theoretical basis of indemnificatory housing is presented in the first chapter. This chapter briefly introduces the relevant theory on the government indemnificatory housing. Firstly, the basic concepts of the housing system including the origin of housing and housing problems are reviewed and housing problem which is one of the eternal themes of human society is put forward. In different stages of development in human society, different aspects of the housing problem are paid close attention based on different considerations. The core is the more and more important housing and housing problems for both housing indemnificatory system and indemnificatory housing since industrial revolution and urbanization. The nature of housing indemnificatory, background and characteristics are briefly introduced. Then the basic characteristics of the housing market, government intervention, and the determinative factors and main types are schematically described. Next, the main theoretical basis of indemnificatory housing system, including the basic idea of the indemnificatory housing system of Marxism, the Western indemnificatory theory, the fair distribution of social indemnificatory theory and so on are introduced, and then housing "filtering" usually adopted by Western scholars, need hierarchical theory and housing supply and demand theory are introduced according to the special nature of housing consumption,.
     International comparison of indemnificatory housing system is presented in chapter two. Learning the successful experience of the housing system of other countries is quite significant to build and improve the indemnificatory housing system. Firstly, the origin, development, the content of system and the main characteristics of Germany, UK, USA and Japan and other developed countries, then some representative countries, such as Singapore, South Korea and so on, are introduced. The experience of indemnificatory housing in such developing countries is described. At the same time, lessons and experience of transition countries must be learned, considering the fact that our country now is on the phase of perfection of socialism market economy, so Russian indemnificatory housing system is briefly introduced. Finally, indemnificatory housing system in foreign countries is evaluated, and foreign experience is summed up to improve housing system better, for example, the illegal process of indemnificatory housing should be speeded up, the dominant role of government in building housing indemnificatory system should be stressed, the distinctive needs of indemnificatory people should be scientifically classified and innovation should be carried out.
     The evolution and analysis of the current situation is presented in chapter three. To evaluate the performance and problems of indemnificatory housing system comprehensively, the formation and development of indemnificatory housing system should be understood generally. Therefore, at first, the models and changes of indemnificatory housing system are reviewed in this chapter after the foundation of the new China over 60 years. Indemnificatory housing system is highlighted with the housing system reform to solve the housing problems of low-income families. Then, the formation and evolution of indemnificatory housing system is analyzed comprehensively and the problems and achievements in the process of housing system reform are assessed. In general, he housing conditions of urban residents are remarkably improved after overall implementation of housing system reform. However, due to the universal rising housing prices in urban, the growth rate of housing prices in many cities has exceeded that of income of local residents, so more and more residents have to bear the increasing housing pressure. To meet the basic housing needs for majority people, including those low-income families, the construction of indemnificatory housing system in accordance with the economic system of socialism market is accelerated, and the indemnificatory housing system which is mainly on affordable housing and low-rent houses is gradually established with the reform of housing system. Though some achievements of indemnificatory housing system have been made to meet the housing needs for some urban low-income families with the efforts of governments at all levels, due to the infects of institutional mechanisms, many problems emerge in the process of operation. Reflection is carried out through the analysis of problems and four deficiencies during the process of indemnificatory housing system construction: too strong administrative concepts, lack of illegal awareness and overlooking legal design of system construction; too strong political consciousness, deficiency of people's livelihood awareness, lack of comprehensive understanding of government responsibility; too strong economic sense, lack of social awareness, the overlooking functions of indemnificatory housing; too strong efficiency consciousness, deficiency of fair awareness, and contradict with the purpose of indemnificatory housing.
     Chapter four is on the innovative research of indemnificatory housing system. To meet the basic needs housing for all people, especially for the low-income families, the Chinese characteristic housing indemnificatory system which is accordance with economic development and the construction of indemnificatory housing system must be accelerated. In this way, people’s basic housing needs can be guaranteed and healthy development of the real estate industry can be promoted. First of all, the factors of indemnificatory housing system are studied from the perspective of economy, society and politics, such as people’s income level and housing affordability, the gap between urbanization and fast development of industrialization and people’s income, dual social structure, demographic characteristics and so on. Secondly, the principles of indemnificatory housing system are established from three different perspectives, including the principle of highlighting social justice and dynamic indemnificatory basic needs, government guiding and advancing step by step, long-term planning and legislation enacting first. The research is made from three levels on how to improve the indemnificatory housing system. Firstly, the realization form of indemnificatory housing system is innovated and improved from a long-term. Multi-level indemnificatory model which can make indemnificatory housing system innovative and perfect, diversified supply models and advice on entering and withdrawing from mechanism are proposed. Secondly, laws and regulations which ensure the sound indemnificatory housing system should be established. In this chapter, the basic laws of indemnificatory housing system which focus on top-level design, relevant legal provisions with overall consideration and assorted unified regulatory system are recommended. Thirdly, innovative researches on finance, taxation and administrative systems, etc. are unfolded.
     Proposals on how to improve indemnificatory housing system in detail are put forward in chapter five. It is believed that the construction of indemnificatory housing development and improper disposal of some interests during institutional transition period. In view of the long-term character and multilevel nature of system construction, suggestions on construction of indemnificatory housing system and implementation details are proposed to meet the needs of current system construction of indemnificatory housing system. Suggestions on confirmation of indemnificatory people, the assignment and supervision of indemnificatory housing and the management of construction are proposed in the implementation. Suggestions on planning and standards of indemnificatory housing, encouragement of low-income families buying commercial residential house and improvement supporting measures related residential market are proposed. Finally, from the long-term consideration, suggestions on exploring innovative profit-making model of indemnificatory housing and exploring the establishment of forecasting models for supply and demand are proposed.
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