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In a perfect capital market, whether the Company holds liquid assets isindependent of the value of the company. But capital market is far from perfect, andthe existence of the financial friction enables the company financial policy decisionsto highlight the financial flexibility. Company could respond to changes in a timelymanner and without prejudice to the company's value when experiencing cash flow orinvestment opportunities to unanticipated changes. Effective liquidity management inthe financial policy for the company provides the necessary flexibility. As the mostliquid assets, cash assets, naturally is a top priority of liquidity management. Theexistence of financial frictions make the company's internal and external financingcosts is different, and different companies face different levels of external financingconstraints because the differences of the industries, management efficiency andfinancial characteristics, these financing constraints will affect the company's cashholdings policy decisions and cash holding value. Besides, China's capital market isrelatively small, the majority of external financing rely on indirect financing. Chineselisted companies face financing constraints relatively more serious, so the analysis ofthe role and value of Chinese listed companies holding cash has a strong practicalsignificance from the perspective of financing constraints.
     Firstly, we start from a characteristic fact. through empirical regression betweenfinancing constraints and cash holdings,We found that the company constrained byfinancing will retain more cash reserves in the empirical model, we control otherfactors that may affect the cashholding level,So this is resulted by the differences infinancing constraints, and if we will regard the company's level of cash holdings withno financing constraints as a company's daily business activities and a reasonablelevel of cash holdings, then the company by financing constraints is demonstrated tohold the excess cash reserves. However, from where these excess cash reserves is?According to the measure of cash-cash flow sensitivity, we found that whether or notsubject to financing constraints, the cash-cash flow sensitivity is positive, but thecompany constrained by finance will retain a larger fraction of current cash flow as cash assets, and further research has not obtained the monotonic relationship betweenfinancing constraints and cash-cash flow sensitivity.
     We have to find the reason why financing constrained companies hold excesscash reserves to explain their behaviors. According to the Keynesian money demandtheory, in addition to transaction demand, companies also hold cash because of theprudential demand. However, different from the measure standard of prudentialdemand, we use the correlation of cash flow and growth opportunity (which we callthe hedging needs) to observe the motivation of holding cash. We find that thefinancing constrained companies prefer to hold cash when they exposed to highhedging needs, they even increased cash in hand by running into debt. In addition, bychoosing special time intervals in which external funding strikes happened, we findthat credit crunch would affect companies' investment level, especially financingconstrained companies; however, cash reservations, particularly for financingconstrained companies, would alleviate this kind of strikes. So we reach ourconclusion that, facing external financing constraint, the excess cash held bycompanies has the functions of hedging disadvantage internal cash flow changes andexternal funding conditions deteriorate which both strike demand for investment.
     However, is this positive active role having the manifestations of the externalvalue?Proved through empirical analysis, cash held by the company with financingconstraints for hedging needs help the company getting the excess returns in theproduct market competition and capital market valuation,
     On the one hand the holding cash of company with the financing constraints at apremium in the capital market, and the holding cash of company without thefinancing constraints at a discount in the capital market On the other hand, in theempirical investigation of excess returns when company hold additional units cash,we found that whether or not subject to financing constraints, with the cash stock andleverage increases, the marginal value of cash will fall, but on average,The marginalvalue of the company's cash of financing constraints is1.12yuan, the marginal valueof the company's cash without financing constraints is only0.87yuan, the0.25yuanpremium represents the cost difference between the two types of companies enteringthe market and shareholders’ reward for the company holding cash hedge internal cash flow’s negative change and the supply of external funding for environmentaldegradation impact investment demand.Therefore, excess cash held by company withfinancing constraints get premium in the capital market because the hedging effect,which reflects the performance of the external value of the cash held by the companywith financing constraints
     In product market competition, cash reserves of firms with financial constraintsalso show their value. The empirical results show that cash holding by firms withfinancial constraints can increase the product market share, by contrast, cash holdingby firms without financial constraints will decrease the product market share.Compare with the competitor, more cash reserves can help firms to win the marketshare, and the competitive advantage of cash will expand because of the opponent ofmore serious financial constraints. In short, cash is a very powerful weapon inproduct market competition to the firms with financial constraints, and it can makethe firm win a bigger market share and get more profit.
     Thus, we conclude that firms with financial constraints hold excess cash in orderto hedging, and the hedging effect of cash can bring benefits for firms in aspects ofproduct market competitive advantage and capital market premium, it shows theeffect and value of cash holding.
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