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Large-scale peasant workers’ working in the city is not only the result of marketeconomy promotion, but also the effective approach of rural surplus labor transfer in ourcountry. It is in accordance with the world labor transfer theories and rules. As the groupflowing between the rural and the urban, peasant workers’ migration is closely related to theindustrialization and urbanization development process of our country. This thesis researcheson the peasant workers migration mechanism, seeks the unreasonable factors in this process,proposes the practical adjustment advices. The author hopes that this thesis can makecontribute to adopt measures to reject the unreasonable factors in peasant workers migrationprocess, and be meaningful to promote an ordered controllable peasant workers migration, toadvance the effective resource allocation, the rural and urban arrragements, the theurbanization level and social harmony.
     This thesis takes the background of economic transforming period, using object ofpeasant workers migration and citizenation, within the guidance of statistics, urban economicstheories and so on. It collects data by household investigation, materials analization, structuralinterview and analyze data by using softwares like Eviews6.O、SPSS13.0. In this way, itjudges the motivation, disturbance, characters, inflection, trend, influence of the Chinesepeasant workers migration and advocate advices. For dynamis analysis of the problem, thisthesis based on empirical study with the asistance of material analysis result and structuralinterview.
     This thesis believes that:(1) The main reason of the peasant workers migration isnon-agriculture economy income. The second reason is the gap in resource, information,social public articles between urban and rural area.(2) The peasant workers migration isobviously affected by the macro-economy system development. The relaxion of householdcontract responsibility system and household registration system make peasant working inother places possible. Since the establishment of market economy in1994, the peasantworkers migration’s purpose changed from primary migration of making a living to modernmigration of development motivation. So, peasant workers migration evolution has two inflection points in1985and1994.(3) Peasant workers migration is with distinctcharacteristics. Even migration destination most points at urban and city area, the migrationprocess and vector dominated with rural net, within the purpose of promoting resourceutilization, resource accumulation transtion, social relatonship net. This process is beneficalfor the smooth of the migration and the economic adaptation primarily after the migration,butlasting parcel of the rural network is not conducive to migrant workers's social andpsychological adaptation in the city.(4) There will be an annual steady growth rate of1.5%ofthe peasant workers within the next four years. The urban population will increase about20million every year. In other words, there will be nearly one hundred million peasant workersto urban area for work and living until2015. So it will put forward new demands on theacceptance and coordination ability of the migration hotspots.(5) Large-scale peasant workersmigration contributes to the development of China's industrialization and urbanization, whileat the same time, it also causes the consequences that the promotion of productivity and thehousehold labor force continues to decline. However, China's grain production continued togrow during last eight years, which provides beneficial insights for the optimization schemeof exploring labor factor arrangement. And the stormy peasant workers migration did notbring large-scale land circulation. On the contrary, the land circulation will decrease1.64%when the peasant worker migration amount increases1%. This is related to rural supportsystem inperfection, peasant worker employment instability, low land rent and land undertakethe social charity effect of the peasant worker.
     Peasant workers migration develops up to today, the group internal layer is obvious. Asthe subject of future citizenation, the cenozoic peasant workers have the characteristics ofhigh education degree, high career pursuit, high material and spiritual enjoyments, low firstwork age, low labor tolerance ability comparing to traditional peasant workers. At the sametime, they also face predicaments including employment, indentity, marriage. If we anticipateto promote the peasant workers migration rational and orderly, we should solve thepredicament of this group at first. This thesis suggests we should commence to peasantworker growth cultivation, peasant worker settle down in city project solution, peasant workersocial security system perfection, the peasant workers’ children education systemestablishment, peasant worker intergrating into city society guidance and provementperfection, and peasant worker migration policy performance appraisal enhancement, and soon.
     The possible innovative points of this thesis is as following five points:(1) analyze theeffect of non-agricultural income and field expansion as the base of peasant worker migrationprocess;(2) discuss the characteristics of peasant worker migration which take city for direction and rural net for bearing and its advantages and disadvantages;(3) calculate theinflection points of peasant worker migration is at1985and1994in the process ofmacro-economy system variation;(4) predict the trend of peasant worker migration in futurefour years, and provide data for the government and related departments of system and policypreparation in advance;(5) discuss the relationship between peasant worker migration andrural land circulation.
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