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This thesis has conducted research on the Australian Capital Territory Human Rights Act. On the level of federal law in Australia, there are no specific clauses focusing on "rights protection". On the level of states law, the ACT Human Rights Act is the first Act to specify protecting human rights. This act occupies a pivotal position in the history of human rights protection in Australia by means of guaranteeing individual's human rights and limiting its powers. It is a milestone of the rights protection march and a symbol of maturity of the rights protection consciousness. The ACT Human Rights Act has absorbed other countries'human rights protection experiences and gradually enriched its contents. Based on these, the ACT Human Rights Act possesses its distinctive characteristics. This paper has researched on the ACT Human Rights Act by using analytical method except the introduction and conclusion parts.
     The introduction part of this paper explains the significance of choosing this research topic, the research status quo in China and abroad on this topic, the framework of the thesis and the research method. This thesis mainly uses the view of historical development and law text to get into this topic. Trying to get inspiration from the ACT Human Rights Act and which could be a reference for perfecting human rights protection in China. Overseas countries, especially Australia have a long history in the research and practice of human rights protection. However, the research on human rights protection acts is still a blank area in China. In this sense, this thesis fills the blank in the research of this area. This paper starts analysis with introducing the background of human rights protection in Australia, then the legislative progress of the ACT and the main contents of it and gives an explanation of the effects in the Capital Territory and the nation.
     The first chapter sets out the background of the adoption of the ACT Human Rights Act. The Human Rights Actwas significantly affected by UK and American Law. It adopted the Common Law system as well as Separation of Powers theory. Then, this thesis analysed the history of the efforts made of human rights protection from Australian Constitution, common law and regulation. Since the protection strengths from the Constitution are limited, the effects of common law and regulations are significant. However, there are limitations of common law in protecting human rights, so it is urgent to have a human rights protection law. The discussion on whether the federal level human rights protection law is necessary has lasted for several years. On one hand, the human rights protection law could systemize, clarify and make human rights protection lawful. On the other hand, it could set restrictions on the rights protection range and break "separation of the three powers" system. These arguments are the key factors of pushing the legislation of the ACT human rights Act.
     There are always different opinions on human rights legislation; however, as the capital of Australia, Canberra set an example and issued the first Human Rights Act. The second chapter discussed the framework of the ACT Human Rights Act. The ACT Human Rights Act referred previous human rights legislation, which also absorbed many other international human rights acts. Given that different levels of previous human rights act, the ACT Human Rights Act has its unique features. In the form of law-setting, the ACT human right act absorbed many advantages, including demonstrations and limitations from other countries (the USA, Canada, New Zealand and UK). Absorbing and referring to the existing human right act legislation is the crucial feature of the ACT Human Rights Act. In terms of certain rights protection, the ACT Human Rights Act converted many international human rights acts, which then enable their legal effect in local area. The aforementioned part consists of the main section of the ACT Human Rights Act. It could grab the basic content of the ACT Human Rights actthrough discussing this framework and rights of those not involved in, which is mainly about economy, social and cultural rights and they are also needed to be protected in the amended act.
     Chapter three gives an overall analysis of the rights of the ACT Human Rights Act protection and their application in the judicial practice. It is not hard to find that rights protection is the core of the ACT Human Rights Act and what it protects is the civil rights and political rights. This paper has selected five representative rights with high litigation frequency among twenty protected rights by The ACT Human Rights Act and they are fair trial, rights to liberty and security of person, the right of privacy and reputation, protection of family and children and rights in the criminal proceeding. Then, this paper researches how the judge explains and employs relevant provisions in the judicial practice to protect the human rights.
     Chapter four discusses the interpretation clause of human rights, the restricted clause and the public authority,which composes of the important content of the ACT Human Rights Act. There are many rights under the protection of the ACT Human Rights Act, but the illustrations of human rights are infinitive. There are always limitations accompany with rights protection, all kinds of rights have their boundaries. Hence, it is critical to set limitations on human rights to maintain the balance of law. The interpretation clause specifies that the judge should accord with the bill of human rights in the interpretation of law. The ACT Human Rights Act has specified the boundaries and obligation of the public authority and listed the specific action against the human rights protection. The public authority i.e. the government should be regulated by the restricted clause of human rights in the practice of human rights protection and interpretation. Human rights may be subject only yo reasonable limits set by Territory law that can be demonstrably justified in a free and demoncratic society. However, in setting the limitations, all kinds of factors should also be taken into consideration, including the nature of the rights, the purpose of restriction, the boundary and the effect and so on.
     The fifth charter discusses effects of the ACT Human Rights Act. These effects are not only on capital area but other states. The ACT Human Rights Act reconstructs the power's structure in capital area and breaks the balance of "separation of the three powers". It established a "dialogue model" between legislative authority, judicial authority and public authority. The dialogue model enhanced the relationships and interactions between these three authorities as well as building a solid foundation for human rights protection. Another effect of the ACT Human Rights Act is that it sets an example for other states, following the capital area, some states are considering of having their own human rights protection act. Such as Victoria States has publicized its Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities, New South Wales and North Territory are fasting their legislation progress. With the more attentions on aboriginals' human rights protection makes the federal government see positive effects of the ACT Human Rights Act. The federal government of Australia has publicized its Australia' Human Rights Framework and it was be seen as a signal and preparation of a national human rights act. It had shown the future trend of human rights protection in Australia.
     The last chapter mainly illustrates the enlightenment of our domestic human rights protection. We can learn lessons from Australia human rights protection from the legislation, the judiciary and the administration. In terms of the legislation, we can adopt step by step method to protect the human rights. In terms of the judiciary, we should bring the human rights protection into the protection of law and provide legal support and judicial guarantee for the human rights protection. In terms of the administration, the national human rights institution should be established to realize the guarantee of the human rights protection.
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    ① Alice Erh-Soon Tay. Human rights for Australia:a survey of literature and developments, and a select and annotated bibliography of recent literature in Australia and abroad. Australian Government Publishing Service, 1986,p10.
    ①参见《ACT Human Rights Act》的第五章规定“政府的义务”,在2008年的修正案中,对政府部门的范围及其政府应该切实担负起的人权保护责任和义务进行了详细的规定。
    ② See Liz Curran. Human rights in Australia:their relevance to the vulnerable and marginalised. Alternative Law Joural; 33 (2) 2008,p70-74.
    ③ See Hannes Schoombe. The WA Human Rights Bill:for Brief; 34 (11) 2007,p35-38.
    ④ Cassidy Julie. Hollow avowals of human rights protection:time for an Australian federal bill of rights? Deakin Law Review; 13 (2) 2008,p1157.
    ⑤ http://www.cinon.com.au/Item/45611.aspx,2009年8月27日,访问时间11月26日。
    ① Tom Campbell. The Rule of Law and Strong Judicial Review: Controversies and Alternatives汤姆·坎普贝尔: 《法治与有力的司法审查——争论与选择》,第24届世界法哲学和社会哲学大会发言稿。在发言稿中还指出,我把它称之为“民主的权利法案”之要点总结如下: “民主的权利法案是国家的立法和行政活动途径制度化的法案,法院只有在实施这种有议会的人权立法时才涉入……民主权利法案的目标在于给体制施加压力,使其更好的对人权的思考做出反应。”
    ② See Hilary Charlesworth. Democratic objections to bills of rights. Sydney Papers; 20 (3) 2008,p124-133.
    ①See Peter Bayne.The Human Rights Act 2004 (ACT):Developments in 2004. Canberra Law Review;(8)2005, p142.
    ②See Michael Walton. Human rights:what's been left out of Australia's first Bill of Rights? Alternative Law Journal; 29 (4) 2004,p195-196.
    ③ Thomas Poole. Bills of Rights in Australia. Oxford University Commonwealth Law Journal; 4 (2) 2004,p201.
    ① See Wendy Lacey. Beyond the legalese and rhetoric. Australian Journal of Human Rights. Butterworth, 16(1)2010,p1-13.
    ①何勤华主编: 《澳大利亚法律发达史》,法律出版社2004年8月版,第79页。
    ①Mark Twain, Following the Equator-A Journey Around the World, American Publishing Co.,Hartford 1897,p196.
    ①参见王宇博: 《澳大利亚现代化历史探析》,载《苏州大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》,2004年第5期,第103—108页。
    ②黄源深、陈弘: 《从孤立中走向世界——澳大利亚文化简论》,浙江人民出版社1993年版第4页。
    ③韩锋、刘樊德主编: 《当代澳大利亚》,世界知识出版社2004年版第65页。
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    ①陈建福: 《比较法在澳大利亚法庭上的运用》, 载许章润、徐平: 《法律:理性与历史——澳大利亚的理念、制度与实践》,中国法制出版社2000年版, 第260页。
    ① Simon Bronitt and Prita Jobling, Constitutional Protection of Rights:Australian Exceptions, Legal Date,3(17)2005,p1-3.
    ②郑汝纯: 《普通法之正义意识》,陈建福译,载《比较法研究》,1998年版第4期,转引自中国人民大学书报资料中心: 《法理学、法史学》,D410,1999(4)。
    ③ Tucker,D.F.B., Natural Law or Common Law?:Human Rights in Australia.In Rethinking Human Rights, eds Brian Galligan and Charles Samoford. Sydney:Federation Press1997,p34.
    ①[英]梅因著: 《古代法》,沈景一译,商务印书馆1995年版,第19页。
    ① Louise Chappell, John Chesterman and Lisa Hill, The Politics of Human Rights in Australia, Cambridge University Press2009,p35-36.
    ②[英]W·lvor·詹宁斯: 《法与宪法》,龚祥瑞、侯健译,生活·读书·新知三联书店1997年版,第7页。
    ① See M.Mckenna. The Captive Republic. Cambridge University Press1996,p190-192.
    ②Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act,s2.
    ③参见安东尼·梅森: 《联邦制国家宪法法院的地位与作用——对于澳大利亚与美国的比较研究》,载许章润、徐平: 《法律:历史与理性——澳大利亚的理念、制度与实践》,中国法制出版社2000年版,第157页。
    ② Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act, s24,41.
    ③ Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act, s116,117.
    ①[美]本杰明·卡多佐: 《司法过程的性质》,苏力译,商务印书馆1998年版,第17页。
    ②汤姆·坎贝尔和贝茨·坎贝尔: 《澳大利亚的法律和法律制度》,载《法学家》1998年第2期,第121页。
    ③Mabo v.The State of Queensland (No.2) (1992),in 175 Commonwealth Law Report s1.
    ② Sir Owen Dixon, Two Constitutions Compared' in Judge Woinarski (ed), Jesting Pilate and Other Papers and Addresses 1965,p 101-102.
    ③ Sir Robert Menzies. Central Power in the Australian Commonwealth (1967) 52,54. Through the Administrative Decisions (Judicial Review) Act 1977 (Cth).
    ①John Howard, Address at Ceremonial Sitting to Mark the Centenary of the High Court of Australia, Supreme Court of Victoria, Melbourne,6 October 2003. Available at at 21 September 2007.
    ② See Hilary Charlesworth. Democratic objections to bills of rights. Sydney Papers; 20 (3) 2008,p124-133.
    ③ John Howard, A sense of balance:The Australian Achievement in 2006, Address to the National Press Club, Parliament House, Canberra,25 January 2006. Available at http://www.pm.gov.au/media/Speech/2006/speech1754.cfm at 21 September 2007.
    ① See Wendy Lacey. Beyond the legalese and rhetoric. Australian Journal of Human Rights. Butterworth, 16(1)2010,p1-13.
    ① Peter Bayne.The Human Rights Act 2004 (ACT):Developments in 2004. Canberra Law Review,(8)2005,p 142.
    ② Michael Walton. Human rights:what's been left out of Australia's first Bill of Rights? Alternative Law Journa1,29 (4) 2004,p195-196.
    ③ Thomas Poole. Bills of Rights in Australia.Oxford University Commonwealth Law Journal,4 (2) 2004,p201.
    ① A bill of rights for Australia? (1989) 5 Australian Bar Review 79. For a more recent ccount of Mason's position, see Gareth Griffith, A NSW Charter of Rights? The Continuing Debate, NSW Parliamentary Library Research Service, Briermg Paper No 5 (2006) p5,7-8.
    ②[澳]菲利普·林奇: 《人权、外交政策与发展:澳大利亚在国际和亚太地区的作用》,第二届北京人权论坛——和谐发展与人权发言稿,2009年11月。
    ① See Liz Curran,Human rights in Australia:their relevance to the vulnerable and marginalised. Alternative Law Joural; 33 (2) 2008,p70-74.
    ② See Hannes Schoombe. The WA Human Rights Bill:for.Brief,34 (11) 2007, p35-38.
    ③ Cassidy Julie. Hollow avowals of human rights protection:time for an Australian federal bill of rights? Deakin Law Review; 13 (2) 2008,p157.
    ④See Harry Evans, Monarchical and Parliamentary Government in Australia, Insurance Council of Australia Conference, Canberra,10 August 2006,2. Available on the Australian parliamentary website< http://www.aph.gov.au/senate/pubs/index.htm> at 21 September 2007.
    ①New South Wales v Commonwealth of Australia (2006) 231 ALR 1.
    ② George Williams, Goodbye to states rights, The Age (Melbourne),15 November 2006,17.
    ③ Quoted in Kenneth Nguyen, A weapon that may return to skewer the Liberals, conservatives warn, The Age (Melbourne),15 November 2006,2.
    ④ at 5October.2007.
    ⑤ See Susan Ryan, The New Matilda Human Rights Act Campaign (Paper presented at the conference, Australian Bills of Rights:The ACT and Beyond, AND,Canberra,21 June 2006); George Williams, The Victorian Charter of Rights and Responsibilities(Paper presented at the conference, Australian Bills of Rights:The ACT and Beyond, AND, Canberra,21 June 2006).
    ⑥Brian Galligan & Ian McAllister, Citizen and Elite Attitudes towards an Australian Bill of Rights in Brian, Galligan & Charles Sampford (eds), Rethinking Human Rights (1997)p144-153.
    ① See Griffith, above n 10,2; NSW Parliament, Legislation Review Committee at 8 November 2006; Standing Committee on Law and Justice, above n 88.
    ② Legislative Standards Act 1992 (Qld) s 4(1).
    ① Legislative Standards Act 1992 (Qld) s 4(2)(a).
    ② Legislative Standards Act 1992 (Qld) ss 22,23,& 24. Democracy, and the Quality of Law-Making, in Tom Campbell,Jeffrey Goldsworth and Adrienne Stone (eds)
    ③ Bryan Horrigan, Improving Legislative Scrutiny of Proposed Laws to Enhance Basic Rights, Parliament above n 5,p61.
    ④ Griffith, above n 10, p69.
    ⑤ See Nicholas Aroney and Scott Prasser, Balancing the power:Queensland needs an upper house (2006) On Line Opinion at 7 November 2006.
    ①[澳]菲利普·林奇: 《人权、外交政策与发展:澳大利亚在国际和亚太地区的作用》,第二届北京人权论坛——和谐发展与人权发言稿,2009年11月。
    ①参见[澳]菲利普·林奇: 《人权、外交政策与发展:澳大利亚在国际和亚太地区的作用》,第二届北京人权论坛——和谐发展与人权发言稿,2009年11月。
    ②[英]弗里德利希·冯·哈耶克著: 《自由秩序原理》,邓正来译,三联出版社1997年12月版,第234页。
    ①芦雪峰: 《英国1998年<人权法案>研究》,载《人权研究》(第六卷),山东人民出版社2007年版,第362页。
    ②[澳]菲利普·林奇: 《人权、外交政策与发展:澳大利亚在国际和亚太地区的作用》,第二届北京人权论坛——和谐发展与人权发言稿,2009年11月。
    ① Constitution Alteration (Rights and Freedom)Bill 1988 (Cth).
    ② Legal and Constitutional Committee of the Victorian Government, Report on the Desirability or otherwise of Legislation Defining and Protecting Human Rights, Parliament of Victoria, April 1987.
    ③ NSW Standing Committee on Law and Justice, A NSW Bill of Rights, October 2001,NSW Parliament (Paper No.893).
    ④ ACT Attorney-General's Department, A Bill of Rights for the ACT:Record of Proceedings 7 May 1994.
    ⑤ ACT Bill of Rights Consultative Committee, Towards an ACT Human Rights Act (2003).
    ① Australian Bills of Rights-The ACT and Beyond (Speech delivered at the conference, Australian Bills of Rights: The ACT and Beyond, Canberra,21 June 2006.
    ①齐延平: 《自由大宪章研究》,中国政法大学出版版2007年版,第275-276页。
    ① Alston Philip, A Framework for the Comparative Analysis of Bills of Rights, In Promoting Human Rights Through Bills of Rights:Comparative Perspective, ed. Philip Alston.Oxford University Press 1999,p113.
    ② Submission 44在首都地区《人权法案》起草的过程中,先后一共有148个组织和个人向首都地区法律咨询委员会提出建议,此注释为排序第44位的Dr.Max Spry的提案。
    ③ Janet McLean,Legislative invalidation, human rights protection and s4 of the New Zealand Bill of Bill of Right Act,New Zealand Review2001,p 421,448.
    ①Eg Frank Brennan, Legislating Liberty:A Bill of Rights for Australia (1998).
    ②Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom 1982, s1.
    ④R v Drybones[1970] SCR 282.
    ①Attorney-General v Lavell[1974] SCR 1349.
    ② Australian Capital Territory Human Rights Act 2004, s 27.
    ④ Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom 1982,s24.
    ①New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990,s6.
    ②New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990,s4.
    ④Liversidge v.Anderson[1942]A.C.206,261(H.L.).
    ① (1982)148 Commonwealth Legal Report 636.
    ② (1982)39 Commonwealth Legal Report 459.
    ②(1998)159 Commonwealth Legal Report 108.
    ①信春鹰: 《栉风沐雨历久弥坚:纪念<世界人权宣言>通过五十周年》,载《读书》1998年第12期。
    ②邵沙平、余敏友主编: 《国际法问题专论》,武汉大学出版社2004年版,第158页。转引自徐显明主编:《国际人权法》,法律出版社2004年第1版,第64-65页。
    ③[英]丹宁勋爵著: 《法律的未来》,刘庸安、张文镇译,法律出版社1999年版,第317页。
    ①Human Rights Amendment Bill 2012 (ACT) s6.
    ① Australian Capital Territory Human Rights Act 2004, s28.
    ②联合国《儿童权利国际公约》(Convention on the Rights of the Child)最终于1989年11月20日在第44届联合国大会以第25号决议通过。1990年9月2日批准生效。截至目前有191个国家批准了该公约,是影响最为广泛的国际人权公约。
    ③ (1995) 152 Commonwealth Legal Report 436.
    ① Australian Capital Territory Human Rights Act 2004, s11.
    ② Australian Capital Territory Human Rights Act 2004, s8(2),(3).
    ①Australian Capital Territory Human Rights Act 2004,Preamble.
    ① Australian Capital Territory Human Rights Act 2004,s32.
    ①龚向和: 《国际人权可诉性理论之缺失:中国人权司法保护之路》,载柳华文主编: 《经济、社会和文化权利可诉性研究》,中国社会科学出版社2008年版,第197页。
    ② Henry J. Steiner & Philip Alston, International Human Rights in Context:Law, Politics, Morals, New York: Oxford University Press1996,p296.
    ③ Maurice Cranston, Human Rights, Real and Supposed, in D. D. Raphael (ed.),Political Theory and the Rights of Man, Indiana University Press 1967,p51-52.
    ① See Committee on Economic,Social and Cultural Rights,General Comment No.3,1990, in HRJ/GEN/I /Rev·6,12 May,2003,p16.
    ② See Government of the Republic of South Africa and Others v. Grootboom,2001 (1) SA 46 (CC),para.20.
    ①Australian Capital Territory Human Rights Act 2004,s21.
    ①张录荣: 《公正审判基本人权视野下的司法独立与司法受制》,载《法学研究》,2010年第4期。
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    ③陈兴华主编: 《法治的使命》, 《第二讲:陈瑞华,程序正义》,法律出版社2001年版,第36页。
    ①Stock v. Hyde [2006] ACTSC 11.
    ②Warren Gardner & Julie Beaver v. ACT Land Authority (Administrative Review) [2010] AC AT 64.
    ③ Kristen Egan, John Hawkins and Alexander Burr v. JG [2010] ACTSC 53.
    ④ R v. Matthew Massey [2009] ACTCA 12.
    ① Australian Capital Territory Human Rights Act 2004,s18.
    ② GRC David, Magna Carta, Trustees of British Museum,London,1963.
    ①杨成铭: 《人权保护区域化的尝试——欧洲人权机构的视角》,中国政法大学出版社2000年版,第111页。
    ②于立深: 《我国宪法典公民权利条款评析》, 《长白学刊》2002年第4期,第28页。
    ③Eastman v. Chief Executive of the Department of Justice and Community Safety [2011] ACTSC 33.
    ①R v. Kain [2009] ACTSC 103.
    ② Tahi Temoannui v. Brett Jason Eric Ford [2009] ACTSC 69.
    ①Australian Capital Territory Human Rights Act 2004,s12.
    ②(2008)3 Australia Legal Reform Commission Report 291.
    ①Daniel Emlyn-Jones and Federal Capital Press [Intervener:Human Rights Commission] [2009] ACTDT 2.
    ②Thomson v. ACT Planning and Land Authority (Administrative Review) [2009] ACAT 38.
    ③ R v. Jonathon Monaghan [2009] ACTSC 61.
    ① Australian Capital Territory Human Rights Act 2004, s11.
    ① TM v. Office of Children, Youth and Family Support [2007] ACTSC 5.
    ② Canberra Fathers and Children Services Inc v. Michael Watson [2010] AC AT 74.
    ③ R v. Ashman [2010] ACTSC 45.
    ① Australian Capital Territory Human Rights Act 2004,s22.
    ② Richard John Travini v. Woitek Starczewski [2009] ACTSC 123.
    ③ R v. Martiniello [2005] ACTSC 9.
    ①R v.BR[2010]ACTSC 17.
    ①Human Rights Amendment Act 2008 (ACT) s4.
    ①汪进元、陈乒: 《权利限制的立宪模式之比较》,载《法学评论》2005年第5期,第10页。
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    ①中国人权研究会: 《人民日报理论版》,2005年6月6日第9版。
    ②毛俊响: 《国际人权公约权利限制的基本原则及对中国的启示》,载《政治与法律》,2010年第9期。
    ①The Siracusa Principles on the Limitation and Derogation Provisions in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, in Human Rights Quarterly, Vol.7,1985,p.4.para.9.
    ② See Alexandre Kiss, Commentary by the Rapporteur on the Limitation Provisions, in Human Rights Quarterly, Vol.7,1985, p16.
    ① Legislation Act 2001 (ACT) s13.
    ② Esin Orucu, The Core of Rights and Freedoms:the Limit of Limits. Human Rights:From Rhetoric to Reality. ed.Tom Campbell. Basil Blackwell1986,p37.
    ③ See General Comment 27, CCPR/C/21/Rev.l/Add.9,paras.12-13.
    ④ See Malone v. the United Kingdom, ECHR, Judgment of 2 August 1984. Series A, No.82, para.67.
    ⑤ See Inter-American Court Of Human Rights, Advisory Opinion Oc-6/86 Of May 9, The Word "Laws" In Article 30 Of The American Convention On Human Rights, Requested By The Government Of Uruguay 1986,paras.7-37.
    ⑥ Akuna Club Limited and ACT Gambling and Racing Commission (Administrative Review) [2010] ACAT 3.
    ①张文显主编: 《法理学》,法律出版社1997年版,第376页。
    ②张志铭著: 《中国的法律解释体制》,载《中国社会科学》,1997年第2期。
    ③季卫东著: 《法治秩序的建构》,中国政法大学出版社1998年版,第87—88页。
    ①Stephen,Re Castioni[1891]1 B 149,167-168.
    ②Carleton Kemp Allen,Aspects of Justics,Stevens & Son1958,p184.
    ③参见[澳]帕克瑞·帕金森: 《澳大利亚法律的传统与发展》,陈苇译,斯尔姆森法律图书出版公司2005年版,第257页。
    ②宁敏: 《澳大利亚1901年法律解释法——对议会制定的法律进行解释并缩短其语言的法律》,载《民商法论丛》第11卷,法律出版社1999年版,第755页。
    ③陈金钊: 《案例指导制度下的法律解释及其意义》,载《苏州大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》,2011年第2期。
    ⑤ Hilary Charlesworth and Gabrielle McKinnon. Australia's First Bill of Rights:The Australian Capital Territory's Human Rights Act. The Federation Press2006,p7.
    ①Australian Capital Territory Human Rights Act 2004,s31(1).
    ②Australian Capital Territory Human Rights Act 2004,s31(2).
    ③ Firestone v. The Australian National University [2004] ACTSC76.
    ① Maunsell v. Olins,[1995] AC373,382,per Lord Reid.
    ② See Bropho v. The State of West Australia,(1990)171 Commonwealth Legal Report l,at 20.
    ① ACT Parliament Debate, Legislative Assembly,6 December2007,4031 (Simon Corbell).
    ② Imran Hakimi v. Legal Aid Commission (ACT),The Australian Capital Territory (Intervener) [2009] ACTSC 48.
    ① Australian Capital Territory Human Rights Act 2004,s22.(2)bd.
    ② See Hakimi (2009) 3 ACTLR 127,137.
    ① ACT Human Rights Act 2004,s40B.
    ③ ACT Human Rights Act 2004-The First Year, Paper presented at the conference "Assessing the First Year of the ACT Human Rights Act",29 June 2005,p6.
    ①The ACT Human Rights Act-The Second Year, Paper presented at the conference,21 June 2006,p14.
    ② ACT Human Rights Act 2004,s40(1).
    ① Council of Australian Government, Council of Australian Governments Communique:Special meeting on counter-terrorism(2005), available at http://www.coag.gov.au.
    ① ACT Human Rights Act 2004,s37.
    ② See ACT Legislative Assembly, Standing Committee on Legal Affairs, Legislative Assembly for the ACT, Comments on the Responses Scrutiny Report No 3 (2009).
    ③ Australian Government, Australia's Human Rights Framework (2010).
    ④ ACT Human Rights Act 2004,s38.
    ① Australian Capital Territory Human Rights Act 2004,s31.
    ① Explanatory Statement, Human Rights Act Amendment Bill 2007 (ACT) c3.
    ② Australian Capital Territory Human Rights Act 2004,s32.
    ④ See http://acthra.anu.edu.au/cases/case.php?id=291,访问时间2011年9月10日。
    ③Australian Capital Territory Human Rights Act 2004,s33.
    ① Constitutional Connnission, above n 28,460.
    ③ Constitution Connnission Victoria, Final Report:A House for Our Future, Terms of Reference (2002) 5 Victorian Department of Premier and Cabinet. at 15 November 2006.
    ① Department of Justice, Victoria, Human Rights in Victoria:Statement of Intent(2005).
    ③ Fergus Shiel,'State accused of reneging on human rights charter', The Age (Melbourne),20 June 2005,5.
    ④ Charter ofHuman Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006 (Vic),s7.
    ⑤ Charter ofHuman Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006 (Vic),s39(3).
    ① Standing Committee on Law and Justice, NSW Legislative Council, A NSW Bill of Rights (2001).
    ② Standing Committee on Law and Justice, NSW Legislative Council, A NSW Bill of Rights (2001)110.
    ③ Standing Committee on Law and Justice, NSW Legislative Council, A NSW Bill of Rights (2001)98.
    ④ Standing Committee on Law and Justice, NSW Legislative Council, A NSW Bill of Rights (2001)86.
    ⑤Jonathan Pearlman, Charter of rights plan to be put to cabine, Sydney Morning Herald (Sydney),20 March 2006.
    ① Sessional Committee on Constitutional Development, Legislative Assembly of the Northern Territory, Final Draft Constitution for the Northern Territory (1996) pt 8.
    ② Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs, Legislative Assembly of the Northern Territory, Milestones in the Constitutional History of the Northern Territory 1824-2005.s6.3.
    ①Australian Capital Territory Human Rights Act 2004, s 27.
    ① (1992)107 Commonwealth Legal Report 6,18.
    ②See Bain Attwood and Fiona Magowan (ed.),Telling Stoies-Indigenous history and memory in Australia and New Zealand, Allen & Unw 2001, p 200-203.
    ③ Dicey, Introduction to the Study of the Law of the Constitution,10th edu.Macmillan1959,p195-202.Compare this with E.Barendt,Dicey and Civil Liberties[19851 Public Law 596;W.I.Jennings,The Law and the Constitution,5th edn,University of London Press1959.
    David Malcolm,Does Australia Need a Bill of Rights?'(1998) 5(3) E Law Murdoch University Electronic Journal of Law [1] at 15 November 2006.
    Constitutional Commission, Commonwealth, Final Report of the Constitutional Commission, Volume One (1988), p456.
    ① (1959) 47,328, quoted by the Constitutional Commission.
    ② Constitutional Commission,above n 28, p456.
    ③ The proposals were contained in the Constitution Alteration (Rights and Freedoms)Bill 1988 (Cth), and the referendum was held on 3 September 1988. Australian Parliamentary Library, Attempts at a federal Bill of Rights at 27 February 2006.
    ④ Malcohn, above n 27,1. See also the report of the Sessional Committee on Constitutional Development, Legislative Assembly of the Northern Territory, A Northern Territory Bill of Rights? (1995) 10.
    ①Malcohn Farr, State rights push wrong-Ruddock slams campaign, The Daily Telegraph (Sydney),4(7)2006,p 17.
    ②参见朱应平: 《澳大利亚宪法权利研究》,法律出版社2006年版第32页。
    ①李步云: 《论人权》,社会科学文献出版社2010年版,第1页。
    ①姚建宗: 《建设社会主义和谐社会与认真对待人权》,载《长春理工大学学报(社会科学版)》,2008年第5期,第2页。
    ①李步云: 《论人权》,社会科学文献出版社2010年版,第213页。
    ②[美]霍贝尔: 《原始人的法》,严存生等译, 贵州人民出版社1992年版,第4、5页。
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