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     近代意义上的惩罚性赔偿,首见于1763年英国的Wilkes v.Wood一案。该案法官首次宣称:“陪审团有权判决比原告所受之实际损害更高的赔偿金额,损害赔偿的目的不仅仅在于补偿受害人,它也是对不法行为的惩罚,以及对将来有可能发生的同类行为的威慑,同时,它还能够表达出陪审团对该行为本身的厌恶”。而该案之所以得作出惩罚性赔偿判决的深层次原因,除了一直以来多倍赔偿思想的浸染,更重要地其实在于当时英格兰的政治背景。此后,英国普通法上又出现了一系列惩罚性赔偿判例,它们大多集中于受害人之尊严受损的情形。直到1964年,英国上议院在Rookes v.Barnard一案中开始反思民事案件中判定惩罚性赔偿的正当性,并建议将惩罚性赔偿的适用严格地限制于三种特定的类型。不过,此种限制因为过于严苛而无法适应复杂的社会现实,英国法院在实践中并未严格遵循之。多数法官仍然认为,损害赔偿之功能除了填补损害之外,对被告之惩罚,亦属必要。总体而言,英国法院对惩罚性赔偿机制的运用显得较为审慎。
Ⅰ. The framework and primary content of the article
     The research concerning punitive damages includes necessarily main questions as following: (1) what is the punitive damage? (2) why do we need punitive damages? (3) what kinds of conducts should be awarded punitive damages? (4) whether the quantum of punitive damages is appropriate? And under the reality of China, we also must think further: (1) whether the punitive damage system will conflict with our legal system and legal theories? And whether the confliction is unsettle? (2) whether we indeed need the punitive damage system? (3) if we need, how should we to induce it in order to comply with our reality and to retain its advantages?
     The article researches the punitive damage system around above basic questions, which is divided into five parts: (1) the overview of punitive damages; (2) the history and reality of punitive damages; (3) the justification of punitive damages; (4) the system design of punitive damages; (5) the Chinese approach of punitive damages.
     The first part introduces the definition, the core characters, the objectives and functions of punitive damages, analyzes the nature of punitive damages, summarizes and comments the main viewpoints which doubts the punitive damage system, and then concludes the natural means of punitive damages, which endeavors to clarify some wrongful understandings about punitive damages, and gains fundamental platform of further research.
     Modern punitive damages are damages, other than compensatory damages, awarded against a person to punish him for his outrageous conduct and to deter him and others like him from similar conduct in the future. And they may be awarded for conduct that is outrageous, because of the defendant's evil motive or his reckless indifference to the rights of others. The core characters of punitive damages display in following two aspects: (1) the meaning of punitive damages is to punish wrongdoers and deter them and others like them; (2) the claim of punitive damages will be satisfied by civil proceedings, and the punitive damage should be paid to victims directly. The former make punitive damages distinguishing with compensatory damages. And the latter make them distinguishing with remedy mechanisms which lie in public law.
     The objectives and functions of punitive damages which frequently be mentioned can be summarized as following four items: (1) punish defendants; (2) deter similar misconducts; (3) compensate victims; (4) encourage law enforcement. Among them, only the two of punishment and deterrence can be considered as natural functions of modern punitive damage system, which are decisive in that they can provide roots of the punitive damage system and introduce the specific rules design of the punitive damages system. And the other two of compensation and encouraging law enforcement can only be treated as supplementary functions.
     The question whether the nature of punitive damages is civil or criminal is disputable. Some believe it is quasi-criminal based on its functions of punishment and deterrence, and some maintain it is civil based on its proceedings and lawsuit result. The article observes that under the theoretical premise of precisely division of public and private law, we almost cannot determine the nature of punitive damages precisely, but this should not prevent us to treat them as a right-remedy mechanism which lies in private law.
     The punitive damages system has been disputable continually from its establishment. Primary criticisms about punitive damages are that they infringe the symmetry of the law; they may provide the plaintiff with an undeserved "windfall"; there's no necessary controlling measures to regular the application of punitive damages; they may hinder our economy from improving; they deviates from the modern development tendency of functions of tort law. It is true that these criticisms point negative influences which the punitive damage system may bring, however, the criticisms aren't absolute truth, nor they cannot be prevented by reasonable system design. So, we cannot deny the punitive damage system based on these criticisms.
     Generally, the punitive damage system is a right-remedy mechanism which lies in private law. It distinguishes with the punishment mechanisms which lie in public law and depend largely on public materials of law enforcement. Instead, it contains some factors which may help to improve public interests while provide individuals with a method to remedy their rights. It also distinguishes with traditional right-remedy mechanism of private law, because it breaks the absolute division of public and private law, and introduces obvious punitive factors to deter outrageous conducts.
     The second part observes the history and reality of punitive damages. Form the multiple damages in the Babylonian Hammurabi Code, the early Jewish Damages Law and the Roman law, to the divergence between Civil Law and Common Law about multiple damages in middle ages, to the establishment of punitive damages in Common Law and vigorously development of punitive damages in American law, and to the actualintroduce of punitive damages in modem Civil Law.
     The Babylonian Hammurabi Code, the Bible and the Roman law all containprecursors to the modern remedy of punitive damages. Although their theory and applyingscope are different, the functions of multiple damages are very similar with modernpunitive damages. Based on this, we can conclude that the idea concerning punitivedamages has existed from ancient age.
     In order to strength central power of new governments, the Jus Commune had refusedto accept multiple damages. And England had continually used multiple damages to control certain conducts. At some extent, the acceptance may attribute to its nationalcharacter of venerating freedom and hating strong power system.
     The punitive damages awards in modern sense firstly appeared in English case ofWilkes v. Wood. In the case, the chief judge held that a jury have it in their power to give damages for more than the injury received. Damages are designed not only as a satisfaction to the injured person, but likewise as a punishment to the guilty to deter from any such proceeding for the future, and as proof of the detestation of the jury to the action itself. After the case, a series of punitive damages judgments concerning infringing dignity of victims had awarded. Until 1964, England's House of Lords severely had limited the availability of punitive damages in Rookes v. Barnard. However, the limitation was too strict to comply with social reality. So, it had not been obeyed by English courts. Generally speaking, the application of punitive damages by English courts is careful.
     The punitive damage system which initiated in England has largely developed in America. This may attribute to the schizophrenic American legal culture at large extent. Like the English law, the realms of tort and criminal law have been divided, but unlike the English law, the remedial rights-based jurisprudence is still alive. In early American punitive damages cases, courts frequently premised awards on conduct that smacked of willful and wanton indignities. And courts frequently assessed punitive damages against bullies who oppressed the physically weak and socially powerless. Courts also awarded punitive damages to female plaintiffs for assault and battery, rape, and sexual harassment. Judges and juries used the remedy not only to punish and deter sexual assault and harassment, but also to keep the social peace and uphold community mores. Some courts attempts to use punitive damages as a means to stem racial violence. Nineteenth-century judges and juries predicated punitive damages awards on the willful and gross disregard of a plaintiff's rights. By the end of the nineteenth century, however, the doctrine's application shifted away from powerful individuals to large corporations. And during the initial decades of the twentieth century, punitive damages gained an expanded role in consumer protection. Even, beside to be used in tort cases, punitive damages have more and more been used in contract cases. Furthermore, with the expansion of applying scope, the quantum of punitive damages award became higher than before. And many large corporations have felt heave pressure because of the continually expansion of punitive damages, which make them starting a reform campaign in the 1980's. The reformers claimed a fundamental reform of the rules of punitive damages concerning the applying conditions and the quantum-assessment based on the negative influence of punitive damages to social economic development. The campaign gained large success and relevant legislation and judicature of America have begun to restrain the application of punitive damages by some measures.
     As far as modern Civil Law is concerned, with development of modern society, the theoretical premises established by private law of Civil Law have been outdating. And some outrageous conducts which should be regulated by private law have beyond the principle of compensatory damages. Thus, we can find the schizophrenic attitude of Civil Law towards punitive damages, that is, compensatory demands and noncompensatory reality.
     The third part analyzes the reasons why do we need punitive damages, that is, discusses the justification of punitive damages. Whether the punitive damage is commonly just is a key criterion to judge whether Civil Law countries should introduce it. The discussion about the justification of punitive damages may help us to comprehend punitive damages.
     This part begins the discussing premise needed to research punitive damages further under Civil Law background. Firstly, the division of public and private law has been reconsidered, and the conclusion is that in fact, we cannot divide the law into public law and private law precisely. So, we cannot deny the punitive damage system only based on the theory of law-division. Secondly, the article maintains that beside the division of public and private law, more natural pursue of the law is to balance the freedom of individuals and the order of society.
     Based on the above premises, the article then analyzes the obvious incompetence of traditional principle of compensatory damages with regard to constructing and maintaining good orders of society. In order to make up for the incompetence of compensatory damages, we may use criminal law, administration law or punitive damages. After economic analysis and comprehensive survey, the article concludes that punitive damages can be considered as an optimum instrument. And then, the article summarizes the advantages of punitive damages comparing with compensatory damages, and proves further the justification of punitive damages by using several analytic tools.
     The fourth part attempts to establish a model of the punitive damage system, and discusses detailed rules of punitive damages around two fundamental aspects, the constitutive requirements and quantum-assessment of punitive damages. By the discussion, the part wants to provide an ideal model of the punitive damages system.
     About the applying scope of punitive damages, generally, the application of punitive damages to tort cases is considered reasonable, and it is a common tendency. But it is disputable whether punitive damages can be used in contract cases. So, this part focuses on the application of punitive damages to contract cases.
     With regard to the constitutive requirements, the article surveys specific rules of main Common Law countries (England, America, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada), and concludes by comparing analysis that the core constitutive requirements of punitive damages is that the misconducts of defendants are highly reprehensible. And the appearances of "highly reprehensible" can be summarized as following: (1) deliberate conducts; (2) evaluative conducts; (3) inadvertent conducts. Besides, the types of defendants (individual defendants, professional defendants or institutional defendants) may be treated as a criterion to determine whether a conduct is highly reprehensible. Except the above core constitutive requirement, the constitution of punitive damages also needs other conditions, such as, victims suffer actual damages; causation between damages and misconducts; there's no decisive fault of victims to induce damages.
     In determining the amount of punitive damages, the article infers a group of calculating rules which are general, and may improve the predictability of the amount of punitive damages according to the core functions of punitive damages by using three main variables, that is, damages suffered by victims, interests gained by wrongdoers, and social losses induced by wrongful conducts. Then, the article observes the developing tendency of rules concerning the amount of punitive damages in Common Law countries, and surveys the tendency by using theories of punitive damages.
     Finally, the part discusses the insurability of punitive damages which is disputable in Common Law countries. About this issue, the article approves the disposal model of "direct liabilities are not insurable, and vicarious liabilities are insurable" by observing relevant judicial practices in America.
     The fifth part researches the Chinese approach of punitive damages. As a Civil Law country, our fundamental theories of civil law also refuse to accept the punitive damages system. However, the objective needs of reality can often obligate the legislators to break these traditional restrains and develop new legal mechanisms or rules to solve social problems. In fact, our country has introduced some rules of punitive damages which apply specially in particular fields. And we indeed need to introduce the punitive damage system to help the maintenance of legal order. The only question we should think carefully is that haw to introduce the system appropriately.
     This part firstly observes the general attitude of us to punitive damages from present legislations. There are clear provisions of "double damages" in Law of the People's Republic of China on Protecting Consumers' Rights and Interests and the relevant judicial explanation. Besides, there are some provisions which indistinctly display the nature of punitive damages at some extent in intellectual property cases. From them, it can be found that we don't refuse punitive damages in any event. But these present provision is defective and far away from using completely the advantages of punitive damages.
     Then, the article analyzes our special necessity of introducing the general punitive damage system from levels of law and policy. Firstly, the situation of deficiency of good faith needs to be changed in order to maintain good social orders. Secondly, in construction of harmonious society, we need to balance different powers held by different interest groups and need to prevent disputes before produced.
     Finally, because we have no some judicial systems by which common people can indeed take part in the procedures of judicature and our economic development level is relatively low, the article suggests that we should adopt an evolution approach to introduce the general punitive damages system. Specifically, it can be divided into two aspects, that is, evolution of applying scope and conditions and evolution of quantum-assessment rules.
     Ⅱ. The innovations of the article and its insufficiencies
     A. The innovations of the article
     (1) Combs through the development history of punitive damages, observes the origin of the idea of punitive damages, the evolution and reality of punitive damages in Common Law, and the reasons why Civil Law refused punitive damages;
     (2) Reorganizes relevant cases, legislative attempts, and academic research concerning punitive damages in Civil Law countries; analyzes actual attitudes of them to punitive damages and points that Common Law countries hold a schizophrenic attitude to punitive damages of refusing punitive damages in theory and applying punitive damages in judicial practice;
     (3) For removing the theoretical barriers of Civil Law countries to introduce the punitive damage system, proves systematically the justification and necessity of punitive damages. Beginning with defining clearly the real meaning of division of public and private law, emphasizes the order value of law. And based on this, analyzes the insufficiencies of the principle of compensatory damages to maintain a good order under private law. By primarily using the method of economic analysis, specifically proves the advantages of punitive damages to maintain a good order under private law;
     (4) Systematically reorganizes the specific applying rules of punitive damages of main Common Law countries. Surveys these rules by using the criterion of realizing the advantages of punitive damages and limiting its negative influences. And then, summarizes an ideal systematic framework of punitive damages;
     (5) Analyzes special necessity of us to introduce the punitive damage system and the difficulties we may encounter. Then, suggests that we should adopt an evolution approach to introduce the punitive damage system.
     B. The insufficiencies of the article
     (1) Because the article stands in a Civil Law country to research punitive damages, the research stresses in removing the psychological barrier of Civil Law countries to accept the punitive damage system. Thus, the discussion of the development process of punitive damages in Common Law countries is slightly insufficient, which needs to improve further.
     (2) The research of punitive damages in China is just started. Because of short of empirical materials, it is difficult to design precise applying rules of punitive damages of us. Thus, the article can only suggest that we should adopt an evolution approach to introduce punitive damages after maintaining the necessity to introduce it. And the further analysis and proof may need the accumulation of practical experiences.
4 98 Eng.Rep.489,498-499(K.B.1763).
    5 1 Linda L.Schlueter & Kenneth R.Redden,Punitive Damages(2d.1995),at 21-22.转引自林德瑞:“论惩罚性赔偿”,载于《中正大学法学集刊》第1期(1998年7月),第30页;Gary S.Franklin,"Case Comment:Punitive Damages Insurance:Why Some Courts Take the Smart out of 'Smart Money",40 U.Miami L.Rev.979(1986).
    6 1 Linda L.Schlueter & Kenneth R.Redden,Punitive Damages(2d 1995),at 22.转引自林德瑞:“论惩罚性赔偿”,载于《中正大学法学集刊》第1期(1998年7月),第30页。
    8 Volker Behr,"Punitive Damages in American and German Law-Tendencies towards Approximation of Apparently Irreconcilable Concepts",78 Chi.-Kent.L.Rev.105,110(2003).
    9 Volker Behr,"Punitive Damages in American and German Law-Tendencies towards Approximation of Apparently Irreconcilable Concepts",78 Chi.-Kent.L.Rev.105,111(2003).
    10 加重损害赔偿(aggravated damages)之术语由英国侵权法所创设,是指不能由具体证据确定,而由法官确定的赔偿金.该种赔偿金主要出现在侵害无形人格权的侵权案件之中。至少从理论概念上来看,这种赔偿金并不属于惩罚性赔偿,而应当被归入补偿性赔偿(对受害人之精神痛苦的补偿).但是在实践中,加重损害赔偿与惩罚性赔偿的界限有时候会模糊不清.赔偿数额可以说明这一点,因为加重损害赔偿的数额越高,其内含的惩罚性就越为明显.参见[德]克里斯蒂安·冯·巴尔、乌里希·德罗布尼希主编:《欧洲合同法与侵权法及财产法的互动》,吴越、王洪、李兆玉、施鹏鹏等译,北京:法律出版社。2007年版,第96页;[德]克雷斯蒂安·冯·巴尔:《欧洲比较侵权行为法》(上),张新宝译,北京:法律出版社,2001年版,第746页.
    11 Volker Behr,"Punitive Damages in American and German Law-Tendencies towards Approximation of Apparently Irreconcilable Concepts",78 Chi.-Kent.L.Rev.105,113(2003).
    12 David G.Owen,"Punitive Damages in Products Liability Litigation",74 Mich.L.Rev.1257,1287(1976).
    13 Dan Dobbs,"Ending Punishment in "Punitive" Damages:Deterrence-Measured Remedies",40 Ala.L.Rev.831,844-849(1989).
    14 Dorsey D.Ellis,"Fairness and Efficiency in the Law of Punitive Damages",56 S.Cal.L.Rev.1,3(1982).
    15 Marc Galanter & David Luban,"Poetic Justice:Punitive Damages and Legal Pluralism",42 Am.U.L.Rev.1393,1432-1433(1993).
    16 Jean Hampton,"Correcting Harms Versus Righting Wrongs:The Goal of Retribution",39 UCLA.L.Rev.1659,1686(1992).
    17 谢哲胜:“惩罚性赔偿”,载于《台大法学论丛》第30卷第1期,第119页.事实上.阻遏功能对惩罚性赔偿之司法实践具有不可替代的重要指导意义。对此,笔者将在下文详述.
    18 Dorsey D.Ellis,"Fairness and Efficiency in the Law of Punitive Damages",56 S.Cal.L.Rev.1,10-11(1982).
    19 何建志:“惩罚性赔偿金之法理与应用”,载于《台大法学论丛》第31卷第3期,第248页。
    20 陈聪富:《侵权归责原则与损害赔偿》,北京:北京大学出版社,2005年版,第217页.
    21 Norman T.Braslow,"The Recognition and Enforcement of Common Law Punitive Damages in a Civil Law System:Some Reflections on the Japanese Experience",16 Ariz.J.Int'l & Comp.Law 285,342(1999).
    22 Kimberly A.Pace,"Recalibrating the Scales of Justice through National Punitive Damage Reform",46 Am.U.L.Rev.1573,1580(1997);David G.Owen,"Punitive Damages in Products Liability Litigation",74 Mich.L.Rev.1258,1260(1976);Richard A.Seltzer,"Punitive Damages in Mass Tort Litigation:Addressing the Problem of Fairness,Efficiency and control",52 Fordham.L.Rey.37,43(1983).
    23 Dorsey D.Ellis,"Fairness and Efficiency in the Law of Punitive Damages,56 S.Cal.L.Rev.1,2(1982).
    24 David G.Owen,"A Punitive Damages Overview:Functions,Problems and Reform",39 Vill.L.Rev.363,365(1994).
    25 David G.Owen,"A Punitive Damages Overview:Functions,Problems and Reform",39 Vill.L.Rev.363,365-366(1994).
    26 David F.Partlett,"Punitive Damages:Legal Hot Zones",56 La.L.Rev.781,787(1996).
    27 关于惩罚性赔偿制度之宪法层面的争议,笔者将在下章讨论惩罚性赔偿在近现代美国法上的发展过程时述及,此处不赘.事实上,以违反宪法条文而置疑惩罚性赔偿之合法性及合理性的观点,在美国极少得到司法界的主流支持.唯有美国宪法第十四修正案的实质性正当法律程序条款,在上世纪八十年代后期开始为最高法院所采,以检验惩罚性赔偿的合宪性问题,实现对惩罚性赔偿数额的司法控制.不过,关于惩罚性赔偿制度的合宪性争议,并不能构成彻底否定惩罚性赔偿制度,甚至废除惩罚性赔偿制度的理由.
    28 53 N.H.342,382(1873).
    29 James B.Sales & Kennethh B.Cole,"Punitive Damagas:A Relic That Has Outlived Its Origins",37 Vand.L.Rev.1117,1123(1984).
    30 53 N.H.342,382(1873).
    31 George P.Fletcher,"Corrective Justice for Moderns",106 Herv.L Rev.1658,1678(1993).
    32 David G.Owen "A Punitive Damages Overview:Functions,Problems and Reform",39 Vill.L.Rev.363,382(1994).
    33 David G.Owen,"A Punitive Damages Overview:Functions,Problems and Reform",39 Vill.L.Rev.363,382(1994).
    34 Victor E.Schwartz,Mark A.Behrens & Joseph P.Mastrosimone,"Reining in Punitive Damages 'Run Wild':Proposals for Reform by Courts and Legislatures",65 Brooklyn L.Rev.1003,1013-1014(1999);Kimberly A.Pace,"Recalibrating the Scales of Justice through National Punitive Damage Reform",46 Am.U.L.Rev.1573,1617-1618(1997).
    35 David G.Owen,"A Punitive Damages Overview:Functions,Problems and Reform",39 Vill.L.Rev.363,383(1994).
    36 David G.Owen,"A Punitive Damages Overview:Functions,Problems and Reform",39 Vill.L.Rev.363,383(1994).
    37 Richard Blatt,Robert Hammesfahr & Lori Nugent,Punitive Damages:A State by State Guide to Law and Practice,West Publishing Co.,1991,p.9.
    38 Dan B.Dobbs,Law of Remedies:Damages,Equity,Restitution,West Publishing Co.,1993,p.356.
    39 Amelia J.Toy,"Statutory Punitive Damage Caps and the Profit Motive:An Economic Perspective",40 Emory L.J.303,329(1991);Malcolm Wheeler,"A Proposal for Further Common Law Development of the Use of Punitive Damages in Modern Product Liability Litigation",40 Ala.L.Rev.919,926,n.31(1989).
    40 惩罚性赔偿判决乃针对恶劣之不法行为而作出,但何谓“恶劣”,却难以给出客观明确的标准;另一方面,惩罚性赔偿之金额由陪审团根据具体案件情形确定,缺乏稳定的计算规则。
    41 Dan B.Dobbs,Law of Remedies:Damage,Equity,Reatitution,West Publishing Co.,1993,p.357.
    42 David G.Owen,"The Moral Foundations of Punitive Damages",40 Ala.L.Rev.705,727-730(1989).
    43 David G.Owen,"A Punitive Damages Overview:Functions,Problems and Reform",39 Vill.L.Rev.363,384(1994).
    44 David G.Owen,"A Punitive Damages Overview:Functions,Problems and Reform",39 Vill.L.Rev.363,384(1994).
    45 David A.Schkade,"Erratic by Design:A Task Analysis of Punitive Damages Assessment",39 Harv.J.on Legis.121,123(2002)
    46 Kimberly A.Pace,"Recalibrating the Scales of Justice through National Punitive Damage Reform",46 Am.U.L.Rev.1573,1628-1629(1997);陈聪富:《侵权归责原则与损害赔偿》,北京:北京大学出版社,2005年版,第239页.
    47 Michael Rustad,"In Defense of Punitive Damages in Products Liability:Testing Tort Anecdotes with Empirical Data",78 Iowa.L.Rev.1,85(1992).
    48 尹志强:“我国民事法律中是否需要导入惩罚性赔偿制度”,载于《法学杂志》2006年第3期,第78页.
    49 对此,笔者将在下文详细阐述.
    50 刘士国:《现代侵权损害赔偿研究》,北京:法律出版社,1998年版,第49-50页.
    51 王泽鉴:《侵权行为法》(第一册),北京:中国政法大学出版社,2001年版,第10页。
    52 参见[葡]叶士朋:《欧洲法学史导论》,吕平义、苏健译,北京:中国政法大学出版社,1998年版,第4-5页。
    53 本文所引《汉穆拉比法典》条文皆出自《世界著名法典汉泽丛书》编委会:《汉穆拉比法典》,北京:法律出版社,2000年版.
    54 在当时的古巴比伦王国,国王之下,全体居民分为自由民和奴隶两大等级.而自由民按其社会地位的高低又分为“阿维鲁”(awilum)和“穆什钦努”(musknum)两个阶层,前者享有较充分的法定权利,后者则法律地位低下,穆什钦努在词源上就是贫穷的意思.参见《世界著名法典汉泽丛书》编委会:《汉穆拉比法典》,北京:法律出版社,2000年版,第4页.
    55 其中,塔木卡是指商人,而沙马鲁是指为商人服务之行商.结合前后条文理解,似有现代法上被代理人与代理人之关系的意味.
    56 以下所引《圣经》条文,皆参见《圣经》:中国基督教三自爱国运动委员会、中国基督教协会出版发行.
    57 Norman T.Braslow,"The Recognition and Enforcement of Common Law Punitive Damages in a Civil Law System:Some Reflections on the Japanese Experience",16 Ariz.J.Int'l & Comp.Law 285,314(1999).
    58 此后,公元12世纪的犹太法专家Maimonides认为这种额外的惩罚形式,是对某些日子的宗教性质的滥用。 参见Norman T.Braslow,"The Recognition and Enforcement of Common Law Punitive Damages in a Civil Law System:Some Reflections on the Japanese Experience",16 Ariz J.Int'l & Comp.Law 285,314(1999),
    59 《塔木德》,乃犹太教仅次于《圣经》的主要经典,形成于公元5世纪早期,由《密西拿》(Mishna)、《革马拉》(Gemara)和其他材料组成.《密西拿》是口传的根源于《圣经》的法令增补集,《革马拉》是对前者的注解和释义.《塔木德》一般仅指后者,有两个版本,其一是巴勒斯坦或耶路撒冷的《塔木德》,其二是巴比伦的《塔木德》,两个版本中的《密西拿》部分则是相同的.参见薛波主编:《元照英美法词典》,北京:法律出版社,2003年版,第1327页.
    60 Menachem Elon,The Principles of Jewish Law,Encyclopaedia Judaica,1975,p.333.
    61 Maimonides(1135-1204),中世纪最著名的犹太哲学家,对犹太法律体系做出了全面的论述.
    62 Norman T.Braslow,"The Recognition and Enforcement of Common Law Punitive Damages in a Civil Law System:Some Reflections on the Japanese Experience",16 Ariz.J.Int'l & Comp.Law 285,315-316(1999).
    63 此处所引十二铜表法条文,参见《世界著名法典汉泽丛书》编委会:《十二铜表法》,北京:法律出版社,2000年版.
    65 Barry Nicholas,An Introduction to Roman Law,Oxford:Clarendon Press,1962,p.69.
    66 DIG.47.8.1(Paul,ad Edictum 12).
    67 参见[意]彼德罗·彭梵得:《罗马法教科书》(2005年修订版),黄风译,北京:中国政法大学出版社,2005年 版,第308-309页.
    68 DIG.9.3.1(Ulpian,ad Editctum 23).
    69 DIG.9.3.1,2(Ulpian,ad Edictum 23).
    70 DIG.47.12.3(Ulpian,ad Edictum 25).
    71 参见王立峰:“论惩罚性损害赔偿”,载于《民商法论丛》第15卷,北京:法律出版社,2000年版,第57-58页;杨立新:“‘王海现象'的民法思考:论消费者权益保护中的惩罚性赔偿金”,载于法学评论网,http://www.fatianxia.com/paper_list.asD?id=16234。最后访问日期:2008年3月12日。
    72 欧陆普通法,也译作欧陆共同法,是指欧陆国家自11世纪以来系统继受罗马法和教会法,在欧陆范围内形成的统一的私法理论和概念体系,该普通法并没有直接的拘束力,其通过法官和学者的解释或各地修订法律吸收其成就而产生间接的效力。欧陆普通法并不是对古代罗马法简单地继受,而是当时法学家对民法大全进一步的发展,具有独立的学术贡献和意义。见王洪:《合同形式研究》,北京:法律出版社,2005年版,第27页。
    73 Norman T.Braslow,"The Recognition and Enforcement of Common Law Punitive Damages in a Civil Law System:Some Reflections on the Japanese Experience",16 Ariz.J.Int'l & Comp.Law 285,319(1999).
    74 参见[葡]叶士朋:《欧洲法学史导论》,吕平义、苏健译,北京:中国政法大学出版社,1998年版,第73页。
    75 Reinhard Zimmermann,The Law of Obligations-Roman Foundations of the Civilian Tradition,Oxford University Press,1996,p.235.
    77 Thendore John Rivers,Laws of the Alamans and Bavarians,University of Pennsylvania Pros,1977,pp.17,23.See,Norman T.Braslow,"The Recognition and Enforcement of Common Law Punitive Damages in a Civil Law System:Some Reflections on the Japanese Experience",16 Ariz.J.Int'l & Comp.Law 285,321(1999).
    78 Gerald Strauss,Law,Resistance,and the State:The Opposition to Roman Law in Reforming Germany,Princeton University Press,1986,p.60.
    79 Gerald Strauss,Law,Resistance,and the State:The Opposition to Roman Law in Reforming Germany,Princeton University Press,1986,p.71.
    80 参见陈聪富:《侵权归责原则与损害赔偿》,北京:北京大学出版社,2005年版,第201页.
    81 Michael R.Weisser,Crime and Punishment in Early Modern Europe,The Harvester Press,1979,p.284.See,Norman T.Braslow,"The Recognition and Enforcement of Common Law Punitive Damages in a Civil Law System:Some Reflections on the Japanese Experience",16 Ariz.J.Int'l & Comp.Law 285,323(1999).
    82 Gerald Strauss,Law,Resistance,and the State:The Opposition to Roman Law in Reforming Germany,Princeton University Press,1986,p.240.
    83 比如德国,在其民法典编纂过程之中的19世纪,也曾出现过基于实用的原因而允许惩罚性赔偿和基于教条的原因而不允许惩罚性赔偿之间的争论,但是,最终在德国民法典起草中,所有在前法典化时代的德国法中能够发 现的惩罚性赔偿的痕迹全都消失了.根据民法典起草者的观点,民事侵权的损害赔偿只能是纯粹补偿性的,法律的惩罚性功能只能由刑事法来实现.参见Volker Behr "Myth and Reality of Punitive Damages in Germany",24 The Journal of Law and Commerce 197,198-199(2005).
    84 参见[美]弗里德里希·沃特金斯:《西方政治传统——现代自由主义发展研究》,黄辉、杨健译,长春:吉林人民出版社,2003年版,第81页.
    87 李红海:《普通法的历史解读——从梅特兰开始》,北京:清华大学出版社,2003年版,第56页.
    88 李红海:《普通法的历史解读——从梅特兰开始》,北京:清华大学出版社,2003年版,第57页.
    93 Norman T.Braslow,"The Recognition and Enforcement of Common Law Punitive Damages in a Civil Law System:Some Reflections on the Japanese Experience",16 Ariz.J.Int'l & Comp.Law 285,340-341(1999);David G.Owen,"A Punitive Damages Overview:Functions,Problems and Reform",39 Vill.L.Rev.363,368(1994).
    94 David G.Owen,"A Punitive Damages Overview:Functions,Problems and Reform",39 Vill.L.Rev.363,368(1994).
    95 Norman T.Brasiow,"The Recognition and Enforcement of Common Law Punitive Damages in a Civil Law System:Some Reflections on the Japanese Experience",16 Ariz.J.Int'l & Comp.Law 285,341(1999).
    96 Norman T.Braslow,"The Recognition and Enforcement of Common Law Punitive Damages in a Civil Law System:Some Reflections on the Japanese Experience",16 Ariz.J.Int'l & Comp.Law 285,341-342(1999).
    97 Norman T.Braslow,"The Recognition and Enforcement of Common Law Punitive Damages in a Civil Law System:Some Reflections on the Japanese Experience",16 Ariz.J.Int'l & Comp.Law 285,342(1999).
    98 Norman T.Braslow,"The Recognition and Enforcement of Common Law Punitive Damages in a Civil Law System:Some Reflections on the Japanese Experience",16 Ariz.J.Int'l & Comp.Law 285,342(1999).
    99 Pollock & Maitland,The History of the Common Law 522(1968).See Norman T.Braslow,"The Recognition and Enforcement of Common Law Punitive Damages in a Civil Law System:Some Reflections on the Japanese Experience",16 Ariz.J.Int'l & Comp.Law 285,343(1999).
    100 Walter P.Hall ET AL.,A History of England and The Empire-Commonwealth,Blaisdell Publishing Company,1965,pp.257,258.
    101 分享诉讼:制定法规定对某种作为或不作为应处以罚款,并规定此项罚款可以经由民事诉讼追索,罚款的一部分将归任何提起诉讼的个人,其余部分归国家或某一公共机构.告发人据此提起的追索罚款的诉讼,即称为“分享诉讼”,因为原告起诉既是为国家利益,也是为个人的利益.参见薛波主编:《元照英美法词典》,北京:法律出版社,2003年版,第1138页。
    102 不得不说的是,虽然多倍赔偿规则因制定法的明确规定而内含于普通法之中,但是,作为一般性的原则,普 通法上的损害赔偿仍然是补偿性的,多倍赔偿只是在例外的情形下适用.
    103 98 Eng.Rep.489(K.B.1763).
    104 95 Eng.Rep.768(C.P.1763).
    105 97 Eng.Rep.1075(K.B.1763).
    106 Norman T.Braslow,"The Recognition and Enforcement of Common Law Punitive Damages in a Civil Law System:Some Reflections on the Japanese Experience",16 Ariz.J.Int'l & Comp.Law 285,325-326(1999).
    107 98 Eng.Rep.489,499(K.B.1763).
    108 98 Eng.Rep.489,498-499(K.B.1763).
    109 近现代意义上的惩罚性赔偿之不同于古代的多倍赔偿,主要在于,第一,它不被严格地限制适用于法律明文规定的特定不法行为:第二,数额方面,惩罚性赔偿不像多倍赔偿那样是一种严格的倍数关系,而是由陪审团斟酌具体案情判定数额.可见,惩罚性赔偿较之多倍赔偿更加灵活,也具有更多的不确定性,其主动权由立法者手中转入了司法者手中.此种转变很大程度上得益于英国普通法形成过程之中逐渐确立起来的以判例为法源之一的法律体制.
    110 Frank McLynn,Crime and Punishment in Eighteenth-century England,Routledge,1989,p.206.
    111 Norman T.Braslow,"The Recognition and Enforcement of Common Law Punitive Damages in a Civil Law System:Some Reflections on the Japanese Experience",16 Ariz.J.Int'l & Comp.Law 285,note 300(1999).
    112 Norman T.Braslow,"The Recognition and Enforcement of Common Law Punitive Damages in a Civil Law System:Some Reflections on the Japanese Experience",16 Ariz.J.Int'l & Comp.Law 285,335(1999).
    113 英国辉格党,在广义上是指那些主张以自由来主导社会生活的英国人的群体.1679年,因约克公爵詹姆斯(后来的詹姆斯二世)具有天主教背景,就詹姆斯是否有权继承王位的问题,议会展开激烈争论.一批议员反对詹姆斯公爵的王位继承权,被政敌讥称为“辉格”,而支持王位继承权的人则被称为“托利”,至此,出现信奉自由主义的辉格党与信奉保守主义的托利党的分立.此后辉格党的发展得益于1688年光荣革命带来的政治变化,它通过捍卫包括有限君主制和议会重要性在内的“1688年原则”而获得了不少支援,于1714年之后长期支配英国政治.辉格党与其说是一个统一的政党,不如说是秉持某些政治信仰的人的综合体.洛克对辉格党观点所做的标准阐发为,建立社会的目的乃是要确保人类的天赋人权,王室的行政人员为社会意志所创造,其权力亦应以满足社会目的之需要为限,即使是在王权建立之后,议会仍然是社会行为的独立代理人.立法与财政权应由议会直接掌控,以制衡国王的行政力量.一旦王室滥用权力,侵犯了社会利益,议会便有天赋的、不可让渡的权力与之对抗.参见[美]弗里德里希·沃特金斯:《西方政治传统——现代自由主义发展研究》,黄辉、杨健译,长春:吉林人民出版社,2003年版,第52页.
    114 Norman T.Braslow,"The Recognition and Enforcement of Common Law Punitive Damages in a Civil Law System:Some Reflections on the Japanese Experience",16 Ariz.J.Int'l & Comp.Law 285,326-327(1999).
    115 Audrey Williamson,Wilkes,a Friend to Liberty,Allen & Unwin,1974,pp.48-60.
    116 98 Eng.Rep.489,490(K.B.1763).
    117 98 Eng.Rep.489,498(K.B.1763).
    118 参见[美]弗里德里希·沃特金斯:《西方政治传统——现代自由主义发展研究》,黄辉、杨健译,长春:吉林人民出版社,2003年版,第47-48页.
    119 158 Eng.Rep.23(C.P.1860).
    120 151 L.T.R.274(1934).
    121 2 Q.B.202(1953).
    122 App.Cas.1129(1964).
    123 Norman T.Braslow,"The Recognition and Enforcement of Common Law Punitive Damages in a Civil Law System:Some Reflections on the Japanese Experience",16 Ariz.J.Int'l & Comp.Law 285,347(1999).
    124 App.Cas.1129,1221(1964).
    125 App.Cas.1129,1226(1964).
    126 App.Cas.1129,1226-7(1964).
    127 App.Cas.1129,1226-9(1964).
    128 1 All E.R.801(1972).
    129 参见陈聪富:《侵权归责原则与损害赔偿》,北京:北京大学出版社,2005年版,第220页.
    130 David F.Partlett,"Punitive Damages:Legal Hot Zones",56 La.L.Rev.781,787(1996).
    131 S.C.L.(1 Bay) 6(1784).
    132 1 N.J.L.90(1791).
    133 问题唯在于,既然当初惩罚性赔偿的产生很大程度上由于损害赔偿规则的内部缺陷,那么当今天我们的损害赔偿规则已经到达了一个相当精致化的层次时,是否就不再需要惩罚性赔偿了呢?如果承认人类社会始终处在不断的变化发展之中,如果我们承认人类的智慧终究有限而无法对一切可能发生的情状都作出预先的规范,那么,惩罚性赔偿因其填补漏洞的功能便自有其持续存在的理由.更何况,除此之外,惩罚性赔偿在遏制不法行为,型构良性社会秩序方面亦有重要功效.
    134 Michael Rustad & Thomas Koenig,"The Historical Continuity of Punitive Damages Awards:Reforming the Tort Reformera",42 Am.U.L.Rev.1269,1292-1294(1993).
    135 Michael Rustad & Thomas Koenig,"The Historical Continuity of Punitive Damages Awards:Reforming the Tort Reformers",42 Am.U.L.Rev.1269,1298-1299(1993)
    136 Michael Rustad & Thomas Koenig,"The Historical Continuity of Punitive Damages Awards:Reforming the Tort Reformers",42Am.U.L.Roy.1269,1300-1301(1993).
    137 废除惩罚性赔偿的运动只在极少数的几个州获得了胜利,它们包括康涅狄格州、马萨诸塞州、新罕布什尔州和华盛顿州。还有路易斯安那州拒绝在缺乏制定法依据时判予惩罚性赔偿.See,Michael Rustad & Thomas Koening,"The Historical Continuity of Punitive Damages Awards:Reforming the Tort Reformers",42 Am.U.L.Rev.1269,1301(1993).
    138 Michael Rustad & Thomas Koenig,"The Historical Continuity of Punitive Damages Awards:Reforming the Tort Reformers",42 Am.U.L.Rev.1269,1295(1993).
    139 Michael Rustad & Thomas Koenig,"The Historical Continuity of Punitive Damages Awards:Reforming the Tort Reformers",42 Am.U.L.Rev.1269,1303(1993).
    140 74 Cal.Rptr.384(Ct.App.1981).
    141 509 U.S.443(1993).该案案情为:上诉人TXO公司是一家石油及天然气生产公司,被上诉人Alliance公司是一家专门出租石油及天然气权利的公司.1985年.TXO公司购买了Alliance公司在一块土地上的租赁权,以勘探石油,同时TXO公司须向Alliance公司支付相应的使用费.此后,TXO公司声称其拥有一份权利转让协议,在这份协议书中第三人已将与该土地有关的一切权利转让给了自己,则它之所以会签署这份协议是因为有足够的理由使其相信该土地之所有权已经转移至了该第三人.对此,Alliance公司认为TXO公司所谓签署权利转让协议的行为只不过是想引起关于土地之所有权的纷争,并借此逃避其本应向Alliance公司支付的使用费.之后,TXO 公司与Alliance公司进行了一次谈判,试图解决双方之间的问题,但无果而终.TXO遂向法院提起诉讼,要求确认争议土地的所有权.Alliance公司反诉称,TXO故意制造所有权纷争的目的在于使自己天然地享有该片土地上之权利,从而避免向Alliance公司支付数百万元的使用费.Alliance公司证明了其租赁权来源链条毫无模糊之处,进而主张TXO公司之行为乃是试图以欺诈方式逃避其须向Alliance公司支付的500到830万美元的使用费.法院最终采纳了Alliance公司的证词,认定TXO公司所谓的权利转让协议无效,陪审团判定TXO公司赔偿1.9万美元的补偿性赔偿金和1000万美元的惩罚性赔偿金.对此,最高法院认为此项惩罚性赔偿判决并非不合理,因为TXO公司如若欺诈成功,则确可获得数百万美元的不正当利益.
    142 Stephen Daniels & Joanne Martin,"Myth and Reality in Punitive Damages",75 Minn.L.Rev.1,9-14(1990).
    143 Stephen Daniels & Joanne Martin,"Myth and Reality in Punitive Damages",75 Minn.L.Rev.1,13(1990).
    144 Stephen Daniels & Joanne Martin,"Myth and Reality in Punitive Damages",75 Minn.L.Rev.1,23(1990).
    145 Victor E.Schwartz & Mark A.Behrens,"Punitive Damage Reform—State legislatures Can and Should Meet The Challenge Issued by The Supreme Court of The United Stated in Haslip",42 Am.U.L.Rev.1365,1371(1993).
    146 James B.Sales & Kenneth B.Cole,"Punitive Damages:A Relic That Has Outlived Its Origins",37 Vand.L.Rev.1117,1148(1984).
    147 Stephen Daniels & Joanne Martin,"Myth and Reality in Punitive Damage",75 Minn.L.Rev.1,16-17(1990).
    148 Stephen Daniels & Joanne Martin,"Myth and Reality in Punitive Damages",75 Minn.L.Rev.1,24(1990).
    149 Dan Quayle,"Civil Justice Reform",41 Am.U.L.Rev.559,564-565(1992).
    150 “正当法律程序”,是美国宪法中唯一被重复规定的规则.1791年通过的美国宪法第五修正案规定,“任何人不得因同一罪行而两次遭受生命或身体的危害;不得在任何刑事案件中被迫自证其罪;不经正当法律程序,不得被剥夺生命、自由或财产”;1868年通过的美国宪法第十四修正案规定,“凡在合众国出生或归化合众国并受其管辖的人,均为合众国的和其居住州的公民.任何一州,都不得制定或实施限制合众国公民的特权或豁免权的任何法律;不经正当法律程序,不得剥夺任何人的生命、自由或财产;对于在其管辖下的任何人,亦不得拒绝给予平等法律保护”.其中,第五修正案规定的“正当法律程序”旨在保证被告人按照规定的诉讼程序得到公平审判;而第十四修正案则与权利法案相联系,更侧重于实体上正当法律程序,即旨在保护公民个人的权利不受州政府权力的不当干涉.当州政府未经正当法律程序剥夺公民的个人生命、财产或自由权利时,联邦法院有权行使司法审 查权,宣布具体行为和构成具体行为依据的立法或政策无效.随着美国对权利之保障由程序性保障到实质性保障的转化,一旦公民的生命、自由和财产权利实质上被州立法所剥夺,即可认为是未经正当法律程序而剥夺了公民的权利。参见汤维建:“论英美法上的正当法律程序”,载于《东吴法学》2000年卷,第142-147页.
    151 111 S.Ct.1032,1045(1991).
    152 111 S.Ct.1032,1044-1046(1991).
    153 116 S.Ct.1589,1593-1596(1996).
    154 116 S.Ct.1589,1599-1601(1996).
    155 116 S.Ct.1589,1602-1603(1996).
    156 116 S.Ct.1589,1603(1996).
    157 Michael Rustad & Thomas Koenig,"The Historical Continuity of Punitive Damages Awards:Reforming the Tort Reformers",42 Am.U.L.Rev.1269,1277-1282(1993).
    158 林德瑞:“论惩罚性赔偿”,载于《中正大学法学集刊》第1期(1998年7月),第41页.
    159 Model Punitive Damages Act(Draft).http://www.lectlaw.com/files/leg19.htm.
    160 Michael Rustad & Thomas Koenig,"The Historical Continuity of Punitive Damages Awards:Reforming the Tort Reformers",42 Am.U.L.Rev.1269,1277-1282(1993).参见陈聪富:《侵权归责原则与损害赔偿》,北京:北京大学出版社,2005年版,第263页.
    161 参见陈聪富:《侵权归责原则与损害赔偿》,北京:北京大学出版社,2005年版,第265-271页.
    162 Michael Rustad,"In Defense of Punitive Damages in Products Liability:Testing Tort Anecdotes with Empirical Date",78 Iowa L.Rev.1,85(1992).
    163 参见[德]克雷斯蒂安·冯·巴尔:《欧洲比较侵权行为法》(上),张新宝译,北京:法律出版社,2001年版,第744页.
    164 曾世雄:《损害赔偿法原理》,北京:中国政法大学出版社,2001年版,第15页.
    166 Norman T.Braslow,"The Recognition and Enforcement of Common Law Punitive Damages in a Civil Law System:Some Reflections on the Japanese Experience",16 Ariz.J.Int'l & Comp.Law 285,296(1999).
    167 Volker Behr,"Myth and Reality of Punitive Damages in Germany",24 The Journal of Law and Commerce 197,198-199(2005).
    169 德国民法典第253条第1款规定,仅在法律所规定的情况下,才能因非财产损害而请求金钱赔偿.见《德国民法典》(第2版),陈卫佐译注,北京:法律出版社,2006年版,第86页.
    170 德国民法典第847条第1款规定,在侵害身体或健康,以及在剥夺人身自由的情况下,受害人所受损害即使不是财产上的损失,亦可以因受损害而要求合理的金钱赔偿.见《德国民法典》(修订本),郑冲、贾红梅译,北京:法律出版社,2001年版,第210页.
    171 Volker Behr,"Punitive Damages in American and German Law-Tendencies towards Approximation of Apparently Irreconcilable Concepts",78 Chi.-Kent.L.Rey.105,132(2003).
    172 后来,德国民法典第847条在2002年德国债法现代化生效之后被废止,相关内容经整理被规定为第253条第2款,即因侵害身体、健康、自由或性的自我决定而须赔偿损害的,也可以因非财产损害而请求公平的金钱赔偿.见《德国民法典》(第2版),陈卫佐译注,北京:法律出版社,2006年版,第86页.
    173 Voler Behr,"Punitive Damages in American and German Law-Tendencies towards Approximation of Apparently Irreconcilable Concepts",78 Chi.-Kent.L.Rev.105,134(2003).
    174 Volker Behr,"Punitive Damages in American and German Law-Tendencies towards Approximation of Apparently Irreconcilable Concepts",78 Chi.-Kent.L.Rev.105,135(2003).
    175 Volker Behr,"Punitive Damages in American and German Law-Tendencies towards Approximation of Apparently Irreconcilable Concepts",78 Chi.-Kent.L.Rev.105,135(2003).
    176 Volker Behr,"Myth and Reality of Punitive Damages in Germany",24 Thc Journal of Law and Commerce 197,210(2005).
    177 Tilman Ulrich Amelung,"Damages Awards for Infringement of Privacy-The German Approach",14 Tul.Eur & Civ.L.F.15,22-23(1999).
    178 Volker Behr,"Myth and Reality of Punitive Damages in Germany",24 The Journal of Law and Commerce 197,211(2005).
    179 Volker Behr,"Punitive Damages in American and German Law-Tendencies towards Approximation of Apparently Irreconcilable Concepts",78 Chi.-Kent.L.Rev.105,137-145(2003).
    180 也有主张按照英国上议院Devlin法官在Rookes v.Barnard一案中对加重性赔偿与惩罚性赔偿所作的区分,而将像本案这样的超出实际损害的赔偿金归类为加重性赔偿的,参见[德]克里斯蒂安·冯·巴尔、乌里希·德罗布尼希主编:《欧洲合同法与侵权法及财产法的互动》,吴越、王洪、李兆玉、施鹏鹏等译,北京:法律出版社,2007年版,第97页.但实践中,加重性赔偿与惩罚性赔偿之间的界限远不如其理论所显示的那样明确,加重性赔偿的数额越高,其惩罚性也就越明显.从某种意义上说,使用“加重性”这个的术语只是为了回避体系化思维之下对民事领域中的惩罚因素的敏感与警惕.参见[德]克雷斯蒂安·冯·巴尔:《欧洲比较侵权行为法》(上),张新宝译,北京:法律出版社,2001年版,第746页.
    181 德国民法典第339-345条具体规定了违约金事宜,见《德国民法典》(第2版),陈卫佐译注,北京:法律出版社,2006年版,第86页.
    183 英美法拒绝强制执行惩罚性违约金的主要理据在于其较为推崇的“效率违约”理论.近代英美法学者认为,对契约行为之效益的考察,不仅须考虑契约双方当事人之间的经济效益,亦应考虑社会资源整体性的经济效益.因此,如果债务人之违约能够使其在以金钱赔偿债权人之损失之后仍有利益,那么债务人之违约将增进社会整体的经济效益.对于此种经济学上有效率的违约,法律自应允许,而不应强制债务人履行契约.既然效率违约应为法律所鼓励,而若是允许当事人预约惩罚性的违约金则必将构成对效率违约的阻遏,因此,英美法拒绝承认惩罚性违约金便也在情理之中.当然,这并不排斥特定情况下英美法将对恶劣的违约行为施以惩罚性赔偿.毕竟,效率违约理论完全着重于对违约之金钱价值的考量,而未能考虑契约履行之神圣原则以及遵守信用之道德义务这类无法用金钱予以衡量的价值因素,于是不免有失偏颇,亦需要相应的配套机制以尽可能限制其消极影响.参见林世宗:“惩罚性赔偿与违约惩罚之研析比较”,载于《比较民商法论文集——方文长教授九十华诞祝寿论文集》,台北:元照出版,2006年版,第144-145页。
    184 张民安:《现代法国侵权责任制度研究》,北京:法律出版社,2003年版,第122-125页.
    186 参见[德]克雷斯蒂安·冯·巴尔:《欧洲比较侵权行为法》(上),张新宝译,北京:法律出版社,2001年版,第745页.
    190 Principles of European Tort Law,http://www.egtl.org.最后访问日期:2008年3月18日.
    191 参见Volker Behr,"Myth and Reality of Punitive Damages in Germany",24 The Journal of Law and Commerce 197,213-218(2005).
    192 于敏:《日本侵权行为法》(第二版),北京:法律出版社,2006年版,第38页。
    194 Norman T.Braslow,"The Recognition and Enforcement of Common Law Punitive Damages in a Civil Law System:Some Reflections on the Japanese Experience",16 Ariz.J,Int'l & Comp.Law 285,296(1999).
    195 参见于敏:《日本侵权行为法》(第二版),北京:法律出版社,2006年版,第51-54页;[日]田中英夫、竹内昭夫:《私人在法实现中的作用》,李薇译,北京:法律出版社,2006年版,第150-164页.
    196 谢哲胜:“惩罚性赔偿”,载于《台大法学论丛》第30卷第1期,第115页.
    197 台湾地区消费者保护法第51条规定,“依本法所提之诉讼,因企业经营者故意所致之损害,消费者得请求损害额三倍以下之惩罚性赔偿金;但因过失所致之损害,得请求损害额一倍以下之惩罚性赔偿金”.其它特别法规定,如公平交易法第32条规定,“法院因前条被害人之请求,如为事业之故意行为,得依侵害情节,酌定损害额以上之赔偿.但不得超过已证明损害额之三倍.侵害人如因侵害行为受有利益,被害人得请求专依该项利益计算损害额”;专利法第89条第3项规定,“依前二项规定,侵害行为如属故意,法院得依侵害情节,酌定损害额以上之赔偿.但不得超过损害额之二倍”;证券交易法第157条之一第2项规定:“违反前项规定者,应就消息未公开前其买入或卖出该股票之价格,与消息公开后十个营业日收盘平均价格之差额限度内,对善意从事相反买卖之人负损害赔偿责任,其情节重大者,法院得依善意从事相反买卖之人之请求,将责任限额提高至三倍”.引自林德瑞:“论惩罚性赔偿金可保性之法律争议”,载于《中正大学法学集刊》第2期(1999年7月),第106页;谢哲胜:“惩罚性赔偿”,载于《台大法学论丛》第30卷第1期,第149-152页.
    198 Volker Behr,"Myth and Reality of Punitive Damages in Germany",24 The Journal of Law and Commerce 197,200-201(2005).
    199 Volker Behr,"Myth and Reality of Punitive Damages in Germany",24 The Journal of Law and Commerce 197,201(2005).
    200 Norman T.Braslow,"The Recognition and Enforcement of Common Law Punitive Damages in a Civil Law System:Some Reflections on the Japanese Experience",16 Ariz.J.Int'l & Comp.Law 285,301-302(1999).
    201 Volker Behr,"Myth and Reality of Punitive Damages in Germany",24 The Journal of Law and Commerce 197,204-205(2005);Norman T.Braslow,"The Recognition and Enforcement of Common Law Punitive Damages in a Civil Law System:Soma Reflections on the Japanese Experience",16 Ariz.J.Int'l & Comp.Law 285,306-307(1999).
    202 具有承认与执行之适格性的外国司法判决须为民事判决.而关于惩罚性赔偿判决在性质上是否属于民事判决,德国学界存在着争议.否定论者认为,美国法院的惩罚性赔偿判决并非民事判决,根本不具备承认与执行之适格性.因为对被告课以惩罚性赔偿金之目的,主要是出于一种公益性的考虑,一种社会整体性利益的视角,而非单纯个人利益的维度.所以,惩罚性赔偿更接近于公法范畴而非私法范畴.并且,从现今美国惩罚性赔偿制度的改革方向来看,该机制已与一般的民事诉讼程序相区别,提高了证据方面的要求.可见,美国的惩罚性赔偿判决非为民事判决,不具有承认与执行之适格性.而肯定论者则是持与此番最高法院之判决相同的意见,认为惩罚性赔偿为民事判决无疑.参见Norman T.Braslow,“The Recognition and Enforcement of Common Law Punitive Damages in a Civil Law System:Some Reflections on the Japanese Experience",16 Ariz.J.Int'l & Comp.Law 285,300-301(1999).
    203 陈聪富:《侵权归责原则与损害赔偿》,北京:北京大学出版社,2005年版,第254页.
    204 Norman T.Braslow,"The Recognition and Enforcement of Common Law Punitive Damages in a Civil Law System:Some Reflections on the Japanese Experience",16 Ariz.J.Int'l & Comp.Law 285,292-293(1999).
    205 该案基本案情为,日本公司Mansei于1975年在美国加州设立子公司MIC,作为一个生产基地.Mansei掌握着MIC90%的股份,并有权决定MIC的董事与经理人选.1979年,时任MIC总裁的Izumi代表MIC与Consortium 商业不动产发展公司签署了一份不动产发展协议,欲在波特兰、俄勒冈附近修建一个工业园区.事前,Izumi曾电传Mansei总裁Katayama取得了签订此一风险投资协议的授权.在Izumi所签署的一系列合同文本中,有一份涉及与Northcon I建立起一般合伙关系,以获得项目执行所需之土地的协议.有证据证明,在Izumit于美国发展此一项目时,Katayama正在与日本东芝公司协商出售MIC的事宜.嗣后,在MIC与Northcon I,Consortium之间的全部协商签署完毕之后,MIC解雇了Izumi,并宣称他无权签署上述协议,而他与Consortium公司阴谋串通作出的这一系列协议的目的在于骗取MIC.据此,MIC以共谋、欺诈为名起诉Izumi,Consortium,Northcon I,并要求确认该一系列发展协议无效.同时,被告们提出反诉,称Mansei与Katayama欺诈性地诱使他们签署了发展协议,应当对此承担责任.经审理.MIC要求确认该一系列发展协议无效的请求基于日本法而得到支持;反诉人亦获得反诉之胜利,Mansei须向反诉人支付425,251美元的补偿性赔偿与1,125,000美元的惩罚性赔偿,惩罚性赔偿的依据在于Mansei的欺诈行为.在请求日本法院承认与执行该判决的诉讼中,东京地区法院认为该案中Mansei的过错是徽弱的,执行该惩罚性赔偿判决将给被告带来不能承受的负担,于是,拒绝承认与执行之.参见Norman T.Braslow,"The Recognition and Enforcement of Common Law Punitive Damages in a Civil Law System:Some Reflections on the Japanese Experience",16 Ariz.J.Int'l & Comp.Law 285,288-289(1999).
    206 黄鸿图:“惩罚性损害赔偿制度之研究”,中国政法大学博士论文,2006年5月,第85页.
    207 一般认为,责任本身即内含有制裁与一般预防的意味,即使是补偿性的损害赔偿责任也不例外.对加害人课以填补受害人之损失的损害赔偿责任,在这一意义上,也是对加害人之不法行为的制裁,并确实能够在多数情况下达成预防不法行为的目的。但是这种内含的制裁与预防功能是被掩藏在首要的补偿功能之下的,或者说是在实现对受害人之补偿的过程中所附带实现的次要功能.而本文此处所指的预防功能,乃是独立于补偿功能的,须通过在补偿受害人之损失以外对加害人施以某种程度的惩罚而实现的预防功能。
    209 不过,尽管法律经济学家笔下的理性行为者模型只是一种虚构,但却是已经被经验、实证研究证明为非常有效的分析方法与模型.参见[美]理查德·波斯纳:《法律的经济分析》,蒋兆康译,北京:中国大百科全书出版社,1997年版,中文版译者序言,第13页.
    215 参见沈宗灵:《比较法研究》,北京:北京大学出版社,1998年版,第119页.
    216 孙国华、杨思斌:“公私法的划分与法的内在结构”,载于《法制与社会发展》2004年第4期,第101页.
    217 参见郭明瑞、于宏伟:“论公法与私法的划分及其对我国民法的启示”,载于《环球法律评论》2006年第4期,第428页.
    218 孙国华、杨思斌:“公私法的划分与法的内在结构”,载于《法制与社会发展》2004年第4期,第103页.
    219 张文显主编:《法理学》,北京,北京大学出版社,1999年版,第57页。
    220 参见[美]亨利·马瑟:《合同法与道德》,戴孟勇、贾林娟译,北京:中国政法大学出版社,2005年版,第137页。
    224 这种确保法律(行为规则)得以切实执行的需求,在一定程度上可以成为人类社会之所以需要国家,需要政府的论据.对此,霍布斯曾以契约之履行为例说道,“如果没有一个强大的共同权力,信约便是一纸空文,完全没有力量使人们得到安全保障.”“如果信约订立之后双方都不立即履行,而是互相信赖,那么在单纯的自然状态下只要出现任何合理的怀疑,这契约就成为无效.但如果在双方之上有一个共同的并具有强制履行契约的充分权利与力量时,这契约便不是无效的.这是因为,语词的约束过于软弱无力,如果没有对某种强制力量的畏惧心理存在时,就不足以束缚人们的野心、贪婪、愤怒和其他激情.”参见[英]霍布斯:《利维坦》,黎思复、黎廷弼译,北京:商务印书馆,1985年版,第101、128页.
    231 苏永钦:《走入新世纪的私法自治》,北京:中国政法大学出版社,2002年版,第12页.
    232 桑本谦:《私人之间的监控与惩罚——一个经济学的进路》,济南:山东人民出版社,2005年版,第121页.
    234 桑本谦:《私人之间的监控与惩罚——一个经济学的进路》,济南:山东人民出版社,2005年版,第126页.
    235 邓正来、[英]J.C.亚历山大编:《国家与市民社会——一种社会理论的研究路径》,北京:中央编译出版社,2005年版,第46页.
    236 参见桑本谦:《私人之间的监控与惩罚——一个经济学的进路》,济南:山东人民出版社,2005年版,第87-90页.当然,此处所谓之“惩罚”并不等同于惩罚性赔偿意义上的“惩罚”,而是在一个更宽泛意义上的使用,即任何因违法行为而承担的责任,包括补偿性责任,都可以被视为是对违法行为的一种制裁或是惩罚.
    237 邓正来、[英]J.C.亚历山大编:《国家与市民社会——一种社会理论的研究路径》,北京:中央编译出版社,2005年版,第46页.
    238 参见谢哲胜:“惩罚性赔偿”,载于《台大法学论丛》第30卷第1期,第116、157页.
    240 惩罚的概率之所以能够成为决定惩罚严厉程度的一个重要参量,是因为惩罚的实际威慑效果取决于惩罚将带给不法行为人的预期损失,而该预期损失的构成乃是惩罚的严厉程度与惩罚概率的乘积.试想,如果惩罚只是概率性的,那么即使法律规定了极其严苛的惩罚后果,不法行为人仍有可能产生侥幸逃避的机会主义心理.如果实施不法行为将给不法行为人带来1000元的收益,那么按理说如果事后这1000元的收益将被没收,则应该可以阻止不法行为的发生,但如果惩罚的概率只有70%,那么不法行为的预期损失为700元,扣除该预期损失,不法行为人仍可以因不法行为而获得300元的净收益.可见,如果我们考虑到了惩罚概率这一变量,则有必要相应调整法律所规定的惩罚之严厉程度.而倘若惩罚概率是可控的,那么改变惩罚概率与惩罚严厉程度二者中的任意一项,都可以改变惩罚的实际威慑效果.根据不法行为人预期惩罚的构成公式,我们会发现,受罚概率为20%,受罚程度为1万元的结构,与受罚概率为10%,受罚程度为2万元的结构,其威慑效果是相同的.而立法最终选择哪一种惩罚结构,将取决于其对各参量的精细计算.有鉴于此,在惩罚性赔偿机制之下,由于社会个体主导着惩罚概率,令其难以控制,所以会影响立法选择之计算结果的精确性.参见[美]大卫·D·弗里德曼:《经济学语境下的法律规则》,杨欣欣译,北京:法律出版社,2004年版,第344页;桑本谦:《私人之间的监控与惩罚——一个经济学的进路》,济南:山东人民出版社,2005年版,第59页;[美]理查德·A·波斯纳:《正义/司法的经济学》,苏力译,北京:中国政法大学出版社,2002年版,第203-205页.
    241 桑本谦:《私人之间的监控与惩罚——一个经济学的进路》,济南:山东人民出版社,2005年版,第158-159页.
    242 参见[日]田中英夫、竹内昭夫:《私人在法实现中的作用》,李薇译,北京:法律出版社,2006年版,前言第 2页.
    243 参见徐昕:《论私力救济》,北京:中国政法大学出版社,2005年版,第293页。
    244 参见[冰岛]思拉恩·埃格特森:《新制度经济学》,吴经邦等译,北京:商务印书馆,1996年版,第70页.比如关于权利能力的规则,关于监护的规则等,便很难以经济学的方法来解释,因为在这些领域,更重要的价值向度是伦理的,而不是效率的。
    246 参见[美]罗伯特·考特、托马斯·尤伦:《法和经济学》,张军等译,上海:上海三联书店,1994年版,第15页.
    247 必须说明的是,并非只有故意实施的不法行为才会涉及利害权衡的问题,因过失而导致的不法行为也同样有可能在利害权衡之下发生,比如,某甲将驾驶一辆小型飞机做短途飞行,这显然是一项有可能伤害其他人人身和财产的活动,而这些伤害的可能性取决于某甲采取了什么样的预防措施.在决定是否飞翔和多久飞翔一次,以及多久对飞机进行一次安全检查时,某甲必定会权衡其预防损害发生的成本与损害发生后其有可能支付的赔偿,而后再作出选择.如果某甲采取了较低水平的预防措施,而最终竟导致了某种损害后果的发生,则对于损害之发生,某甲的主观状态为过失,但是此种过失亦是先期利害权衡的结果.参见[美]大卫·D·弗里德曼:《经济学语境下的法律规则》,杨欣欣译,北京:法律出版社,2004年版,第237页.
    248 参见徐昕:《论私力救济》,北京:中国政法大学出版社,2005年版,第133页.
    249 张维迎:《信息、信任与法律》,北京:三联书店,2006年版,第82页.
    250 边际成本是当“产量”增加一个单位时所增加的成本,边际收益是当“产量”增加一个单位时所增加的收益.假定个人的目标是最大化净收益(如利润),那么,如果边际成本小于边际收益,增加产量可以导致净收益的增 加;如果边际成本大于边际收益,减少产量可以导致净收益的增加;因此,最优的产量选择在边际成本等于边际收益时达到。参见张维迎:《信息、信任与法律》,北京:三联书店,2006年版,第82页;[美]理查德·波斯纳:《法律的经济分析》(上),蒋兆康译,北京:中国大百科全书出版社,1997年版,第355-357页.
    251 帕累托最优(Pareto optimum)又称帕累托效率(Pareto efficiency),是意大利经济学家帕累托100年前定义的,是经济学中最基本的效率概念。如果说一种状态是帕累托最优的,即意味着不存在另一种可选择的状态,使得没有任何人的处境变坏,而至少有一个人的处境变得更好.而如果一种变革没有使任何人的处境变坏,而至少使其中一个人的处境变得更好,则这种变革被称为是一个“帕累托改进”(Pareto improvement).对社会的每个人而言,帕景托改进总是一件好事,因为只有人受益,没有人受损.但是,现实中许多变革通常是有人受益,有人受损,也就是说,不满足帕累托标准。为了对现实的变革提供一个更可行的标准,英国经济学家卡尔多(Kaldor)和希克斯(Hicks)提出了这样的“潜在的”帕累托效率标准:如果一种变革中受益者所得可以补偿受损者所失而有余,这种变革就是一个潜在的帕累托改进(补偿不一定实际发生;如果补偿实际发生,这个变革就是一个现实的帕累托改进).卡尔多-希克斯标准是大多数法律经济学文献使用的效率标准,它实际上是一个总财富最大化标准:任何增加财富总量的变革都是有效率的,即便有人受损.参见张维迎:《信息、信任与法律》,北京:三联书店,2006年版,第82页.
    252 参见[美]理查德·波斯纳:《法律的经济分析》(上),蒋兆康译,北京:中国大百科全书出版社,1997年版,第12页.
    253 Amelia J.Toy,"Statutory Punitive Damage Caps and The Profit Motive:An Economic Perspective",40 Emory L.J.303,308(1991);Graham & Peirce,"Contingent Damages for Products Liability",13 J.Legal Stud.441,445(1984).
    254 张维迎:《信息、信任与法律》,北京:三联书店,2006年版,第83页.
    256 汉德公式,由美国联邦上诉法院第二巡回庭著名法官汉德在1947年的United States v.Carroll Towing Co.一案中正式提出.该案涉及的是某驳船因拴系不牢,在脱锚后碰撞,损坏码头中其它船只的情形;案件的核心争点在于如何确定该船船主有无过失.汉德法官就此提出了以下见解:由于任何船只都存在脱锚的可能性,并且在脱锚之后对附近的船只构成威胁,而一位船主舫止此类事件发生的义务应由三个变量来决定,(1)该船脱锚的可能性(probability,简称P);(2)该船脱锚后将给其它船只造成的损害(loss或injury,简称L);(3)对此类事件采取足够的预防措施将给该船主带来的负担(burden,简称B).当B<PL,即预防事故的成本小于事故发生的预期成本(预防事故的成本小于减少事故发生的收益)时,被告可以用较小成本避免较大的事故损失,这是有效率的.因而,如果被告没有采取足够的预防措施,致使损害发生,那么他将被认为有过失,需对受害人的损失承担赔偿责任;而当B>PL,即预防事故的成本大于事故发生的预期成本(预防事故的成本大于减少事故发生的收益)时,被告可以不被要求采取相当的预防措施,因为法律要求当事人这样做从经济上讲是不合理的、无效率的,于是此种情况下若由于被告未采取足够的预防措施而致使损害发生,被告不负担过失责任.此后,汉德公式即成为美国各级法院在侵权案件中经常使用的判定过失有无的标准。
    258 227 N.Y.208,125 N.E.93(1919).转引自[美]威廉·M·兰德斯、理查德·A·波斯纳:《侵权法的经济结构》,王强、杨媛译,北京:北京大学出版社,2005年版,第107页。
    261 119 Cal App 3d 757;174 Cal Rptr 348(1981).另参见陈聪富:《侵权归责原则与损害赔偿》,北京:北京大学出版社,2005年版,第215-216页。
    262 本案法官最后减少该惩罚性赔偿金为350万美元.参见陈聪富:《侵权归责原则与损害赔偿》,北京:北京大学出版社,2005年版,第216页.
    263 参见[美]波斯纳:《法律的经济分析》(上),蒋兆康译,北京:中国大百科全书出版社,1997年版,第151-52页.
    266 Leslie E.John,"Comment:Formulating Standard,for Awards of Punitive Damages in the Borderland of Contract and Tort",74 Calif.L.R.2033,2047(1986).
    268 行为的外部性有直接外部性和间接外部性之分.直接外部性的判断是当事人自己作出的,而间接外部性的判断则是由非当事人的立法者和政府作出的.当我们将间接外部性这一概念引入分析之时,社会的价值判断就会成为重要的问愿.于是,一个连带的、不可回避的问题是,法律将如何在保护加害人的个人自由与保护受害人的权利之间作出权衡.一个人穿“奇装异服”可能会使许多旁观者感到不快,但今天法律通常并不会禁止或者惩罚“奇装异服”的行为.然而,如果一个人枉顾法律的相关规定,故意伤害他人基本权益,甚至引起社会公共秩序的失范,那么,法律是否仍应保持沉默呢?参见张维迎:《信息、信任与法律》,北京:三联书店,2006年版,第134页.
    271 参见[美]理查德·A·波斯纳:《正义/司法的经济学》,苏力译,北京:中国政法大学出版社,2002年版,第216页.
    272 Amelia J.Toy,"Statutory Punitive Damage Caps and the Profit Motive:An Economic Perspective",40 Emory L.J.303,309(1991).
    273 必须澄清的是,自愿交易的优越性与鼓励自愿交易的重要性并非在绝对的意义上成立.事实上,自愿交易并非在任何情况下都可能.尤其在权利交易的场合,常常会发生交易成本高到无法承受的情况,比如,盖大楼的人可能会给附近的居民带来嗓音,但是盖大楼的人却不可能在盖楼之前通过逐个协商的方式购买到了所有居民的部分不受噪音侵犹的权利之后才动工.因为,那会导致巨大的交易成本,而且一个居民的拒绝出售就有可能导致建房计划的搁浅.于是,在这类自愿交易几乎为不可能的情况下,由政府强行干预的非自愿交易,便有可能是正当的.侵权法体系,其实就是政府干预的一种形式,它力图处理的正是财产之非自愿交易的问题.但是,这种非自愿交易并不能当然地引致惩罚性赔偿.事实上,惩罚性赔偿机制的启动是需要较为严格的前提条件的.本文在此讨论的只是,明明在自愿交易为可能的情况下,不法行为人却仍然逃避市场交易过程而迳取或盗窃权利人之物或合法利益,那么,惟有引入惩罚性赔偿机制,尽力阻止不法行为人逃避自愿交易的动机,才能使社会个体的,以及社会整体的状况得到改善.
    274 相反,在交易活跃的市场(thick market)当中,商品类型与数量都比较充分,通常也都有标准的市场价格,容易实现替代.Amelia J.Toy,"Statutory Punitive Damage Caps and the Profit Motive:An Economic Perspective",40Emory L.J.303,309-310(1991).
    275 Amelia J.Toy,"Statutory Punitive Damage Caps and the Profit Motive:An Economic Perspective",40 Emory L.J.303,310(1991).
    278 Thomas Aquinas,Summa Theologica,part 1 of 2d part,question 92,article 1.转引自[美]亨利·马瑟:《合同法与道德》,戴孟勇、贾林娟译,北京:中国政法大学出版社,2005年版,第118页.
    280 Thomas Aquinas,Summa Theologica,part 1 of 2d part,question 96,article 2.[美]亨利·马瑟:《合同法与道德》,戴孟勇、贾林娟译,北京:中国政法大学出版社,2005年版,第128页.
    212 John Rawls,Two Concepts of Rules,Philosophical Rev.3,4-5(1955).转引自[美]理查德·A·波斯纳:《正义/司法的经济学》,苏力译,北京:中国政法大学出版社,2002年版,第214页.
    283 陈聪富:《侵权归责原则与损害赔偿》,北京:北京大学出版社,2005年版,第212页;David G.Owen,"The Moral Foundations of Punitive Damages",40 Ala.L.Rev.705,708-709(1989).
    285 对此观点,前文已有论及,此处不赘.
    289 陈聪富:《侵权归责原则与损害赔偿》,北京:北京大学出版社,2005年版,第218页.
    290 在公私法泾渭分明的大陆法系国家,这样的观念形成得较晚,适用也非常局限,而美国则从不认为民法可以脱离公共政策,民事诉讼在反托拉斯法的执行中占了百分之九十的案件,公认起诉者扮演的角色乃是“实现公益的私人检察官”。参见苏永钦:《走入新世纪的私法自治》,北京:中国政法大学出版社,2002年版,第12页.
    293 朱凯:“惩罚性赔偿制度在侵权法中的基础及其适用”,载于《中国法学》2003年第3期,第92页.
    297 Leslie E.John,"Comment:Formulating Standard,for Awards of Punitive Damages in the Borderland of Contract and Tort",74 Calif.L.R.2033,2038(1986).
    298 Dorsey D.Ellis,"Fairness and Efficiency in the Law of Punitive Damages",56 S.Cal.L.R.1,14(1982).
    301 Hedley v.Baxendale,9 Exch 341(1854).
    302 O.W.Holmes,"The Path of Law",10 Harv.L.Rev.457,462(1897).
    304 Corbin,Corbin On Contracts § 1077,at 440(1964).
    305 陈聪富:《侵权归责原则与损害赔偿》,北京:北京大学出版社,2005年版,第204页.
    306 "Timothy J.Sullivan,"Punitive Damages in the Law of Contract:The Reality and the Illusion of Legal Change",61Minn.L.Rev.207,223(1976).
    307 Leslie E.John,"Comment:Formulating Standard,for Awards of Punitive Damages in the Borderland of Contract and Tort",74 Calif.L.R.2033,2044(1986).
    308 Leslie E.John,"Comment:Formulating Standards for Awards of Punitive Damages in the Borderland of Contract and Tort",74 Calif.L.R.2033,2044-2045(1986).
    309 Louderback & Jurika,"Standards for Limiting the Tort of Bad Faith Breach of Contract",16 U.S.F.L.Rev.187,227(1982).
    310 Seaman's Direct Buying Serv.v.Standard Oil Co.,36 Cal.3d 752,769,686 E2d 1158,1167,206 Cal.Rptr.354,363(1984).
    312 U.S.Dept.of Justice,Civil Jury cases and Verdicts in Large Counties(1995).转引自王利明:“惩罚性赔偿研究”,载于《中国社会科学》2000年第4期,第116页.
    313 Peter Jaffey,"The Law Commission Report on Aggravated,Exemplary and Restitutionary Damages",61 Mod.L.Rev.860,864(1998).
    314 郭丹云:“各国立法上违约金性质比较研究”,载于《河北法学》2005年第6期,第150页.
    315 361 N.E.2d 1015(1977).
    316 645 A.2d 100(1994).
    317 林世宗:“惩罚性赔偿与违约惩罚之研析比较”,载于《比较民商法论文集——方文长教授九十华诞祝寿论文集》,台北:元照出版,2006年版,第135页.
    318 参见陈学明:“惩罚性违约金的比较研究”,载于《比较法研究》1989年第3-4期,第50页.
    319 沈达明等编著:《德意志法上的法律行为》,北京:对外贸易教育出版社,1992年版,第64页.
    321 诚如霍姆斯所言,约因是一种限制契约责任范围的工具.“契约的全部意义在于它的正式性和外在性”.除非契约的形式已经具备,否则既不存在契约,当然也无契约责任.参见[美]格兰特·吉尔莫:《契约的死亡》,曹士 兵、姚建宗、吴巍译,北京:中国法制出版社2005年版,第26页.
    322 这一点在很大程度上亦可以解释为什么英美合同法上不可能发展出如德国法上之缔约过失责任、附随义务等扩张合同责任的机制。因为在合同订立之前,以及合同履行完毕之后,不存在充分的约因来支撑合同责任的成立。正是由于受制于“约因”,当新的损害类型出现时,英美国家通常是通过扩大解释侵权法上的注意义务来实现赔偿责任的扩张,而不是如大陆法系国家一般通过扩大解释合同行为来应对现实的需要.
    323 《法国民法典》,罗结珍译,北京:中国法制出版社,1999年版,第291页.
    324 《德国民法典》,郑冲、贾红梅译,北京:法律出版社,2001年版,第67-68页.
    325 林世宗:“惩罚性赔偿与违约惩罚之研析比较”,载于《比较民商法论文集——方文长教授九十华诞祝寿论文集》,台北:元照出版,2006年版,第159-161页.
    326 John Y.Gotanda,"Punitive Damages:A Comparative Analysis",42 Colum.J.Transnat'l L.391,399-400(2004).
    327 该案中,原告喝了由被告供应的受了污染的水之后生病.被告所供应的水系偶然被硫酸铝污染.原告以被告违背普通法及制定法义务、严格责任、违反合同、过失及妨害公众为由诉请损害赔偿,其中包括加重损害赔偿与惩罚性赔偿.被告接受补偿性赔偿责任的承担,但试图否定加重损害赔偿及惩罚性赔偿的诉请。初审法院拒绝了被告的要求,被告遂提起上诉.Q.B.507,515(C.A.1993).
    328 妨害公众,即指某项作为或不作为损害公众的健康、安全、安宁、方便或道德观念,或非法阻碍公众行使公共权利,诸如阻断公共道路、污染环境、销售变质食品等。参见薛波主编:《元照英美法词典》,北京:法律出版社,2003年版,第1117页.
    329 Law Commission Report 247,Aggravated,Exemplary and Restitutionary Damages(Dec.16,1997),at § 4.24.
    330 该案中,原告向某警察提交报告,称其寓所中的财产失窃.该受案警察告知原告该事件将被调查.但嗣后,该警察伪造原告之签名,签署了一份撤销报案的书面文件,调查因此终结.原告得知后遂提起诉讼.2 A.C.122,134-135(2002).
    331 Law Commission Report 247,Aggravated,Exemplary and Restitutionary Damages(Dec.16,1997),at § 5.71-5.73.
    332 John Y.Gotanda,"Punitive Damages:A Comparative Analysis",42 Colum.J.Transnat'l L.391,402-403(2004).
    333 Linda J.Schlueter & Kenneth R.Redden,Punitive Damages § 20(4~(th) ed.2000);John J.Kircher & Christine M.Wiseman,Punitive Damages:Law & Practice 5-1,6-1,13-1(2d ed.2000).See John Y.Gotanda,"Punitive Damages:A Comparative Analysis",42 Colum.J.Transnat'l L.391,421(2004).
    334 陈聪富:《侵权归责原则与损害赔偿》,北京:北京大学出版社,2005年版,第222-223页.
    335 林德瑞:“论惩罚性赔偿”,载于《中正大学法学集刊》第1期(1998年7月),第41页.
    336 Model Punitive Damages Act(Draft).http://www.lectlaw.com/files/leg19.htm.最后访问日期:2008年3月20日.
    337 该案中,原告为4岁儿童,因穿着被告生产之易燃睡衣,靠近火炉旁时,引燃烧伤.法院依据其所列要素认为,被告作为生产者,应明知使用易燃材质布料生产儿童睡衣之危险性,且被告应知道减少其危险之方法,却仍无视于使用者之安全与权利轻率为之,显然具有故意与恶意无视他人权利的主观心态,因而认定应判予惩罚性赔偿.297 N.W.2d 727(1980).
    338 林世宗:“惩罚性赔偿与违约惩罚之研析比较”,载于《比较民商法论文集——方文长教授九十华诞祝寿论文集》,台北:元照出版,2006年版,第126-127页.
    339 Restatement 2d of Torts,§ 909(Punitive Damages Against a Principal).
    340 Alan I.Widiss,"Liability Insurance Coverage for Punitive Damages? Discerning Answers to the Conundrum Created by Disputes Involving Conflicting Public Policies,Pragmatic Considerations and Political Actions",39 Vill.L.Rev.455,481(1994).
    341 Alan I.Widiss,"Liability Insurance Coverage for Punitive Damages? Discerning Answers to the Conundrum Created by Disputes Involving Conflicting Public Policies,Pragmatic Considerations and Political Actions",39 Vill.L.Rev.455,481(1994).
    342 See Wittman v.Gilson,530 N.E.2d 514(NY 1988);Moody v.Payne,355 So.2d 116(Ala.1978).
    343 陈聪富:《侵权归责原则与损害赔偿》,北京:北京大学出版社,2005年版,第227-228页.
    344 Michael Tilbury & Harold Luntz,Punitive Damages in Australian Law,17 Loy.L.A.Int'l & Comp.L.J.769,782-785(1995);John Y.Gotanda,"Punitive Damages:A Comparative Analysis",42 Colum.J.Transnat'l L.391,408-409(2004).
    345 Michael Tilbury & Harold Luntz,Punitive Damages in Australian Law,17 Loy.L.A.Int'l & Comp.L.J.769,786(1995).
    346 Michael Tilbury & Harold Luntz,Punitive Damages in Australian Law,17 Loy.L.A.Int'l & Comp.L.J.769,788(1995).
    347 John Y.Gotanda,"Punitive Damages:A Comparative Analysis",42 Colum.J.Transnat'l L.391,415(2004).
    348 John Y.Gotanda,"Punitive Damages:A Comparative Analysis",42 Colum.J.Transnat'l L.391,415-416(2004).
    349 Donna Lea Hawley,"Punitive and Aggravated Damages in Canada",18 Alta.L.Rev.485,492(1980).
    350 John Y.Gotanda,"Punitive Damages:A Comparative Analysis",42 Colum.J.Transnat'l L.391,431-432(2004).
    351 John Y.Gotanda,"Punitive Damages:A Comparative Analysis",42 Colum.J.Transnat'l L.391,432(2004).
    352 124 D.L.R.3d 228(B.C.C.A.1981).See Bruce Chapman & Michael Trebilcock,"Punitive Damages:Divergence in Search of a Rationale",40 Ala.I,Rev.741,753(1989).
    353 Bruce Chapman & Michael Trebilcock,"Punitive Damages:Divergence in Search of a Rationale",40 Ala.L.Rev.741,756(1989).
    354 John Y.Gotanda,"Punitive Damages:A Comparative Analysis",42 Colum.J.Transnat'l L.391,433(2004).
    356 林德瑞:“论惩罚性赔偿”,载于《中正大学法学集刊》第1期(1998年7月),第43-44页.
    357 David G.Owen,"Civil Punishment and the Public Good",56 S.Cal.L.Rev.103,106(1982).
    358 David G.Owen,"Civil Punishment and the Public Good",56 S.Cal.L.Rev.103,107(1982).
    359 陈聪富:《侵权归责原则与损害赔偿》,北京:北京大学出版社,2005年版,第224页.
    360 David G.Owen,"Civil Punishment and the Public Good",56 S.Cal.L.Rev.103,107(1982).
    361 David G.Owen,"Civil Punishment and the Public Good",56 S.Cal.L.Rev.103,105(1982).
    362 谢哲胜:“惩罚性赔偿”,载于《台大法学论丛》第30卷第1期,第132页.
    363 谢哲胜:“惩罚性赔偿”,载于《台大法学论丛》第30卷第1期,第133页.
    364 Richard Blatt,Robert Hammesfahr & Lori Nugent,Punitive Damages:A State by State Guide to Law and Practice,West Publishing Co.,1991,pp.64-65.
    365 参见何建志:“惩罚性赔偿金之法理与应用——论最适赔偿金额之判定”,载于《台大法学论丛》第31卷第3期,第239-240页.
    366 See David A.Schkade,"Erratic by Design:A Task Analysis of Punitive Damages Assessment",39 Harvard Journal on Legislation 121,129(2002).
    367 John Y.Gotanda,"Punitive Damages:A Comparative Analysis",42 Colum.J.Transnat'l L.391,403(2004).
    368 Q.B.498,517(C.A.1998).
    369 John Y.Gotanda,"Punitive Damages:A Comparative Analysis",42 Colum.J.Transnat'l L.391,403(2004).
    370 陈聪富:《侵权归责原则与损害赔偿》,北京:北京大学出版社,2005年版,第229页.
    371 Richard Blatt,Robert Hammesfahr & Lori Nugent,Punitive Damages:A State by State Guide to Law and Practice,West Publishing Co.,1991,pp.64-65.
    372 929 S.W.2d 326(Tenn.1996).转引自陈聪富:《侵权归责原则与损害赔偿》,北京:北京大学出版社,2005年版,第231页。
    373 John Y.Gotanda,"Punitive Damages:A Comparative Analysis",42 Colum.J.Transnat'l L.391,410(2004);Michael Tilbury & Harold Luntz,Punitive Damages in Australian Law,17 Loy.L.A.Int'l & Comp.L.J.769,789-790(1995).
    374 Backwell v.AAA,1 V.R.182(1997).See John Y.Gotanda,"Punitive Damages:A Comparative Analysis",42Colum.J.Transnat'l L.391,411(2004);
    375 Backwell v.AAA,1 V.R.182(1997).See John Y.Gotanda,"Punitive Damages:A Comparative Analysis",42Colum.J.Transnat'l L.391,411-412(2004);
    376 Joanna Manning,"Reflections on Punitive Damages and Personal Injury Liability in New Zealand",2002 N.Z.L.Rev.143,178-179(2002).
    377 John Y.Gotanda,"Punitive Damages:A Comparative Analysis",42 Colum.J.Transnat'l L.391,416-418(2004).
    378 Joanna Manning,"Reflections on Punitive Damages and Personal Injury Liability in New Zealand",2002 N.Z.L.Rev.143,148(2002).
    379 John Y.Gotanda,"Punitive Damages:A Comparative Analysis",42 Colum.J.Transnat'l L.391,419(2004).
    380 John Y.Gotanda,"Punitive Damages:A Comparative Analysis",42 Colum.J.Transnat'l L.391,419(2004).
    381 Joanna Manning,"Reflections on Punitive Damages and Personal Injury Liability in New Zealand",2002 N.Z.L.Rev.143,184(2002).
    382 John Y.Gotanda,"Punitive Damages:A Comparative Analysis",42 Colum.J.Transnat'l L.391,434-435(2004);Donna Lea Hawley,"Punitive and Aggravated Damages in Canada",18 Alta.L.Rev.485,500-505(1980).
    383 John Y.Gotanda,"Punitive Damages:A Comparative Analysis",42 Colum.J.Transnat'l L.391,435-436(2004).
    384 John Y.Gotanda,"Punitive Damages:A Comparative Analysis",42 Colum.J.Transnat'l L.391,436(2004).
    385 John Y.Gotanda,"Punitive Damages:A Comparative Analysis",42 Colum.J.Transnat'l L.391,437(2004).
    386 See Joseph Raz,"The Rule of Law and Its Virtue",93 The Law Quarterly Review,195,198(1977).
    387 何建志:“惩罚性赔偿金之法理与应用——论最适赔偿金额之判定”,载于《台大法学论丛》第31卷第3期,第245页.
    388 参见何建志:“惩罚性赔偿金之法理与应用——论最适赔偿金额之判定”,载于《台大法学论丛》第31卷第3期,第266页。
    389 David F.Partlett,"Punitive Damages:Legal Hot Zones",56 La.L Rev.781,795(1996).
    390 Keith N.Hylton,"Punitive Damages and the Economic Theory of Penalties",87 Geo.L.J.421,421(1998).
    391 参见何建志:“惩罚性赔偿金之法理与应用——论最适赔偿金额之判定”,载于《台大法学论丛》第31卷第3期,第251页.
    392 Keith N.Hylton,"Punitive Damages and the Economic Theory of Penalties",87 Geo.L.J.421,431-432(1998).
    393 Michael Rustad & Thomas Koenig,"The Historical Continuity of Punitive Damages Awards:Raforming the Tort Reformers",42 Am.U.L.Rev.1269,1279,n.65(1993);Malcolm Wheeler,"A Proposal for Further Common Law Development of the Use of Punitive Damages in Modern Product Liability Litigation",40 Ala.L.Rev.919,947(1989);陈聪富:《侵权归责原则与损害赔偿》,北京:北京大学出版社,2005年版,第241-242页。
    394 Jane Mallor & Barry Roberts,"Punitive Damages:Toward a Principled Approach",50 Hastings L.J.969,993-994(1999).
    395 Jane Mallor & Barry Roberts,"Punitive Damages:Toward a Principled Approach",50 Hastings L.J.969,994(1999).
    396 Amelia J.Toy,"Statutory Punitive Damage Caps and The Profit Motive:An Economic Perspective",40 Emory L.J.303,331-334(1991);Michael Rustad & Thomas Koenig,"The Historical Continuity of Punitive Damages Awards:Reforming the Tort Reformers",42 Am.U.L.Rev.1269,1281,n.67(1993).
    397 Amelia J.Toy,Statutory Punitive Damage Caps and The Profit Motive:An Economic Perspective,40 Emory L.J.303,328-329(1991).
    398 陈聪富:《侵权归责原则与损害赔偿》,北京:北京大学出版社,2005年版,第263页.
    399 John Y.Gotanda,"Punitive Damages:A Comparative Analysis",42 Colum.J.Transnat'l L.391,407(2004).
    400 John Y.Gotanda,"Punitive Damages:A Comparative Analysis",42 Colum.J.Transnat'l L.391,415(2004).
    401 John Y.Gotanda,"Punitive Damages:A Comparative Analysis",42 Colum.J.Transnat'l L.391,437(2004).
    402 Stephan Landsman,Shari Diamond,Linda Dimitropoulos & Michael J.Saks,"Be Careful What You Wish For:the Paradoxical Effects of Bifurcating Claims for Punitive Damages",1998 Wis.L.Rev.297,335(1998).
    403 Kimberly A.Pace,"Recalibrating the Scales of Justice Through National Punitive Damage Reform",46 Am.L.Rev.1573,1627(1997).
    404 Kimberly A.Pace,"Recalibrating the Scales of Justice Through National Punitive Damage Reform",46 Am.L.Rev.1573,1627-1628(1997).
    405 Kimberly A.Pace,"Recalibrating the Scales of Justice Through National Punitive Damage Reform",46 Am.L.Rev.1573,1627(1997);陈聪富:《侵权归责原则与损害赔偿》,北京:北京大学出版社,2005年版,第246页.
    406 See Amelia J.Toy,"Statutory Punitive Damage Caps and The Profit Motive:An Economic Perspective",40 Emory L.J.303,325(1991).
    407 Kimberly A.Pace,"Recalibrating the Scales of Justice Through National Punitive Damage Reform",46 Am.L.Rev.1573,1628(1997).
    408 See Amelia J.Toy,"Statutory Punitive Damage Caps and The Profit Motive:An Economic Perspective",40 Emory L.J.303,337-338(1991).
    409 Amelia J.Toy,"Statutory Punitive Damage Caps and The Profit Motive:An Economic Perspective",40 Emory L.J.303,337-338(1991).
    410 A.Mitchell Polinsky & Steven Shavell,"Punitive Damages:An Economic Analysis",111 Harv.L.Rev.869,932-933(1998).
    411 See Gary S.Franklin,"Case Comment:Punitive Damages Insurance:Why Some Courts Take the Smart out of 'Smart Money'",40 U.Miami L.Rev.979,999-1000(1996).
    412 A.Mitchell Polinsky & Steven Shavell,"Punitive Damages:An Economic Analysis",111 Harv.L.Rev.869,933(1998).
    413 林德瑞:“论惩罚性赔偿金可保性之法律争议”,载于《中正大学法学集刊》第2期(1999年7月),第116页;谢哲胜:“惩罚性赔偿”,载于《台大法学论丛》第30卷第1期,第145页.
    414 See Tom Baker,"Reconsidering Insurance for Punitive Damages",1998 Wis.L.Rev.101,116-126(1998).保险领域的道德风险与逆向选择问题,皆源于双方当事人之信息不对称.其中,事前的信息不对称,即交易或行为之前存在的一方知道,另一方不知道的信息,将会导致“逆向选择”行为.就责任保险而言,由于各种各样的原因,每个人承担损害赔偿责任的概率不同,如果个人是害怕风险的,责任保险就可以是一个帕累托改进(通过分散风险使每个人的福利得到提高),帕累托最优的保险政策要求每个人缴纳的保险金随承担损害赔偿责任概率的不同而不同,并且在这一保险政策之下,每个人都有兴趣参加保险.但是,如果承担损害赔偿责任的概率是私人信息,那么做到因概率不同而保险金不同实际上是不可能的.如果保险公司根据个人提供的信息收取保险费,那么每个人都会低报自己的风险,因为这样就可以把成本转嫁人他人.而如果保险公司按照社会的平均风险收费,风险低的人就会退出保险市场,为了不亏损,保险公司就得提高保费,但这又会使得更多的低风险的人退出保险,循环往复,最后只有确定会承担损害赔偿责任的人才会参加保险,这便是所谓逆向选择所导致的市场失灵。而事后的信息不对称,即交易或行为之后存在的私人信息,将有可能导致道德风险行为.即购买了责任保险的行为人,由于保险公司将对其行为责任承担全额赔偿责任,因此极有可能放松自己对行为风险的谨慎控制,增加损害事故发生的频率.参见张维迎:《信息、信任与法律》,北京:三联书店,2006年版,第85-87页.
    415 Tom Baker,"Reconsidering Insurance for Punitive Damages",1998 Wis.L.Rev.101,116-126(1998).
    416 George L.Priest,"Insurability and Punitive Damages",40 Ala.L.Rev.1009,1009-1010(1989);林德瑞:“论惩罚性赔偿金可保性之法律争议”,载于《中正大学法学集刊》第2期(1999年7月),第117页;谢哲胜:“惩罚性赔偿”,戴于《台大法学论丛》第30卷第1期,第146页.
    417 林德瑞:“论惩罚性赔偿金可保性之法律争议”,载于《中正大学法学集刊》第2期(1999年7月),第117 页;谢哲胜:“惩罚性赔偿”,载于《台大法学论丛》第30卷第1期,第145页.
    418 谢哲胜:“惩罚性赔偿”,载于《台大法学论丛》第30卷第1期,第146-147页.
    419 Alan I.Widiss,"Liability Insurance Coverage for Punitive Damages? Discerning Answers to the Conundrum Created by Disputes Involving Conflicting Public Policies,Pragmatic Considerations and Political Actions",39 Vill.L.Rev.455,464(1994).
    420 林德瑞:“论惩罚性赔偿金可保性之法律争议”,载于《中正大学法学集刊》第2期(1999年7月),第122页.
    421 Alan I.Widiss,"Liability Insurance Coverage for Punitive Damages? Discerning Answers to the Conundrum Created by Disputes Involving Conflicting Public Policies,Pragmatic Considerations and Political Actions",39 Vill.L.Rev.455,465(1994).
    422 Tom Baker,"Reconsidering Insurance for Punitive Damages",1998 Wis.L.Rev.101,119-123(1998).
    423 Alan I.Widiss,"Liability Insurance Coverage for Punitive Damages? Discerning Answers to the Conundrum Created by Disputes Involving Conflicting Public Policies,Pragmatic Considerations and Political Actions",39 Vill.L.Rev.455,475-477(1994).
    424 Alan I.Widiss,"Liability Insurance Coverage for Punitive Damages? Discerning Answers to the Conundrum Created by Disputes Involving Conflicting Public Policies,Pragmatic Considerations and Political Actions",39 Vill.L.Rev.455,480-483(1994).
    425 214 Tenn.639,383 S.W.2d 1(1964).See Gary S.Franklin,"Case Comment:Punitive Damages Insurance:Why Some Courts Take the Smart out of "Smart Money",40 U.Miami L.Rev.979,1004(1986).
    426 307 F.2d 432(5~(th) Cir.1962).该案基本案情为,被保险人酒后鲁莽驾驶,致他人受害,法院判定该被保险人须对受害人承担惩罚性赔偿责任.嗣后,车祸受害人起诉保险人,要求其替代被保险人支付惩罚性赔偿金.
    427 Gary S.Franklin,"Case Comment:Punitive Damages Insurance:Why Some Courts Take the Smart out of "Smart Money"',40 U.Miami L.Rev.979,1001-1003(1986).
    428 75 F.2d 58(8~(th) Cir.1934).See Alan I.Widiss,"Liability Insurance Coverage for Punitive Damages? Discerning Answers to the Conundrum Created by Disputes Involving Conflicting Public Policies,Pragmatic Considerations and Political Actions",39 Vill.L Rev.455,483,n.62(1994);谢哲胜:“惩罚性赔偿”,载于《台大法学论丛》第30卷第1期,第147页.
    429 杨立新:“王海现象的民法思考”,载于《河北法学》第5期,第3页.
    431 参见戴志杰:“两岸‘消保法'惩罚性损害赔偿金制度之比较研究”,载于《台北大学法学论丛》第53期(2003年12月),第98-99页.
    433 王立峰:“论惩罚性赔偿”,载于梁慧星主编:《民商法论丛》第15卷,北京:法律出版社,2000年版,第107-108页.
    434 饶世权:“论《消费者权益保护法》中惩罚性赔偿制度之完普”,载于《吉林大学社会科学学报》2000年第6期,第88-91页.
    435 马俊峰:“社会信任危机:当前中国发展必须正视的一个严重问题”,载于《甘肃理论学刊》2004年第4期,第5页.
    436 据不完全统计,目前我国每年订立的合同有四亿份左右,而合同履约率却只有50%;我国企业每年由于不诚 信造成的直接损失约1800亿元,由于合同欺诈造成的直接损失达55亿元,由于产品质量低劣和造假售假造成的各种损失至少达2000亿元.参见缪保爱、孙亮:“试从社会失范的角度分析诚信危机”,载于《山西高等学校社会科学学报》2006年第6期,第23页.
    437 Anthony Giddens,The Consequences of Modernity,Stanford,CA:Stanford University Press,1990,p.97.
    438 Adam B.Seligman,The Idea of Civil Society,New York:The Free Press,1992,p.170.
    439 张维迎:《信息、信任与法律》,北京:三联书店,2006年版,第7页.
    440 张新宝:“《中国民法典·侵权行为编草案建议稿》理由概说(五)”,载于中国民商法律网,http://www.civillaw.com.cn/article/default.asp?id=11017.最后访问日期:2008年2月27日.
    441 http://www.cnw3.org/wmkj/renwenl/law_review/10/2/l,htm.最后访问日期:2008年3月1日.
    17、[德]克里斯蒂安·冯·巴尔、乌里希·德罗布尼希主编:《欧洲合同法与侵 权法及财产法的互动》,吴越、王洪、李兆玉、施鹏鹏等译,北京:法律出版社,2007年版。
    31、[法]勒内·达维德:《当代主要法律体系》,漆竹生译,上海:上海译文出版 社,1984年版。
    9、黄鸿图:“惩罚性损害赔偿制度之研究”,中国政法大学博士论文,2006年5 月。
    1、1 Linda L.Schlueter & Kenneth R.Redden,Punitive Damages(2d.1995).
    2、Richard Blatt,Robert Hammesfahr & Lori Nugent,Punitive Damages:A State by State Guide to Law and Practice,West Publishing Co.,1991.
    3、Dan B.Dobbs,Law of Remedies:Damages,Equity,Restitution,West Publishing Co.,1993.
    4、Menachem Elon,The Principles of Jewish Law,Encyclopaedia Judaica,1975.
    5、Barry Nicholas,An Introduction to Roman Law,Oxford:Clarendon Press,1962.
    6、Reinhard Zimmermann,The Law of Obligations-Roman Foundations of the Civilian Tradition,Oxford University Press,1996.
    7、Theodore John Rivers,Laws of the Alamans and Bavarians,University of Pennsylvania Press,1977.
    8、Gerald Strauss,Law,Resistance,and the State:The Opposition to Roman Law in Reforming Germany,Princeton University Press,1986.
    9、Michael R.Weisser,Crime and Punishment in Early Modern Europe,The Harvester Press,1979.
    10、Gerald Strauss,Law,Resistance,and the State:The Opposition to Roman Law in Reforming Germany,Princeton University Press,1986.
    11、Pollock & Maitland,The History of the Common Law 522(1968).
    12、Walter P.Hall ET AL.,A History of England and The Empire-Commonwealth,Blaisdell Publishing Company,1965.
    13、Frank McLynn,Crime and Punishment in Eighteenth-century England,Routledge,1989.
    14、Audrey Williamson,Wilkes,a Friend to Liberty,Allen & Unwin,1974.
    15、Corbin,Corbin On Contracts(1964).
    16、U.S.Dept.of Justice,Civil Jury cases and Verdicts in Large Counties(1995).
    17、Law Commission Report 247,Aggravated,Exemplary and Restitutionary Damages(Dec.16,1997).
    18、John J.Kircher & Christine M.Wiscman,Punitive Damages:Law & Practice(2d ed.2000).
    19、Anthony Giddens,The Consequences of Modernity,Stanford,CA:Stanford University Press,1990.
    20、Adam B.Seligman,The Idea of Civil Society,New York:The Free Press,1992.
    21、Model Punitive Damages Act(Draft).http://www.lectlaw.com/files/leg19.htm.
    22、Principles of European Tort Law,http://www.egtl.org.
    1、Gary S.Franklin,"Case Comment:Punitive Damages Insurance:Why Some Courts Take the Smart out of 'Smart Money"',40 U.Miami L.Rev.979(1986).
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