养心颗粒对近似不稳定型心绞痛模型颈总动脉PDGF-B mRNA和VEGF mRNA影响的研究
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     1.根据体表超声测定,与空白对照组相比,各组在8周末时,均出现颈总动脉IMT明显增厚(P<0.01),PI及RI显著增加(P<0.05),而VS加快不明显,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。10周末时,模型对照组IMT、PI、RI值继续增加,养心颗粒治疗组和消心痛治疗组的IMT、PI、RI值明显下降,与模型对照组相比,差异有统计学意义(P<0.0 5),但不如阿托伐他汀组。
     6.与模型对照组相比,各治疗组均可下调PDGF-B mRNA表达(P<0.01),养心颗粒治疗组的PDGF-B mRNA表达显著低于消心痛和阿托伐他汀治疗组(P<0.05);同时各治疗组均可上调VEGF mRNA的表达(P<0.01),养心颗粒治疗组的PDGF-B mRNA表达显著高于另外两组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。
     结论:以益气养心安神法组成的中药复方制剂养心颗粒对近似不稳定型心绞痛模型具有明确的防治作用,它可以下调PDGF-B mRNA表达,上调VEGF mRNA表达,其可能是通过调整人体阴阳平衡、改善血管内皮系统功能障碍、抑制血管内膜增生,从而改善模型血管的病理形态学的异常,减轻血管内膜增厚程度和斑块易损程度,起到防治不稳定型心绞痛的作用。
Objective:To observer the effects of recuperating-heart granule that it can to tonify Qi and stabilize the heart and calm the mind on rabbit model of similar unstable angina that the expression of arteria carotis communis PDGF-B mRNA and VEGF mRNA,to investigate its mechanism of action at level of molecular biology,to provide a reliable theoretic basis for this therapy.
     Methods:Aortic wall injuries were introduced using an intravascular balloon in rabbits before they were fed on an a high fat diet for 8 weeks.At the end of week 8,rabbits were randomly divided into five groups.There are model control group; recuperating-heart granule group;Cedocard group;atorvastation group and blank group.There are 7 rabbits in every group.At the end of 10 weeks,to copy the model of similar unstable angina that used the method of Pharmacological triggering.to investigate the thickness and blood flow rate of arteria carotis communis by body surface chromatic color ultrasonography and to observe pathomorphism change of blood vessel by HE dyeing.to survey ultrastructure change by Electron microscope,and blood fat content change of model by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay;to determine fibrinogenic level by speed stray light turbidity method; detecting content change of blood serum NO and ET by immunology; observer the expressing change of arteria carotis communis PDGF-B mRNA and VEGF mRNA by RT-PCR.
     1.According to the result of body surface ultrasonography,compare with the blank group,every group emerge that arteria carotis communis IMT obviously thicken(p<0.01),PI and RI obviously addition(p<0.05),but VS accelerate in nubibus.It was not considered statistically significant,at the end of 8 weeks.10 weeks later,model control group IMT PI RI continue increased,those compare with model control group,recuperating-heart granule group and Cedocard group IMT PI RI decreased obviously.It was considered statistically significant(p<0.05),but the result in atorvastation group is better than them.
     2.Effect of pathology research indicated,besides black control group,every group all emerge that vascular endothelial cell damaged,endangium thick,fatty deposition obviously,fatty substance plaque formed,each treatment group,arteria carotis communis endothelial cell decrease lightly,endomembrane thick lightly,fatty deposition decrease under endomembrane.
     3.In the end of 8 weeks,TC TG LDL-C increase obviously and HDL-C decline obviously at each group except to blank control group.It was considered statistically significant(p<0.01).TG at model group continue increased in ten weeks than 8 weeks,it was considered statistically significant(p<0.01),TC、HDL-C、LDL-C has no any change(p>0.05);TG have no significant change in Recuperating-heart granule group(p>0.05),CHO and LDL-C obviously decline.it was considered statistically significant (p<0.05).TC、TG and LDL-C decreased,HDL-C increased in atorvastation group,it was considered statistically significant (p<0.05);the index has no any influence in Cedocard group.
     4.Compare with blank group,Fbg obviously increase in each group at the end of 8 weeks,it was considered statistically significant (p<0.01);AT the end of 10 weeks,Fbg decline in treatment group to compare with control group it was considered statistically significant(p<0.01),compare with each other during treatment group,the function of Recuperating-heart granule is better than other group,itwas considered statistically significant(p<0.05).
     5.At the end of 8 weeks,to compare with black group,the contents of blood plasm NO all reduced obviously,while the contents of blood serum ET increase obviously in model group,it was considered statistically significant(p<0.01).At the end of 10 weeks,to compare with model control group,the contents of blood plasm NO all increased obviously,the contents of blood plasm ET decreased obviously in each treatment group,it was considered statistically significant.Compare with each other during treatment group,the function of Cedocard group is better than other two group,it was considered statistically significant.While there is similar function between Recuperating-heart granule group and atorvastation group,it was not considered statistically significant
     6.To compare with control group,the treatment group can down regulation expression of model PDGF-B mRNA.the express of Recuperating-heart granule group is lower than Cedocard group and atorvastation group(p<0.05),at the same time,treatment group can up-regulation expression of VEGF mRNA(p<0.01),the expression of PDGF-B mRNA in Recuperating-heart granule group significant higher than other two groups,it was considered statistically significant(p<0.05).
     Conclusion:Recuperating-heart granule which can tonify Qi and stabilize the heart and calm the mind on the model of similar unstable angina has protective effect definitely.It can improve system functional disturbance of vessel endothelium,down regulation the expression of PDGF-B mRNA,up-regulation expression of VEGF mRNA.It may be to regulate yin-yang balance of human body to improve the functional disturbance of blood vessel endothelial system,to restrain endangium hyperplasia,thus it can improve pathology form and ultrastructure abnormality of model blood vessel,it also reduce the thickness of endangium and extent of easy damage plaque.It can prevention and cure unstable angina.
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