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Usually, the WWII is considered as the watershed of American women’s employment.This period of time is the perfect occasion for women’s working. Especially after the war,the society is in the condition of peace, the time being advancing, the technology beingdeveloping, the economy being prosperous. Under such backgrounds, the study onwomen’s employment can reflect their living reality and make the public impressive onwomen’s living status. When contrasting the characteristics of women’s employment whichare different from the previous ones, the historical changes of American women’semployment will be clearly presented to readers.
     The dissertation concerns about American women’s employment from the WWII to1980s in order that the history of American women’s employment can be observed.
     The first chapter describes chronologically the dynamite development of Americanwomen labors’ employment from the beginning of early twentieth century to1980s,summarizing American women’s employment characteristics and women’s status beforethe WWII. The statement on women’s employment during the WWII lays the basis for theelaboration of the states of women’s employment after the WWII. Then, the variousemploying features of American women can be concluded. Thus, the panoramicunderstanding of American women’s employment can be offered to readers.
     The second chapter generalizes American women’s employment characteristics andsignificance after WWII, holding the views that the participating rate women’semployment keeping increasing, female labors assemble in certain professions; the scopeof their employment has been widened with so many female labor employed in theworking fields which once discriminated against them; middle-aged women become themain part female labors; especially married women participate in the work force inunprecedented numbers; women’s working decision can be alternative with variousworking time choices; the possibility of equal pay for equal work gradually becomesrealistic. All in all, the prospect of women’s employment is becoming much better.Therefore, the social effects of women’s employment should be attached great importance.Women’s employment advances the economic development, improving family’s livingstandard, bettering women’s living surroundings, formulating the independence conceptionof children and altering the social morals, perfecting women’s physical conditions. In aword, women’s employment is beneficial to the society’s prosperous development.
     The third chapter analyzes the reasons why some changes of American women’semployment occur. The economic stimulation is still the main one; the internal need to realize career ambition is strengthened among female labors; the decrease of birth ratecreates the conditions for women to escape from housework; the relation of supply anddemand in the economic market boosts women to enter the employment market; thechanges of family relations, marriage notions and family functions are the ones to drivewomen into the work force; the social affairs and ideological trend, especially theemancipating ideas of feminism accelerate the rate of women’s employment; thehousework relieves the housewives pressure; the improvement of educational levels makeit feasible for women to find proper employment chances; the support of governmentpolicies assist women’s employment; the inferior employment situation makes womenquite competitive in employing activities.
     The fourth chapter exposes the existing problems of American women’s employment.The problems are: the sex discrimination still exists; women labors’ wages are lower; themarital discrimination can also not be denied; less promotion opportunities make themhopeless in their career; the segregation in working field makes women treated unfairly;the dual stresses from “traditional female temperament” and “working women’stemperament” weaken women’s potential for their employment; the disadvantages ineducation limit women in humble positions; women of minority nationality must bearracial and sex discrimination; the sex harassment in the job makes women fearful andretreated from the professional aspiration; the public consensus against working womenmaintains and especially the male labors from the labor organizations elbow out women’sregistration; women’s understanding to their own value should be deepened; the dualoppositions of families and employment, the deteriorated health condition, the insufficientgovernment policies, the substituting roles women in employment and the impoverishmentof working women, etc.. These issues have been depicted in details in this chapter.The conclusion is that American women’s employment has been improved to some extentsince WWII, but many problems obstacle women to be an equal sex to compete with menin social survival. The society and the entrepreneur should make relevant policies to makewomen’s wishes to own both successful career and happy family come true. Both womenand men should have the right to enjoy parental leaves, the satisfying leave system willallow child care not to be merely the working mothers responsibility. In addition, theflexible working time is advantageous to family’s steadiness, household income and theoptimizing of human resources. High qualified and sufficient Child-Care System wouldguarantee women’s success into entering the labor force. The solution to women’semployment should be profound and fundamental. The ideology of the whole society andeven the world should be totally changed.
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    ①Nancy Bonvillain. Women and Men:Cultural Constructs of Gender,3rded., Prentice-Hall, Inc.,2001, p165.
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    ②Victor R. Fuchs. Women’s Quest for Economic Equality, Harvard University Press,1988, p11.
    ②Lois W. Banner. Women in Modern American: A Brief History.4thed. Wadsworth, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc.,2005, p132.
    ③Nancy A. Hewitt. ed. A Companion to American Women’s History, Blackwell Publishing Ltd.,2002, p383.
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    ①Gary B. Nash, Julie Roy Jeffrey, general editors. The American People: Creating a Nation and a Society, Brief4thed.,Addison-Wesley Educational Publishers Inc,2003, p788.
    ②Glenda Riley. Inventing the American Woman: A Perspective on Women’s History, Harlan Davidson, Inc,1986, p242.
    ③D. Stanley Eitzen, Maxine Baca Zinn. Social Problems,9thed., Pearson Education, Inc.,2004, p145.
    ①Mary Beth Norton, Ruth M. Alexander. Ed. Major Problems in American Women’s History,4thed., Houghton MifflinCompany,2007, p409.
    ②Nancy F. Cott, Elizabeth H. Pleck. A Heritage of her Own: Toward a New Social History of American Women, Simonand Schuster, A Division of Gulf&Western Corporation,1979, p489.
    ③Gary B. Nash, Julie Roy Jeffrey, general editors. The American People: Creating a Nation and a Society, Brief4thed.,Addison-Wesley Educational Publishers Inc,2003, p789.
    ①Glenda Riley. Inventing the American Woman: An Inclusive History,3rded. Harlan Davidson, Inc.,2001, p480.
    ①Glenda Riley. Inventing the American Woman: An Inclusive History,3rded. Harlan Davidson, Inc.,2001, p504.
    ②Mary Beth Norton, Ruth M. Alexander. Ed. Major Problems in American Women’s History,4thed., Houghton MifflinCompany,2007, p423.
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    ②David R. Young. America in Perspective, Oxford Analytica, Inc.,1986, p247.
    ③Justice, Betty et al., ed. Toward the Second Decade: The Impact of the Women's Movement. Conn.,1981,pp.50-51.
    ②Victor R. Fuchs. Women’s Quest for Economic Equality, Harvard University Press,1988, p12.
    ⑤D. Stanley Eitzen, Maxine Baca Zinn. Social Problems,9thed., Pearson Education, Inc.,2004, p264-265.
    ②Candee S. Harris.“The Magnitude of Job Loss from Plant Closings and the Generation of Replacement Jobs: SomeRecent Evidence”. Richard D. Lambert, Alan W. Heston. Ed. The Annals of the American Academy of Political andSocial Science, Sage Publications, Sep.1984, p15.
    ③Gary B. Nash, Julie Roy Jeffrey. general editors. The American People: Creating a Nation and a Society, Brief4thed.,Addison-Wesley Educational Publishers Inc,2003, p917.
    ①Susan Faludi. Underlash: The Undeclared War Against American Women, Anchor Books, a division of Random House,Inc.,1991, p368-369.
    ①J. A.谢尔曼, F. L.登马克编著.高佳,高地译.《妇女心理学》,中国妇女出版社,1987年1月,第94页。
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    ④David R. Young. America in Perspective, Oxford Analytica, Inc.,1986, p81.
    ①Gary B. Nash, Julie Roy Jeffrey. general editors. The American People: Creating a Nation and a Society, Brief4thed.,Addison-Wesley Educational Publishers Inc,2003, p776.
    ②Gwyn Kirk; Margo Okazawa-Rey. Women’s Lives: Multicultural Perspectives,2nded., the McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.,2001, p339.
    ③Howard H. Quint; Milton Cantor; Dean Albertson. Ed. Main Problems in American History,4thed. Vol.2, The DorseyPress,1978, p223.
    ④Gwyn Kirk; Margo Okazawa-Rey. Women’s Lives: Multicultural Perspectives,3rded., the McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.,2004, p342.
    ①Richard Morin, Megan Rosenfeld.“The Politics of Fatigue”, Kathleen R. Gilbert. Ed. The Family, McGraw-Hill,2002,p145.
    ②Richard Morin, Megan Rosenfeld.“The Politics of Fatigue”, Kathleen R. Gilbert. Ed. The Family, McGraw-Hill,2002,p144.
    ①Ernest R. May. A Proud Nation. McDougal, Littell&Company Evanston, Illinois,1983, p682.
    ②Mary F. Mccarthy.“Women’s Economic Roles, Problems, and Opportunities”, Nancy Hewitt, Kirsten Delegard. Women,Families, and Communities: Readings in American History, Vol.2,2nded., Pearson Education, Inc.,2008, p188.
    ②Gwen Reichbach.“Women’s Roles in the Family”, Nancy Hewitt, Kirsten Delegard. Women, Families, andCommunities: Readings in American History, Vol.2,2nded., Pearson Education, Inc.,2008, p168.
    ③Nancy Bonvillain. Women and Men: Cultural Constructs of Gender,3rded., Prentice-Hall, Inc.,2001, p174.
    ①Armando T. Morales, Bradford W. Sheafor. Social Work: A Profession of Many Faces, sixth ed., Allyn and Bacon, ADivision of Simon&Schuster, Inc.,1992, p325.
    ①Marianne A·Ferber, Brigid O’Farrell, La Rue Allen. Work and Family-Policies for a Changing Work Force, NationalAcademy Press, Washington, D. C.,1991, p56.
    ②M. Margaret Conway, David W. Ahern, Gertrude A. Steuernagel. Women&Public Policy: A Revolution in Progress,Congressional Quarterly, Inc.,1995, p154.
    ③Glenda Riley. Inventing the American Woman: An Inclusive History,3rded., Harlan Davidson, Inc.,2001, p326.
    ④David R. Young, America in Perspective, Oxford Analytica, Inc.,1986, p95.
    ①Armando T. Morales, Bradford W. Sheafor. Social Work: A Profession of Many Faces,6thed., Allyn and Bacon, ADivision of Simon&Schuster, Inc.,1992, p325.
    ②David Brody. Workers in Industrial America: Essays on the20th Century Struggle, New York Oxford University Press,1981, p20.
    ③Judy Root Aulette. Changing Families, Wadsworth, Inc.,1994, p158.
    ④Marianne A·Ferber, Brigid O’Farrell, La Rue Allen. Work and Family-Policies for a Changing Work Force, NationalAcademy Press, Washington, D. C.,1991, p75.
    ①Howard H. Quint, Milton Cantor, Dean Albertson. Main Problems in American History,4th, Vol.2, The Dorsey Press,1978, p211.
    ②Marianne A·Ferber, Brigid O’Farrell, La Rue Allen. Work and Family-Policies for a Changing Work Force, NationalAcademy Press, Washington, D. C.,1991, p127.
    ③Mary F. Mccarthy.“Women’s Economic Roles, Problems, and Opportunities”, Nancy Hewitt, Kirsten Delegard. Women,Families, and Communities: Readings in American History, Vol.2,2nded. Pearson Education, Inc.,2008, p189.
    ①Phyllis Moen, Patricia Roehling. The Career Mystique: Cracks in the American Dream. Rowman&Littlefield,2005,p83.
    ①M. Anne Hill; June E. O’Neill. A Study of Intercohort Change in Women’s Work Patterns and Earnings, Center for theStudy of Business and Government Baruch College, Final Report, Dec.,1990, p1.
    ②Helen P. Rogers. The American Deficit: Fulfillment of a Prophecy?, Wellington Publications,1988, p178.
    ③D. Stanley Eitzen, Maxine Baca Zinn. Social Problems,9thed., Pearson Education, Inc.,2004, p268.
    ①Mary F. Mccarthy.“Women’s Economic Roles, Problems, and Opportunities”, Nancy Hewitt, Kirsten Delegard. Women,Families, and Communities: Readings in American History, Vol.2,2nded., Pearson Education, Inc.,2008, p195.
    ②Nancy Bonvillain. Women and Men: Cultural Constructs of Gender,3rded., Prentice-Hall, Inc.,2001, p175.
    ②Barbara F. Reskin, Heidi I. Hartmann. ed. Women’s Work, Men’s Work: Sex Segregation on the Job, the NationalAcademy of Sciences,1986, p1.
    ①Marianne A·Ferber, Brigid O’Farrell, La Rue Allen. Work and Family-Policies for a Changing Work Force, NationalAcademy Press, Washington, D. C.,1991, p45.
    ②Armando T. Morales, Bradford W. Sheafor. Social Work: A Profession of Many Faces, sixth ed., Allyn and Bacon, ADivision of Simon&Schuster, Inc.,1992, p318.
    ①Phyllis Moen, Patricia Roehling. The Career Mystique: Cracks in the American Dream. Rowman&Littlefield,2005,p107.
    ②Phyllis Moen, Patricia Roehling. The Career Mystique: Cracks in the American Dream. Rowman&Littlefield,2005,p110-111.
    ③Meorge E. Dickinson, Michael R. Leming. Understanding Families: Diversity, Continuity, and Change, Allyn andBacon, a division of Simon&Schuster,1990, p249.
    ①Glenda Riley. Inventing the American Woman: An Inclusive History,3rded., Harlan Davidson, Inc.,2001, p491.
    ②Phyllis Moen, Patricia Roehling. The Career Mystique: Cracks in the American Dream. Rowman&Littlefield,2005,p111.
    ①Lois Hoffman, in Nye and Hoffman. Employed Mother in America, p197.转引自:Gwen Reichbach.“Women’s Rolesin the Family”, Nancy Hewitt, Kirsten Delegard. Women, Families, and Communities: Readings in American History, Vol.2,2nded. Pearson Education, Inc.,2008, p169.
    ②Gwyn Kirk, Margo Okazawa-Rey. Women’s Lives: Multicultural Perspectives,2nded., The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.,2001, p468.
    ③David R. Young, America in Perspective, Oxford Analytica, Inc.,1986, p96.
    ①David R. Young, America in Perspective, Oxford Analytica, Inc.,1986, p96.
    ②J. A.谢尔曼, F. L.登马克编著.高佳,高地译.《妇女心理学》,中国妇女出版社,1987年1月,第170页。
    ③J. A.谢尔曼, F. L.登马克编著.高佳,高地译.《妇女心理学》,中国妇女出版社,1987年1月,第163页.
    ②David R. Young. America in Perspective, Oxford Analytica, Inc.,1986, p15.
    ②American Law Institute. Model penal code: official draft and explanatory notes: complete text of Model penal code asadopted at the1962Annual Meeting of the American Law Institute at Washington, D.C., May24,1962, The Institute,1985.
    ③Gwen Reichbach.“Women’s Roles in the Family”, Nancy Hewitt, Kirsten Delegard. Women, Families, andCommunities: Readings in American History, Vol.2,2nded. Pearson Education, Inc.,2008, p170.
    ④Julia T. Wood. Gendered Lives-Communication, Gender, and Culture,2005, Wadsworth, a division of ThomsonLearning, Inc, p62.
    ①Gwyn Kirk, Margo Okazawa-Rey. Women’s Lives: Multicultural Perspectives,3rded., McGraw-Hill,2004, p321.
    ①Lois W. Banner. Women in Modern American: A Brief History.4thed., Wadsworth, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc.,2005, p155.
    ②J. A.谢尔曼,F. L.登马克编著.高佳,高地译.《妇女心理学》,中国妇女出版社,1987年1月,第150页。
    ③Glenda Riley. Inventing the American Woman: An Inclusive History,3rded., Harlan Davidson, Inc.,2001, p476.
    ①Lois W. Banner. Women in Modern American: A Brief History.4thed., Wadsworth, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc.,2005, p141.
    ②U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census,“Marital Status and Living Arrangements: March1988,” Current
    ①M. Margaret Conway, David W. Ahern, Gertrude A. Steuernagel. Women&Public Policy: A Revolution in Progress,Congressional Quarterly, Inc.,1995, p126.
    ①Armando T. Morales, Bradford W. Sheafor. Social Work: A Profession of Many Faces,6thed., Allyn and Bacon, ADivision of Simon&Schuster, Inc.,1992, p323.
    ②Louis Kriesberg, Mothers in Poverty (ChicagoL Aldine,1970), p29.转引自:Gwen Reichbach.“Women’s Roles in theFamily”, Nancy Hewitt, Kirsten Delegard. Women, Families, and Communities: Readings in American History, Vol.2,2nded., Pearson Education, Inc.,2008, p177.
    ③Robert Stein,“The Economic Status of Families Headed by Women,” Monthly Labor Review93(December1970), p7.转引自:Gwen Reichbach.“Women’s Roles in the Family”, Nancy Hewitt, Kirsten Delegard. Women, Families, andCommunities---Readings in American History, Vol.2,2nded., Pearson Education, Inc.,2008, p177.
    ②Andrew Cherlin.“Recent Changes in American Fertility, Marriage, and Divorce”. Annals of the American Academy ofPolitical and Social Science, Vol.510, World Population: Approaching the Year2000.(Jul.,1990), pp.145-154.StableURL: http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0002-7162%28199007%29510%3C145%3ARCIAFM%3E2.0.CO%3B2-%2
    ①Victor R. Fuchs. Women’s Quest for Economic Equality, Harvard University Press,1988, p11.
    ②Glenda Riley. Inventing the American Woman: An Inclusive History,3rded., Harlan Davidson, Inc.,2001, p539.
    ①Mary Beth Norton, Ruth M. Alexander. Ed. Major Problems in American Women’s History,4thed., Houghton MifflinCompany,2007, p446.
    ①Linda R. Hirshman. Get to Work: A Manifesto for Women of the World, the Penguin Group,2006, p88.
    ②Maureen Woodhall.“The Economic Returns to Investment in Women's Education”, Higher Education, Vol.2, No.3,(Aug.,1973), Springer, Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/3445972, Accessed:11/08/200802:24, p284.
    ①Seear, B. N.(1971). Re-Entry of Women to the Labour Market after an Interruption in Employment. OECD,p113.转引自:Maureen Woodhall.“The Economic Returns to Investment in Women's Education”, Higher Education, Vol.2, No.3,(Aug.,1973), Springer, Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/3445972, Accessed:11/08/200802:24, p284.
    ②J. A.谢尔曼;F. L.登马克编著;高佳;高地译.《妇女心理学》,中国妇女出版社,1987年1月,第107页.
    ③D. Stanley Eitzen, Maxine Baca Zinn. Social Problems,9thed., Pearson Education, Inc.,2004, p191.
    ①Judy Root Aulette. Changing Families. Wadsworth, Inc.,1994, p158.
    ①Beth B. Hess, Elizabeth W. Markson. Ed. Growing Old in America: New Perspectives on Old Age,3rd. ed., TransactionInc.,1985, p331.
    ①Alice Kessler-Harris. A Woman’s Wage: Historical Meaning s and Social consequences, The University Press ofKentucky,1990, p1.
    ②D. Stanley Eitzen, Maxine Baca Zinn. Social Problems,9thedi., Pearson Education, Inc.,2004, p262.
    ②J. A.谢尔曼, F. L.登马克编著.高佳,高地译.《妇女心理学》,中国妇女出版社,1987年1月,第165-166页。
    ③Judy Root Aulette. Changing Families, Wadsworth, Inc.,1994, p190-191.
    ①Meorge E. Dickinson, Michael R. Leming. Understanding Families: Diversity, Continuity and Change, Allyn andBacon, A Division of Simon&Schuster, Inc.,1990, p82-83.
    ②David R. Young. America in Perspective, Oxford Analytica, Inc.,1986, p95-96.
    ④Maureen Woodhall.“The Economic Returns to Investment in Women's Education”, p275.Higher Education, Vol.2, No.3,(Aug.,1973), Springer, Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/3445972, Accessed:11/08/200802:24.
    ①Nancy A. Hewitt. ed. A Companion to American Women’s History. Blackwell Publishing Ltd.,2005, p244.
    ②Lois W. Banner. Women in Modern American: A Brief History.4thed. Wadsworth, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc.,2005, p172.
    ③Gary B. Nash, Julie Roy Jeffrey. general editors. The American People: Creating a Nation and a Society, Brief4thed.,Addison-Wesley Educational Publishers Inc,2003, p882.
    ①Meorge E. Dickinson, Michael R. Leming. Understanding Families: Diversity, Continuity, and Change, Allyn andBacon, a division of Simon&Schuster,1990, p100.
    ④Diane H. Felmlee.“Returning to School and Women’s Occupational Attainment”, p29. Sociology of Education, Vol.61,No.1,(Jan.,1988), American Sociological Association, Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/2112307, Accessed:11/08/2008,22:14,.
    ⑤Nancy A. Hewitt ed. A Companion to American Women’s History, Blackwell Publishing Ltd.,2005, p234.
    ⑥Andrew Hcuber. Money:Who Has How Much and Why, Touchstone, New York,1997, p189.
    ⑦Gary B. Nash, Julie Roy Jeffrey. general editors. The American People: Creating a Nation and a Society, Brief4thed.,Addison-Wesley Educational Publishers Inc,2003, p883.
    ①Arlene A. Garrison.“Lessons Learned”, Amber S. Hinkle, Jody A. Kocsis, ed. Successful Women in Chemistry,American Chemical Society Distributed by Oxford University Press,2005, p175.
    ②Minnich, E., et al. Reconstructing the Academy [M]. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press,1988, p187.
    ①Harris, S. A Statistical Portrait of Higher Education. New York: McGraw-Hill.,1972, p819.转引自:Bonnie CookFreeman.“Faculty Women in the American University: Up the down Staircase”, Higher Education, Vol.6, No.2, TheAcademic Profession,(May,1977), Springer, Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/3445603, Accessed:14/08/200822:11, p166.
    ②Lowi, T."Higher Education: A Political Analysis," Liberal Education LVI:238-257.,1970, p238.转引自:Bonnie CookFreeman.“Faculty Women in the American University: Up the down Staircase”, Higher Education, Vol.6, No.2, TheAcademic Profession,(May,1977), Springer, Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/3445603, Accessed:14/08/200822:11, p166.
    ③Harris, S. A Statistical Portrait of Higher Education. New York: McGraw-Hill,1972, p483.转引自:Bonnie CookFreeman.“Faculty Women in the American University: Up the down Staircase”, Higher Education, Vol.6, No.2, TheAcademic Profession,(May,1977), Springer, Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/3445603, Accessed:14/08/200822:11, p166.
    ④U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (1976). Digest of Educational Statistics. Washington, D.C.: U.S.Government Printing Office., Table97, p95.转引自:Bonnie Cook Freeman.“Faculty Women in the AmericanUniversity: Up the down Staircase”, Higher Education, Vol.6, No.2, The Academic Profession,(May,1977), Springer,Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/3445603, Accessed:14/08/200822:11, p166.
    ②Maureen Woodhall.“The Economic Returns to Investment in Women's Education”, Higher Education, Vol.2, No.3,(Aug.,1973), Springer, Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/3445972, Accessed:11/08/200802:24, p282.
    ①Women's Bureau. Handbook of Women Workers,1969. U.S. Department of Labor: Women's Bureau Bulletin294.Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office,1969, p.139.转引自:Maureen Woodhall.“The Economic Returns toInvestment in Women's Education”, Higher Education, Vol.2, No.3,(Aug.,1973), p275. Springer, Stable URL:http://www.jstor.org/stable/3445972, Accessed:11/08/200802:24.
    ②Andrew Hcuber. Money: Who Has How Much and Why, Touchstone, New York,1997, p190.
    ③Phyllis Moen, Patricia Roehling. The Career Mystique: Cracks in the American Dream. Rowman&Littlefield,2005,p159-160.
    ①M. Margaret Conway, David W. Ahern, Gertrude A. Steuernagel. Women&Public Policy: A Revolution in Progress,Congressional Quarterly, Inc.,1995, p148.
    ②Benjamin Ginsberg, Theodore J. Lowi, Margaret Weir. We the People: An Introduction to American Politics,5thed., W.W. Norton&Company, Inc.,2005, p193.
    ②Helen P. Rogers. The American Deficit: Fulfillment of a Prophecy?, Wellington Publications,1988, p169.
    ①Statistical Portrait. p48.转引自:Mary F. Mccarthy.“Women’s Economic Roles, Problems, and Opportunities”, NancyHewitt, Kirsten Delegard. Women, Families, and Communities: Readings in American History, Vol.2,2nded. PearsonEducation, Inc.,2008, p189.
    ②CHE, Feb.9,1976.转引自:Bonnie Cook Freeman.“Faculty Women in the American University: Up the downStaircase”, Higher Education, Vol.6, No.2, The Academic Profession,(May,1977), Springer, Stable URL:http://www.jstor.org/stable/3445603, Accessed:14/08/200822:11, p180.
    ①June Sochen. Herstory: A Woman's View of American History, Alfred Publishing,1974, p397.
    ③Susan Faludi. Backlash: The Undeclared War Against American Women, Three Rivers Press, an imprint of the CrownPublishing Group,a division of Random House, Inc., New York,1991, p364.
    ①Nancy Bonvillain. Women and Men: Cultural Constructs of Gender,3rded., Prentice-Hall, Inc.,2001, p175.
    ②D. Stanley Eitzen, Maxine Baca Zinn. Social Problems,9thed., Pearson Education, Inc.,2004, p268.
    ③Susan M. Shaw, Janet Lee. Women’s Voice: Feminist Visions Classic and Contemporary Readings, Mayfield PublishingCompany,2001, p315.
    ①Nancy Bonvillain. Women and Men: Cultural Constructs of Gender,3rded., Prentice-Hall, Inc.,2001, p177.
    ①Lois B. Shaw, David Shapiro.“Women’s Work Plans: Contrasting Expectations and Actual Work Experience”, MonthlyLabor Review, Nov,1987, p12.
    ①June Sochen. Herstory: A Woman's View of American History, Alfred Publishing,1974, p343.
    ①D. Stanley Eitzen, Maxine Baca Zinn. Social Problems,9thed., Pearson Education, Inc.,2004, p183.
    ②Claire M. Renzetti, Daniel J. Curran. Women, Men, and Society, Allyn and Bacon,1992, p193.
    ④Claire M. Renzetti, Daniel J. Curran. Women, Men, and Society, Allyn and Bacon,1992, p198.
    ⑤Beth B. Hess, Elizabeth W. Markson. Ed. Growing Old in America: New Perspectives on Old Age,3rd. ed, TransactionInc.,1985, p333.
    ①M. Margaret Conway, David W. Ahern, Gertrude A. Steuernagel. Women&Public Policy: A Revolution in Progress,Congressional Quarterly, Inc.,1995, p95.
    ①Susan Faludi. Backlash: The Undeclared War Against American Women, Anchor Books, a division of Random House,Inc.,1991, p365.
    ②Oppenheimer, V. K.(1970). The Female Labor Force in the U.S.: Demographic and Economic Factors Governing itsGrowth and Changing Composition. Berkeley: Institute of International Studies.转引自:Maureen Woodhall.“TheEconomic Returns to Investment in Women's Education”, Higher Education, Vol.2, No.3,(Aug.,1973), p293. Springer,Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/3445972, Accessed:11/08/200802:24.
    ③Women Scientists and Engineers Employed in Industry: Why so Few?, A Report Based on a Conference, NationalAcademy Press, Washington, D.C.,1994, p6.
    ④Claire M. Renzetti, Daniel J. Curran. Women, Men, and Society, Allyn and Bacon,1992, p186.
    ①D. Stanley Eitzen, Maxine Baca Zinn. Social Problems,9thed., Pearson Education, Inc.,2004, p270.
    ②L. Wirth. Breaking Through the Glass Ceiling: Women in Management, Geneva: International Labour Office,2001, p1.
    ①Michael Geerken, Walter R. Gove. At Home and at Work: The Family’s Allocation of Labor, Sage Publications, Inc.,1983, p38.
    ①Meorge E. Dickinson, Michael R. Leming. Understanding Families: Diversity, Continuity and Change, Allyn andBacon, A Division of Simon&Schuster, Inc.,1990, p90-91.
    ①Meorge E. Dickinson, Michael R. Leming. Understanding Families: Diversity, Continuity and Change, Allyn andBacon, A Division of Simon&Schuster, Inc.,1990, p91.
    ②D. Stanley Eitzen, Maxine Baca Zinn. Social Problems,9thed., Pearson Education, Inc.,2004, p246.
    ③Barbara F. Reskin, Heidi I. Hartmann. Ed. Women's Work, Men's Work: Sex Segregation on the Job, National AcademiesPress,1986, p79.
    ①Michael Geerken, Walter R. Gove. At Home and at Work: The Family’s Allocation of Labor, Sage Publications, Inc.,1983, p43.
    ①Julia T. Wood. Gendered Lives: Communication, Gender, and Culture,2005, Wadsworth, a division of ThomsonLearning, Inc. p193.
    ②Bonnie Cook Freeman.“Faculty Women in the American University: Up the down Staircase”, Higher Education, Vol.6,No.2, The Academic Profession,(May,1977), Springer, Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/3445603, Accessed:14/08/200822:11, p177.
    ②Mary P. Koss, Lisa A. Goodman, Angela Browne, Louise F. Fitzgerald, Gwendolyn Puryear Keita, Nancy Felipe Russo.No Safe Haven: Male Violence Against Women at home, at work, and in the Community. The American PsychologicalAssociation,1994, p115.
    ③Mary P. Koss, Lisa A. Goodman, Angela Browne, Louise F. Fitzgerald, Gwendolyn Puryear Keita, Nancy Felipe Russo.No Safe Haven: Male Violence Against Women at home, at work, and in the Community. The American PsychologicalAssociation,1994, p124.
    ①Julia T. Wood. Gendered Lives: Communication, Gender, and Culture, Wadsworth, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc.2005, p209.
    ①Maureen Woodhall.“The Economic Returns to Investment in Women's Education”, Higher Education, Vol.2, No.3,(Aug.,1973), Springer, Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/3445972, Accessed:11/08/200802:24, p275.
    ②Claire M. Renzetti, Daniel J. Curran. Women, Men, and Society, Allyn and Bacon,1992, p182.
    ①Meorge E. Dickinson, Michael R. Leming. Understanding Families: Diversity, Continuity and Change, Allyn andBacon, A Division of Simon&Schuster, Inc.,1990, p80.
    ③Gwyn Kirk, Margo Okazawa-Rey. Women’s Lives: Multicultural Perspectives,3rded., McGraw-Hill,2004, p317.
    ①Charlotte Perkins Gilman.“From Women and Economics: A Study of the Economic Relation Between Men and Womenas a Factor in Social Evolution”, p97. Wendy Kolmar; Frances Bartkowski. Feminist Theory, Mayfield PublishingCompany,2000.
    ②Judy Root Aulette. Changing Families. Wadsworth, Inc.,1994, p164.
    ③Charlotte Perkins Gilman.“From Women and Economics: A Study of the Economic Relation Between Men and Womenas a Factor in Social Evolution”, p97. Wendy Kolmar, Frances Bartkowski. Feminist Theory, Mayfield PublishingCompany,2000.
    ④Marianne A·Ferber, Brigid O’Farrell, La Rue Allen. Work and Family-Policies for a Changing Work Force, NationalAcademy Press, Washington, D. C.,1991, p31.
    ①David R. Young, America in Perspective, Oxford Analytica, Inc.,1986, p95-96.
    ②Linda R. Hirshman. Get to Work: A Manifesto for Women of the World, the Penguin Group,2006, p2.
    ①Sara M. Evans. Born for Liberty: A History of Women in America, The Free Press, a Division of Macmillan, Inc.,1991,p230.
    ①Nancy F. Cott, Elizabeth H. Pleck. A Heritage of her Own: Toward a New Social History of American Women. Simonand Schuster, A Division of Gulf&Western Corporation,1979, p507-508.
    ①Lloyd G. Reynolds. American Economy in Perspective, McGrow-Hill, Inc.,1981, p184-189.
    ①J. A.谢尔曼; F. L.登马克编著.高佳;高地译.《妇女心理学》,中国妇女出版社,1987年1月,第160页。
    ②June Sochen. Herstory: A Woman's View of American History, Alfred Publishing,1974, p328.
    ③Judy Root Aulette. Changing Families. Wadsworth, Inc.,1994, p158.
    ①J·A·谢尔曼,F· L·登马克编著.高佳,高地译.《妇女心理学》,中国妇女出版社,1987年1月,第108-111页。
    ②Women Scientists and Engineers Employed in Industry: Why so Few?, A Report Based on a Conference, NationalAcademy Press, Washington, D.C.,1994, p22.
    ①Nancy F. Cott, Elizabeth H. Pleck. A Heritage of her Own: Toward a New Social History of American Women, Simonand Schuster, A Division of Gulf&Western Corporation,1979. p480-481.
    ②Bonnie Cook Freeman.“Faculty Women in the American University: Up the down Staircase”, Higher Education, Vol.6,No.2, The Academic Profession,(May,1977), Springer, Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/3445603, Accessed:14/08/200822:11, p170.
    ①K. Bhopal. The Influence of Feminism on Black Women in the Higher Education Curriculum, in Changing the Subject:Women in Higher Education, pp.125-128.
    ②Herma Hill Kay, Martha S. West. Text, Cases and Materials on Sex-Based Discrimination,5thed., West Group,2002,p1080.
    ③D. Stanley Eitzen, Maxine Baca Zinn. Social Problems,9thedi., Pearson Education, Inc.,2004, p266.
    ①Claire M. Renzetti, Daniel J. Curran. Women, Men, and Society, Allyn and Bacon,1992, p185.
    ②Nancy Bonvillain. Women and Men: Cultural Constructs of Gender,3rded., Prentice-Hall, Inc.,2001, p178.
    ②Nancy Bonvillain. Women and Men: Cultural Constructs of Gender,3rded., Prentice-Hall, Inc.,2001, p165.
    ②June Sochen. Herstory: A Woman's View of American History, Alfred Publishing,1974, p370-371.
    ①Cardice Fredrick, Camille E. Atkinson. Women, Ethics and the Workplace, Praeger Publishers,1997, p137.
    ②Nancy F. Cott, Elizabeth H. Pleck.A Heritage of her Own: Toward a New Social History of American Women. Simonand Schuster, A Division of Gulf&Western Corporation,1979, p343-344.
    ①Nancy F. Cott, Elizabeth H. Pleck. A Heritage of her Own: Toward a New Social History of American Women. Simonand Schuster, A Division of Gulf&Western Corporation,1979, p346.
    ②Claire M. Renzetti, Daniel J. Curran. Women, Men, and Society, Allyn and Bacon,1992, p191.
    ①Nancy Bonvillain. Women and Men: Cultural Constructs of Gender,3rded., Prentice-Hall, Inc.,2001, p171.
    ①M. Margaret Conway, David W. Ahern, Gertrude A. Steuernagel. Women&Public Policy: A Revolution in Progress,Congressional Quarterly, Inc.,1995, p158-160.
    ②Marianne A·Ferber, Brigid O’Farrell, La Rue Allen. Work and Family-Policies for a Changing Work Force, NationalAcademy Press, Washington, D. C.,1991, p146.
    ①Harrell. R. Rodgers, Jr. Poor Women, Poor Families: The Economic Plight of America’s Female-Headed Households,M.E. Sharpe. Inc.,1986, p119.
    ②M. Margaret Conway, David W. Ahern, Gertrude A. Steuernagel. Women&Public Policy: A Revolution in Progress,Congressional Quarterly, Inc.,1995, p158-160.
    ①Phyllis Moen, Patricia Roehling. The Career Mystique: Cracks in the American Dream. Rowman&Littlefield,2005,p170.
    ②Victor R. Fuchs. Women’s Quest for Economic Equality, Harvard University Press,1988, p137.
    ①Marianne A·Ferber, Brigid O’Farrell, La Rue Allen. Work and Family-Policies for a Changing Work Force, NationalAcademy Press, Washington, D. C.,1991, p78-79.
    ①Joel F. Handler. Social Citizenship and Workfare in the United States and Western Europe. Cambridge Uniersity Press,Uk,2004, p65.
    ②Joel F. Handler. Social Citizenship and Workfare in the United States and Western Europe. Cambridge Uniersity Press,Uk,2004, p65.
    ③Claire M. Renzetti, Daniel J. Curran. Women, Men, and Society, Allyn and Bacon,1992, p201.
    ①Harrell. R. Rodgers, Jr. Poor Women, Poor Families: The Economic Plight of America’s Female-Headed Households.M.E. Sharpe. Inc.,1986, p121.
    ②Claire M. Renzetti, Daniel J. Curran. Women, Men, and Society. Allyn and Bacon,1992, p202.
    ③Harrell. R. Rodgers, Jr. Poor Women, Poor Families: The Economic Plight of America’s Female-Headed Households.M.E. Sharpe. Inc.,1986, P118.
    ④Meorge E. Dickinson, Michael R. Leming. Understanding Families: Diversity, Continuity, and Change, Allyn andBacon, a division of Simon&Schuster,1990, p109-110.
    ①Marianne A·Ferber, Brigid O’Farrell, La Rue Allen. Work and Family-Policies for a Changing Work Force, NationalAcademy Press, Washington, D. C.,1991, p118.
    ②Meorge E. Dickinson, Michael R. Leming. Understanding Families: Diversity, Continuity, and Change, Allyn andBacon, a division of Simon&Schuster,1990, p189.
    ③Phyllis Moen, Patricia Roehling. The Career Mystique: Cracks in the American Dream. Rowman&Littlefield,2005,p160-161.
    ①Victor R. Fuchs. Women’s Quest for Economic Equality, Harvard University Press,1988, p133.
    ①Claire M. Renzetti, Daniel J. Curran. Women, Men, and Society, Allyn and Bacon,1992, p195.
    ②Mary F. Mccarthy.“Women’s Economic Roles, Problems, and Opportunities”, Nancy Hewitt, Kirsten Delegard. Women,Families, and Communities: Readings in American History, Vol.2,2nded. By Pearson Education, Inc.,2008, p203.
    ③Phyllis Moen, Patricia Roehling. The Career Mystique: Cracks in the American Dream. Rowman&Littlefield,2005,p170-171.
    ①Douglas K. Stevenson著.吕佩英,王恩铭译.《美国人民生活与社会概貌》,上海外语教育出版社,2003年12月第1版,第25页。
    ①Herbert J. Croly.“The progressive Agenda”,expserted from The Promise of American Life, p99. Jack Lane, MauriceO’Sullivan. A Twentieth-century American Reader (Volume1.1900-1945), United States Information Agency,Washington, D.C.20547,1999.
    ②Benjamin Ginsberg, Theodore J. Lowi, Margaret Weir. Ed. We the People: An Introduction to American Politics, W. W.Norton&Company,2005, p21.
    ③D. Stanley Eitzen, Maxine Baca Zinn. Social Problems,9thed., Pearson Education, Inc.,2004, p404.
    ①June Sochen. Herstory: A Woman’s View of American History, Alfred Publishing,1974, p344.
    ②Juanita M. Kreps. Women in a Changing Economy. p10. Jennie Farley. ed. The Woman in Management: Career andFamily Issues. Cornell University: ILR Press New York State School of Industrial and Labor Relations Cornell University,1983.
    ①David Bender; Bruno Leone. ed., American Values. San Diego: Greenhaven Press. Inc,1995,p2.
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