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Industrial division and convergence are two aspects in industrial evolution. The theory of industrial division has a long history, but it already has a sign of declination. After Adam Smith and Marx put up the theory of the division of labor, though the theory of "Roundabout production"and "Divison of labour is generally depend on division of labour"that put forward by Smith Young after long years had been a fad, but the division of labor theory has not really arosed attention in academic articles. Since20c80s, though neoclassical economics's study on division of labor attracted some attention, it's far from the rejuvenation of the theory of division of labor.In fact, division of labor has always existed and played an important role whether in the segregation of large social sectors like industry's segregation from agriculture handicraft industry's segregation from industry or the succeeding segregation of small sectors and interor segregation within a sector. Especially two development trends nowadays make it imperative to study the division of agriculture. On the one hand, productive factors like technology, management, capital, manpower and organization are showing their significance, agriculture is no more and can not linger on the orientation of an all-around public enterprise for farmers, on the other hand, there is a noticeable trend that the direct contribution rate from added value of agriculture to the growth of GDP is decreasing agriculture "small departmentalization" sustainable growth in the total amount of agricultural products, it's share is reducing. The two trends cry for the agriculture to raise labor productivity and specify the division of labor and to take full advantage of various productive factor resources to promote the average agricultural profit margin to break even with that of other industries.
     Of course, the development of agricultural industry or enterprise also can not only talk about division and boundary. especially with the acceleration of the development of new and high technology, high quality international powerful or League rival group and consumer demand, provides the fusion conditions not only to the development of agricultural industry, is proposed for the integration and development of other industries demand, agriculture should seize the opportunity, and actively explore a variety of integration mode of operation, to do bigger and stronger, to build their own unique competitive. It is the industrial division of labor and industrial integration of great theoretical and practical significance to the research perspective on the new agricultural management system.
     The18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China put forward the construction of intensive, specialization, organization, social combination of new system of agricultural operation, this is the concept of "new agricultural management system" in the central document mentioned for the first time, it is an important study in our basic national conditions, and the comprehensive agricultural crop environment.
     Since entering the new century, the central government come up with the policy about agriculture is effective and is popular among people. At the same time it is a strong impetus to the development of agriculture and rural areas. However, we should see the short legs, agriculture still is the short board in the "four modernizations synchronization", the countryside also is the short board in building "the comprehensive construction well-off society".In the process of development of the "four modernizations synchronization", we especially closely combined new urbanization road with agricultural modernization, determined to overcome the "two pieces of skins" phenomenon. In order to promote the new urbanization and agricultural modernization complement, not only need play a leading role of urbanization, but also play a supporting role of the modernization of agriculture. From the weakness of agriculture itself, modern agriculture, in addition, assume the risk of usual sense of the natural and risk of market, in recent years also faces a serious animal or plant epidemic and the uncertainty of the scandal of uncertainty, these events showed the trends of increased quantities and frequency accelerates; vertically, with the pace of urbanization continue to accelerate and the adjustment of urban and rural population structure, employment structure, social structure, speeding up the development of China's agriculture and it has entered an important stage of speeding up the transformation from traditional agriculture to modern agriculture; horizontally, we see in the world countries that realized agricultural modernization have formed the agricultural management system that division developed and linked closely Integrated theoretical and practical to analysis, we should actively innovation development mode of agricultural, and strive to build a new system of agricultural operation in order to realize more and more high level to liberate and develop rural productivity and increase the farmers' income. This is the background and starting point in the study of a new system of agricultural operation.
     The paper tries to study the systematic construction of new agricultural management system in the view of industrial division and convergence, and it is not research insularly on agricultural management system of a certain aspect or part, in the base of the macro cognition on the new agricultural management system, it analysis deeply the underlying system parts the operating mechanism of the division or fusion principle, as well as the relationship between the system of intensive, specialization, systematization and socialization and the methods of organic combination.According it to put forward system guarantee to promote agricultural division and the development of agriculture by in order to break the predicament of agricultural development at the present stage. In the process of the specific research and analysis of industrial economics,the article use theory of industrial organization, new institutional economics of the transaction cost theory, contract theory, property rights theory and regulation economics theory of incentive mechanism and other emerging economics theory to enrich and develop the agricultural industry management system theory. At the same time, the author made a field investigation on the basis of research and analysis, the operation situation of farmer cooperative organizations related to absorb the successful experience. This article contains the following chapters in the structure:
     The first part:introduction. Explain the background, research purpose, research meaning, research method and the structure arrangement and the research of the innovation and shortcomings, to make readers have a rough intuitive understanding of the essay. Based on the basic, frangibility and "small department" trend of agriculture as the research background, in order to optimize the allocation of agricultural resources, promote rational division of labor and the effective integration of agriculture, improve the income of the farmers as research object, through normative analysis, comparative analysis, investigation and analysis as the research method, in order to enhance the use of construction on agricultural management issues and management system. In addition, this part of the article structure arrangement and the innovation and deficiencies are briefly described
     The second part:literature review. This chapter will tease classical theory of fusion of industrial division of labor and industry system combing and the relevant research of industrial division and integration and the relationship between the two and the modern agricultural management system theory, and made a brief review of the literature.
     The third part:the analysis of pathogenesis and the division effect agricultural management subject and agricultural operation organization. This chapter will in the view of industrial division and integration perspective, combined with the domestic and international economic development and current situation of agricultural management and agricultural policy, from two aspects of agricultural management main body and organization of agricultural management to discuss. It research mainly the agricultural operation organization. This chapter from their respective connotation, function, market concept and different traditional agriculture limits to growth characteristics of modern agriculture compares with traditional agriculture to analyze. Then points out, new agricultural management main body is the inevitable product of the professional division:professional large family and family farms to concentrate on its core function, in other word it is the agricultural industry chain on the production function, cooperatives in addition to a part of the first industry engaged in production activities, the others are mainly farmers, professional investors, family farms provide antenatal, intrapartum and postpartum service, but the agricultural enterprises in gradually fade its production function to focus on the market function, the model management main body should be combined with their respective advantages and highlight its core function and carry out cooperation. When In discuss problem of the organization of agricultural management, the author firstly traces back to the period of agriculture cooperation organization of agricultural management, the alienation of the collective system period and from the family economy to form a historical transition period of three stages of agricultural industrial organization pattern, and points out the research focus of this chapter is the mechanism of farmer cooperative economy organization and the division of the promoting effect of analysis, and then proceed to argue on this two aspects:from the theoretical logic, the reality explanation, model analysis of three aspects behind specialization farmer cooperation economic organization of the occurrence mechanism
     The fourth part:Based on industrial division and integration of agricultural management mode to study. Based on defining the brief history of agricultural management mode in China's development and the connotation of agricultural management mode, the mode of agricultural operation is divided into division management and integrated management of two types, and the industrialized operation of agriculture, moderate scale management of agriculture, agricultural industry cluster management is defined as the division of labor based management way, and divide fusion operation into recombinant fusion operation, extended fusion operation, high-tech infiltration fusion operation, factory farming fusion operation types. In addition, because in the peasant family decentralized management of production, purchasing, sales in a chain of division of labor, basically there is no division link in management. the family is managed dispersedly into agricultural integration management low level, in the strict sense, it is not the real industrial integration, there is no new form of industry as its formation characterization.
     The fifth part:Agricultural Management Division and integration development system. Based on the research, this chapter in order to promote the agricultural industry management division and integration of development as the guiding ideology, mainly from the four aspects of rural land property right system, public service system, promote scientific and technological innovation and the system of occupation farmer system detailed analysis how to chieve the system construction and innovation, to better improve agricultural management system, deepen agricultural division, promote a variety of agricultural integration management mode of development, promote agricultural growth and farmers' income finally.
     The sixth part:the main conclusion, research limitations and future suggestions. The five chapter based on the above analysis, this chapter points out the conclusion, the research limitations and suggestions for future research.
     The main contribution of the paper or possible innovations include the following aspects:
     (1) perspective and idea of the research. The paper innovatively use industrial division and fusion theory to study the new agricultural management system theory, in-depth excavation and analysis of new agricultural management and operation of the main organization and operation division logic of behind it, and points out that the essence of the mode of agricultural operation in which contains the industry division and fusion. Finally, the innovation in the top-level design and in the industrial division and the industrial fusion method to study a system of agricultural management system construction and perfect, enrich and develop the new agricultural management system theory.
     At the same time, each chapter are based on the two line that are the historical development and the economic development, and according to these two lines to discuss. The author consists two thinkings that the concrete analysis of concrete problems and linking theory with practice, do not blindly negate the history, but according to the stage of economic development to analysis the research object, based on tracing back the historical changes of the reality situation, proposed building a new agricultural management system according to the new situation and new environment in the present situation of agricultural economy, such as agricultural economy development need "third sector" production and the occupation of farmers.
     (2) The agricultural management mode is divided into division mode of operation and management of convergence. In view of the author's research perspective and research needs, this paper attempts to divide management into division and integration mode of agricultural operation. The various economic agents specializing in one or several links, and other links can be separated from other economic entities shall be responsible for the agriculture management way and it is divided into division mode of operation, and regards agricultural industrialization, moderate scale management of agriculture, cluster management mainly belongs to the division of management; and the formation of a new form of industry restructuring type characterization of fusion operation, extended fusion operation, high-tech infiltration fusion operation, factory farming fusion operation four kinds of agricultural management mode into fusion type mode of operation of. Although this classification is debatable, but is also a bold attempt.
     (3)the integration of agricultural management in a hidden, the marginalization of the informal system. In this paper, combining the reality of economic development to analysis and Study on the dynamic perspective, the management and operation of the main organization with different environmental conditions and diversified development, agricultural management path corresponding guarantee system construction should not immutable and frozen, should be based on respect for national and agricultural conditions, system integration to emerge in the real world. The suitable informal practices change the present situation of recessive, marginalized, and it play its positive role, constantly absorbing the beneficial factors from the informal practice, promoting the regular system innovation and improvement, deepen and improve the agricultural management system in benign interaction.
     The new system of agricultural operation is a new, complex and realistic research topic, this paper is just to the industrial division and fusion research perspective on the agricultural management system is analyzed at an angle which is not covered, multi angle to its development and construction of multi route path, can not avoid the one-sided research, and omit other important aspects of the new system of agricultural operation, this is the inadequacy of the paper and is the author's next work direction.
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