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Informationization has become an important symbol of a country's modernization and overall strength. Intra-county economy, as an important part as well as primary unit of our country's economy, has great effect on national well-being and the people's livelihood. Meanwhile, it also supports the construction of a new socialist countryside. Hence promoting the intra-county economy informationization will exert positive influence on aspects such as enhancing economic competitiveness, advancing economic development, building a well-off society in all-round way, solving the problems of agriculture, rural area and farmer, and balancing urban and rural development. In this dissertation, based on the system theory, the effect mechanisms of informationization on intra-county economy at micro and macro levels have been analyzed by applying the economic growth theory, complex network theory and system dynamics methods. The main works of this dissertation are summarized as follow:
     (1)By summarizing current development contents of intra-country informationazation at home and abroad, the main problems existing in development of intra-country economic informationazation have been analyzed and concluded, namely, weak information infrastructure, low-level development and utilization of information resources, scarce of informational-based talents, poor basic quality of information receivers, unsound policy environment for informationization, large gap between urban and rural informationazation and so on. These analyses will point out the future development directions.
     (2)Based on current situation and problems in intra-county economic informationization in our country, this dissertation has proposed several scientific development modes, including resources co-construction mode, intermediate service mode, ASP service mode and information entering family mode. Their applications and effectiveness have been introduced by some practice examples. Special discussions have focused on information entering family mode. By applying the complex network theory and method, the knowledge or information spreading network in a village has been constructed and then effects of information entering family mode on the agricultural knowledge diffusion in rural areas have been analyzed. Since knowledge plays a significant role in economic development, above discussion has given an indirect micro-analysis to the effect of informationization on intra-county economy.
     (3) Based on the principle of index system construction on informationization, index system for evaluation on intra-county economic informationization has been constructed according to the current situation and development modes of intra-county economic informationization as well as the particularity of index system construction on intra-county economic informationization. The index system includes six information elements, namely, development and utilization of information resources, information infrastructure, information technology applications, information-based talents, information consumption and development of information industry. Every information element has been measured by several different indexes. By applying the analytic hierarchy process, the weights of information elements and indexes have been ascertained and then the formula for evaluation on intra-county economic informationization has been presented.
     (4) Based on the knowledge and modeling process of system dynamic method and combined with the characteristic of intra-county economy, the causalities between informationization and elements of industry in a intra-county in Hebei have been analyzed and then a system dynamic model on this intra-county economic system this has been established. All parameters in the model have been determined. After testing the validity of this model, the effects of informationization on industry output and labor transfer have been discussed. Above discussion has given a macro-analysis to the effect of informationization on intra-county economy.
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