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It's an important direction for the study of modern governance, and also for the political-social change in the process of reform and opening-up in China that is to construct an efficient government and a relating system of local governance. According to the existing studies, the conceptual connotation of efficient government has changed from emphasizing government as the sole role of representing public interests and providing public goods to stressing government as a promoter of constructing interactive relationship in the process government management and decision making between government and other actors in local society in order to allocating public responsibility, boosting citizen deliberation, promoting social cooperation and reconstructing the order of governance. However, in the face of the reality of the potential contradiction between efficient government and local governance, it still deserves further empirical and theoretical study to get to know whether the inner mechanism of changing from government to governance can be turned into real local practices, and whether an efficient process of organizing and management in public affairs can be obtained under the structure of functional adjustment of governmental bureaucracy which relating to the issue whether an process of good social governance can be expected.
     On the theoretical bases of the study of governance and local governance, and the concerns afore mentioned, the thesis commits a case study on the changing process of a tourist village in a scenery spot during the periods of its development which concerns the expectation of constructing an efficient local government and promoting institutional innovation in the city of H in Zhejiang province. By the extended case method, based on the analytical narration of following and observing the real process, this case study tries to illustrate the effectiveness of local government derived from the functional adjustment of bureaucratic power, and the reason why there's no good governance while there is real interactions between local government and the village community in the process of the implementation of public projects.
     It can be inferred, owing to the differences that existed in the degree of effectiveness of the combination of active local government and society, governmental public projects, as a tool of bureaucratic adjustment, can on the one hand reconstruct governmental process and the model of implementation of policies, and on the other hand restructure the cooperative process and collective action mechanism in village society. During this interactive process, the functional adjustment of administrative power and the abusing of interests distribution, top-empowerment and the dependent participation model of the villagers, hidden devolution of public obligation and distorted selective stimulus, all of these elements will finally lead to the social dilemmas during the development of the tourist village in the process of local politics. While transferring from a micro perspective to a macro one, it can be inferred there are some structural shortcomings limiting the further development of efficient government, which include the encroachment of society by hierarchical bureaucracy, the fragility of social integration in a post-organizing era, and the deficiency of the linkage governance mechanism between workable bureaucracy and efficient government. According to the local experiences and theoretical generalization by the case circumstances, the theme of this thesis defines, in order to accommodate the transformation of local governance in China, it should be better to promote functional adjustment of bureaucracy under the principle of satisfying public demands and cultivating citizen capacity, and to construct a multi-level cooperative system based on defined obligations, which can lead to the result of good governance by strengthening government interference in the process of local public participation.
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