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The steppe ecological problems get along with herdsmen livelihood issues from ancient times to the present. The essence of the grassland ecology problem is the production and living activities of the human beings beyond the capacity of local environment. The grassland ecology disasters are not only have a direct effect on the construction, the herdsmen' increasing income, the development of the pasturing area and the stable livestock farm, but also endanger national security, food security and human survival of the environment and the change of the social relations. Steppe ecological problems affect the state and the whole society, so we should mobilize the whole society to protecte, including not only the government but also a great variety of social forces. Among them, the Pastoralists' Specialization Cooperations are important social forces. The Pastoralists' Specialization Cooperations are the best platform between combining the top-down national resource supply of steppe ecological protection and bottom-up herdsman ecological protection demand. By this platform, herders livelihood problems can be effectively solved by cooperation, and prairie ecological problem can successfully eliminated on endogenous order of the Pastoralists' Specialization Cooperations. Based-on the their own survival and development needs, the Pastoralists' Specialization Cooperations will pay more attention to proctect the steppe ecological.As a result, the most important thing is to participate proctecting the steppe ecology. However, it is crucial for their own growth if the Pastoralists' Specialization Cooperations want to be able to participate in proctecting steppe ecology and to play a certain social function as an important social force. Since the new century, the emergence and growth of the Pastoralists' Specialization Cooperations lay the groundwork for their participation in proctecting steppe ecology.
     The Pastoralists' Specialization Cooperations execute unparalleled functions in proctecting steppe ecology that the government can't replace, so this is the basis that the government attaches great importance to Pastoralists' Specialization Cooperations and this is also the basis that they exist. Based on different background and capabilitie, Pastoralists' Specialization Cooperations can be divided into four types——competent people lead, government-sponsored, rural lead and herdsmen's joint. Their investigation and analysis on the grassland ecology protection of the specific role will promote and protect the grassland ecology resultst.
     The extent that Pastoralists' Specialization Cooperations participating in proctecting steppe ecology depends on the recognition and acceptance of the governance system that regulates Pastoralists' Specialization Cooperations as well as on gathering and utilizing social resources. Superficially, Pastoralists' Specialization Cooperations's involvement in proctecting steppe ecology reflects the public relations with the reigning party. Therefore, in the implementation of new police in China to promote the participation of the grassland ecological protection system, we need concern about the relationship between the government and Pastoralists' Specialization Cooperations.Based on the circumstances and fundamentals of development of Pastoralists' Specialization Cooperations in china, we need to improve the status in two aspects. The first is to compile a complete set of laws and regulations that is essential to provide Pastoralists' Specialization Cooperations. The other aspect is to optimize and strengthen the self-construction of Pastoralists' Specialization Cooperations with the purpose of promoting them involving in the protection of the grassland ecology and of becoming solid foundation for the functions of the internal roots in better and more effectively protection. These two aspects are interactive in two-way improvement of each other. On one hand, when a stable and complete legislative environment comes into being, Pastoralists' Specialization Cooperations can develop into good-conditions and further develope with regulation.On the other hand, when Pastoralists' Specialization Cooperations strengthen self-construction, legal system can be made complete and effective, thus pushing them improve and protect the grassland ecology effectiveness. As a result, Pastoralists' Specialization Cooperations will develop on the bases of legislative environment and self-construction.The issue of how Pastoralists' Specialization Cooperations participate in proctecting steppe ecology is critical in current China's society. This research focuses on the exploration of the significance, effects and limits of Pastoralists' Specialization Cooperations 's participation in proctecting steppe ecology under the conditions of China's society instead of the comprehensive description of the history about Pastoralists' Specialization Cooperations'participation in the proctecting steppe ecology and systematic analysis of developmental course. This paper's aim is to set forth some fit opinions and advices to strength the proctecting steppe ecology.
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