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Mineral resources play an important role in the development of economy and society. With the development of economic globalization, the WTO system, and the mineral resources’global allocation, the international competition becomes increasingly fierce. This research studies the natural characteristics, market demand, foreign trade and macro-management of iron ore, copper, chromium, potassium, rare earths, tungsten, tin, coal, oil, and natural gas together for the first time, examines the world supply and demand situation in the background of economic globalization, compares the policies on mineral resources of different countries, analyzes China’s imports & exports statistics, inspection results, and oversea investments of selected mineral commodities, makes a forecast on the future mineral demands using the method of regression analysis, builds a mining enterprise information management Model(M-ERP), designs an whole filing, inspection and assessment system of mineral entry & exit, addresses the limitations of current iron ore inspection and testing standards, and composes a new three layer inspection system framework made up of procedures, limits and standards. On this basis, this research puts forward the strategy of exploitation and utilization of mineral resources from different points of view, addressing following aspects:
     The first is to increase both the domestic production and the oversea exploration & exploitation to guarantee the supply of scarce resources. It is necessary to improve the stability of domestic supply, and utilize all available international resources.
     The second is to strengthen the government management system of abundant mineral resources to increase the export profits. It is important to change our country from a "big country" of mineral production and export into a "powerful" one, being able to occupy the international market, and play the leading role through rational and orderly allocation of abundant mineral resources.
     The third is to stress both exploration and conservation of energy resources to achieve sustainable development. It is necessary to raise the exploration capability of domestic energy resources and increase overseas oil and gas investment, promote international energy cooperation in a planned way, such as exporting coal in replacement of importing oil, develop transport capacity, and improve the efficiency use the energy efficiency .
     The fourth is to control the consumption of mineral resources and build a conservation-minded society. It is necessary to make institutional arrangements to control the consumption of resources, and achieve sustainable development through a way of "low input, low consumption, low emission, high efficiency, high recycling".
     The fifth is to strengthen the government’s inspection system of mineral commodities to protect the nation’s benefits. It is important to use the WTO rules rationally and strengthen the cooperations between the related ministries to implement the whole filing, inspection and assessment system of imported and exported minerals, establish and improve the standardization of inspection and quarantine system, and provide the useful data for the government to make better macro-control and gain advantage in international negotiations.
     The sixth is to use information technology to improve the international competitiveness of mining companies by designing an information management model, and implementing the information management systems.
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