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Points-to analysis mainly aims at getting the runtime points-to sets of program variables. This thesis designs and implements a context-sensitive constraint-based points-to analysis algorithm for Java programs. In addition, this thesis proposes several opitimizations which can be used to accerlerate the algorithm.
     This thesis describes the design and implementation of an efficient Andersen-style, context-sensitive points-to analysis algorithm for Java code. Our algorithm supports language features like inheritance, polymorphism, and field objects. We track the fields of individual objects separately and make the algorithm in field-sensitive style for aggregate objects. This algorithm first summarizes methods of the program under analysis using directed graphs. The main analysis algorithm uses these graphs to construct the main points-to graph.
     To improve the efficiency and scalability of the algorithm, this thesis employs two kinds of optimizations, nodes topology construction with concomitance on-line cycle detection and elimination. We perform cycle elimination on points-to graphs to reduce their sizes. Topological sort is performed simultaneously on the nodes of graph to speed up the transitive closure computationon in the main points-to graph. Experiment result shows that the efficiency of the algorithm is notably raised by using these two optimizations.
     This thesis also introduces a method which uses points-to side-effect(PSE) analysis to accelerate context sensitive points-to analysis. A PSE-free method has no mutation on points-to relation of its calling context. So it can be skipped during points-to analysis. Our method first finds PSE-free methods in the program by performing PSE analysis on the local points-to graphes of the methods. Based on these PSE analysis results, the main points-to analysis algorithm efficiently computes the points-to graph by skipping PSE-free methods. Experiment result shows that the efficiency of the algorithm can be further improved by using PSE analysis.
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