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Future Time Perspective is about the future of individual issues, while adolescence is the initial stage of the individual to explore the future, therefore, the future time perspective of young people is particularly important to study. Future time perspective is a cognitive-the concept of motivation, the individual will be on the concept of the future by learning motivation on their positive impact on academic achievement. The teacher-student relationship is the impact of individual academic achievement during this period the main relationships. Therefore, this study Future Time Perspective on junior high school students, achievement goal orientation, and academic status of teacher-student relationship and the structural model were investigated. The purpose is to enrich the research content of future time perspective, achievement goal orientation, academic achievement and teacher-student relationship of a junior high school student, for secondary school psychological workers providing theory and data support.
     This study is presented from shenyang city junior high schools, each grade to grade randomly chooseing 2 class, then a total of 350 students were selected. Using future time perspective on Junior high school student questionnaire,achievement goal orientation scale, daily interactions between teachers and students of junior high school students questionnaire,this study is to surveyed with class for unit collective measure.
     The conclusion of this study are as follows:
     1. Academic achievement high-mark group students in teacher-student relationship, achievement goal orientation and its factors, total future time perspective and its factors are significantly higher than low-mark group.Different achievement goal orientation, high level of students in the teacher-student relationship and its factors is significantly higher than the scores on the factors of low grouping. Different insight level, high-mark group students of future time perspective and its factors in the relationship between teachers and students is significantly higher than the scores on the low group. Different teacher-student relationship, high level of future time perspective grouping students the scores on the five factors is significantly higher than low-mark group.
     2. Future time perspective and its factors are related with achievement goal orientation, achievement goal orientation and academic performance of significant is positive correlation, academic achievements and significantly is positive correlation relationship between teachers and students, teachers and students relations and future time perspective exist significant positive correlation.
     3. Enthusiasm, mastery goal orientation, planning, the negative are to have a significant impact of teacher-student relationship, and explained total 31.8%.
     4. Junior high school student's future time perspective, a mastery goal orientation can separately predict the teacher-student relationship, and also through mastery of goal orientation effect relation between teacher and students.Mastery goal orientation in a future time perspective and teacher-student relationship plays a partial intermediary function, for the intermediary variable; In addition, mastery goal orientation also can become academic influence of future time perspective of intermediary variable.
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