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     ③根据废旧产品资源化途径,将逆向物流网络分为再使用逆向物流网络、再循环逆向物流网络和再制造逆向物流网络,分析不同逆向物流网络结构及其特点;结合废旧汽车以再制造利用为主要途径的特点,运用混合整数线性规划方法,重点研究由回收中心、拆解中心、再制造中心和配送中心等物流设施构成的汽车再制造四级逆向物流网络优化模型的构建;考虑再制造逆向物流的不确定性特征,建立基于不确定环境下汽车再制造逆向物流稳健网络优化模型;通过案例分析,对所建立的再制造逆向物流网络稳健优化模型进行了实际应用研究,并运用混合整数规划模型计算软件Lingo 8.0对所建的再制造逆向物流网络稳健优化模型进行求解与分析,验证模型的有效性。
The rapid development of today's global economy and science and technology pushes the human’s material civilization directly towards a higher level, at the same time, the negative effect that human’s economical activities imposed on the environment is also increasing such as the shortage of natural resources as well as the deterioration of the ecological environment. Faced with the grim reality, many countries has developed environmental laws and regulations representative of extending producer responsibility system in order to make up for the defects brought by the traditional economic development model characteristive of "high input, high consumption, high emission" and further enhance the divertion to the pattern of recycling economic characteristive of "minimization, re-use and resources". Based on the statue, this paper viewed the desposited cars as the main subject and to some extent studied the theories and methods to improve resource utilization and reduce environmental pollution. Mainly the paper included:
     ①Through the Comparision and analysis of the difference of recycling and reusing of waste and scrap automobile between home and abroad, the paper showed that the system of recycling and reusing of waste and scrap automobile in our country is unperfect and there exsit problems such as lack of effective inspiring mechanism, lag of techonology level of resource and small scaleof recycling rompanies and so on. Based on this, the paper made clear the reverse logistics of automobile resources by finding out the links betwwen reverse logistics and resources. What’s more, the paper presented a comprehensive analysis of the process of the reverse logistics resours of waste and scrap automobile from the view of its recovery goals, recycling targets, function elements and main operation, etc.Guided by the recycling economic theory, the paper established the structure and system of reverse logistics system based on the life cycle of automobile.
     ②According to the different distribution of tasks between participants in reverse logistics activities of resourses of waste and scrap automobile, the paper divided the operation pattern of reverse logistics into the automobile manufacturers directly recovery mode, Vendors referred to the recovery of manufacturers recovery mode, the combo of automobile Manufacturers recovery mode and third-party recovery mode. Through the analysis of different modes, the paper identified their advantages and disadvantages and scope of application; the paper characterized the amount of automobiles recovered as a linear function of two elements influenced by the recovery price togetherwith the recovery effort, established the optimization model of decision-making which regards the main participants as the objective function, quantitatively analized their recovery price, the extent of recovery efforts, the maximun profits and the best condition assumpting that the diffirent operation modes had the the same parameters in other cases. what’s more, the paper used the game theory to discuss the design of cooperation mechanism under the promise to share interests, which provided a theoretical basis for automobile manufacturers to choose their own appropriate recycling mode.
     ③According to the methods of the resources of waste and scrap products, the paper divided reverse logistics network into reuse reverse logistics network, recycling reverse logistics network and remanufacturing reverse logistics network, and analized the different structure and characteristics of these reverse logistics networks. Combining the features of remanufacturing and reuse waste and scrap automobile used as the main mode, the paper used mixed-integer linear programming methods to focus on the establishment of four stage reverse logistics network optimization model of automobile remanufacturing which consisted of logistics facilities such as recycling center, dismantling center, re-manufacturing center and distribution center and so on; considering the uncertainty of re-manufacturing reverse Logistics, the paper built the optimization model to keep the car re-manufacturers network steady based on the uncertain environment; through case annalysis, the paper studied the practical application of the model and used the hybrid integer programming model software of Lingo 8.0 to solve and analyze the model established previously, and verified its the validity.
     ④By the analysis of the role of government and enterprises in the process of waste and scrap automobiles’resource of reverse logistics resource and the use of evolutionary game theory to establish the evolutionary game model of the monitoring of recycling waste and scrap automobiles, the paper drawed the evolutionary stable strategy for the government and others responsible for car recycling under different circumstances. Research showed that whether the auto-recovery responsibilities compled with the requirements of the State to recycle the pruducts they produced and sold closely related to the recovery cost, revenue and the corresponding rewards and penalties; the paper used the principal-agent theory of information economics and studied how to design the incentive mechanism for government from economics in the situation of symmetry and asymmetry information to make the recycling of the waste and scrap automobile more effective; At the same time, the paper discussed the incentive mechanism design which targeted both the economic and ecological benefits, with the results the paper analyzed the influence the relevance betwwen the efforts of enterprises and incentive goals imposed on the the design of incentives mechanism.
     ⑤Adopting the evaluation theory and methods for green products and expanding the evaluation criteria, the paper came up with a comprehensive evaluation for performance of the waste and scrap automobile resources of reverse logistics, built the performance evaluation index system which contained the base layer such as environment, resources, economic, technological and social attributes and 25 third stage indexes, according to the practical scope of different evaluation methods and the accuracy and ambiguity of the selected performance indicators, the paper adopted the comprehensive evaluation method combining Fuzzy/DEA/AHP. Through an example analysis, the paper showed that the index system is scientific and operational.
     Guided by the theory of sustainable development, aiming to the coordinated development between economy, nature and society, the paper applied the scientific thinking of systems to comprehensively analyze the process of waste products’resources of reverse logistics from the multi-standpoints of government, businesses, consumers, and so on. Through the study of the operation mode, the network model, the incentive mechanism and system evaluation of reverse logistics, the paper also tried to establish a management system of waste and scrap automobiles’resources of reverse logistics to promote the effective recycling and reuse of waste and scrap automobile in our country, thus further push the development of recycling economy.
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