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The cultivated land institution is a foundation of the rural economy system. Not only related to rural land can be Reasonable Utilization, but also related to the development process of agricultural modernization in China.Reviewed to modernize agriculture research, the research on agricultural modernization mainly focused on productivity, the research on the relations of production is relatively weak. That is well known, economic development is productivity and production relations.Research on productivity is important, but research on the relations of production can not be ignored.Since 1978, it is the adjustment of rural relations of production that promote the entire national economy development.Therefore, the study on the relations of production is important particularly for the development of agricultural modernization.
     At present, our economy and society is in a transition period.At present, our country has entried a accelerating period of the urbanizationChina's rural industrial structure, employment structure, income structure is undergoing profound changes; China's agricultural production has entered the era of mechanization.At this stage, China's current land system has been seriously hindered the development of agricultural production, which restricts the development process of agricultural modernization, the urgent need for innovative land system.Therefore, the study of land system is very meaningful in china. This paper, the reasearsh based on the productive forces and production relations of dialectical relationship and based on the Law of Opposites, the quality of each rule and the negation of negation rule change guidance for the methodology. Starting from China's rural land system, land property system in China focuses on the innovation and development trends. The article first detailed review of the land system in China since 1949, and analyzes the status of our current land system in operation, focusing on revealing the causes of land system innovation;Second, learn from foreign experience in land system evolution, from the productive forces and production relations point of dialectical relationship with each other demonstrated the necessity of land and possibility of system innovation, system innovation and propose the direction of China's cultivated land; The third our land system innovation path selection, analysis of the impact factors of land system innovation, system innovation path to China's cultivated land made the realistic choice; The fourth situation of China to study China's cultivated land property rights system innovation path constraints, and draw the path of innovation in real terms; The fifth Using household survey data validation land system innovation path to the efficiency of agricultural production in China; Finally, the system of Cultivated Land to promote innovative policy proposals.
     Draw the main conclusions are as follows:
     (1) Draw conclusion that the direction of China's land system is cultivated land scale operation
     Land system in the process of agricultural modernization play an important role, lots of countries developed land scale operations.At present, our country has entried a accelerating period of the urbanizationChina's rural industrial structure, employment structure, income structure is undergoing profound changes;China's agricultural production has entered the era of mechanization.However, incompatible with this is that the formation of the current system of agricultural land management situation is still small-scale decentralized management, binding efficiency of agricultural production, delaying the process of agricultural modernization in China; there is an urgent need for innovation and the current land system.
     (2) Draw conclusion that our land system innovation path is transfer of cultivated land.
     Nationalization and privatization of land is not arable land system innovation path of a realistic choice.Nationalization of land claims has been gradually disappearing.Land privatization advocates against the Marxist theory of social development, and incompatible with our national conditions, and the high cost of privatization may lead to polarization, which is not the path of China's cultivated land the realistic choice of system innovation. Land system innovation path constrained by many factors.Land system innovation path to not only affected by the development of productive forces, but also by the political environment, social environment and economic environment constraints, these factors affect the land system innovation path. Transfer of cultivated land is the system innovation path to the reality of options. In recent years, the cultivated land transfer was adapt to China's basic national conditions; go with the trend of diversification of agricultural operations, to the formation of appropriate scale, more importantly, for the development of productive forces. Thus, the realistic choice of system innovation cultivated land is Cultivated Land transfer.
     (3) A system of Cultivated Land in the path of innovation is the essence of the right to use land transfer.
     China's cultivated land ownership separation occurs with the development of productive forces, Repeal the "people's commune" system, the implementation of household contract management, the first tier of the structure of separation of property rights, the right to contract or collective ownership and separation occurs.With the development of productive forces, land development and land management in the form of the transfer occurs, the second layer of arable land ownership separation of ownership occurs, the contract right and the right to use the separation occurs.China's current land ownership is the ownership and use of the right to constitute a contract right.China's arable land system innovation path to collective ownership by the contractor the right to contract constraints households, land use rights become the path of system innovation in the property under the constraints of a breakthrough. A system of Cultivated Land in the path of innovation is the essence of the right to use land transferLand use right transfer has not changed collective ownership of land, but on the right to contract and management rights on the basis of separation, the Contractor reserves the right to contract under the premise of transferring land use rights.
     (4) Confirmed that the land use right transfer can improve the efficiency of agricultural production, increase rural incomes.
     Drawn from the analysis using DEA model. Land scale increase, the size of cultivated land increased efficiency, but the pure technical efficiency was "U"-type changes, overall efficiency was anti-"S"-type changes. When the size of 100 acres or more, three uptrend. This shows that expands the operation scale and improves the efficiency of agricultural production, and promotes the farmers income.
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