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Currently, China's mobile Internet has entered a period of rapid development in which the number of smart phone users grew rapidly and the application needs of Chinese users have been released. On the one hand, with gradually matured technology, mobile phones are more and more intelligent; on the other hand, the demand for smart phones is stimulated by the abundant applications of mobile software. Nobody knows when our life has become inseparable from the mobile Internet. A variety of applications related to the "basic necessities" have mushroomed into our phones, with which information consumption has become the most powerful economic platform.
     As telecommunication industry integrated with Internet services gradually, mobile Internet promoted the evolution of ecosystem change from the old industrial chain. Platform model has become the most dazzling business model in this era. Openness of industry chain leads to blur of industry boundaries, and platform-based model of "terminal+application" will disrupt, cover and subvert many traditional industries. Terminal equipment manufacturer is the platform of final realization of mobile Internet, on which numerous manufacturers meet and compete fiercely. Operation system of mobile phones is the core technology of mobile phones' platform ecosystem and the goal pursued by market parties. The development of the smart phone industry made it a brutal reshuffle for mobile phone manufacturers, which not only changed the role of telecom operators, but also created opportunities for application developers. The cross-border competition of Internet companies made traditional theory of competitive strategy a little bit outdated in general. Therefore, the smart phone industry stepped ahead of the competition of mobile Internet era, of which the management concepts, strategies and models are highly innovative and is the birthplace of management innovation in mobile Internet era.
     The process of development and maturation of mobile Internet is also a process of differentiation and integration. In the long run, it's impossible for more than one platform to share dominance in the same market according to the nature of the platform. The contention for control over the market makes this competition particularly intense. Beginning with representative enterprises of smart phone industry, this paper explored the management innovation of smart phone from three dimensions of ideas, strategies and models, pointing out that with the rise of third-party payment, the war of smart phone "application" is also transforming from universal applications to professional applications. Based on the research above, guidance was given to the practice of "Wuhantong" payment platform management.
     This paper is organized as follows:
     Chapter1-Introduction. The research background was proposed in the first place. After that, literature related to management innovation, integration strategy, platform ecosystems and complex science management were discussed. Next, the main research results at home and abroad were introduced. Discussion of the practical significance, the main content and the overall structure of the paper were followed.
     Chapter2-Basic theory. The related basic theory of innovation, management innovation, platform and its related concepts, CSM integration theory, CSM interaction theory and related research methods were introduced in this chapter,
     Chapter3-The management philosophy innovation of smart phone. This chapter put forward the space architecture model of concept innovation of smart phone industry. Examples of three smart phone businesses were given to raise the active management default model, collaborative innovation evolutionary model and cultural entropy change model, respectively.
     Chapter4-The innovation strategy of smart phone industry-integration strategy. Beginning with current situation of management strategies in smart phone industry, this section proposed two concepts of smart phone integration strategy, i.e., human ecology concept and social responsibility concept. Based on them, the integrated strategic framework model, the resource cognition and description from viewpoint of integration strategy and resource integration strategy were put forward.
     Chapter5-The innovation management model of smart phone industry platform ecosystem. This section discussed two development stages of smart phone industry, summed up the three platforms of smart phone industry, proposed the concept of smart phone platform ecosystem and the interactive network model, and constructed two-dimensional competitiveness model and three-dimensional ecosystem competitiveness evaluation index systemby using the exploration map.
     Chapter6-Case study:the application of smart phone management innovation in "Wuhantong" payment platform. The research achievements of smart phone management, including managing actively to meet new challenges, constructing platform ecosystem by collaborative innovation and implementing resource integration strategy, were used to guide the construction of "Wuhantong" payment platform, directing the "Wuhantong" payment transform to offline/online modes and " application store" mode.
     Chapter7-Summary and outlook. The main innovation points were summarized and an outlook of future research was discussed.
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