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In this paper,the NdFeB target was fabricated by sintered method and wecan use magnetron sputtering (DC) method to study the sputtering parameters onthe performance of the thin films firstly,and then determine the optimalcombination of parameters,and finally prepare the NdFeB rare earth magneticfilms with the elements of Mo,Sm.Using the existing laboratory characterizationequipment such as scanning electron microscopy(SEM), atomic forcemicroscopy(AFM), X-ray diffraction and vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM)to analysize and test the surface morphology, microstructure, thickness, phaseand magnetic properties.
     The process parameters have a greater impact on the preparation ofsingle-layer NdFeB films, in which thin film deposition rate and sputteringpower and sputtering time was the direct proportional relationship. Thedeposition rate is increasing with sputtering pressure increased, and thedeposition rate is maximum under0.8pa sputtering pressure,comparing with adownward trend when the sputtering pressure increased again. The analyzedreasons is chamber gas concentrations increasing too much, resultinginionization of Ar+increased, and the target surface sputtered atom collisionprobability increased, and sputtering to the substrate atoms relative reduction infilm thickness decreases. NdFeB films from the amorphous state into thecrystalline state by post-heat treatment, the adjacent grain after phagocytosis,regrouped, cluster effect is gone, grain growth, and was the island structure togenerate the main phase of Nd_2Fe_14B magnetical hard phase.
     Adding a layer of Mo on the substrate, the film grain distribution is moreuniform and the size is more conforming, dense well in the morphology ofNdFeB thin film surface; a certain thickness of depositing Mo helpsNd_2Fe_14Bupward growth in Mo (110) and NdFeB grains preferred growth in thephase; with the increase of the Mo layer thickness, Mo layer was formingmore uniform and dense film with generating nucleation, promoting Nd_2Fe_14Bhard magnetic main phase of preferential growth and the coercivity of NdFeBfilms showing a growing trend in magnetic properties.
     After NdFeB films mixed Sm, NdFeB films cross-section was observed thecolumnar grain after heat treatment by SEM and added Sm change thin-filmgrowth into the columnar direction perpendicular to the substrate in themorphology; adding a small amount of Sm enable increase diffraction intensityand the number of diffraction peak of the NdFeB films in different direction,which excessive Sm played an inhibitory effect in the phase aspect; with theincrease of Sm content, the formation of Nd_2Fe_14B hard magnetic main phase ofthe Fe content has been declining, making the magnetic properties decline, butthe small amount of Sm was able to improve the film microstructure andenhance magnetic anisotropy in magnetic properties aspect.
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