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In general, the implementation process of those major decision-making(DM) problem, related to national economy and people's livelihood, must consider two factors:fairness and democracy, because these problems are involved in various benefits. In order to avoid great risk of DM from the faults of individual judgment, the way of group decision-making(GDM) may be carried out. In the decision process, decision groups can be composed of delegates of stakeholder. For a means of DM, the mode of GDM can take account of various benefits, and overcome the shortages of individual judgment, such as knowledge, experience, ability and information. Thus, GDM method is a powerful tool to settle those major decision-making problems by qualitative and quantitative analysis. The results of these researches may have more influences in many application fields, and promote the scientific DM process.
     For those complex and major decision-making problems in real life, DM process may go through multiple stages of interaction to gain more information of DM. By this means, veracity of decision results can be enhanced and risks of decision failure can be reduced. And then, the whole GDM process should be analyzed from the insight of decision process interaction to discuss how to measure the weight of attributes in multiple stages in complex and multi-stage and multi-attribute GDM problems, which are new fields of GDM research. At present, the research achievement on many problems about process-interacted GDM is lesser and, such as complexity of decision process, evolutionary process, interactive conflict, interactive collaborative and DM methods. Thus, the in-depth research on the methods of complex and dynamic GDM problems is very meaningful.
     This dissertation mainly analyzes the constitutional complexity of process-interacted GDM, transition and evolution of GDM interaction process, and discusses several types of multi-stage and dynamic GDM mode. And then, some problems, existed in the interactive process of GDM, such as conflict, coordination, flexibility and cooperation, are discussed respectively. The results of research are applied for the analysis of major project decision-making process. The concrete research content and innovation points are stated as follows:
     (1)The analysis of complexity of process-interacted GDM. The new paradigm of complex DM mode is described in order to analyze the constitutional complexity of interactive process of GDM, which is composed of horizontal process complexity and vertical process complexity. Based on complexity scientific theory, the evolutionary mechanisms of horizontal spiral-combining propulsion and vertical interactive propulsion can be built to discuss the control strategies of interactive complexity of DM process.
     (2)The analysis of transition and evolution of interactive process of GDM. Based on emerging generative theory and meta-system transition theory, this dissertation discusses the problem of GDM in detail, and analyzes the interactive process of complex GDM under systemic view. And then, the emergent phenomena in interactive decision process is discusses in order to generalize the transition and evolution mechanism of group interactive DM. Furthermore, an example of major project decision-making interaction is analyzed to test the meta-system transition mechanism.
     (3)The construction of multi-stage, interactive and dynamic GDM model. This dissertation analyzes some dynamic DM methods such as dynamic adaptive decision, contingency decision and gradual decision, and states the process-interacted character of GDM, and presents four types of interactive and dynamic GDM model. Based on the analysis of judgment similarity method, this dissertation constructs a method of multi-stage GDM considered dynamic experts' weight by using the model of consensus degree of DM. After the theoretical analyzing for comentropy and entropy weight, a method of multi-stage GDM considered dynamic attributes' weight, based on entropy weight theory. Combined the method of preference distance, this dissertation constructs a way of multi-stage GDM considered the interaction of judgment matrix. And then, aimed at a class of interval-number GDM problem, this dissertation constructs a model of multi-stage and multi-attribute GDM, considered both dynamic experts' weight and dynamic attribute weight. These methods, mentioned above, have been proved to be effective by the analysis of examples.
     (4)The analysis of conflict and coordination for process-interacted GDM. After stating conflict theory and conflict analysis theory, this dissertation discusses the conflict problems in interactive GDM process, and sum up two types of interactive conflict of GDM under interest conflict mode and cognitive conflict mode. And then, two measure models of interest conflict and cognitive conflict in GDM process are presented to settle different type of decision conflict. Based on conflict coordination theory, this dissertation discusses the coordinating method for interactive conflict of GDM process, and proposes a conflict coordination framework of GDM.
     (5) The analysis of flexibility and collaborative for process-interacted GDM. This dissertation analyzes the problem of interaction process fusion of GDM, and proposes a fusion model of complex DM under decision flow theory. Based on decision flexibility theory, the flexible character of GDM interactive process may be analyzed, and a three-dimension model of GDM process flexibility. And then, this dissertation states a model framework of master-slave hierarchical collaborative optimization in GDM process.
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