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Taoism, the only native religion in China,is of great influence on the Chinese feudal society of different ages in many aspects.The culture of Taoism has found much exporession in Strange Tales from a Lonely Studio. This thesis makes an exposition from the perspective of Strange Tales from a Lonely Studio and the Taoist belief in immortals,which is the center of the culture of Taoism. I . The ideology and content of Strange Tales from a Lonely Studio and the Taoist belief in immortals.
    As to the relationship between Strange Tales from a Lonely Studio and the Taoist Belief in immortals,we can discuss it from three aspects:the theme on Taoist immortals,Taoist medical arts and magic arts,and the theme on Taoist fairyland.
    Strange Tales from a Lonely Studio involves many Taoist immortals more or less,The Taoist immortals in Strange Tales from a Lonely Studio can be divided into six categories:gods of heaven,gods of the land,gods of ghosts, gods of humankind,gods of Hades, immortals and True men.
    The abundant expression of Taoist medical arts and magic arts is an important factor for the marked Taoist colour in Strange Tales from a Lonely Studio. Strange Tales from a Lonely Studio shows many Taoist magic arts,e.g.the magic figure,the incantation, and calculating on one's fingers as well as the use of some magic instruments.The magic arts can do good to the people,while it can also be harmful of doing evil by the use of the magic arts.
    The heaven abodes by Taoism are mainly famous mountains on the earth,and they offer an excellent environment for the asceticism.There is a bit of depiction of Taoist fairyland in Strange Tales from a Lonely Studio and such depiction contributes to its artistic charm and appeal.
    II. Tartistic achievement of Strange Tales from a Lonely Studio and the Taoist belief in immortals.
    About the relationship between the artistic achievement of Strange Tales from a Lonely Studio and the Taoist belief in immortals, I want to elaborate it in three aspects.
    1. The creative methods and Taoist belief in immortals:
    One source of romanticism is the belivef in Taoist immortals and thinking modes reflected in the novel.In the Strange Tales from a Lonely Studio, romanticism can be seen here and there,by which Pu Songling accomplishes his creative gist and purpose.
    2. The creation of images and Taoist belief in in immortals:
    Among the figures created in the Strange Tales from a Lonely Studio, we can find a lot of Taoist images.Those Taoist immortals are vividly described and quite different from each other in appearance and character, thus becoming a unique part of the rich and colorful figures in the novel.These figures can be classified into two kinds: the gods of heaven, and Taoist immortals and Ture Man attaining the magic arts.
    3. The description of surroundings and Taoist belief in immortals:
    Some of the surrounding depictions in the Strange Tales from a Lonely Studio directly depicts the Taoism fairyland, while many of them are not about Taoism fairyland but the tranquil, picturesque senery like wonderland, from which we can find Pu Songling has profound artistic creative ability.
    III. Strange Tales from a Lonely Studio and Taoist belief in immortals: 1. Strange Tales from a lonely studio and Taoism.
    In Strange Tales from a Lonely Studio, there're many tales showing his ideals for punishing evil-doers and encouraging people to do good, and the author also sings the beartiful love. Through Taoism belief Pu Sonlgling expresses his kind wishes in his novel. Taoist, as the medium of Pu Songling and Taoism
    contributes to the familiar and close relationship between Pu Songling and Taoism.
    2. Taoist belief in immortals and literature
    Taoism's religious philosophy, belief in immortals and so on exert a great influence on literature creation. This belief advocates that human beings can become immortals who can live forever and have vast magic powers. Obviously Taoist belief in immortals is the most reflected in literature and the most fomiliar, plpular one in pelple
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