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"Cost-elusion" means that the actors are more sensitive to cost. To reduce cost and expenditure as much as possible is one of the basic considerations when making policy choices. "Cost-elusion-pattern Cooperation" means that the reason why the actors choose to cooperate is that they want to reduce the cost. The cost plays a central role in the cooperation. "Cost-elusion-pattern Cooperation" could not only explain why the actors would choose "Symbolic Cooperation", but also explain why the actors sometimes choose "Substantial Cooperation" though with reluctance. Using the "Cost-elusion" as the thread, this dissertation analyses the international cooperative patterns of Indonesia and Malaysia on security issues in Malacca Strait from 1998 to 2008.
     The strategic position of Malacca Strait is extremely important; right now the "transit passage institution" is applied in the Strait. From 1998 to July 2004, Indonesia and Malaysia only had "Symbolic Cooperation" to strike armed robbery in Malacca Strait. That was because they not only wanted to elude the cost of fighting this crime, but also to avoid the accusatory cost from other stakeholders.
     In order to crack down terrorism and control this strategic traffic line, the U.S. Pacific Fleet Commander, Thomas Fargo recommended that the United States should send troops to "secure" Malacca Strait before the Armed Services Committee in the House of Representatives in March 2004. This provoked strong responces from Indonesia and Malaysia. The reasons are that they wanted to elude the cost of the damage to national sovereignty, the loss of control over the Strait, and internal political instability which both countries are unwilling to take.
     At the same time, Indonesia and Malaysia recognized that if they still maintained the "Symbolic Cooperation" in Malacca Strait, they would not only pay for the costs of the diplomatic losses, but also the costs of unable to update and upgrade weapons and equipments, and wouldn't acquire relevant assistance from the United States. It's unwise to "offend" the United States just because of the armed robbery crime in Malacca Strait. Indonesia and Malaysia strengthened the security cooperation in Malacca Strait After July 2004. They not only took several actions to strengthen security cooperation in Malacca Strait, but also recognized the concerns of other stakeholders in Malacca Strait, and called upon them to provide funds, technology, equipments, and training assistance on the basis of respecting the sovereignty of Indonesia and Malaysia, and the United Nations Convention on Law of the Sea.
     According to the current situation, the "Substantial Cooperation", carried out by Indonesia and Malaysia, has contained the armed robbery crime of Malacca Strait effectively. In the long run, the littoral states should bear their responsibility over Malacca Strait, and on the basis of respecting the sovereignty of the littoral states and relevant laws, other stakeholders should continue to provide financial, technical and other assistance to the littoral states. This could be the effective pattern to strike the armed robbery crime of Malacca Strait.
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