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     2004年,美国Lisa M Ellram教授发表了“理解和管理服务供应链”一文,首次提出了服务供应链的概念,从而拉开了服务供应链的研究序幕。当前的服务供应链研究主要集中在物流、旅游、物业服务等行业应用方面。由于服务供应链还是一个新兴的研究领域,至今还没有一个统一的定义,但就其本质和目标而言,服务供应链是以服务为导向,将服务提供商、集成商和顾客等集成一体,通过有效整合和协同供应链各方的服务资源,实现顾客整体效用和个性化满足度的最大化。从结构上看,服务供应链的基本结构是服务提供商——服务集成商——客户的模式,服务集成商集成了众多的服务提供商的服务,然后将服务产品作为一个整体提供给客户。与制造产品不同,服务产品具有顾客影响性、无形性、不可分割性、异质性、易逝性与劳动密集性等特征,因此,从总体上讲,服务供应链具有如下特点:(1)服务供应链更加强调动态、协同和个性化,服务供应链依据用户的个性化需求即时构建,服务完成服务流程即撤销;(2)组成服务供应链的服务往往具有地域分布性;(3)组成服务供应链的服务具有时间异步性的特点,服务执行过程一般由Online(计算设备执行过程)和Offline(非计算设备执行过程)组成;(4)服务质量评价指标和测度是保证服务供应链质量的重要手段;(5)服务供应链中服务的执行、控制和故障处理等问题对于服务供应链的顺利完成至关重要。
     1.提出了一种面向领域的、基于层次服务网络(Hierarchical Service Network, HSN)的服务资源的组织方法,从而有效地提高了服务供应链即时构建过程中的服务选择、动态组合的效率,并对流程执行监控和故障处理提供支持。
     依据服务供应链的服务领域特征,使用服务时间(Time)、费用(Cost)、可靠性(Reliability)、可用性(Availability)、信誉度(Reputation)和安全性(Security)等作为QoS度量模型中的属性指标。为了减少计算量,并使Web服务的QoS指标值随着各因素的变化能够动态地自适应更新,使用数学期望和方差对QoS指标进行处理。在此基础上,提出了一种基于多维QoS约束的服务选择模型,给出一套具体的服务质量效用评价函数为服务的选择和动态执行中的服务替换提供多维QoS支持。为了解决服务质量评价标准不一致的情况,定义了服务质量度量模型,给出具体的服务质量效用评价调整函数,并在模型的设计上充分考虑了用户对服务质量属性的偏好及服务质量属性的重要性等权重指标。在上述研究的基础上提出了一种基于层次服务网络的、改进的基于MMKP (Multi-choice, Multi-dimension0-1Knapsack Problem)背包问题的服务选择算法。仿真实验表明,MMQC_KP算法在时问花费和组合成功率上优于未改进前的算法。
     3.提出了一种基于层次任务网络(Hierarchical Task Network, HTN)规划的两阶段动态服务组合方法。依据层次服务网络有效地限定搜索域的规模,并使用依据用户偏好约束的剪枝搜索方法,从而较好的提高了规划效率和服务供应链用户的使用满意度。
     研究了一种将用户的个性化需求转化为可执行服务供应链流程的机制,提出了基于HTN规划的两阶段动态服务组合方法。在经典的HTN规划理论的基础上,提出了一种适合服务供应链即时构建问题的服务规划模型,对规划域、任务、方法、状态、约束、可满足性等进行了详细的形式化定义和描述,并提出了一种基于该模型的任务分解方法和规划算法,将用户偏好要求转化为约束参数来约束规划过程,在规划算法具体执行时通过剪枝函数将不符合要求的分支去掉,从而较好的提高规划算法的执行效率。针对服务供应链的即时构建问题,对两阶段动态服务组合的基本过程和目标进行定义,并采用基于XSRL的需求描述方法对用户需求信息进行建模。针对功能匹配问题,提出了一种依据Exact、Plugin、Subsume和Intersection关系在层次服务网络中搜索的服务功能匹配算法,以此为基础给出了基于HTN规划的动态服务组合算法HTNDSC。实验结果表明,对于解决服务供应链构建问题,基于层次服务网络的HTNDSC算法相比OWL-S Matcher等算法在服务匹配效率和运行时间上具有较好的性能。
     4.提出了面向服务供应链流程动态执行过程的流程监控框架,在分析服务供应链服务和流程特性的基础上,将服务执行过程分为Online (计算设备执行过程)和Offline(非计算设备执行过程),以此为基础定义了服务供应链流程的故障处理策略,提出了一种基于服务时间、服务状态和用户约束的服务供应链故障处理方法。
     针对服务供应链流程执行过程监控问题,提出了一种服务供应链流程动态执行过程监控框架,定义了框架中包含的各功能要素,详细描述了故障处理器的内部结构和工作机理。定义了服务状态的转换过程和服务状态的感知方法。针对服务供应链流程故障处理问题,深入研究了服务供应链流程的故障处理机制,在分析服务供应链流程特点的基础上,提出将服务执行过程分为Online(计算设备执行过程)和Offline(非计算设备执行过程),并将服务供应链流程执行中可能出现的故障分为Online(计算设备执行过程)中的故障、Offline(非计算设备执行过程)中的故障和其他不可预测的故障等三种类型。依据故障处理过程中的服务操作,定义了交换关系(Commutation Relation)、依赖关系(Dependency Relation)和替换关系(Alternative Relation)等三种支持故障处理的服务关系,并提出了忽略(Ignore)、重试(Retry)、服务替代(Alternative)、后向恢复(Compensate)、人工干预(Manual Intervention)和流程终止(Halt)等基本故障处理策略。根据服务供应链流程的特点,将其基本流程结构分为顺序结构、分支结构和集合结构三种类型,并从基本流程结构的角度,提出了一种基于服务时间、服务状态和用户约束的服务供应链故障处理方法。
With the fantastic developmment of information and network communication technology and global expansion of service economy form, electronic commerce is gradually developing into electronic commerce service industry, and showing the new features of ubiquity, virtuality,individuation and sociality etc. The strong growth of service economy is an important sign of the development of modern science and technology and industry progress. It is an important strength to promote the development of electronic commerce service industry. It is sure to bring about profound transformation to social modes of production, consumption and trade. These changes will gradually dim the service industry and manufacturing industry. The traditional supply chain management has broken through the boundary of the manufacturing industry, extending to the downstream services.
     In2004, the American professor Lisa M Ellram published her article"Understanding and Managing Service Supply Chain", putting forward the concept of service supply chain for the first time, thus starting the services supply chain research. The current service supply chain research mainly focuses on the industrial application areas of logistics, tourism, property services etc. Because service supply chain is still a new field of study, there isn't a unified definition yet so far. But as far as its essence and goal are concerned, service supply chain is service oriented, it integrates service providers, integration providers and customer. With the effective integration and synergy of all the service resources of the supply chain, maximizing the customer whole utility and personalized satisfaction. As to the structure, the basic structure of the supply chain is function service providers----service integration providers----customer mode. Service integration providers intrgrates many services of function service providers and then provide the service products to the customers as a whole. Different from the manufactured products, the service products can influence the customers. They are invisible, inseparable, heterogeneity, perishable and labor intensive. Therefore, generally speaking, the services supply chain has the following characteristics:(1) service supply chain puts more emphasis on the dynamic, collaboration and individuation. It constructs immediately based on personal demand of customers and revokes after the service;(2) services forming service supply chain tend to have the regional distributivity;(3) services forming service supply chain have the characteristics of time asynchronism. Service implementation is composed of Online and Offline.(4) the service quality evaluation index and measurement is an important means to ensure the service quality of the supply chain (5) the implementation, control and failure handling in the service supply chain are vital to the successful completion of the supply chain.
     The above characteristics determines that in the informationization environment, instant construction of service supply chain for personalized needs are new chanllenges for the current software theory, technology and method, concerning mode change of service supply chain, application of modern information technology and method innovation. While its core is to structure the users'personalized demand actuation service process in order to realize the dynamic service resources integration and synergy.
     The main problems are that there is no systemic theoretical research on the problems of personalized service supply chain mode and its construction, no full consideration of the service features of the service supply chain and flow characteristics of service supply chain itself. The services forming service supply chain are distributed in the Internet. How to organize them effectively by negotiation and manage them on the electronic commerce service supply chain platform, thus used by service supply chain construction. How to evaluate and measure the service quality in the service supply chain, thus designing multiple target and global optimization service combination model and optimization algorithm based on users'personalized requirements. It lacks of effective monitoring and fault-tolerant processing mechanism in the process of service supply chain implementation etc. However, the internal logical consistency of the calculation idea and service supply chain value orientation gives an opportunity for the immediate construction of service supply chain.
     Taking the immediate construction of the service supply chain as the goal, the article has studied the main problems. The main work and contribution summarized as follows:
     1. Put forward an organization method of service resources based on domain orientation and hierarchical service network HSN, thus greatly improving the efficiency of service selection and service composition in the process of the service supply chain instant construction and giving support for the flow implementation monitoring and fault-tolerant processing.
     The paper puts forward a service infrastructure for the effective management of the Internet Web Service resources which can form service supply chain--hierarchical service network model, setting up virtual service and virtual service groups by sampling and marking the service description to probe into the relationship between services and to set up suggestive mechanism between virtual service and actual service. It defines the functions of virtual service layer, virtual service interface and registration service in the hierarchical service network model in detail and gives a formalized description. The hierarchical service network model is able to shield the heterogeneity and distributivity of network resources. It is benificial to provide a unified access mechanism for users. On the basis of the deep analysis of the semantic relations between services in the domain oriented service supply chain, nine intrastratal relationships and one interstratified relationship are defined with semantic definitions. Combining semantic Web and information classification technology, it presents a service classifying and marking method based on semantic similarity. It also puts forward the construction and maintenance methods of hierarchical service network in node joining, deleting, modifying and managing of service groups. In order to perceive the Web service resources state in time and manage the hierarchical service network effectively, on the basis of the above study, the paper defines hierarchical service network system structure oriented on domain application, solving the problems in the service supply chain instant construction. The above research findings are an important basis for the follow-up efficient service discovery, dynamic service combination and the service supply chain flow implementation and monitoring. It plays a vital role in the improvement of Web service resources'discovery, access efficiency, dynamic perception of Web service resources state and dynamic adjustment.
     2. Put forward the dynamic service selection method on the basis of multidimensional QoS constraints, and gives a full consideration of the users' preferences and service quality attribute weight factors in the design of the QoS measurement model and can better satisfy the personalized requirements of the service choices of the service supply chain construction.
     According to the domain characteristics of service supply chain, use service time, cost, reliability, availability, reputation and security as attribute index in the QoS measurement model. In order to reduce the computational complexity and make the Web service QoS index value dynamically adapting to all factor changes, use mathematical expectation and variance index for QoS processing. According to this, the paper puts forward a service choice model based on level service network, improved MMKP(Multi-choice, Multi-dimension0-1Knapsack Problem) knapsack problems. In order to solve the problem----the service quality evaluation standard is conflicting, it defines the service quality evaluation model, gives specific service quality evaluation utility adjustment function, and gives a full consideration of users'preferences to the service quality attributes and the significance of attribute weight index etc. Simulation experiments show that MMQC_KP algorithm is superior to that before improvement in terms of time consumption and success rate of combination.
     3. Put forward a dynamic service composition method on the basis of two stages of hierarchical task network, HTN Planning. With the level service network effectively limiting the size of the search field, and using the pruning search method according to the users'preference constraints, thus better improving the planning efficiency and satisfaction of service supply chain users. The article has studied a mechanism of converting users'personalized needs into executable service supply chain process, putting forward dynamic service combination method based on the two stages of HTN planning. On the basis of the classical HTN planning theory, this paper puts forward a service planning model suitable for service supply chain instant construction, gives a detailed formalized defination and description for planning domain, task, method, state, restriction and satisfiability etc. It also puts forward task decomposition method and planning algorithm based on the model, converting users'preferences requirements into restriction parameter to constrict planning process, in the concrete performance of planning algorithm, get rid of the branches which fail to meet the requirements with pruning function, thus better improving the performance efficiency of planning algorithm. In allusion to the instant construction of service supply chain, the basic process and goal of the dynamic service combination of the two stages are defined. The users'demand information based on the needs of XSRL description is modeled. As to the function match problem, this paper proposes service function algorithm of serching in the hierarchical service network based on the relationships of exact, plugin, subsume and intersection and gives HTNDSC according to HTN planning. The experimental results show that, for solving service supply chain construction problems, HTNDSC algorithm based on hierarchical service network has better performance than OWL-S Matcher algorithm etc in service matching efficiency and running time.
     4. Put forward the process monitoring framework of service oriented supply chain dynamic process implementation. With a full analysis of the service supply chain and process characteristics, service implementation process is divided into Online (computing equipment implementation process) and Offline (non-computing equipment implementation process). Based on this, the paper gives the definition of fault-tolerantce strategy in the service supply chain process, putting forward service supply chian fault-tolerant method based on the service time, service state and users'constraints.
     In terms of the implementation process monitoring in the service supply chain flow, this paper proposes a dynamic implementation process monitoring framework in the service supply chain flow, defines all function elements in the frame, describes the detailed internal structure and work mechanism of fault handler. It also defines the conversion process and perception method of the service states. As to the fault tolerance problems in service supply chain process, a deep research on failure handling mechanism in the service supply chain is done. On the basis of the service operation in the failure handling, it defines three service relationships in favor of failure handling----commutation relation, dependency relation and alternative relation, putting forward some basic failure handling strategies as ignorance, retry, alternative, compensation, manual intervention and halt etc. According to the characteristics of the service supply chain process, the basic process structure is divided into three types-sequence structure, branch structure and assemble structure. And from this standpoint, it presents a failure handling based on the service time, service condition and users' constraints service supply chain failure handling method.
     The research work has preferably solved the key problems of the instant constructioin process in the services supply chain. Simulation experiments has proved that the given algorithms have a better time efficiency.
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