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Compared with the research on Yue-fu poems of Han and Six Dynasties, the research of Yue-fu poems of Tang Dynasty hasn't received wide attention in general until now. By taking the Yue-fu poems written by the literators of Tang Dynasty as research focus, this dissertation explores its development history, the writing motivation and its connection with music, the ways of creating and features of literary styles.
    The development history of Yue-fu poems of Tang Dynasty can be divided into following three stages: 1). From the initial to prosperous periods of Tang Dynasty, the classical Yue-fu poems passed on the road from its adoption to climax; namely, at the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, generally speaking, the creation of Yue-fu poems based on the traditional way of writing of Qi, Liang, Chen, and Shui Dynasty; and in the period of Wu Empress; the creation of Yue-fu poems required rather prosodically and versified in styles, and gradually various styles of writing could be employed. When it was in the prosperous Tang Dynasty, the creation styles changed from objective ways into subjective ones. In particular, the Qing-Shang lyrics, which were imitated relatively less by the scholars in the early Tang Dynasty; however, they were imitated rather frequently in the prosperous Tang Dynasty. It was deeply influenced by the folk culture and also associated with some literators born in the South China, and their experience
     when they rambled around the South China. In the prosperous Tang Dynasty, the simulating Yue-fu poems of previous ages advanced in a full scale. This indicates that the creation of Yue-fu poems reached climax. 2). Yue-fu poems with new styles arrived at its prosperous stage in the middle of Tang Dynasty. Specifically, during the Da Li period, both the classical Yue-fu poems and the new styles ones made their own greater progress. The new ones appeared in the middle of Tang Dynasty, and the overwhelming production of Yue-fu poems with new styles had the classical ones declined remarkably. Especially, under influence of social context as well as owing to their own self-development, the satirical Yue-fu poems with new styles developed in a great deal. The vital theoretical consequence of such changes lie in fact that stimulating the Yue-fu poems contributing to the accomplishment of their theoretical innovation, and the Yue-fu poems parallel to general poems possess their own function of satirizing. Consequent
    ly, in the middle Dynasty, the development of Yue-fu poems with new styles was not merely in the way of satirical creation but also in new subjects as well as other themes and styles. 3). Yue-fu poems have begun to decrease in the late period of Tang Dynasty. "Yan-ti Yue-fu poems" revived at this time, but they were created in a way of satire, which distinguished them from the traditional Yue-fu poems. Moreover, Yue-fu poems at this period often
    appeared in the way of repetition of subjects and topics of the same kinds, and the trend of subjective comments was very apparent and they were in poetic forms, which indicated that Yue-fu poems were on the decline in the late of Tang Dynasty.
    The more powerful motives for Yue-fu poems creation in the Tang Dynasty were to improve writing skills; to present poems; to make social appointments, to carol and chant, to express feelings and emotions, to collect poems and ballads, to survey the social reality and reflect the opinion of return to the ancient time.
    Yue-fu poems written by the literators of Tang Dynasty weren't conformed to music; this marked the time when the Yue-fu poems were separated from music. People in the Tang Dynasty composing the Yue-fu poems were mainly in an imitative way, however, it was noteworthy that such imitation was not mean copying and imitating the previous styles slavishly but writing in a creative way. The major resources of imitation for Tang people originated in the works of folk songs that were spread and popular at that time, which were gradually formularized different kinds of poems in the Wei, Jin and North and South D
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