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    While moving toward knowledge economy and the epoch of human resources, business enterprises are now encountering the most challenging task that they ever had.
    Literally, the core competitiveness in this era is mainly determine by how the enterprise can effectively accumulate and develop its organizational human resources and knowledge. And yet what constitutes the most crucial factor of successfully accumulated and developed knowledge includes the accumulation, development, and exploitation of human resources (Intellectual workers). (Human Resource -→ Organizational Knowledge-→ Stride of Organizational Performance) ion and Nevertheless, salary management at this critical stage plays a crucial role in terms of how to effectively accumulate, develop, and exploit human resources for the business enterprise. Unfortunately, the salary management system of business enterprise has not been found consolidated and revolutionized with the change of era, even with the phenomenon increasingly moving toward more rigidity, resulting in the loss and waste of human resources and profoundly damaging the core of enterprise and its competitiveness. We may thus infer, based on this b
    ackground, there is a desperate need to address the issue of salary management and fully examine it. In the era where individual is increasingly valued, this research subscribes to the conception that only by means of the starting point stemming from "humanity" can an effective salary management system acquire the best efficiency it longs for.
    Thanks to the above-mentioned research backgrounds and the relevant motives, this research is mainly intended to combine the highly diverse facets (miscellaneous human theories) of issue of humanity with the correspondent the measures of salary management in order to further sort out a full set of referring framework while engaging in designing the system of humanized salary management system, and to analyze its disparity and sources of origin involved, by virtue of empirical analysis to understand the relative importance of these relevant faces and measures in
    different layers (high layer/medium layer/basic layer of employees) of business enterprise, in the hope that it may benefit both academic and enterprise communities as a reference for the subsequent research and implementation of humanized salary management system.
    This research accomplishes the above-mentioned objective though the following flowing charts. In the first place, it conducts a documentary reminiscence and rearrangement focusing on humanized salary management. Second, it went on to compile all the former theories and practical perceptions, which are relevant to humanized salary management, established by those scholars, and consolidated, induce a referring framework when designing a humanized salary management system. Further, through the empirical ask-question-inquiry and the procedural approach of obscuring layers, we may understand the essence of induced principles conducted by this research in designing the humanized salary management system.
    It has been discovered through empirical approach that different layers inside the business enterprise are holding many different facets of stress and expectation upon humanized salary management system, demonstrating their different stress and expectation among different layers. This article thus holds that while designing the waging scheme, business enterprise is obliged to properly respond to varied extent of stress and expectation.
    We do hope that this article may trigger more discussion and research in the academic fields, and that this article can in practice benefit the enterprises in both Taiwan and China in helping them promote humanized salary management system.
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