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目前,因自然灾害、交通事故、工伤、运动创伤、骨肿瘤切除引起的骨损伤,先天性骨疾病、代谢性骨质疏松(OP)、以及各类骨修复后再骨折造成的骨损伤成为威胁人们健康最大的疾病,受到世界范围的广泛关注。据美国统计,全球每年对此的医疗花费约170亿美元,我国每年也有3000万人次进入临床治疗。这已构成强大的全球性经济社会需求。因此制备具有临床应用意义的骨修复替代材料至关重要。本研究从现有骨修复植入体进入人体后面临的问题出发,以FDA获准的临床骨修复材料聚乳酸(Polylactic acid, PLA)为基本原料,以促黏附因子RGDS/胶原、抗应力遮挡因子MGF-Ct24E、抗血小板凝聚/抗炎症因子甘油磷脂胆碱为模型活性分子,建立起了共价引入RGDS/胶原、MGF-Ct24E和甘油磷脂胆碱的技术平台,并以成骨细胞为模型细胞,体外考察了这些因子的浓度对成骨细胞的影响规律,寻求最适浓度,旨在为设计和制备具有全面生物活性功能的骨修复植入体提供理论和技术基础,同时也为制备兼具促黏附活性、抗应力遮挡活性和抗血小板凝聚/抗炎症活性的新型多功能骨修复材料奠定基础。
     1)功能聚乳酸前体Ⅰ即马来酸酐改性聚乳酸(MPLA)的制备:以分子量分布在1.3以内,数均分子量为10万左右的聚乳酸为反应原料,通过自由基反应在聚乳酸主链CH上引入马来酸酐,采用FTIR、13C NMR进行定性评价,采用罗丹明比色法对MPLA中的MAH进行定量分析。结果表明,在聚乳酸的侧链上成功引入了马来酸酐。在分子量为10万左右的聚乳酸侧链上可实现至少三个马来酸酐浓度梯度:1.53%、2.45%、3.04%
     2)功能聚乳酸前体Ⅱ即二胺改性聚乳酸(DPLA)的制备:以上述三个浓度的马来酸酐改性聚乳酸为反应基材,利用脂肪族二胺与酸酐基团可以发生酰化反应的特点,在聚乳酸的侧链上引入了具有活性反应末端的脂肪族二胺,从而为后续引入各类活性因子提供反应有效活性位点。采用FTIR、13C NMR进行定性评价。结果表明,在聚乳酸的侧链上成功引入了丁二胺。茚三酮显色法测试可知,所得二胺改性聚乳酸中二胺的含量分别为:1.37%、2.20%、2.59%,从而制备了后续反应所需的功能聚乳酸前体Ⅱ。
     ②M GF-Ct24E肽的引入——抗应力遮挡功能聚乳酸的制备
     MGF-Ct24E是一种含有24个氨基酸的多肽,采用类似于引入RGDS的方法将MGF-Ct24E引入到DPLA中,制得MGF-PLA。采用FTIR和1H NMR对MGF-PLA的结构进行了定性表征,结果表明,MGF已成功引入到DPLA中。采用氨基酸分析法进一步定量检测MGF-PLA中MGF-Ct24E的含量。从分析结果可见,相对于RGDS含量的分析,MGF的分析难度提高,与理论值存在偏差。选择结构较为稳定的氨基酸作为基准进行分析时,得到MGF-Ct24E在MGF-PLA中的含量为0.31umol/g、0.55umol/g、0.83umol/g。
     以MPLA为前体,通过甘油磷脂胆碱(GPC)中的羟基与MPLA中的酸酐直接进行反应,从而将甘油磷脂胆碱引入到MPLA侧链中,制得GPC-PLA。FTIR、13C NMR的表征结果表明甘油磷脂胆碱已经成功接枝到聚乳酸分子上,由XPS的定量结果可知聚合物中各原子个数百分比。
     ③MGF-Ct24E通过侧链接枝的方式引入到聚乳酸中,随着MGF-Ct24E含量的提高,材料表面的细胞生长能力增强, MGF-Ct24E引入后成骨细胞具有显著分化、矿化功能,但相对于黏附肽因子,其分化和矿化延后。MGF-Ct24E引入后在细胞上可以获得与应力加载一样的效果,有望为制备抗应力遮挡骨修复材料提供基础。
Bone fractures or defects resulted from various reasons such as natural disasters,traffic accidents, occupational injury, sport, bone tumor incision, congenital bonediseases or metabolic osteoporosis have become one of the most popular diseases. It isestimated that the world-wide medical cost for bone fractures or defects has reachedabout$17billion per year, and the clinical treatment of bone fractures or defects inChina is about30million person-time per year. Therefore, it is highly important andurgent to design and prepare a bone repair/replacement biomaterial with clinicaleffectiveness. In this study, a series of polylactic acid (PLA) based bioactive materialswere design and prepared by using adhesive molecules RGDS/collagen, stressshielding-prevention factor MGF-Ct24E and anti-coagulation factorglycerophosphorylcholine (GPC) as model bioactive factors and PLA as an initialpolymer. The platforms for covalent incorporation of these bioactive factors have beenestablished, and the effects of the concentration of various bioactive factors in thepolymers on osteoblasts were evaluated and an optimal concentration was proposed,aiming to provide a theoretical and technological support for design and preparation ofclinically effective bone implants integrated with multiple bioactive functions and toprepare a specific biomaterial which combines the merits to promote specific celladhesion and prevent stress shielding and blood coagulation. The main works andconclusions are listed as follows.
     1. Preparation of the reactive PLAs
     ①Preparation of type I and Ⅱreactive PLAvia grafting method
     1) Preparation of type I reactive PLA from maleic anhydride-grafted PLA (MPLA):Maleic anhydride was grafted onto poly(D,L-lactic acid)(PDLLA)(100kDa,polydispersity index (PDI)<=1.3) by using free radical reactions. FTIR and13C NMRwere used to qualitatively characterize MPLA. The results indicated that MAH has beensuccessful grafted onto PDLLA. When the Mw of PDLLA is100kDa, three MPLApolymers with a MAH content of1.53%,2.45%and3.04%were prepared.
     2) Preparation of type Ⅱ reactive PLA from butanediamine-grafted MPLA: TheMPLAs with MAH content of1.53%,2.45%and3.04%were used to react withbutanediamine (BDA) through the reaction of anhydride with-NH2, giving the desiredtype Ⅱ reactive PLA (DPLA). FTIR and13C NMR were used to qualitatively characterize DPLA.Ninhydrin test results showed that the content of BDA in DPLAswere1.37%,2.20%and2.59%, respectively.
     ②Preparation of type Ⅲ reactive PLAvia copolymerization method
     In order to increase the reactive sites and thus introduce more bioactive factors, atype Ⅲ reactive PLA was designed and prepared through the copolymerization ofPDLLA oligomer with methacrylic anhydride (MAA) and itaconic anhydride (ITA).
     Firstly, PDLLA oligomer (=5000) was synthesized, and then reacted with MAA toproduce PDLLA-MAA. Secondly, PDLLA-MAA further reacted with ITA via meltingfree radical copolymerization using benzoyl peroxide (BPO) as an initiator, resulting inITA-modified PLA (PITLA).
     Finally, PITLA reacted with aliphatic diamine to prepare the type Ⅲ reactive PLA--DPITLA. FTIR,1HNMR showed that DPITLA was prepared successfully. Ninhydrintest results showed that the content of HMD in DPITLA were4.23%,5.79%.
     2. Preparation of a series of functionalized PLAs
     ①Incorporation of adhesive molecules RGDS/collagen
     Cell adhesive molecules RGDS or collagen was incorporated into DPLA via thereaction between–NH2in RGDS or collagen and–COOH in DPLA withdicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCC) as a condensation agent, producing the desiredbioactive PLA with enhanced cell adhesive activity (RGDS-PLA or COL-PLA). Thecontent of RGDS or collagen in the polymers could be controlled by regulating theirconcentrations in the raw materials. The results of amino acid analysis (AAA)demonstrated that the conversion of RGDS for low RGDS concentration had a higherconversion40%-60%while for high RGDS concentration the conversion was10%-30%.The conversion of collagen followed the similar trend although it was obviously lowerthan that of RGDS.
     ②Incorporation of MGF-Ct24E
     MGF-Ct24E is a kind of peptide consisting of24amino acids. It was incorporatedinto DPLA by using the similar technology for RGDS peptide. The obtained polymerMGF-PLA was qualitatively characterized by means of FTIR and1H NMR. The resultsindicated that MGF-Ct24E has been successfully incorporated into DPLA. The AAAresults indicated that the content of MGF-Ct24E in MGF-PLA is0.31umol/g、0.55umol/g and0.83umol/g.
     ③Incorporation of glycerophosphorylcholine
     Glycerophosphorylcholine (GPC) was incorporated into MPLA through the direct reaction of–OH in GPC with the anhydride groups in MPLA. The results of FTIR and1H NMR showed that GPC has been successfully introduced into DPLA. XPS detectionshowed that the atom percentage of GPC-PLA.
     3. Structures and performance study on functionalized PLAs
     ①Chemical structures: Various active factors, especially various branchedstructures were introduced by the means of grafting in side chains to provide differentchemical functional groups on the surface of polylactic acid, which provided diverseparent metals for subsequent cell compatible experiments.
     ②Topological structures: Various polylactic acid surfaces of distinct topologicalstructure were obtained based on: first, different active factors possess differentmolecular structures and weights, second different active factors form differentrotational structure when dissolve in different solvents.
     ③Hydrophilicity and hydrophobicity: The results of hydrophilicity andhydrophobicity show that the hydrophilicity of functional polylactic acid increased afterthe introduction of different active factors, and the more molecular weight with higherhydrophilicity; with increased active factor concentration, the hydrophilicity offunctionalized polylactic acid improved.
     4. Cytocompatibility evaluation of functionalized PLAs
     The cell morphology, adhesion and spreading, proliferation, differentiation andmineralization of osteoblasts on various bioactive polymers and the blood compatibilitywere were mainly investigated. The results revealed that:
     ①Low concentration of bioactive factor might improve the cytocompatibility.
     ②Compared to low concentration of bioactive factor, high concentration ofbioactive factors was good for proliferation but not good for cell adhesion.
     ③With the increasing content of MGF-Ct24E in MGF-PLA, the cell proliferationwas enhanced. Incorporation of MGF-Ct24E significantly improved the differentiationand mineralization of osteoblasts, however, they were delayed compared to RGDS. Thecells show same performance after the introduction of MGF-Ct24E or stress loading,which provides basis for the preparation of anti-stress shieding bone repair materials.
     ④Incorporation of glycerophosphorylcholine to MPLA decreased the adsorptionof fibronectin and blood platelet on GPC-PLA. Glycerophosphorylcholine has similarchemical structure to cell membrane so that it is good for the natural conformation ofproteins, and thus promote the adhesion and growth of osteoblasts. This study providesopportunity for the application of polylactic acid for bone wound repair.
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