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This paper, taking the high gas-containing coal seam of Sihe coal mine of Jincheng CoalGroup as the engineering background, carries out research using the research method whichincludes live survey and test, laboratory test, numerical simulation and theoretical analysis.The paper mainly discusses the gas seepage and the coal deformation failure law test ofgas-containing coal when unloading confining pressure of coal seam, the anchorageperformance of high gas-containing coal seam, the roadway surrounding rock failure law andthe interaction law of gas seepage and bolt supporting. It concludes as follows:(1) Gaspressure, crustal stress and the speed of unloading confining pressure have an effect on thecoal permeability. The permeability rises with the increase of gas pressure or speed ofunloading pressure, but it falls with the decrease of confining pressure.(2) Gas pressure,crustal stress and the speed of unloading confining pressure have an effect on the coaldeformation failure. The coal strength falls with the increase of gas pressure or the decrease ofconfining pressure. The time before coal damage reduces with the increase of gas pressure orspeed of unloading pressure.(3) Gas pressure has an effect on the anchorage performance ofcoal. The anchorage performance degrades with the increase of gas pressure. Themacro-mechanical properties of coal will degrade after gas drainage, causing anchorageperformance to degrade.(4) The plastic zone, decreasing with the increase of supportingresistance, augments with the increase of gas pressure, crustal stress or the radius of roadway.(5) The early excavation of high gas-containing coal seam is the most unstable moment,which causing coal and gas outburst easily. After excavation of roadway, the effective stressof coal increases gradually with the decrease of swelling stress due to gas desorption. Theshrinkage of coal reduces the axial stress of rock bolt which presents liner attenuation with theincrease of gas pressure.(6) The end anchorage and the elongation of rock bolt will producehigh concentration gas when the drilling work is done, which may cause disaster (such as gascombustion).(7) High pre-stressed bolt support can effectively improve the stress state andsurrounding rock deformation of roadway, control and reduce the coal porosity of boltingzone, control of coal seam gas emission.(8) The anchorage of full length with high preload is needed to strengthen roadway supporting when driving into the high gas-containing coal seam.Then the desorption speed of gas and the initial deformation of coal can be controlled toensure roadway stable.
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