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Based on the remanufacturing under the background of the sustainable development, this paper develops closed-loop systems combining forward supply chain and reverse supply chain, in which the discarded products those achieving the end-of-life cycle or having no use of value any more are not disposed directly by incineration processing or by landfill disposal, but recycled through reverse logistics. And recovery centers located in the reverse supply chain pick and choose that can be reused from recycled ones, and sell them as "secondary material" to the manufacturers in the original supply chain with the aim of remanufacturing. After producing, manufacturers delivery the remanufactured products (made from "secondary material") and the new ones (made from raw materials) into the markets for sale. This form of closed-loop supply chain can optimize the allocation of resources and interests from the perspective of the whole, which are greatly useful of protecting the environment and saving resources, besides, enterprises in the closed-loop system can earn their own competitiveness. Therefore, the management on the closed-loop supply chain has gain great attention no matter in theory or in practical production.
     Due to the rapid development of science and technology and the ascension of people's demand, the issues of management on the closed-loop supply chain have become more diversified. The super network theory is applied in this paper, and supply chain models are established according to different situations and optimized by the use of variational inequality. The main content of this paper is as follows:
     1. The closed-loop supply chain with two modes of transaction is established, namely the e-commerce transaction is joined in traditional supply chain, and furthermore, the single decision (profit maximization) as traditional has been expanded to various comprehensive decision-making (profit maximization, risk minimization and the desirability maximization).
     2. Stochastic choice of multi-commodity has been studied in paper, finally, stochastic utility theory is introduced to denote consumers'preference to different products.
     3. The generally static closed-loop supply chain has been expanded to dynamic model; that is to say, the demand for product is seasonal, and decision-makers will take plans of purchasing, manufacturing, marketing with respect to demand so as to guarantee their own interests and reduce the inventory cost, etc.
     4. Uncertainty is necessary in supply chain, such as the uncertainty of demand, vagueness of the recycled product quality and supply disruptions, hence, this paper built a closed-loop supply chain under random fuzzy environment and analyze this problem using the basic theory of uncertainty.
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