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The developmental trends of integration and globalization of world economy make the environment that enterprises exist become more and more complicated and the challenges that the enterprises confront become fiercer with every day. Under such an environment, more and more enterprises have realized that knowledge have become the key strategic resources for enterprises to obtain competitive advantages, only by continuous study and obtaining knowledge to construct core competence of their own can they obtain competitive advantage in a complicated and varying environment, while effective transfer of knowledge between organizations is the most direct and effective approach for enterprises to obtain knowledge currently. Therefore, more and more enterprises share and transfer knowledge resources by constructing cooperative network to enhance competitive advantages of their own and the whole network. The new-type network form based on long-term cooperation, shared vision and goals-strategic network provides an effective platform for knowledge transfer between organizations and realizes knowledge transfer and sharing based on long-term cooperative relationship between organizations. Therefore, the thesis gives an analysis and research on the internal mechanism of knowledge transfer activities between strategic network organizations from a dynamic perspective.
     First, the thesis puts forward the conceptual model of factors that influence strategic network knowledge transfer based on description of driving factors for strategic network knowledge transfer and knowledge transfer process, expounds mechanism of action of all influencing factors on strategic network knowledge transfer performance from 3 layers of node competence dimensionality, network relationship and cognition dimensionality, and network structure dimensionality in a dynamic and network researching angle, thus puts forward corresponding hypothetical proposition; next, the thesis makes an analog simulation of influencing factors of constructing differential dynamical equation for strategic network knowledge transfer and proves the conceptual model hypothesis of strategic network knowledge transfer influencing factors to realize quantitative analysis of mechanism of action of influencing factors for knowledge transfer performance between strategic network organizations, finally it chooses enterprise cooperative network in Beijing Zhongguancun Science and Technology Park as the respondent and applies Structural Equation Model for solid evidence and examination to draw relative conclusions and further proves correctness of conceptual model hypothesis and effectiveness of differential dynamical model.
     The thesis gives a deep analysis into knowledge transfer mechanism between strategic network organizations in a dynamic angle, and puts forward systematical and comprehensive theoretical model of influencing factors for strategic network knowledge transfer from microcosmic and macroscopic layers, applies differential dynamical model to describe knowledge transfer process within the strategic network and makes analog simulation for conceptual model of influencing factors for knowledge transfer not only to realize quantitative research into network-wide knowledge transfer process but also to compensate insufficiency of quantitative research on network-wide knowledge transfer. Therefore, research hereinto is both an extension of theoretical research of existing strategic network and a revelation of cooperative problems between network enterprise members.
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