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Since the reform and opening-up policy, strageties for economic development in china have shifted significantly, as unbalanced development strategy has been gradually becoming the mainstream idea. Growth pole theory is the important content of unbalanced development theory. First develop of the growth pole will promote the continuous up-grading of economic development level and finally achieve coordinated regional economic development, through domination effect, multiplier effect, polarization effect and diffusion effect. This paper analysed the connotation, motive force and mechanism of action from the perspective of industry cluster, started with the perspective of industry cluster,and then studied current situation of industry cluster in Chongqing, probe inth the unbalanced development strategy for Chongqing, and seek for the policy for the formation and development of growth pole in Chongqing.
     1. primary coverage of the study
     (1) The progress to industry cluster, and the evaluation methods for it. Define conotation and characteristics of industry cluster, analyse the conditions and ways to form industry cluster, expound measurement methods for industry cluster, and then assess merits and drawbacks of the measurement method for industry cluster.
     (2) Dynamic system and mechanism of action to form growth pole. Introduce the generation and development of the'growth pole conception, summarize economic thoughts embodied in growth pole theory. Emphatically discuss innovation power, industrial structure shifting power, industry cluster power, market power and institution driving force to form growth pole. And make analysis on the mechanism of action from industry cluster in detail.
     (3) The relationship between industry cluster and growth pole. Analyze the connection and difference between industry cluster and growth pole, expound the influence and limitations of industry cluster, study the conversion mechanism from industry cluster to economic growth pole, show the importance on development strategy of growth pole.
     (4) The present developing situation and existing problem of growth pole in Chongqing. Study the standing of Chongqing in the entire country for each industry, evaluate static state of industry cluster for Chongqing, by calculating quotient of location for the main industies in Chongqing. Analyze the growth rate and dynamic charateristic for industry cluster of each industry in Chonqing by calculating index of industry cluster for the main industy in Chongqing. Then summarize the existing problems of industry cluster in Chongqing on such basis.
     (5) The present status and evaluation of industy cluster for each district of Chongqing. Analyze the industry cluster status of agriculture, manufacturing and services sector by calculating quotient of location for the main industies in40districts of Chongqing, sum up the spatial distribution charateristic and industrial structure charateristic for industry cluster in each district of Chongqing, point out problems in industry cluster for each district.
     (6) The unbalanced development strategy of Chongqing. Analyze the grounds for unbalanced development from the perspectives of differences in resources, location and economic foundation, and then narrate the industrial unbalanced development strategy and the regional unbalanced development strategy of Chongqing.
     (7) The policy for the formation and development of growth pole in Chongqing. Probe into the policy for the formation and development of growth pole from the perspectives of industrial choice, role of government, and institution design.
     2.Basic conlusion from the study
     (1)Industy cluster is formed through the interest-driven mechanism on enterprises in the developing progress of industries with a certain economic and social environment. The macro conditions include the production factors, social capital, globalized market and industry policy of the government. Conditions in the middle view include long industrial chain, specialized social division of labor, industrial competitiveness and technological innovation. The micro conditions include production costs and regional brand.
     (2) Growth pole comes as the result from the combining force of government mechanism and market mechanism. The forming progress of growth pole involves fundamental factors such as innovation power, market power, industrial structure shifting power, industry cluster power and institution driving force. Innovation is the persistent driving force for constant development of growth pole in such a system, which can change the industrial structure of a region. And the innovation power is passed on by the transforming and optimizing progress of industrial structure as the carrier, through which to continue promoting the growth of the growth pole.
     (3) Industry cluster is the basis and precondition for forming growth pole. Industry cluster and growth pole have some common factors, that they both take a certain geographical space as the carrier, both require the existence of strong industrial relevance among push industry, both require the establishment of good supporting service system and economies of scale exists in both. However growth pole asks for higher criterions in such aspects as industrial choice, resources advantage, technological innovation intensity, location condition and external connections.
     (4) The industrial structure and spatial distribution of industry cluster in Chongqing are both unbalanced. The charateristic of industry cluster in Chongqing is significant for industries, as transportation equipment manufacturing industry, instrumentsand meters manufacturing industry, cultural and office machinery manufacturing industry, financial sector, communications and transport industry, storage industry and postalservice, wholesale and retail trade, information transmission, computer services and software industry. However, there still exists problems, such as lagged development in public and social services, poor capacity of technological innovation, and lying in the low-end of industrial value chain. In the perspective of spatial distribution, service industry in Chongqing mainly clustered in urban developed economic zone, manufacturing industry mainly clustered in urban developed economic zone and in the Yuxi Economic Corridor, and agriculture mainly clustered in the surrounding of urban developed economic zone.
     (5) Fostering and developing the growth pole, and implementing unbalanced development strategy is the stategic choice for economic development of Chongqing. There exist huge differences on resources, location, and economic foundations between each district in Chongqing, which hold their respective industry focus in agriculture, industry and service trade. Development in " One-hour Economic Circle" and "Two Wings" is also unbalanced, among which urban developed economic zone is the commanding height of economy in Chongqing, while the two wings as northeast and southeast of Chongqing is the economic hinterland that supported long term growth for Chongqing. Implementing unbalanced development strategy, pushing forward economic development of Chongqing by priority sectors and key areas is the inevitable choice of economic development.
     3.Chief innovation point of this paper
     (1) Study unbalanced development strategy from the perspective of industry cluster and growth pole, and integrate industrial development with geographical space,that seizes the key point and grasps the overall, and stops up a gap by just studying economic development purely from the perspective of industry or space. There is some innovation in the research perspective.
     (2) Calculate quotient of location, industrial agglomeration index for Chongqing, and also the Gini Quotiety of locating industry for each district in Chongqing. Measure and evaluate the industrial agglomeration extent and the dynamic characteristic for main industries of Chongqing, which provides the practical basis for the formation and development of growth pole in Chongqing.
     (3) Provide pertinent policy proposals for implementing industrial unbalanced development strategy and the regional unbalanced development strategy for Chongqing, from the perspectives such as key industry choosing, role of government and supporting institution design.
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