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By the year 2011, Chinese 36% reserves of tombarthite resources supplies 95% of global demand, which however resultes in sustained serious damage on domestic environment. Even using the whole mining money earned for decades are not enough to control the pollution of the environment and at the same time, China is sued by Mexico and the European Union for the trade protection. International Labor Rights Organization---"Chinese Labor Oberservation" has made a report calling for a number of multinational toy companies to improve their treatment of Chinese workers, and then some countries took this action as an excuse to limit imports of Chinese toys, so that Chinese companies was seriously affected.
     Although China is on the turn of the century and have already has the full liberalization, Chinese foreign trade is blocked everywhere. What's wrong with contemporary international trade? What are the research results of domestic and international academic researches? What are the inadequacies? How does China jump out of the new international trade war with the rapid expansion of international trade? International trade has the nominal form of rationality and legitimacy in the expansion process, but what kinds of other obstacles for it to face? How to develop Chinese international trade research? To answer these questions, it is necessary to mix the scientific and cultural indicators together and pay attention to the comprehensive research from the point of academic principles.
     Marshall, the father of neoclassical economics, pointed out that, in the 19th century, "the reason deciding the national economic progress is the international trade." Thus, since modern times, international trade plays a decisive role in world economic growth. However, with the rapid expansion of modern international trade, Western academic perspective has been limited to "things" rather than "people", which leads to the deviation of development of contemporary Western commence, especially leading to the problems of one-sided emphasis on scientific supremacy, the abuse of technology and reckless over-development and other issues. In contrast, the study on the focus on trade issues, such as people's living environment, and trade-related environmental and labor issues are not paid enough attentions by Western academic circles. This paper argues that only trying to combine scientific and comprehensive cultural studies on international trade is possible to more effectively deal with these issues.
     The relationship between science and humanity is a major basic proposition that human society has to face in the various lifestyle development processes. Research answers "what" questions, aimed at seeking "truth" and the value of humanity research aims to answer "how to do" question to find "kindness" and seek "beauty". The scientists of international trade mainly research the natural characteristics of the trade phenomenon, emphasizing scientific empirical method, combining the experimental data and pursuing precision and objectivity of trade; the humanists of international trade studies on subjective initiative such as ideas, will and culture, emphasizing the methods of explanation and description in order to achieve balance between science and humanities and contribute to personal, national, and the whole development of mankind.
     Science is the basis of the humanities, and humanities regulate science at any time. International Trade also study the allocation of resources and the growth of economics and wealth, and in the final analysis, it aims at the whole development processes of human and society. Therefore, only having both the properties of science and humanity, international trade has the possibilty to fully reveal the entirety of the nature of contemporary international trade, and organically units, the research means and study purpose of international trade. In the international trade practice, such as the severely damaged ecological environment, can be avoided to happen and then make the international trade studies truly serve the overall human and social development progress.
     In the "speech on free trade", Marx has proposed the relationship with the workers'welfare and believed that free trade was just used by some of the factions whitewash their actions how noble and does not make the working class improve the situation. In contrast, labor welfare is not increased, and workers don't have basic living guarantee, and then the whole economy will eventually get the negative effects. So the world market and international trade have been an integral part of Marx's economic theory. Although Marx did not write about human trade theory monographs, we can find some basic ideas on international trade. As far as in the "Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts in 1844", Marx clearly pointed out that trade theory was a scientific discipline, but also more than science. The more important thing is it aimed at"human liberation" and "comprehensive free development of human", which is humanity scope. Marx always took these points as the focus on international trade research. According to Marx, international trade theory's "soul" is humanity, and this discipline is still a "science of man". The humanity of international trade is a humanity which contains scientific international trade, and the development of international trade is a unity of international trade and the science. In short, "what Economics studies is not material, but the relationship between people."
     This thesis's comprehensive study shows that the contemporary Western International Trade defends the positive results of traditional research, but it exposes the fallacy of the premise assumptions, inflexible quantitative analysis models and many other brutal value judgements. If these these problems are neglected or ingored, it is not conducive to the normal development of International Trade in theory, and in practice, it is not conducive to the free developments of human and social progress. In contrast, taking the reviewing Marx's free and comprehensive concept of development as a basis to construct scientific development is undoubtedly has important theoretical and practical significance in reflecting on development of reform and opening up China's GDP. Especially in the field of foreign trade, this will help the Government to make a reasonable decision and make the people-oriented trade strategy for sustainable development.
     In international trade, mathematics and model with its applications in various forms are more and more widely used in international trade. Today, mathematical tools used to make the theory of international trade has the new interpretation, making the international trade in practice field radiate vitality, and showing the scientific advantage, namely mathematics language make the trade theory expression to be precise, clear, mathematical method to promote international trade. Mathematical methods will promote the new trade theory; even some international trade experts are keen on the one-sided form and models were pursued, through mathematical method will become like the" theory of international trade science". If no mathematical method in trade is not a" specification". International trade studies often applied mathematical tools as the research level of degree of trade mark. Excessive scientific will make trade comes to deadlock. Firstly, the theory of international trade with the uncertain features does not fit exactly mathematical. Secondly, the theory of international trade development the epistemological reflection.Once again, the mathematics makes international trade in modeling and reality of the plight of conflict. These defects in certain respects reflect more obvious, but trade scientific doe's trade progress and it plays an important role in promoting.
     In the humanitic trade, the protection of environment and resources protection of ecological, summed up the prevention and reduction of environmental pollution; the protection of human, animal and plant life; rational use of natural resources and so on. In animal welfare, the animal can live comfortably, and animal epidemic prevention work, and bring the animals provide a relatively loose activity space. Trade on individual humanistic concern is the protection of human rights, labor protection and so on. The National Humanities embody specific performance analyses. Through to understand this trade culture phenomenon, recognize that international trade human culture has been developed as a kind of trend, and have a great effect in various areas. International Trade and culture make international trade theory basis to produce a shake. The traditional international trade studies of one-sided pursuit of utilitarianism and scientism, the pursuit of profit maximize, one-sided to economic and trade issues of quantification, regardless of the nature. International trade of cultural development is the powerful critique of utilitarianism. The study of international trade culture also on trade has played a positive role in the improvement of. But some developed countries use the humane trade, by virtue of their own advantages barriers, the formation of a new round of trade protection, known as the" new trade protectionism". The new trade protectionism is compared with the traditional trade protection, in the early of 1990s the globale economic contributed to the new trade protectionism forms. Green barriers, technical barriers of trade as the core of the new trade barriers, impede the free movement of goods and the trade between countries. This use of cultural trade and the formation of new trade protectionism are seemed as humane trade applying a stain, it has interests of all countries and gradually towards a unified evaluation standard at the same time, also makes the international trade goals and norms gradually deviate fairness to discrimination, and became a tool of the western hegemony. Trade culture not only makes the economics theory arose to shake, but also bring some questions to the traditional trade on environmental resources and wealth of the community. At the same time, trade culture on multilateral trade become a challenge, it tests the relationship between developed and developing countries.
     For the integration of science and humanities, on the basis of legislative, China control the relevant industries strictly, to promote our country international trade standardization, effectively avoid the technical barriers of trade, and improving the technological factors. The working environment and the standard of the relative improvement, people can comprehensive development. Trade ecological environment improvement; increase the service trade proportion, to seize the international green market, to the enterprise's own value upgrade, to stimulate business activity. Enhance the enterprise the competition ability in international trade, effect the implementation of brand, while the relevant international certificates for research, and strengthen their own value-added products. Finally, should pay attention to build an unobstructed information platform, make the relevant international standards to enter the domestic, so that enterprises can quickly respond to the international situation.
     This paper focuses on Marx's concept of trade and takes this point as the main perspective to look at today's world trade issues, and particularly emphasizes on the further discussions on the existing humanity trade theory. This paper is committed to a comprehensive study on the scientific and humanism of the traditional trade. And also this paper will judge the traditional one-sided view of the humanity trade and then takes the cultural process as a whole to be examined. From the perspective of the unity of science and humanities, this paper deeply analyzes the relationship between the international trade and the environment and human health freedoms, and the relationship between the countries indicators as well as defects in the human trade and other issues, trying to achieve Chinese organic unity study of scientific study and the humanity study on contemporary trade.
     Chinese foreign trade suffered a lot, as a new subject international trade has not gotten a comprehensive review of science and the humanities. In this paper, finding the new research paths is the research driving force, and this paper trys to take the humanity as the directing theories to explore the cultural thinking of the scientific concept of trade and strive to provide theoretical support for sustainable development of international trade.
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