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     二、认知无线电应用的前提是能够与授权系统共存,不侵犯到授权用户的正常通信。干扰温度模型是一种认知无线电系统与授权系统共存的模型,基于该模型,共存问题转变为认知无线电网络的功率优化问题。本论文的第3章针对认知无线电ad hoc网络和授权系统的空域共存范畴,研究了多测量点场景下认知无线电网络的功率控制问题。基于干扰温度模型,从最大化认知无线电网络总效用的角度出发,利用博弈理论,提出一种全局最优的分布式功率控制(TPCG)算法。该算法不需要测量点的管理和控制,且适用于存在多个测量点的频谱共享场景。文中通过理论证明和计算机仿真验证了TPCG算法的性能。
     四、本论文的第5章研究了IEEE 802.22 WRAN网络的基站间频谱共享问题。当多个WRAN基站的覆盖范围相互重叠时,WRAN基站间存在频谱机会的接入竞争问题。考虑到拍卖理论在平衡资源需求和激励资源共享方面的独特优势,为了鼓励基站间平衡信道分配,避免频谱接入冲突,提高系统的频谱利用率,本论文提出一种基于拍卖理论的WRAN基站间频谱租借方案。该方案将WRAN小区间的频谱共享情况抽象为一个拍卖基站和多个竟拍基站的拍卖模型,在满足基站间的干扰约束下,以提升拍卖收益为优化目标,给出一种频谱分配的近似算法,并通过计算机仿真度量了分配效率。
With the rapid development of wireless communication technologies and the increasing broadband communication demands, the shortage of spectrum is becoming an outstanding problem. On one hand, the conflicion between spectrum supply and demand is increasing. On the other hand, according to the survey of related organizations the utilization of licensed spectrums is very low under the present static spectrum management mode. Under the above background, the cognitve radio (CR) technology is prposed, which aims at enhancing the utilization of licensed spectrum with intelligent using the unused spectrum of licensed systems.
     CR becomes a hot topic in wireless communication research. Related research are undergoing by scholars from universities all over the world. But the CR technology is also in the beginning stage and there are many drowbacks need to be improved. In this paper, our researches focus on CR power control scheme, MAC layer sensing efficiency and spectrum sharing in IEEE 802.22 systems. The game theory and auction theory in microeconomics are introduced to inspire new ideas. Several new algorithms are proposed and the performances are verified through computer simulations. The researches have meaningful value for the realization of CR systems.
     The work in this dissertation is concluded as following points.
     Firstly, the research progress of CR is discussed detailedly, and the characteristic and technology challeges are analyzed.
     Secondaly, in chaper 3, we considered decentralized cognitive radio networks, and we especially focusd on the multiple measurement points scenario. Interference temperature model is proposed for spectrum sharing. Based on interference temperature model, the problem of spectrum sharing can be formulated as a power optimization problem at physical layer. Game theory is used to investigate the distributed power control for providing the maximum throughput in cognitive radio networks. A tax-based power control game algorithm is introduced to implement power allocation optimization in a distributed mode, and guarantees the convergence to globally optimal power allocations.
     Thirdly, chapter 4 discussed the MAC layer spectrum sensing in cognitive radio network. Efficient MAC layer spectrum sensing scheme can improve sensing performances and find more available spectrum opportunities. Focusing on solving MAC layer the sensing period optimization problem, we proposed an adaptive sensing period adjustment algorithm. The proposed algorithm realized the automation adjusting of sensing period based on the channel model of primary users, and found more opportunities than fixed period sensing.
     Fourthly, in chapter 5 we studied the spectrum sharing problem among different IEEE 802.22 WRAN cells. Aiming at efficiently solving the spectrum sharing problem, a dynamic spectrum renting scheme is proposed. Based on auction theory, the proposed spectrum renting algorithm obtains higher spectrum utilization and higher auction benefit, and guarantees no interference between competitive WRAN base stations.
     Finally, a conclusion is drawn for the dissertation, and valuable research directions in the future are presented.
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