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Diplomatic Protection traces its roots to customary international legal principles. Historically, it has often been misused by Western powers as a pretext to intervene in the affairs of less powerful nations for several centuries since the use of force was not yet declared unlawful at its emergence. Consequently, there have been many occasions of exercising diplomatic protection by way of war, which is not a good tactics from the perspective of solving the disputes but leads to much more serious disputes. To prevent the abuse of Diplomatic Protection, some Latin American states have always advocated "Calvo Doctrine" to avoid the invocation of diplomatic protection, which was a good means for developing countries to maintain their sovereignty while the individuals were deprived of their rights to relieve their damage. For a balanced consideration of the above-mentioned purposes, two important customary international legal principles have been gradually developed regarding Diplomatic Protection: Exhaustion of Local Remedies and Principle of Nationality. After the Second World War, the use of force has been outlawed, which further defined the peaceful means to exercise Diplomatic Protection, thus making the rights of diplomatic protection easily recognized by all the states.
     Although there have been ample practice and precedents in respect of diplomatic protection, it remains a most controversial international legal issue. Western countries have a thorough study on it while the studies in China is still very inadequate, which lies in China's incapability to exercise diplomatic protection in the past and insufficient state practice regarding this area at present. Under the present background of more and more Chinese citizens going abroad and being internationalized with the ongoing reform, the studies regarding diplomatic protection is also becoming extremely important.
     The present paper consists of five parts which are respectively: Part I, the definition and history of diplomatic protection; Part II, the basic theories for diplomatic protection; Part III, a comparative analysis to diplomatic protection and other means for protecting the overseas citizens; Part IV, a review to the case of "Kaunda V. President of Republic of South Africa" and its illustration to a state's obligations; Part V, development trend for diplomatic protection and it implications to China.
     The studies methods in the present paper are mainly case study, comparative study, value evaluation and history consideration. The development of diplomatic protection are discussed from the studies on the history of diplomatic protection combined with the analysis on the typical and recent cases; The obligations of the states for diplomatic protection are also indentified by the comparative analysis and value evaluation between the public benefits and private benefits that may occur during the exercise of diplomatic protection.
1 张娜:《30000起领事保护案件彰显外交为民》,《法制日报》2007年1月14日第一版。
    2 中华人民共和国商务部、中华人民共和国国家统计局、国家外汇管理局编:《2007年度中国对外直接投资统计公报》,第2页
    3 全球投资前景预测(GIPA).UNCTAD,2006。
    4 姚佳威、由珊珊、黄鸣:《2006年发生3万余起事件 中国公民海外安全引重视》,《南方周末》2007年1月7日第一版。
    5 同前引。
    6 温家宝:《2006年政府工作报告》,2006年3月5日。
    7 黄琳:《中国公民海外安全问题再探:外交部新设应急机构》,《瞭望东方周刊》2005年11月4日第1版。
    8 Judgment of Mavrommatis Concessions Case,Jurisdiction.
    9 杨培栋:《外交保护制度研究--以<联合国外交保护条款草案>为线索》
    10 拉丁美洲国家提出的“卡尔沃主义”以反对大国滥用外交保护为目的,其核心思想是外国侨民与本国人应享有同等待遇,不能享有更多的权利。卡尔沃主义的实质是维护国家主权原则,提倡外国人与本国人待遇、平等的原则反对外国人特权地位,坚持国家属地管辖权的完整性。
    11 20世纪初阿根廷外交部长德拉果提出“德拉果”主义,挑战西方殖民主义政策,其主要意思是:一个国家有权对外资进行征收,外资的母国没有权利进行干涉。
    12 周忠海主编:《国际法》,中国政法大学出版社2008年版,第557页。
    13 See Shane Spelliscy,The Proliferation of International Tribunals:a Clink in the Armor Source,Colun.J.Transnat'l L.Vol.40,2001.p.143
    15 王铁涯主编:《国际法》,法律出版社1995年版,第8页。
    16 柳炳华:《国际法》(上卷),朴国哲、林永姬译,中国政法大学出版社1997年版,第39页。
    17 柳炳华:《国际法》(下卷),朴国哲、林永姬译,中国政法大学出版社1997年版,第219页。
    18 王铁涯主编:《中华法学大辞典(国际法卷)》,中国检察出版社1996年版,第572页。
    19 赵建文主编:《国际法新论》,法律出版社2000年版,第203页。
    20 殷敏:《外交保护法律制度及其发展态势》,笫9页。
    21 周忠海:《海外投资的外交保护》,载《政法论坛》总第25卷第3期,第56页。
    22 J.L.Brierly,The Law of Nations:An Introduction to the International Law of Peace,6th edition(Oxford:Clarendon Press,1963),Sir H.Waldock(ed),pp.276-7.
    23 La Grand case(Germany v.United States of America) I.C.J.Reports 2001,p.466 at paras.76-77.
    24 参见联合国文件A/CN.4/L.684,第1页。
    25 Yearbook of international law commission 1956,vol.Ⅱ,pp.173-231,Yearbook of international law commission 1957,vol.Ⅱ,pp.104-30,Yearbook of international law commission 1958,vol.Ⅱ,pp,47-73,Yearbook of international law commission 1959,vol.Ⅱ,pp.1-36,Yearbook of international law commission 1960,vol.Ⅱ,pp.41-68,and Yearbook of international law commission 1961,vol.Ⅱ,pp.1-54.
    26 Ibid.Official Records of the General Assembly Fifty-sixth Session,Supplement No.10(A/56/10),para.77,commentary on article 44,footnotes 722 and 726.
    27 《国家对国际不当行为的责任条款草案》第四十四条。
    28 The Reparation for Injuries suffered in the Service of the United Nations,Advisory Opinion,I.C.J.Reports 1949,p.174 at pp.185-186.
    30 周鲠生著:《国际法》(上册),商务印书馆1981年版,第285页。
    31 Maloolm N.Shaw,International Law 4th,Edition,at p.514,(1977).转引自马呈元:《国际犯罪与责任》,中国政法大学出版社2001年7月第1版,第323页。
    32 周忠海:《国际法述评》,法律出版社2001年7月第1版,第457页。
    33 转引自《1956年国际法委员会年鉴》,第2卷,第225页。
    34 《国家对国际不法行为的责任的条款草案》第2条。
    35 赵建文:《国际法上的国家责任》
    36 美国驻德黑兰外交和领事人员案,《1980年国际法院报告书》,p.3,at p.29,第56段,参看p.41,第90段。也参看尼加拉瓜的境内和外来的军事及警备活动案(尼加拉瓜诉美利坚合众国),法律依据,《1986年国际法院报告书》,p.14 at PP.117-118,第226段;加布奇科沃--大毛罗斯工程案(匈牙利/斯洛伐克),《1997年国际法院报告书》,p.7,at p.54,第78段。
    37 《联合国国际仲裁裁决报告书》,第4卷,p.669(1931),at p.678。
    38 赵建文:《国际法上的国家责任》
    39 赵建文:《国际法上的国家责任》
    42 “马弗罗马蒂斯巴勒斯坦特许权案”,1924年《常设国际法院案例汇编》A辑,第2号,第12页。
    43 殷敏:《外交保护与领事保护的比较研究》,载《国际商务研究》2008年第4期。
    44 殷敏:《外交保护法律制度及其发展态势》。
    45 郭德峰:《海外中国公民的安全保护》。
    46 http://www.fmprc.gov.cn/chn/pds/ziliao/lszs/t353596.htm,2009年3月30日。
    47 同前引。
    48 《维也纳领事关系公约》第5条。
    49 《维也纳领事关系公约》第36条。
    50 梁宝山著:《实用领事知识》,世界知识出版社2001年版,第156页。
    51 周忠海:《国际法》,中国政法大学出版社2008年版,第215页。
    52 刘海琦:《解读引渡法》,载:《法制日报》2001年1月7日第一版。
    53 王庆海:《国际法中的政治犯不引渡原则》,载《法学研究》1999年第4期。
    54 刘正:《论安理会1373号决议对反恐国际法的完善》,载《山东社会科学》2003年第6期。
    55 梁西:《国际法(修订第二版)》,武汉大学出版社2002年版,第308页。
    56 案情简介:1948年10月3日,秘鲁发生了一起未遂军事叛乱,秘鲁政府指控美洲人民革命同盟组织指挥了这起叛乱,并对美洲人民革命同盟领导人托雷进行追诉。1949年1月4日,哥伦比亚驻秘鲁使馆对托雷给予庇护。国际法院判决认为哥伦比亚无权给托雷外交庇护,但同时又认为哥伦比亚没有义务立即把托雷交回秘鲁。
    57 中国政法大学国际法教研室编著:《国际公法案例评析》,中国政法大学出版社1995年版,第86页。
    58 赵劲松:《国际公务员制度刍议--以联合国为视角》,载《甘肃社会科学》2005年第6期。
    59 同前引。
    60 余劲松主编:《国际投资法》,法律出版社1997年版,第401页。
    61 赵劲松:《国际公务员制度刍议--以联合国为视角》,载《甘肃社会科学》2005年第6期。
    62 李浩培:《国际法的概念和渊源》,贵州人民出版社1994年版,第12-13页。
    63 《联合国宪章》第100条:(1)秘书长及办事人员于执行职务时,不得请求或接受本组织以外任何政府或其他当局之训示,并应避免足以妨碍其国际官员地位之行动。秘书长及办事人员专对本组织负责;(2)联合国各会员国承诺尊重秘书长及办事人员之专属国际性,决不设法影响其责任之履行。
    64 《国际法案件汇编》(1970年),第301页。
    65 M.J.L.Hardy,"Claims by International Organizations in Respect of Injuries to their Agents",(1962)37 BYIL 516,p522-523.
    66 M.J.L.Hardy,"Claims by International Organizations in Respect of Injuries to their Agents",(1962)37 BYIL 516,p526.
    67 See M.J.L.Hardy,supra note 5,p521.523.
    68 《1949年国际法院案例汇编》,第186页。
    69 A/CN.4/538.
    70 《1949年国际法院案例汇编》,第185-186页。
    71 Kaunda V.President of the Republic of South Africa,at http://www.saflii.org/za/case/zacc/2004/.Feb.20.2009.
    72 在南北共和国最高法院审理此案时,一共有70名原告。但是2004年7月5日第69个提出诉讼请求的公民西蒙.弗兰西斯.曼恩向法院提出请求要求退出本案。
    73 http://e.a.cnn.net/2004/WORLD/africa/03/10/zimbabwe.plane/index.html.April.14.2009.
    74 Kaunda v.President of the Republic of South Africa(CC Aug.4,2004).The South African Constitution and the judgments of the Constitutional Court.At http://www.concourt.gov.za.paras44-49.Jan.17.2009
    75 Barcelona Traction Light and Power Company Limited 1970 ICJ Reports 3;46 ILR 178.
    76 Barcelona Traction Light and Power Company Limited 1970 ICJ Reports 3;46 ILR 178.at paras 78-9.
    77 Report of the International Law Commission on the work of its fifty-second session,1 May to 9 June and 10July to 18 August(2000) A/55/10(ILC report).The full report of the Special Rapporteur is published as a General Assembly document,A/CN.4/506(Special Rapporteur's report).
    78 Dunn,The Protection of Nationals:A Study in the Application of International Law.Johns Hopkins Press,1932,P.18.
    79 Mohamed v.President of the Republic of South Africa,2001(3) SALR 893(CC).
    80 Kaunda v.President of the Republic of South Africa(CC Aug.4,2004).The South African Constitution and the judgments of the Constitutional Court are available at http://www.concourt.gov.za.paras44-49.Jan.17.2009
    81 Id.para 62-63,
    82 Id.paras.238.
    83 Id.para 77;also can see in the report of Judge Ngcobo paras 175,and in the report of Judge O'Regan paras 244.
    76 Mary Coombs,"International Decision:Kaunda V.President of the Republic of South Africa",American Journal of International Law,99 A.J.I.L.681,July,2005.
    85 Tawanda Kanhem,"Mercenaries' Release Marks End of an Era,HERALD ONLINE"(Zimbabwe)(May 24,2005),at http://www.zimupdates.co.zw/archives/archives.html.Feb.2.2009.
    86 虽然国际上废除死刑的要求日渐强大,《非洲人权宪章》和《公民权利政治权利公约》并没有规定禁止适用死刑。因此,在国际法层面上适用死刑并不是非法的。
    87 Gerhard Erasmus & Lyle Davidson,"Do South Africans Have a Right to Diplomatic Protection?" 2000 S.AFR Y.B.INT'L L.113.
    88 Vattel The Law of Nations,bk.Ⅱ.,ch.Ⅵ,§ 71(Berry & Rogers 1787)(1758)
    89 First Report on Diplomatic Protection,Para.28-31,UN Doc.A/CN.4/506(2000)
    90 First Report on Diplomatic Protection,Para.28-31,UN Doc.A/CN.4/506(2000),Paras.87.
    91 Kaunda VS.President of the republic of South Africa,paras.44(Chaskalon,C.J.),214((O'Regan,J.).This distinction is implicit in the definition of diplomatic protection,see id.,para.26(Chaskalon,C.J.),as limited to responding to "internationally wrongful acts."
    92 Id.41-42,54-56.
    93 As the Kaunda court noted,the courts of other states have also dealt with the question of when constitutional rights may be claimed in regard to extraterritorial government action.See,for example,the Supreme Court of Canada's judgment in R.v.Cook,[1998]2 SCR 597.The U.S.Supreme Court has found that some constitutional rights do not apply in full extraterritorially,see,e.g.,United States v.Verdugo-Urquidez,494 U.S.259(1990).
    94 40,44(Chaskalon,C.J.),229(O'Regan,J.).
    95 70,163-64,210,238,275.
    96 The list of means of diplomatic protection in Dugard's first report to the International Law Commission,supra note 29,Para.43(quoted in Kaunda,Para.27).
    97 Joined Case Nos.2 BvM 1-5/03 & 2 BvM 1-2/06.60 NEUE JURISTISCHE WOCHENSCHRIFT 2610(2007).At http://www.bundesverfassungsgericht.de.Feb.7.2009 Bundesverfassungsgericht(Federal Constitutional Court of Germany),May 8,2007.
    98 BverfGE 55,349(1980),available in English translation at 90 ILR 387,398.
    99 Erasmus & Davidson,supra note 28,at 120;Kevin Hopkins,Diplomatic Protection and the South African Constitution:Does a South African Citizen Have an Enforceable Constitutional Claim against the Government?16 S.AFR.J.PUB.L.387,394-95(2001).
    100 R.v.Sec'y of State for Foreign & Commonwealth Aff,[2002]All ER(D) 70,Para.37(C.A.)(quoting R.v.Sec'y of State for Foreign & Commonwealth Aff.ex parte Pirbhai,107 ILR 462,479(C.A.1985)).
    101 Id.,Para.107.
    107 周永坤:《法理学》,法律出版社2004年第二版,第351页。
    108 张文显:《法理学》,高等教育出版社北京大学出版社2003年第二版,第109页。
    109 张文显:《法理学》,高等教育出版社北京大学出版社2003年第二版,第371页。
    110 朱力宇、张曙光:《立法学》,中国人民大学出版社2006年第二:版,第87页。
    111 张千帆:《公共利益是什么--社会功利主义的定义及其宪法上的局限性》,《法学论坛》2005年第1期。
    113 林广华:《论宪政与民主》,《法律科学》2001年第3期,第43页。
    1.Vattel,the Law of Nations,bk.Ⅱ,Berry & Rogers 1787.
    2.E.M.Borchard,the Diplomatic Protection of Citizens Abroad or the Law of International Claims,1915.
    3.Dunn,the Protection of Nationals:A Study in the Application of International Law.Johns Hopkins Press,1932.
    4.J.L.Brierly,the Law of Nations:an Introduction to the International Law of Peace,6th edition Oxford:Clarendon Press,1963.
    5.Ian Brownlie,International Law and the Use of Force by States,1963.
    6.Malcolm N.Shaw,International Law,4~(th),Edition,1977.
    7.W.K.Geck,"Diplomatic Protection",in:Encyclopedia of Public International Law (E.P.I.L) 1992.
    8.R.Y.Jennings and A.Watts(Eds),Oppenheim's International Law,9th edition,1992.
    9.Ian Brownlie,Principle of Public International Law,5~(th) edition,1998.
    11.J.G.M.ERRILLS,International Dispute Settlement,4~(th) edition,Cambridge,2005.
    1.The Reparation for Injuries suffered in the Service of the United Nations,Advisory Opinion,I.C.J.Reports 1949.
    2.Yearbook of international law commission 1956,vol.Ⅱ.
    3.Yearbook of international law commission 1957,vol.Ⅱ.
    4.Yearbook of international law commission 1958,vol.Ⅱ.
    5.Yearbook of international law commission 1959,vol.Ⅱ.
    6.Yearbook of international law commission 1960,vol.Ⅱ.
    7.Yearbook of international law commission 1961,vol.Ⅱ.
    8. M. J. L. Hardy, "Claims by International Organizations in Respect of Injuries to their Agents", (1962)37 BYIL.
    9. Barcelona Traction Light and Power Company Limited 1970 ICJ Reports 3; 46 ILR.
    10. The list of means of diplomatic protection in Dugard's first report to the International Law Commission, supra note 29,1996.
    12. Report of the International Law Commission on the work of its fifty-second session, 1 May to 9 June and 10 July to 18 August (2000) A/55/10 (ILC report)
    13. Gerhard Erasmus & Lyle Davidson, "Do South Africans Have a Right to Diplomatic Protection?" 2000 S. AFR Y.B. INT'L L.
    14. Erasmus & Davidson, supra note 28, at 120; Kevin Hopkins, "Diplomatic Protection and the South African Constitution: Does a South African Citizen Have an Enforceable Constitutional Claim against the Government?" 16S. AFR.J.PUB. L. 387,(2001).
    15. Mohamed v. President of the Republic of South Africa, 2001 (3) SALR 893 (CC).
    16. Shane Spelliscy, "The Proliferation of International Tribunals: a Clink in the Armor Source", Colun.J.Transnat'lL.Vol.40, 2001.
    17. La Grand case (Germany v. United States of America) I.C.J. Reports 2001.
    18. R. v. Sec'y of State for Foreign & Commonwealth Aff, [2002] All ER (D) 70
    19. Kaunda v. President of the Republic of South Africa (CC Aug. 4, 2004). The South African Constitution and the judgments of the Constitutional Court.
    20. Mary Coombs, "International Decision: Kaunda V. President of the Republic of South Africa", American Journal of International Law, 99 A.J.I.L. 681, July, 2005.
    21.Tawanda Kanhem, "Mercenaries' Release Marks End of an Era, HERALD ONLINE" (Zimbabwe) (May 24, 2005)
    22. Ibid. Official Records of the General Assembly Fifty-sixth Session, Supplement No. 10 (A/56/10), Commentary on article 44.2006.
    23. Joined Case Nos. 2 BvM 1-5/03 & 2 BvM 1-2/06. 60 NEUE JURISTISCHE WOCHENSCHRIFT 2610 (2007).
    1. http://www.fmprc.gov.cn/chn/pds/ziliao/lszs/t353596.htm
    2. http://www.saflii.org/za/case/zacc/2004/
    3. http://e.a.cnn.net/2004/WORLD/africa/03/10/zimbabwe.plane/index.html
    4. http://www.concourt.gov.za
    5. http://www.zimupdates.co.zw/archives/archives.html
    6. http://www.bundesverfassungsgericht.de
    7. http://www.un.org/en/law/