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硫辛酸(Lipoic acid)作为一种高效的抗氧化剂,目前主要应用于人类衰老与疾病方面的研究。本试验首次将LA用于缓解产蛋鸡热应激的研究中,通过对产蛋鸡生产性能、蛋壳品质、血清酶指标和抗氧化性能的研究,探讨LA在热应激下产蛋鸡生产中的应用,为LA在动物生产上的应用提供理论支持。
    本试验采用单因素试验设计,选用56周龄海兰褐蛋鸡168羽,随机分为7个处理组,每个处理4个重复,每个重复6羽鸡。试验共进行7周,其中常温饲养1周,高温应激6周。对照组(C)喂给基础饲粮,试验组(L1、L2、L3、L4、L5、L6)分别在基础饲粮中添加20、50、100、200、400、800mg/kg LA。
    1 热应激可导致产蛋鸡采食量、产蛋率、产蛋量、平均蛋重、蛋鸡体重下降(P<0.05),料蛋比上升(P<0.05),严重影响产蛋鸡生产性能的发挥。饲粮中补充LA可显著缓解产蛋率、产蛋量的下降程度(P<0.05),一定程度改善料蛋比(P>0.05),对平均蛋重、蛋鸡体重无显著影响。应激期大部分时间内,800mg/kg LA组产蛋率、产蛋量、蛋鸡体重显著或极显著低于其它处理组(P<0.05或P<0.01),料蛋比显著高于其它处理组(P<0.05),可能是LA添加过量,超过了机体所能调节、适应的能力,造成机体生理功能紊乱所致。
    2 热应激可导致蛋壳强度、蛋壳厚度下降(P<0.05),异形指数上升(P>0.05),C组与各试验组间在蛋壳强度、蛋壳厚度、异形指数方面无显著差异。
    3 高温应激环境下饲粮中补充LA可不同程度地降低血清谷丙转氨酶(ALT)、肌酸激酶(CK)、乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)活性(P>0.05),减轻热应激导致的膜损伤,细胞内酶的逸出减少。对碱性磷酸酶(ALP)活性无显著影响(P>0.05)。
    4 热应激可导致血清谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GSH-px)(P>0.05)和总抗氧化能力(T-AOC)下降(P<0.05),丙二醛(MDA)水平上升(P>0.05);心、肝组织MDA的积累和GSH-px、T-AOC水平的下降。产蛋鸡饲粮中补充LA可不同程度减轻MDA在血液、心、肝组织的积累(P<0.05),同时使血液、心、肝组织的GSH-px、T-AOC保持较高水平(P<0.05),提高机体的抗氧化机能。
    5 综合各项试验指标,热应激下产蛋鸡饲粮中LA的适宜添加量为50~100mg/kg。
As a high-effective antioxidant, LA has been applied to the research on human aging and disease. According to our knowledge, LA was firstly introduced to investigate its antioxidant function on alleviation of heat stress. In this study, Layers performance, eggshell quality, serum enzyme, antioxidant function were tested not only to study on LA application in laying hens under heat-stress conditions but to provide evidence on LA application in further research
    One factor experiment design was used in this study. 168 plumes 56-week-old health Hylane browns were randomly divided into 7 groups. Every treat contained four replications. Every replication contained 6 plumes layers. During raising period of seven weeks, one week under normal temperature conditions and six weeks in heat-stress conditions. 7 groups were respectively provided with diets supplementing 0, 20, 50, 100, 200, 400, 800mg/kg LA.
    The trial results show that:
    1 Heat-stress had negative effect on feed intake, laying rate, laying weight, average egg-weight, body weight(P<0.05) and increased feed egg ratio and death rate(P<0.05), seriously influenced performance of laying hens. Supplementing LA significantly improved laying rate, laying weight(P<0.05), improved feed egg ratio slightly(P>0.05) and had no significant effect on average egg-weight and body weight. Laying rate, laying weight, body weight and feed egg ratio of the group supplemented 800mg/kg LA obviously reduced(P<0.05 or P<0.01). The reason maybe the excessive supplement of LA that exceeded body tolerance.
    2 Heat-stress significantly reduced eggshell intensity and eggshell thickness (P<0.05), increased atypical index(P>0.05). There was no significant difference of eggshell quality between the LA addition groups and the control groups
    3 LA reduced ALT, CK, LDH in the serum under heat-stress conditions(P>0.05) ,protected the structure of tissue cells, reduced enzyme escaped in cells. LA had no significant effect on ALP in the serum.
    4 Heat stress conditions can result in MDA increased and GSH-px activity reduced (P>0.05), T-AOC activity reduced in the serum (P<0.05). In the heart and liver, MDA
    accumulated and GSH-px、T-AOC decreased. Supplementing LA can reduce the accumulation of MDA and protect the enzyme activity of GSH-px, T-AOC in the serum, heart and liver (P<0.05).
    5 The optimal dosage of 50~100mg/kg in supplementation was found in this study.
    Master Candidate: Bai Zhaopeng
    Supervisor: Asso Prof. Sun Wenzhi
    Major: Animal Nutrition and Feed Science
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