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     试验过程:①各被试者(缺血性脑卒中病人或正常人)常规封闭视听至fMRI检测结束(耳塞产自美国Aearo公司,批号R5A018,眼罩产自扬州市邗江鑫华旅游用品厂,批号XHYZ-001)。②缺血性脑卒中病人随机接受外关穴和非穴针刺刺激,健康志愿者只接受外关穴针刺刺激,同一被试者先后接受假针刺和真针刺。外关穴定位:在前臂背侧,当阳池与肘尖的连线上,腕背横纹上2寸(平肘尖的肘横纹和腕掌侧横纹之间的距离为12寸),尺骨与桡骨之间处。非穴定位:与外关穴相平,手少阳三焦经与少太阳小肠经在前臂循行线上连线的中点。③被试者在检查床上休息5分钟后,采用美国GE公司生产的3.0T超导MRI系统和及其标准头部线圈,首先进行T1W1三维梯度回波脉冲序列采集MR解剖图像,扫描2分42秒。检测序列为:OAX(轴位)T1FLAIR (Fluid attenuated inversion recovery),重复时间(TR)2300ms/回波时间(TE)21ms,TI(time of inversion)920ms,层厚6.0mm/间隔1.0mm;共20层,2min45s,视野(FOV)240mm×180mm/Z,矩阵320×256/NEX (number of excitations)=2, Matrix=320×256,回波链长度=9,带宽=50。④接着由同一名获得中医执业医师执照,从事针灸临床工作3年以上的医师使用管针[针管(DONGBANG AcuPrime, Exeter, UK)和银质针灸针(0.30cm×40cm,中研太和公司,北京,中国)]对志愿者进行假针刺刺激右侧外关穴/非穴6分30秒,同时进行假针刺刺激阶段的血氧水平依赖(BOLD)技术的功能性磁共振扫描6分30秒。假针刺:将针头露出套管1mm,采用Block方法设计刺激程序,轻触皮肤,30秒后轻提针柄,使针头离开皮肤表面,30秒后再次压下针柄使针头露出1mm,轻触皮肤,如此反复。检测参数:GR (gradient recalled)/EPI (Echo-Planar imaging)/90, TR3000ms/20ms/FE, Flip angle90, FOV24cm×24cm,层厚6mm/间隔1.0mm,矩阵96×96/NEX=1,Phase Per location:130,2600/6min30s。⑤然后进行3D扫描6分钟2秒后。检测参数:Ax(轴位)3D T1FSPGR (fast spoiled gradient echo)/20T1450, TR7.6ms/TE3.3ms, FOV24cm×18cm, Flip angle20, Bandwidth25,矩阵256×256/NEX=1,thick1.2mm/-0.6mmov,共248层,6min2s。⑥继续对同一批病人再进行真针刺(针具同上文④)刺激右侧外关穴6分30秒,同时进行真针刺刺激阶段的BOLD技术的功能性磁共振扫描6分30秒。真针刺:医师左手挟持针管,右手食指轻敲银质针灸针针柄进针,移开套管,将针再垂直刺入15±2mm,医生感觉手下有沉涩感后,采用平补平泻手法,均匀捻转,捻转幅度±180°,频率60次/min。针刺刺激程序采用Block方法设计:捻转30秒,停止捻针30秒,又重复捻针、不捻针,如此反复。检测参数同上文④。
     数据处理:①数据先采用统计参数图(statistical parametric mapping, SPM2)软件包(download from http://www.fil.ion.ac.uk/)在MATLAB6.5(MathWorks公司,美国)平台下进行处理,获取统计参数图。a.预处理:首先对各缺血性脑卒中病人进行头动校正以消除实验中被试者头部的轻微运动;然后把数据进行标准化到MNI空间(the Montreal Neurological Institute space)的标准脑模板(aprocedure of SPM2Software)上;继而进行高斯平滑,减少图像建立过程中产生的误差和消除不同被试者脑结构上的细微差异等。b.初次分析:基于广义线性模型对图像进行逐像素分析,统计分析采用两样本单边t检验,计算出每个像素对应的t值,最后绘制由t值构成的统计参数图,并将有显著性差异(P≤0.001,uncorrected, K>30)的脑区融合到标准结构图像上,即可见被试者在刺激状态下与控制状态下大脑各个脑区对针刺反应的不同,并将这些有变化的脑区叠加到一个由各被试结构像制作而成的平均脑模板上表示出来。获取真针刺/假针刺缺血性脑卒中病人右侧外关穴的统计参数图和激活/负激活的con文件。c.二次分析:选择真针刺/假针刺缺血性脑卒中病人右侧外关穴生成的激活/负激活的con文件,进行真针刺和假针刺缺血性脑卒中病人右侧外关穴激活/负激活脑区比较的二次分析,统计采用两独立样本t检验,余同上文b。获取真针刺/假针刺缺血性脑卒中病人右侧外关穴激活/负激活脑区差异的统计参数图。②.确定脑区定位和解剖位置。从SPM软件包中制作的上述统计参数图里复制中心坐标,输入软件Talairach Client (download from http://www.talairach.org/client. html),经处理后,得出脑功能区的解剖位置和BA区定位,并请有经验的神经内科医师根据解剖知识和临床经验进行校正。
     针刺缺血性脑卒中病人右侧外关穴激活/负激活的脑区:左侧脑部Brodmann area(BA)10、18、21和右侧BA7、17、19、23、39、40出现激活点;左侧BA3、6、10、21和右侧BA3、4、5、10出现负激活点。
     In this study, we observed the active/negative encephalic region activation specialty effects of needling Waiguan (TE5) in ischemic stroke patients by functional brain imaging techniques. And observed the fMRI cerebral function imaging comparison of Waiguan (TE5) sham needling, non-acupoint needling and Waiguan (TE5) needling on normal people, analysis the relative specificity of Waiguan (TE5) acupuncture on ischemic stroke patients from different angles, to provide a preliminary basis for the elaborate mechanism of acupuncture treatment for stroke.
     1. Design
     A block design; Neuroimaging study.
     2. Time and setting
     The experiment was performed at the MRI Center, Nanfang Hospital, China, from October2008to August2010.
     3. Ethics Committee
     The study program was approved by the Ethics Committee of the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine [(2008)024], and registered in Chinese clinical trials online(http://www.chictr.org), registration ID:ChiCTR-NRC-00000255.
     4. Volunteers
     24cases of ischemic stroke patients are from the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and divided into TE5group and non-acupoint group (n=12) randomly by random number table.6healthy volunteers are from the Southern Medical University. Each volunteer signed an informed consent before the test.
     5. Ischemic stroke diagnostic criteria
     The Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) diagnosis standards in line with apoplexy standard of stroke diagnosis and therapeutic evaluation diagnosis, which published in the journal of Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine by State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine encephalopathy acute Collaborative Group,1996"(Gen2). Western diagnostic criteria in line with the article diagnostic criteria of various types of brain disease diagnostic points in ischemic stroke from the Neuroscience Society and the Neurosurgery society in the Fourth National Cerebrovascular Disease Conference,1995.
     6. Inclusion criteria
     ①Ischemic stroke inclusion criteria:a. Patients were coincident the diagnostic criteria above and suffered with left basal ganglion ischemia proved, which manifested as the typical hemiplagia of right side (Upper limbs and/or lower extremity muscle strength stroke clinical neurological function deficit scores Scale score≥4points) and sensory disturbance; b. Patients passed the acute state and were under the stable pathogenic condition; c. Patients ate and slept almost regularly, did not over smoke and over drink tea or coffee, and were not over weighted (18.5≤BMI≤23.9); d. Patients just received the basic treatment and the therapy had not been changed during the last month before the experiment; e. The ages of the patients were40-65years old; f. Patients were right handedness.
     ②Healthy volunteers inclusion criteria:a. Aged between21-28years old, male or female college students; b. volunteers ate and slept almost regularly, did not over smoke and over drink tea or coffee, and were not over weighted (18.5≤BMI≤23.9); c. volunteers haven't received acupuncture treatment within a month; d. No metal in the body (such as cardiac stents); e. Volunteers were right handedness; f. No history of mental illness such as claustrophobia; g. No acupuncture contraindications such as hemophilia.
     7. Exterior criteria
     ①Ischemic stroke exerior criteria:a. Patient whose disease history was more than1year; b. Patient who received acupuncture treatment4weeks before the experiment; c. Patient combined serious diseases, such as serious dysfunction of heart, liver and kidney, serious infection, malignant hypertension and malignant tumor, etc; d. Patients suffered from serious aphasia, unconsciousness and mental disorders (including Fear of confined spaces), which affected the cooperation during the experiment; e. Pregnant or lactation woman; f. Patient with some metal being set in his/her body, such as cardiac supporter, cardiac pacemaker and metal pontic; g. Patient suffered from thrombocytopenia or hemophilia, which belong to the counterindication of acupuncture;②Healthy volunteers exterior criteria:a. Volunteers who can not cooperate with the experimental (who refused to sign an informed consent or unreasonably withheld the study, etc.); b. At physiological period (female).
     8. Study Procedures
     ①Subjects (ischemic stroke patients or healthy subjects) were conventional closed vision and auditory till the end of the fMRI detects(Earplugs from Aearo Company, USA, batch R5A018; goggles from Hanjiang Jiang Xinhua Tourist Products Factory, Yangzhou, China, batch XHYZ-001).
     ②Ischemic stroke patients received the TE5and non-acupuncture stimulation randomly, healthy volunteers only to accept TE5acupuncture stimulation, the same subjects received sham acupuncture and real acupuncture in succession. TE5locates on the forearm,2cun (cun, a special length unit in acupuncture. The distance between the transverse crease of the elbow and that of the wrist is12cun.) above the transverse crease of the dorsum of wrist, between the radius and ulna. Location of the sham acupoint:Level with TE5, on the midpoint of the lines in forearm where Sanjiao Meridian of hand-Shaoyang and Small intestine meridian of hand-Taiyang travel.
     ③fMRI scanning was performed with a3.0T whole-body MRI scanner (GE, Bethesda, MD, USA) and a standard head coil. The subjects used earplugs (Aearo Co., Hartford, CT, USA) and were blindfolded (Xinhua Tourism Co., Hangzhou, China). Each subject rested on the bed for5-10minutes before the scan.3D anatomy images were collected with a T1-weighted3D gradient echo-pulse fast spin sequence prior to acupuncture, with axial view T1fluid-attenuated-inversion-recovery scan (repetition time,2300ms; echo time,21ms; time of inversion,920ms; slice thickness,6.0mm; gap1.0mm for20layers for a total of2minutes45seconds; field of view,24cm×18cm; matrix,320×256; number of excitations=2; field of view echo train length,9; and band width,50).
     ④Acupuncture was performed by one physician, who had engaged in clinical acupuncture for more than three years. The tubes were purchased from Dongbang AcuPrime Co.(Exeter, England) and the0.3cm×40cm silver needles from Zhongyan Taihe Co.(Beijing, China). Volunteers received sham acupuncture stimulation on right TE5/non-point6minutes and30seconds, at the same time scanned sham acupuncture stimulation stage blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) functional magnetic resonance6minutes and30seconds. Sham needling:the location of TE5, the sterilization, the needling instruments were the same as above. The stimulation was designed with the block procedure of the alternative of gently touching the skin with the tip of the needle lmm above the tube for30seconds or non-touching the skin with lifting the needle for each30seconds, and the stimulation was lasted to360seconds totally, too. Detection parameters:The GR (gradient the recalled)/EPI (Echo-Planar imaging)/90, TR3000ms/20ms/FE Flip angle90, FOV24cm x24cm, thickness6mm/interval1.0mm, matrix96×96/NEX=1, PhasePer location:130,2600/6min30s.
     ⑤And3D scanning after6minutes2seconds. Detection parameters:Ax (axial) of3D T1FSPGR (fast spoiled gradient echo)/20T1450, TR7.6ms/TE 3.3ms, FOV24cm x18cm, Flip angle20Bandwidth25, matrix256×256/NEX=1, thick1.2mm/-0.6mmov, a total of248layers,6min2s.
     ⑥Continue true acupuncture (needles instrument the same as④) to stimulate the right TE5on the same group of patients6minutes and30seconds, the true acupuncture stimulation stage BOLD functional MRI scans of6minutes and30seconds. True needling:sterilized the local skin routinely and inserted the needle with tube insertion method (the tubes were from DONGBANG AcuPrime Co., England and the silver needles of0.3×40cm were from Zhongyan Taihe Co., China). The physician sticked the auxiliary part of the tube on the local skin, put the needle into the matching tube over the acupoint and tapped the end of the needle to make the tip of the needle inserted, removed away the tube and punctured the needle to the depth of15±2mm, and twirled the handle of the needle to get the needling sensation. Then the physician manually stimulated the needle with an even reinforcing and reducing manipulation by twirling the needling with±180°nd60times/min. The stimulation was designed with the block procedure of the alternative of twirling or non-twirling for each30seconds, and the stimulation was lasted to360seconds totally. Detection parameters the same with④.
     9. Study Procedures
     ①The fMRI data were processed with the software SPM2(http://www.fil.ion.ac.uk) MATLAB6.5(The MathWorks, Inc., USA) platform for processing to obtain statistical parameters Figure. a. Pre-Processing:Slight movements of the head were corrected; The images were normalized to the standard brain template of the Montreal Neurological Institute space; and then smoothed spatially to reduce errors produced during imaging construction and eliminate tiny differences in brain structures among subjects; b. First analysis:The smoothed data were analyzed with a generalized linear model voxel by voxel. The value of each voxel was calculated by two-sample t-tests, and statistical parametric mapping was based on the t values (P<0.001, uncorrected, K>30). Significant changes in different brain regions during stimulation and control conditions were identified and superimposed on the standard brain image mode of each subject's anatomic images; c. Secondary Analysis:the activated/deactivated con file of the model of stroke patients and normal controls was further analyzed using a two-independent sample t-test. The remaining procedures were the same as those reported in.
     ②Determine the brain area location and anatomical position:Central coordinates from statistical parameters determined using SPM software package were reproduced and input in Talairach Client (download from http://www.talairach.org/client.html) to obtain the anatomical location and the BA range of the functional areas of the brain, which were corrected by a physician of the neurological medicine department according to anatomic knowledge and clinical experience.
     1. Subjects
     The subjects include details of24cases of patients with ischemic stroke, scanning of2patients of TE5group and1case of non-acupoint group was broke off for strenuous movements, and the data was removed. There were9male patients and1female in TE5group; aged47-65years old, with an average of56.10±5.53years; course of disease from1month to12months, an average of5.30±3.71months; CSS score15-27points, an average of18.20±4.02points;9patients had a history of hypertension, a history of diabetes in the two cases. Patients with non-acupoint group including9male and2female; ages48-65years old, with an average of59.27±6.13years; course of disease from1month to12months, an average of4.09±3.83months; CSS score11-15points, with an average of16.91±5.24;9patients with a history of hypertension,2patients had a history of diabetes. General information of the remaining volunteers in the two groups have no significant difference between comparable.6cases included healthy volunteers completed the trial, no data removed.3males and3females; ages21-27years old, an average of23.33±2.61years old.
     2. The fMRI brain function imaging comparative study results of true acupuncture and sham acupuncture ischemic stroke patients on TE5.
     The true needling of TE5activated the areas of BA7,10,17,18,19,21, 23,39,40, while BA3,4,5,6,10,21were deactivated. The activated areas in the right cerebral regions are more than those in the left. The number of the deactivated areas is the same in the both sides.
     No activated area was elicited in the sham needling of TE5. BA7of both cerebral regions were deactivated.
     Compared with the activated area by true needling, sham needling significantly activated BA2,3,4and6. True needling significantly deactivated BA3,4, and6with a comparison of the areas deactivated by sham needling.
     3. The fMRI brain function imaging comparative study results of TE5acupuncture and non-acupoint acupuncture on ischemic stroke patients.
     Acupuncture the right non-acupoints active/deactivation of brain regions of ischemic stroke patients:the right side of the brain the B A7appear activated point, the left brain BA10appear deactivation point.
     Sham acupuncture the right non-acupoints activation/deactivated brain regions in patients with ischemic stroke:no activation point and deactivation point appear.
     Difference of acupuncture the right TE5and non-acupoint activation/deactivation brain regions in patients with ischemic stroke:compared with that of acupuncture non-acupoints, acupuncture the TE5can only activate relatively weakened right side brain regions BA5.
     4. Differences in fMRI brain function imaging between acupuncture at TE5on stroke patients and healthy controls.
     Acupuncture the right TE5active/deactivation brain regions of healthy controls:The left side of the brain BA6,8,13,18,19,20,21,22,37,40,42,44,47, below the lenticular nucleus, putamen, cerebellum tonsil rear, lower part of the claustrum and infratemporalback, and the right side of the brain BA613,19,20,21,22,27,37,38,40,42,45pituitary second half of lobular cerebellar vermis vertical rear hypothalamus, below the lenticular nucleus,putamen, the bottom of the temporal lobe, hippocampal gyrus, occipital lobe and inferior temporal gyrus appear activation point. The left brain BA1,3,4,6,18,31,40, and the right side of the brain the BA1,5,10,11appear deactivation point.
     Differences in activated brain areas between stroke patients and healthy controls after acupuncture at TE5:Compared with healthy controls, patients with relatively enhanced activate brain regions in the right side of the left and right brain after acupuncture, the left is more concentrated in BA5,6,7,18,19,24,32, as well as the hypothalamus the bottom; more concentrated distribution in BA4,6,7,18,19and32. Activated relatively weakened areas of the brain are mainly distributed in the left, more concentrated in BA13, the lower part of the insular lobe, the back of tonsil of cerebellum, below the thalamus, corpus albicans, hypothalamus below the anterior lobe of the ventral posterior lateral nucleus and the peak anterior lobe; mainly focused on regions BA13of right brain.
     Differences in deactivated brain areas between stroke patients and healthy controls after acupuncture at TE5:Compared with healthy controls, the relative enhancement of patient deactivation brain regions are distributed in the left and right brain after acupuncture, the left is more concentrated in BA6,11,20,22,37,47, and front lingula of cerebellum, the back of the cerebellar tonsils and the peak anterior lobe of cerebellum; right side is more concentrated in BA8,37,45,47, as well as the peak anterior lobe of cerebellum, the front of the cerebellum nodules, below the lenticular nucleus leaves, outside of the globus pallidus, the bottom of the temporal lobe and hippocampal gyrus. Deactivate brain regions relative weakening of the left brain area BA7.
     By comparing This study preliminary indicated there are some differences among the acupuncture TE5and sham acupuncture, acupuncture TE5and non-acupoints, acupuncture TE5between normal subjects and patients with ischemic stroke; At the same time, the study shows that acupuncture TE5specificity directional activation/deactivations, it may be one of the mechanisms of TE5treatment of ischemic stroke movement disorders, sensory impairments, visual impairments and the aphasia, also preliminary corroborated central regulation of acupuncture TE5is to implement network-based regulation.
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