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The acreage and yield of paddy rice in double cropping areas in south China account for41.75%and36.89%of China respectively. They are major rice producing areas but the mechanization level of paddy rice is only60.51%. The mechanization level of each operation is lower than the national average level, especially the mechanized planting level is12.74%, which is lower than the national average level by nearly20percentage points. The low level of paddy mechanized production engineering mode lies in several aspects, including the problems of unclear technical mode, incomplete organizational mode, imperfect industrial management, mismatch between mechanization development and the environment, etc. In order to improve the level and quality of paddy rice mechanized production, based on the methodology of systems engineering and materialist dialectics, this paper established the mode of rice production engineering, evaluated and optimized the mode by using the methods of field trials comparative analysis, quantitative analysis, GIS analysis and case studies. The main contents and conclusions are as follows:
     (1) Construction of the system framework of paddy rice mechanized production engineering mode in double cropping areas in south China by using the system engineering theory.
     The system framework of paddy rice mechanized production engineering mode consisted of the basic elements of subject, object, demands, objectives, technical route and agricultural machines, which was also affected by the environment factors such as nature, economy, agronomy, policy and regulation. The characteristics and expression of mode were also analyzed. This research summarized4typical kinds of technical mode and26kinds of technical route, and explored the features of new subjects like major planter, family farm, agricultural machinery cooperative and leading enterprise.
     (2) Establishing the evaluation system from the perspective of global optimization, and constructing the software platform of mode management information system with the core part of evaluation module.
     The mode evaluation was studied from objective, principle, indices selection, weight, the standard value and evaluation method, then an evaluation index system was proposed. The index system consisted of evaluation indices which were easy to be quantified and analytical indices which were hard to be quantified. After analyzing the system design goals, design principles, overall structure, user interface, function development, hardware and software configuration, the software platform of mode management information system was established, which included three modules of basic information query, field trial and mode evaluation.
     (3) Optimizing the technical mode, organizational mode, and the mode environment. Spatial layout optimization of engineering mode was conducted and mode optimization solutions were finally proposed based on the integration of agricultural machinery and agronomy, the integration of agricultural mechanization and informatization as well.
     4principles of mode optimization were proposed, they were improving rice quality under the premise of ensuring food security, encouraging advanced technologies under the premise of suitability, maximizing profit under the premise of economy, moderate scale management under the premise of organizational development. On the basis of summing up paddy rice mechanized production technology in Japan, several field trials were conducted according to the features of double-cropping areas, including plasma seed treatment, factory seedling and seedling with mud, seedling with different materials, mechanical transplanting and artificial throwing seedlings, narrow-spaced transplanting, riding transplanting and walking transplanting. The directions of technical mode optimization were presented based on the integration of agricultural machinery and agronomy. Applying information technologies in the mode research and taking terrain, transportation and distance from the rice fields as the major factors, this paper explored the method of organization spatial layout optimization. With the target of minimizing distance cost, the operation service range was optimized by the method of Thiessen polygons. For the operational mechanism of agricultural machinery cooperatives, the study focused on four aspects, which were the operation service contents, the way to achieve whole-processes mechanization, cooperative behavior, constraints and support measures of cooperative development. With the methods of comparative analysis and survey, optimization of the four elements related to mode environment was studied. By using the methods of GIS, factor analysis and cluster analysis,4types of areas which were suitable for different modes were identified.
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