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China and the Korean peninsula are neighboring countries separated by a river. Since the time of the late Ming Dynasty and early Manchu Dynasty, because of the existing oppression, many Koreans crossed the Tumen River and Yalu River, moving to the northeast of China. After the Opium War, with the relaxed boundary policy, more Koreans refugees resided in the northeast of China. In 1910, Korea was the colony of Japan, and a large number of the Koreans who were oppressed by the Japanese empire building came to northern China. After Japan occupied northern
    China, they forced many Koreans to live in northern of China.
    With the increasing population, it gradually formed three gathering areas: East Manchus (Yanbian now), south Manchus (Tonghua now) and North Manchus (Mudan River now). The Korean Patriots made the gathering areas as their basis in order to realize it a so-called "national autonomy "place.
    In the 1920s, with the purpose of striving Korea Independence, Korean Nationalism Anti-Japan Group went against the Japan Empirism, at the same time, they developed the "national autonomy" activity in some Korean gathering areas. The early stage Communism Group also led the similar activity. However, they all failed because of its limitations of both social class and history. In the early 1930s, there was a group-Minsheng Group, which closed to Japan and had the so -called" Koreans Autonomy" activity. It soon went bankrupt for its reactionary activation. The CPC insisted on the basic principle of national equality and national unity, which were advanced by Marxism-Leninism to solve national problems. They suitably made and put forward a series of correct policy and battle programs regarding Koreans Chinese in the northeast of China in different periods of the revolution. Finally, they have made the national regional autonomy policy in a creative way and then carried it out, which makes Koreans Chinese and other nations realize the real national equality.
    The topic of this thesis is the result of research on the comparison of the national regional autonomy policy of CPC in China with the national autonomy of Korea National Anti-Japan Group, early stage Communism Group and Minsheng Group. In order to demonstrate the extreme importance of
    national policy and incomparable correctness, and scientific nature, through the comparisons, it makes people get a more profound recognition, that is the CPC's great power of national regional autonomy. And what is more, people should not only treasure, but also safeguard this and put it into effect by practice.
    If there is something that needs deliberation, I will be very grateful if the specialists and scholars will put forward their precious suggestions and criticism.
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