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Many countries have proposed a series of new modes for urban construction, such asgreen city, low-carbon city, eco-city, and symbiotic city, to solve the problems of environ-mental pollution, destruction of ecological balance, and over-urbanization. Among thesenew modes, symbiotic city is the one, which can involve all the natural factors and socialfactors of urban construction and development, and cover all the new ideas and approa-ches as the solution of those urban problems. Now, the theoretical and practical researchon symbiotic city is in a preliminary phase, with the lack of universally accepted conceptand integrated theory, and the lack of theoretical and practical research on the generalpatterns and methods of its construction from the perspective of engineering management.
     One purpose of this research is to provide more complete theoretical basis forscientific decision-making of symbiotic city construction, and a new angle of view fortheoretical research of urban construction and project management; the other purpose is toput the related theory of symbiotic city into practical operation, providing a new waybased on symbiosis evaluation for urban construction decision support, testing andverifying the practical value of the way, and providing examples for policy design ofconstructing environment-friendly, resource-saving and harmonious city, and conceptualdesign of Decision Support System (DSS) for symbiotic city construction.
     This paper explores symbiotic city and its construction decision support theoreticallyfrom the perspective of epistemology and methodology, and researches decision supportapproaches of symbiotic city construction empirically based on case study at both theproject level and city level. Firstly, the concept, model, evolution mechanism of symbioticcity are studied based on symbiosis theory. Secondly, the qualitative and quantitativeevaluation methods of symbiotic association between urban construction and environment are proposed, applying Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) at the project level and SystemDynamics (SD) methodology at the city level; a symbiosis evaluation indicator system forurban construction including natural, social, economic, and technical factors, and adynamic evaluation model of symbiosis between urban construction and environment atthe city level are established. Thirdly, an analysis framework for symbiotic cityconstruction decision-making with two levels is built, and the main factors of it areanalysed. Then, the design framework based on knowledge for DSS of symbiotic cityconstruction is established, and the conceptual design of symbiotic city construction DSSis performed for a city based on this framework. Finally, symbiosis between an urbanconstruction project and its neighbouring environment is evaluated based on AHP, andsymbiosis between urban construction and inner environment of a city is evaluated basedon SD, according to statistics and investigation results, so as to verify the feasibility ofsymbiosis evaluation methods at meso and micro level, and to provide decision supportfor symbiotic city construction at both the project level and city level, and somesuggestions on evolution mechanism design of symbiotic city are made based on casestudy.
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