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Food safety problems related to all aspects of social life, it is a wide range, complicated content problems. It is beneficial to the people's livelihood issues, political issues, but also social development issues. In the period of economic transition of China, it is very important to reasonably solve the food safety problems. Since the late twentieth Century, food safety incidents have erupted around the world, not only caused great harm to the consumer's health, but also increase the consumer's psychological burden.In order to improve the quality of their food, governments have committed to food safety rectification work.
     At present, academia research on food safety is still lack of systematic research. On food safety issues, academia's research mainly focused on the view of effective monitoring of the whole chain that food from farm to table from external environment. Focus on the construction and implementation of the food safety management system. The research on specific behavior for the stakeholders throughout the food chain is not much, lack of analysis of the consumer, food enterprises, government departments and other stakeholders behavior, will not be good to grasp of consumer demand, food industry wish, government regulation implement efficiency and other aspects of the information, in the formulation of relevant laws and regulations will not put behaviors of these stakeholders into consideration, the laws and regulations will lack of good foundation in theory and practice. Under this background, starting from the consumer behavior, government behavior and producer behavior, carries on the thorough analysis of the space to the food market stakeholder behavior strategy, it is particularly important and urgent to explore the efficient food safety market supervision mode, and realize greatest degree of stable food market security and orderly development.
     This paper based on the stakeholder theory, defines the stakeholders in the food chain, and then use the theory of behavioral economics as the analysis frame, the main stakeholders of the food chain-government, food industry, consumer's behavior factors, behavior mode and behavior development and variation analysis.Through the analysis of various acts, the performance of food safety stakeholders in the food chain, not only driven by its internal behavior elements, but based on more specific system. Under the dual role of the internal drive and external system foundation, food safety stakeholder's behavior can be contained by the current system, but there are also some behavior can be overflow the system frame.
     This paper adopts the method of combining quantitative research and qualitative research, and select supermarket of consumer concentrated as research sites, through interviews and ask questionnaire, then formation300questionnaires as the research material. As interpretation and analysis of the study, this paper is not to establish new models or create a new theory as the object of study, but use the existing theory and the new data to explain and analysis new problems---really control the government, consumers, and food enterprises behavior rules, make innovative explanation for the efficient supervision in food safety market. Through the study we can found that, efficiency food safety supervision need to strive to achieve the trinity oft he government, consumers and food enterprises.
     The main conclusions are as follows:
     First, the food safety system has multiple stakeholders, among these stakeholders have great relevance, at the same time, in ensuring food safety, the relationship between the three most important stakeholders-----food companies, consumers, government departments should actively deal with.
     Second, corporate social responsibility, is crucial for the smooth running of the whole system of food safety. Only by constantly training food enterprises social responsibility, in the consumer health and responsible attitude, to provide safe food for consumers, maintain the stable development of the whole society;
     Third, only the consumers to improve their awareness of safety consumption, increasing consumer safety knowledge of its own, in the face of a food safety hazard, positive appeal to the relevant departments. Safeguard their legitimate rights and interests, against unsafe food into the market, the food market of safety can truly achieve effective;
     Fourth, Government departments in the implementation of the food safety laws and regulations, make the cost-benefit analysis to the implementation of the related laws and regulations, and ultimately determine the frequency and scale of that regulation; for consumers, government departments supervision policy directly affects the food safety of the food supply on the market, consumer organizations should also be timely attention to government departments for food security market regulation policy, under the mutual cooperation in consumer and government departments of food safety market supervision, efficiency can reach a maximum, which is the regulatory "regulators" point of view;
     Fifth, the food safety market supervision is a subject of interest continue to game, in the process, each stakeholder selection strategy space itself according to each other's behavior, based on the stakeholders in all aspects of food safety market game analysis, for China's future food security system to provide a schedule a framework of analysis, for the food safety system should be based on the game analysis of stakeholders;
     Sixth, there are personal credit deficiency phenomenon of the various stakeholders in food safety market, for food enterprises, consumers, government departments, reasonable arrangements for personal credit efficiency system, is crucial to the implementation of food safety management;
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