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世界经济的高速发展和人口数量的急剧增长带来了巨大的能源需求,是21世纪人类面临的重大挑战。传统的化石能源不仅储量有限,而且容易造成环境污染,不能满足新世纪发展的需求,因此开发利用洁净、无碳、可再生的新能源已成为世界能源可持续发展战略的重点。太阳能是一种洁净、无碳的自然资源,且取之不尽用之不竭,是一种非常具有潜力的新能源。利用光化学电池(PEC)分解水制氢不仅能对太阳能进行有效地转换和存储,也为构建无碳、洁净的新型能源体系提供了基础。一个合适的光电极材料需要具有廉价、无毒、光吸收效率高以及优异的表面反应活性等特点。但目前的研究中尚未发现任何材料能符合光电极材料的所有要求,这严重地制约了光化学电池分解水制氢的实际应用,因此各种针对性的材料改性成为光电极材料研究的重点。Ti、 Co、Ni等过渡金属氧化物因廉价、稳定、具有合适的能带结构、易于控制形貌等优势成为水分解催化剂的首选。本论文利用线性扫描伏安法(LSV)、循环伏安法(CV)和交流阻抗谱(EIS)等电化学方法,结合扫描电子显微镜、X射线衍射(XRD)、X射线光电子能谱(XPS)和同步辐射X射线吸收精细结构谱学(XAFS)等结构探测手段以及密度泛函理论方法(DFT),实验结果结合理论计算,从体相掺杂对材料光响应活性的调控、操纵表面原子结构对催化性能的调控,以及电解液环境对材料性能影响三个方面,由内而外研究了TiO2、Co3O4等过渡金属氧化物催化剂的电子结构、原子结构和性能的调控机制。
     2. NixCo3-xO4表面结构和性能调控的影响
The supply of secure, clean, sustainable energy is arguably the most important scientific and technical challenge facing humanity in the21st century. The utilization of solar energy to replace fossil fuels is a promising method for meeting the growing global energy demands and solving the current environmental problem, which is significant for the sustainable development of China's future economic strategy. The most attractive approach to solar energy conversion and storge is using photoelectrochemical cells (PEC) to split water into hydrogen and oxygen. TiO2was a proper candidate for photoelectrodes due to inexpensive, stable and nontoxic. However, the large intrinsic band gap of TiO2allows only the absorption of ultraviolet light but prohibits the effective absorption of visible light. Meanwhile, the electrochemical activities of conventional semiconductor photoelectrode materials are generally low, which seriously affect the energy conversion efficiency of the photo induced water splitting. This dissertation presents a comprehensive investigation of the relationship between electronic structure and photochemical/electrochemical properties of TiO2anode and Co3O4-based catalysts by using the density functional theory (DFT), linear sweep voltammetry (LSV), cyclic voltammetry (CV), electrochemical impedanc spectroscopy (EIS), electron microscope, X-ray diffraction (XRD) and X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) analysis methods.
     The main content in this dissertation is as follows:
     1. Structural and Optical Absorption investigation on P-doped TiO2
     The efficient absorption of visible-light is crucial for improving the photocatalytic activity of foreign species doped TiO2With first-principles calculations, we explore the effects of phosphorous doping on mediating the photocatalytic activity of anatase. It is found that the P impurity tends to occupy the cation site in TiO2; more importantly, there exists a critical phosphorous concentration of about0.7%for maximizing the absorption of solar light. The optical energy gap is narrowed by~0.3eV at the low doping concentration of0.7%, while it increases with P concentration at the higher P concentrations region of0.7-3.1at.%. These results suggest that the dopant concentration dependence might be responsible for numerous seemingly controversies of optical absorption observed in experiments. This finding points to a possibility of tailoring the optical absorption of TiO2by varying the dopant content.
     2. Improvement of activity by manipulating surface structures of NixCo3-x04
     Controllable synthesis and modification is important for the construction of highly efficient and stable material. Here, we report a possible approach to manipulate ions distribution and local structure of spinel Co3-xNixO4in a long range by the moderate electric field driven. The continued increasing of oxidation and reduction peaks of CV along with XPS results exhibit surface enrichment process of Ni and XAFS measurement strongly suggests an occupation tendency from octahedral to tetrahedron is along with the migration. The transport of Ni is believed to carry out along the channels parallel with the tetrahedron ion sites and is based on the position exchange of Ni and Co ions whose balance is change when close to the surface. This discovery provides a guide for the future design and optimization of functional material and also reveals some new information in fundamental physics.
     3. Electracatalytic activity of Co3O4controlled by solution ambient
     The investigation of the relationship between the electrocatalytic performance and the electrolyte environment is significant for photoelectrochemical water splitting applications. A quantitative research of Co3O4nanowire arrays is performed to provide a function that describes the influences of solution pH values and reactant diffusion processes on the catalytic activity of water splitting. According to the linear sweep voltammetry and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, the diffusion process is the major factor that hinders the catalytic current of Co3O4electrode when the solution pH is decreasing. Through improving convection such as stirring, the diffusion layer thickness can be markedly decreased, yielding four to five times enhancement of catalytic current density which indicated a possible way to extend the efficiency of Co3O4to near neutral environment. These results provide the quantitative theoretical supports for maintaining the activities of water splitting catalysts in the design of PEC.
     4. Roles of synchrotron radiation of XAFS on study of ancient ceramics
     The Fe K-edge X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) spectra of a series of ceramic shards were measured by fluorescence mode to reveal the color-generating techniques of Chinese porcelain. The analysis disclosed the intrinsic relationships among the chemical form of the iron, the firing conditions, and the colors of the ceramics. The results indicated that the coloration for different ceramics depends on the valence states of iron as the main color element in glaze and the proportion of Fe2+and Fe3+is attributed to the baking technology. The findings provide important information for archaeologist on the coloration researches.
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