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Hi-tech enterprises are organizations combining knowledge, techniques and talents, and counting on innovation as core mission. Since innovation has played a key role in the national strategy, Hi-tech industry recently has a great development. It has been the decisive force for promoting economic restructuring and developmental changing of pattern as a precursor of national economy. R&D talent is crucial to high-tech enterprises; as main force, they play an important role in the process of innovation. However, we have to face the situation of drain of R&D talent in hi-tech enterprises, because the problem in their mechanism of absorbing talent, mechanism of employing talents, and mechanism of keeps talents with the characteristics of the talents their own. So how to absorb and retain R&D talent, to keep the stability of R&D team, and to avoid drain of R&D talent is becoming the problem which get lots of attention from academic and business fields. Therefore, studying internal regulations and mechanism of R&D talent flow in hi-tech enterprises has a great significance in talent reasonable flow and enterprises sustainable development.
     Considering R&D talents in hi-tech enterprises are different from others with their own features of flow, this thesis studies R&D flow in hi-tech enterprises with theoretical and empirical methods, analyses the characteristics and special influence, concludes the factors of their choosing job and turnover, and gives suggestions on the management tactics of R&D rational flow in hi-tech enterprises.
     This study will begin with the analysis of connotations and characteristics of high-techniques, hi-tech enterprises, R&D activities and R&D talent. Using the method of grounded theory, five features and three distinct effect of R&D talent flow will be analyzed. These five features are: "trend outside" "trend of new" "trend cluster" "plateau" "weak distance". Three effects are growth effect, aggregation and innovation effect.
     Secondly, using principal component analysis, variance analysis and models of structure equations, do empirical study on the causes of talent turnover. Through principal component analysis, we can conclude seven factors:enterprises and individual prospect, local environment, personal organization matching degrees, working condition, internal environment, local public facilities, and income level. Then, model of structure equations was examined and analyzed; we can get the sequence which gives the effect of turnover talent:working conditions in enterprises, internal environment, business prospects and personal development, Personal organization matching degrees, the local environment, local public facilities, income levels. Through variance analysis, R&D talent and non-R&D talent of hi-tech enterprises are significantly different in the dimension of "personal organization matching degree" and "internal environment". "Personal organization matching degree" has a greater influence on the R&D talent than non-R&D talent, but for "internal environment", it's less than non-R&D talent; in the dimension of "local environment", the strength on the hi-tech R&D talent is higher than it is on the non-high-tech talent.
     In addition, factors of R&D talent choosing jobs in hi-tech enterprises will be analyzed with regression analysis. After regression analysis, five factors have significant influence in the process of their choosing jobs among the assumed twelve factors. They are reputation of the company, income, environment, R&D culture, and staff training; all have positive correlation with their will of choosing jobs. Among the five factors, the "reputation of the company" is the most important one.
     Finally, this thesis, based on the research of features and influence of R&D flow, and on the factors of their choosing job and turnover, introduces relevant management tactics, including Attracting Tactics and Preserving Tactics to promote R&D talent reasonable flow.
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