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            论文以层序地层学、沉积学、石油地质学等理论为指导,以全三维地震解释技术、高分辨率地震资料反演技术、沉积相分析技术、油气层综合评价技术为依托,全面应用测井、录井、地震、试油及岩心分析资料开展沉积、储层及油气藏综合研究。主要成果有:(1)以层序地层学理论为指导,对全区进行地层划分与对比,对扶余-杨Ⅰ油层进一步细分为五个油层组,并通过井震结合对全区地震资料进行层位追踪对比。(2)应用普通薄片、铸体薄片、压汞资料对河道砂体储集层进行微观孔隙结构研究,结合岩心孔渗分析、试油结果,将扶杨油层储集层定量分为四类储层。(3)按河道规模将河道划分为主河道和非主河道,按发育期次划分为单期河道、二期河道、三期河道和多期河道,并以油层组为单元统计河道发育程度,探讨了地质历史时期河流的演化规律。(4)应用岩心、测井、地震等资料确定扶杨油层为浅水湖泊三角洲相沉积,其特征是水上平原相带宽,而水下平原相带窄。通过单井相分析、连井相分析、结合地震相及地震反演结果,编制全区五个油层组沉积相平面图,并对河道发育带进行精细刻画。(5)采用圈闭专家评价方法,应用上述研究成果优选评价参数,对构造、断层圈闭进行评价优选排队,提出4 个有利的圈闭;应用断裂、有效烃源岩和河道砂体叠合,预测出4 个有利岩性圈闭。(6)应用本文研究成果成功部署双51 井,在扶余油层钻遇2 层主河道砂体油层,厚12.4m,压后抽汲日产油5.6t,打开了临江地区王府凹陷南部斜坡区油气勘探新局面。(7)根据岩心分析资料、试油结果确定王府凹陷扶杨油层主河道砂体石油勘探的下限埋深是2050m。 
Linjiang region run across Changchun ridge anticlinal belt and Bin county Wangfu sag Secondary construction units, exploration area is 2000km2,There have been found proved reservior of natural gas 99.58×108m3and petroleum controlled reservoir 2164×104t. But in the circle which area is 1500km2 in the center of Wangfu sag that contain oil universal. And single well test rate is lower, generally between 0.08-3.615t/d. The achievement have get shows that oil and gas favorite area is mainly controlled by intricate and linked river channel of Fu-Yang oil formation, the more nearer to sag center the more requirement to reservoir layer. Therefore, if we want to find high yield enrichmental block, so as to form scale reservoir, we must have divided river channel sand body meticulous, practice its contribution rule, and combined with rupture, contribution of effective hydrocarbon source rock to determine oil gas enrichment area.
    This thesis takes sequence stratigraphy, sedimentlogy, petroleum geology etc theories as its instrument and take three dimensional seismic explanation technology, high resolution seismic inversion technology, depositional facies analysis technology, oil-gas layer comprehensive evaluation technology as its Support. and used well logging , logging, seismic, test oil and core analysis date to operate comprehensive research of deposition, reservoir, oil-gas pool. Main achievement includes. (1) take sequence stratigraphic theory as instruction divided and compared to strata in entire area, and make a deep division to Fu-Yang formation and get five oil formations and by combined with seismic date to operate layer tracing and comparison. (2) Used common slices Mould slices, mercury injection data to have micro porosity construction research of river channel sand body. Combined with core porosity and permeability, and well test result, Fu-Yang formation was divided four type formations deeply in quantity. (3) According to river channel scale, river channel was divided into mainly and secondary channel. According to its development period, river channel was divided into single period river channel, double period river channel ,tri-period river channel, and multi-period river channel ,and take formations as unit to statistic development degree of river channel, and debated river’s development regular in different geologyphic period. (4) Used core, well logging and seismic
    data to determine Fu-Yang formation is low lake delta facies deposition, its typical character is pain facies belt over water is wide, and plain facies belt under water is narrow. Based on facies-analyzing, seismic facies and result of seismic inversion facies of five oil formations in entire area have been make out and river channel’s development has been described. (5)Adopted trap expert evaluation method, used following research achievements select evaluation parameter in optimum seeking, have contracture fault trap ordering optimum seeking, then put forward there have four favorite traps. Used ruptures, effective hydrocarbon source and sand body polymerization, make a prediction that there have four favorite lithologic traps. (6)Used achievements listed in this thesis, laid Shuang51 well success ,drilling meet two layer main river sand body in F3 formation which is 12.4m, the well test production is 5.6t per day, as a result set up a new phase of oil-gas exploration in the south slope of Wangfu sag in Linjiang region. (7) According to core data analysis and well test result the thesis determines that the limited depth of oil exploration of Fu-Yang oil formation for main river channel sand body in Wangfu sag is 2050m. The research achievements are not only to guide next step of laying wells in Linjiang region, but also used for important reference to exploration in Daqing placanticline, Sanzhao sag and Gulong sag of Fu-Yang oil formation in Songliao basin.
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