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     地震沉积学研究选取的地震工区钻探井较少,通过分析地震属性和岩性的关系,地震岩石学在南德克萨斯地区Maverick盆地和准噶尔盆地乌夏地区都具有合适的应用条件,可以利用90°相位转换对地震资料进行处理,使地震资料同相轴与岩性对应,并利用地层切片技术对地震资料平面属性进行分析,结合测井资料特征,可以清楚地在南德克萨斯地区Olmos组三维地震资料上识别出三角洲沉积体系的沉积特征,在准噶尔盆地乌夏地区三叠系百口泉组和克拉玛依组也可以清晰地识别出三角洲和扇三角洲等沉积体系的沉积特征。利用地层对比和岩心描述等资料,在研究目的层识别出南德克萨斯地区Maverick盆地Olmos组沉积环境包括分流河道、天然堤、决口扇、沼泽、泻湖、分流间湾、陆棚砂岩浅滩、障壁砂坝、障壁岛以及前三角洲等沉积环境。通过连井剖面对比,识别出Olmos组的Catarina三角洲沉积体系、Rocky Creek障壁和河流平原沉积体系和Big Foot三角洲沉积体系,其中主要发育5个进积的旋回,包括沉积单元A、B、C和F、D和G以及E和H。准噶尔盆地乌夏地区发育的陆相三角洲沉积体系主要包括扇三角洲沉积体系和三角洲沉积体系,通过单井分析发现的沉积相有扇三角洲平原分流河道和河道间沉积、扇三角洲前缘亚相分流河道和河道间微相、三角洲前缘砂坝沉积、三角洲分流河道微相、辫状河河道沉积、沼泽沉积、滨浅湖沉积以及半深湖-深湖相沉积等沉积相。
     根据层序地层学、地震沉积学和沉积岩石学的研究结果分析了研究区目的层的沉积模式和沉积过程。Olmos组早期沉积沿着Rio Grande地槽方向沉积,主要集中在Maverick盆地西部沉积中心,形成了Catarina三角洲沉积体系的沉积单元A、B和C,在单元C沉积过程中,沉积物开始进入Maverick盆地的东半部。Olmos组沉积的中后期,东部沉积中心的沉积占主导作用,形成了Big Foot三角洲沉积体系。顺岸往西,海岸作用占优势,同时还发生沉降作用,主要发育Rocky Creek障壁河流平原沉积体系。乌夏地区二叠纪早期为典型的前陆盆地沉积特征,晚期逐渐向坳陷盆地过渡,乌夏地区二叠系广泛发育冲积扇-扇三角洲-湖泊相沉积体系。乌夏地区三叠纪沉积以扇三角洲-冲积扇-三角洲-冲积平原为主。哈拉阿拉特山两侧是最主要的物源区,分别在百口泉地区和夏子街地区形成较大规模的冲积扇扇群。侏罗系沉积期间,乌夏地区广泛发育冲积扇-河流-三角洲-湖泊沉积体系。
Guided by the theories of sequence stratigraphy, sedimentary lithology, petroleum geology and geophysics, the study focused on the seismic sedimentology of Olmos Formation in Maverick Basin, South Texas, USA and the Permian, Triassic and Jurassic strata in Wu-xia Area, Junggar Basin. The lithologic characteristics, sedimentary structures, facies distributions and sedimentary history of deltaic depostional systems were concluded using 3D seismic data, core data, log data and others, consequently, the characterizations and control factors of delta-related lithologic reservoirs were proposed.
     There are several sets of source rocks, reservoirs and seal rocks in up Cretaceous strata of Maverick Basin and Permian, Triassic and Jurassic strata of Wu-xia Area, with numerous faults and unconformity surfaces developing widely. Thus, the conditions of oil and gas generation, migration and accumulation in the study areas were favorable.
     The up Cretaceous strata of Maverick Basin were divided into 8 third-order sequences or 17 parasequences in 6 sequences sets, and the depositional systems in the up Cretaceous strata of Maverick Basin include wave-dominated barrier bar depositional system, wave-dominated delta depositional system, wave-influenced delta depositional system and regressive shoreface depositional system. In Wu-xia Area, 24 sequence boundaries, 23 third-order sequences, 7 second-order sequences and 1 first-order sequences were identified in Permian, Triassic and Jurassic strata. Lacustrine facies depositions were dominant in early Permian, and then fan delta facies in middle Permian. Wu-xia Area was in a lacustrine transgerssive process. The lacustrine surface was in a rise-descend-rise process in Triassic, fluvial fan-braided river depositional system was dominant in JSQ1, JSQ2 and JSQ3, with fan delta and delta-lacustrine depositional system in JSQ4 and fluvial fan-braided river depositional system in JSQ6.
     Seismic sedimentology has a good performance in mapping depositional system in Maverick Basin and Wu-xia Area. Seismic amplitude in 90°-phase data and lithology correlate well in the study strata, and stratal slices made from the 3-D seismic volume reveal high-resolution sediment dispersal patterns and associated systems tracts on relative geologic time surfaces. The Olmos formation is characterized by deltaic systems, from which five types of depositional systems were identified: fluvial plain, deltaic plain, deltaic-front, prodelta and incised valleys. Meanwhile, the Baikouquan formation and Kelamayi formation in Wu-xia Area are characterized by terrestrial deltaic depositional systems and fan deltaic depositional systems.
     With cross correlations and core descriptions, distributary channel, levee, crevasse splay, swale, lagoon, interchannel sediment, shoal, barrier bar, barrier and prodelta were recognized in Olmos Formation of Maverick Basin, and Catarina deltaic depositional system, Rocky Creek barrier and strandplain depositional system, Big Foot depositional system were identified, in which 5 progradation cycles developed: unit A, unit B, unit C and F, unit D and G, unit E and H. In Wu-xia Area, the terrestrial deltaic facies contain fan deltaic facies and deltaic facies. Using cores and logs data, some types of sedimentary facies were identified: fan deltaic plain, distributary channel and interchannel sediment, deltaic front bar, deltaic distributary channel, braided river channel, swale and lacustrine sediment.
     Based on the studies of sequence stratigraphy, seismic sedimentology and sedimentary lithology, the depositional models and sedimentary histories were concluded. Olmos Formation deposited mainly in the western sedimentary center in Maverick Basin along Rio Grande Embayment during the early depositional stage, and the depositional units A, B and C in Catarina Deltaic system were formed. In the period of unit C deposition, sediments entered the eastern sedimentary center, and the deposition in eastern sedimentary center was dominant in Maverick Basin during the middle and late stages of Olmos Formation deposition, while Big Foot depositional system was forming. At the same time, Rocky Creek barrier and strandplain depositional system formed in the the western sedimentary center. Wu-xia Area was a foreland basin in early Permian, and transferred to a depression basin in late Permian. The Permian strata are characterized in fan delta-fluvial fan-lacustrine depositional systems, the Triassic strata are characterized in fan delta-fluvial fan-delta-fluvial plain depositional systems, and the Jurassic trata are characterized in fluvial fan-fluvial plain-delta-lacustrine depositional systems.
     In terms of the sedimentary facies types, structural characteristics and trap types, the reservoirs of Olmos formation in Maverick Basin were divided into 7 delta-related types: updip unconformity-stratigraphic reservoirs, Charlotte Fault Zone fault-stratigraphic reservoirs, updip structural reservoirs, volcanic mound reservoirs, deltaic and shore-zone sandstone structural reservoirs, downdip deltaic and shelf reservoirs, shelf edge reservoirs, etc. In Wu-xia Area, the delta-related reservoir types contain structural reservoirs, stratigraphic reservoirs, thithologic reservoirs and complex reservoirs. The main control factors of oil and gas immigration and accumulation include deltaic depositional system distribution, source rock distribution, unconformity characteristics, fault characteristics and volcanic intrusion. Seeing evaluation of typical traps, the reservoirs where deltaic depositonal systems exist have good accumulation conditions, better sandbody connectivities and good show of oil and gas, and can be the key targets of potential lithologic oil and gas play. According to the sources of oil and gas, migration pathways and directions, and the reservoir-forming periods, four types of oil and gas accumulation models are concluded in Wu-xia area: (1) near source- lateral sand body and unconformity migration-early accumulation models; (2) near source-vertical fault migration-multiple phase accumulation models; (3) long distance migration- multiple migration pathways- multiple phase accumulation models; (4) long distance step-shaped migration- multiple migration pathways- late accumulation models.
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