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Pharmacy trade is a domestic fast-developing vigorous trade for many years. From 1978 to 2002, the output value of pharmacy trade increased progressively 16.6% every year and became one of trades with the fastest developing speed in national economy. Because of the unordered competition of market for many years and local protectionism, there are serious problems for most pharmacy trade, such as small scales of enterprises, weak capacity for research and developing and taking model production mainly. In order to accelerate the strategic change of China from the pharmaceutical big country to powerful country and meet the competition of the international pharmacy enterprises after the accession to WTO, pharmacy trade must base on the national conditions to strengthen the division and cooperation and through merger and recombination among pharmacy enterprises to develop the big group or big company to make it strongly or greatly or very precisely and expand the living space under the new situation on the new situation. Because the market changes fast, the ways for merger and recombination of pharmacy enterprises are often plural, many kinds of ways are used. For example, "eats small one "after" combination among the strong ones", so as to realize those monopolizing goal whose status are raised by market rapidly. Such as" San Jiu Group" purchases" Yaan San Jiu and Long March Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd."," Hayao Group" participates in "Hachi Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd." by shares; "Taitai Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd. "purchases" Livzou Group", etc. We could predict that, in order to deal with the competition of international pharmaceutical groups after the accession to WTO, it is an inexorable trend that pharmacy trade of our country merges and recombines. It is the final outlet of resisting stormy waves of market of global economic integration too.
    This paper uses the merger and recombination this text instance of Zhuhai Jinsa(Hunan) pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.(hereafter referred to as Jinsa pharmacy) (belongs to Beshiney Group) to go on the real research and try to probe into and seek the modes and countermeasures merged and recombined in the pharmacy trade of our country.
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