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With the development of modern agriculture in China, advanced and practical agricultural technologies are essential to the growth of agricultural productivity. The development of agriculture increasingly depends on agricultural technology in Henan province, an agricultural province in China. As a platform for agricultural technologies' innovation, development and popularization, taking agricultural technology as its core service to a certain area, agricultural science and technology parks are playing an increasing important role in agriculture. In recent years, the size and type of agricultural science and technology parks are developing rapidly with the guide of government. But with their quick development, they can not get away from the question:how to agglomerate more technologies? In other words, how to attract technologies, how to evaluate it, and what kinds of problems it may face are worthy of consideration. And if these can not be solved properly, agricultural science and technology parks'will not function as they are designed.
     Therefore, based on the current situation of Henan agricultural science and technology parks, the study is trying to answer the following questions:what is the connotation of agricultural science and technology park? How to evaluate its agglomeration level? What are influencing factors and mechanism of it? What are the models and their features of it? The study has practical and theoretical meaning the development of agricultural science and technology parks, and is helpful to locate it and develop regional economy.
     The study contains the following parts:
     The first part, corresponding to the Chapter One and Chapter Two, is a brief introduction. Chapter One focuses on the background of the research and its significance, the research approach, the source of the data, the analyzing and solving stratagem, and the innovational, as well as the drawbacks. Chapter Two is literature reviews and the conceptual definition,. The theoretical basics of the study are the Theory of Systems, the Theory of Industrial Agglomeration, the Theory of Transactional Cost, and the Theory of Technology Gaps and others. Based on the former literature research, and through analyzing the shortcomings of them, the study eventually come up with its research theme.
     The second part, corresponding to Chapter Three, is the description of the current situation of the agricultural science and technology park. Through studying the data of the field research, and reviewing the current situation of the agricultural science and technology parks, the study proposes that agricultural science and technology park has a promising future, and contributes the regional agriculture economy. Whereas, it also faces many challenges because of the lake of investment, experiments, perfect management system and the related policy supporting.
     The third part, corresponding to Chapter Four, discusses the evaluation of agricultural science and technology park. Based on the result in chapter three, an evaluation system of agricultural science and park was designed, and combin with principal component analysis, tested in several different level parks in Henan province using the data collected from the samples. The results showed that:there were big differences among the parks in the sizes, models and strength. At the same time, the level of agricultural science and technology park decided the ability of its radiation. The results were consistent with the current situation of the parks, which further proved the applicability of index and method used in the study.
     The fourth part, corresponding to Chapter V of the dissertation, is theoretical and empirical study on agricultural science and technology park agglomeration formation mechanism. On the basis of the fourth part of the dissertation, the study chose more typical technology agglomeration parks to explore the formation mechanism of agricultural science and technology park by analyzing the existing literature and adopting structural equation modeling. The study showed that Among the influencing factors of agricultural science and technology park agglomeration,the natural resources, supporting infrastructure, drive for technology interests, industry cluster effect and policy factors have a huge impact on science and technology park agglomeration, and the effect of technical innovation has a more significant and stronger innovation impact on agglomeration than that of technical diffusion does. This part also analyzed the direct and indirect impact of various factors on the agglomeration formation level in a quantitative way.
     The fifth part, corresponding to Chapter VI of the dissertation, focused on the cluster model of the agricultural science and technology park. Analyzing the relevant theories in the second chapter and combining the development of agricultural science and technology park in Henan Province, the study summarized five kinds of cluster models. Compared with the other models, the complex model was an ideal one. This part also further analyzed the characteristics and the possible shortcomings of the different models.
     The last part, corresponding to Chapter VII of the dissertation, is the conclusions and proposals for the future research. This chapter summarized the main conclusions of the study, and gave suggestions for the further research.
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