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本文结合国家自然科学基金重点资助项目“复杂机电产品质量特性多尺度耦合理论与预防性控制技术”(50835008)和国家科技重大专项项目“基于敏感点监测的闭环动态综合补偿技术”(2009ZX04014-026),对三维表面形貌测量及其质量评定、基于图形处理器(Graphics Processing Unit, GPU)的并行处理算法等进行了研究,提出了“基于GPU的表面形貌测量系统研究”的硕士论文研究课题。
     第三章:论述了表面形貌测量的数据处理过程,首先分析了基于统一计算设备架构(Compute Unified Device Architecture, CUDA)的GPU并行算法的设计方法。其次分析了信号数据预处理的方法,基于GPU分别设计实现了波峰计数法和傅里叶变换分析法两种相位并行计算方法,并对比分析了两种并行算法的处理速度和处理精度。最后在实验对比分析的基础上,确定了傅里叶变换分析法作为基于GPU的表面形貌测量系统的相位计算算法。
Based on the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.50835008) and the important national science & technology specific projects (No.2009ZX 04014-026), surface topography measurement and surface topography evaluation and the application of Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) are studied.
     In chapter one:The importance and background of surface topography measurement are expounded. Introduced the development and current situation of surface topography measurement and evaluation, expounded the development of scientific computing by using GPU. Finally, the study background and overall frame of the dissertation are given.
     In chapter two:White-light spectral scanning interferometry has been proposed. Several phase calculation algorithms are introduced. Through the comparative analysis, choose peak counting algorithm and Fourier transform analysis algorithm for Interference image processing algorithms.
     In chapter three:The data processing of surface topography measurement is discussed. First of all, the design of GPU parallel algorithm based Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) is discussed. Secondly, analyzed preprocessing methods of signal, then realize parallel algorithm of peak counting and Fourier transform analysis by using GPU. The processing speed and the precision of these two parallel algorithms are analyzed. Finally, through the experiences, the Fourier transform analysis algorithm is determined as the phase calculation algorithm in surface topography measurement based on GPU.
     In chapter four:The establish method of three-dimensional Gaussian filter datum is studied, use GPU to processing two-dimensional Gaussian filtering procedure, and then propose the parallel processing method of evaluation of three-dimensional surface roughness. At last, standard surface roughness comparison specimens are measured and the results are analyzed.
     In chapter five:Based on the theory study, a surface topography measurement system is developed by using CUDA. The system control circuit and software module structure are designed, and the development of whole system is realized, and evaluated the surface roughness.
     In chapter six:The main content of the dissertation research is summarized, and the prospects of surface topography measurement based on GPU are presented.
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