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Urban cluster refers to the dynamic process of urban and its socio-economic activities gathering and combination to a specific area which follow the principle of convenient transportation. Urban cluster is a result of intrinsic link which continue to strengthen among the regional individual urban areas. For a long time, behind the scenes of high-speed growth in economic benefits, the trend of the inefficient use of resources and total social efficiency gradually becomes stronger. The sustainable development of urban clusters in China is seriously threatened. Applying scientific methods to evaluate economic efficiency of urban clusters in China, and guide the rational development of urban clusters, is a real problem to be solved in our country to achieve regional sustainable development process.
     This paper summarized the results of previous studies, on the basis of proposed concept of urban clusters, utilized the statistical analysis and geographic information technologies, identified that China has formed19urban clusters since2000. As the standard of evolution and the actual level of development, urban clusters in China can be merged into the following four types:metropolitan area, urban circle (urban belt), urban agglomerations and metropolitan interlocking region. The evolution and development of urban clusters in China is mainly affected by the endowment of resources, knowledge creation, social culture, industrial system and policies institution factors. From the history point of view, the development of urban cluster in China experienced the infancy stage in the ancient world, growth stage at modern and contemporary, as well as maturity stage at present. From the synchronic point of view, the impact of concentration and diffusion from the combined effect of government and market, has influenced and changed the evolution development path of the urban cluster.
     This paper utilized the VRS model from DEA analysis, measured the average economic efficiency of19urban clusters which achieved0.83out of1on the optimal level. The scale of each urban cluster is relatively moderate. However, pure technical inefficiency is the main reason for the impact economic efficiency of urban cluster in China. From the perspective of three geographical regions, eastern urban clusters of China got the highest average economic efficiency, west region followed by and middle region got the lowest. From the perspective of different spatial forms, among the urban clusters, metropolitan interlocking region had the highest average level of economic efficiency, followed by the urban circle (urban belt) and urban agglomeration, the metropolitan area had the lowest average level of economic efficiency.
     The author utilized the Malmquist productivity index model, measured urban clusters in China from2003to2009, the economic efficiency of cumulative variation has changed slightly. Moreover, the average economic efficiency of urban cluster did not significantly improve. On the economic efficiency of cumulative variation in the spatial distribution, urban clusters in China showed a strong development trend of regional integration. On the annual average change in the level of economic efficiency, the metropolitan areas and urban agglomeration showing a weak increasing trend, metropolitan interlocking region showed a weak decreasing trend, only the urban circle (urban belt) remained unchanged on the annual average level of economic efficiency.
     The parameter's estimated result from panel data random effects model showed that the industrial structure, the level of financial development, the economic openness and hardware status played a significant positive role in promoting the economic efficiency of urban clusters in China. Despite it failed to detect the differences in influencing factors of the economic efficiency for urban clusters under different regions and spatial forms, the level of economic efficiency of urban clusters in China is a result from variety factors synergies.
     In order to achieve the optimal combination of limited resources in configuration and to enhance the economic efficiency of urban clusters in China, we should establish a correct concept of urban clusters governance in the first place. The process requires not only guiding in scientific concept of development, strengthening equal emphasis on ideology of efficiency and effectiveness, but also insisting on starting from a holistic perspective and guiding the rational development of urban clusters. Secondly, the process should be based on the actual development needs of urban clusters in China; it should be flexible to choose such as governance mode, multi-level committee, the loose participation of multi-agent, the urban alliance and coexistence of multi-mode. Thirdly, the governance operating mechanism needs to be regulated, such as formulation and implementation of governance programs, reward and punishment of policy implementation; coordination mechanisms of governance should form the corresponding standards and procedures institution. Finally, it should be focused on overall planning of enhanced resource utilization and environmental protection, promoting the coordination development of industrial and the technological progress actively, promoting rational distribution on the basis of facilities and implementing the multi-channel governance measures, optimizing the economic efficiency of urban clusters in China, to achieve its sustainable development.
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