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From the world scale, housing problem is a problem that governments are facing universally, which is not only an economic problem, but also a social and political problem. Housing problem needs government’intervention to establish housing guarantees system and ensure the basic residency of low-income families, and then solves social problems and fairness in housing. From 1980 to now, the development of real estate industry in China has more than 30 years of history, which includes both the development and prosperity of the peak period, and lows and market’s recession, but without doubt real estate has already become pillar industries in the development of our national economy. As an important part of the real estate industry, the housing market’s healthy development is not only related to the national economy, and related to global people live and work and social stability and prosperity. At present, although we have solved many mass housing problems through various channels, but problems existing in the housing system reform and the real estate market development are still outstanding. There are still some housing problems that don't get fundamental solutions and don’t enjoy the achievement of reform and opening-up.
     According to the volatility trends of real estate industry and real estate prices fluctuate in recent years, it can be included that people haven't fully grasp the rules of housing market and real estate prices change, and some prices control policy has obvious short-term behavior effect. The price is higher and higher, which makes it more difficult for the government to solve housing problem.
     This paper comprehensively and systematically studied land supply performance evaluation, housing market monitoring method and the interactions between land supply and the housing market, established urban land market performance evaluation model and the housing market monitoring index system, enriched and perfect the housing market theory, and provided theoretical basis and practical guidance for the development of China's housing market. The housing market’s stable, healthy and sustainable development is good to promote the national economy global development, but also beneficial to stable prices, to solve the housing problem, and realizes housing development goals of "everyone owns his house".
     Thesis research content is divided into seven chapters; the main content of every chapter is as follows:
     The first chapter: introduction. It points out the research background and significance of the research and defined the research scope, on the basis of which it summarizes the related research in home and abroad and pointed out its defects, and finally introduces the general research approach, thesis structure and innovative points.
     The second chapter: the related basic theory of China urban land supply performance evaluation and the housing market monitor. Firstly, it reviews the development process and the future development of China urban land supply system, this paper analyzes related concepts of our country town land supply performance evaluation, problems and the principles. Secondly, it elaborates the necessity and significance of the government’s housing monitor. Finally, it studies the relationship between land supply and the housing market from the aspects of current land supply mechanism’s basic features and the influence of land supply to the housing market, which provides theory basis for my research.
     The third chapter: the construction of China urban land supply performance evaluation model. Firstly, it analyzes the game behavior of the interest subject under the current land system, and focuses on the agency cost of the local government in land supply, and provides foundation for land supply of performance appraisal. Secondly, it discusses the index system of building the land performance evaluation. Finally, it establishes the land supply of the performance evaluate on of "matter-element evaluation model" system to evaluate the comprehensive performance of land supply, and forecast land market operation overall status.
     The fourth chapter: China urban housing market monitoring. This article discusses the significance of urban housing market surveillance, summarizes and analyzes the housing market monitoring system at home and abroad and methods and existing problems, and on the basis of which it uses boom index method and econometrics analytic method to set up the housing market monitoring system index system: according to the differences between monitoring index in place of interval, it analyzes the current housing market development trend and possible future price movements.
     Chapter 5: China urban housing market regulation and land supply. Firstly, it discusses the housing market control concept, necessity and means; Secondly, it reviews control policies of the recent real estate market (housing market) and analyses the market control effect, and resulted that it did not reach the purpose; At last, it analyzes the role of land supply in the real estate market macro-control and puts forward relevant policy Suggestions.
     Chapter 6: an empirical study, taking Chongqing as an example. Using the town land supply performance evaluation model in the paper and the housing market monitoring system and method it analyzes Chongqing urban land supply and housing market developments. Finally, it put forward policy suggestions for land market and the housing development in Chongqing.
     Chapter 7: conclusions and prospect. It summarizes the main research conclusions, innovation points and prospects the related subsequent research content and research direction.
     Innovative points of the paper are embodied in the following two aspects:
     Firstly, using analytic principle, system theory analyzes land supply need comprehensive consideration of the structural configuration effect, economical effect, fair allocation effect, then the three effects is decomposed into six goals, such as land structure configuration rationalization, the land space configuration rationalization, the land direct income, land indirect benefits, social justice, and land justice and so on, then it uses several specific evaluation indexes to comprehensively evaluate the performance of land supply. On the basis of the appropriate division level, it applies "matter-element model" to evaluate land supply benefits comprehensively. The evaluation method can build multi-index performance parameters of the quality evaluation model; weight assuring avoids subjective factors influence, improves the objectivity of evaluation result, and uses quantitative numerical to express evaluation result, so it can express the comprehensive level of things benefit.
     Secondly, after analyzing the inadequate of various domestic and international housing markets monitoring method, the paper uses boom index method and econometric analysis method to establish housing monitoring system. The economic model in the application is often different from practice, so the paper combines qualitative analysis of the housing market monitoring to improve the accuracy of analytical results.
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