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Anti-seepage system is used to isolate the leachate and landfill gas as an important barrier which is located at the bottom and slope in landfill. It is also an important guarantee of landfill for long-term and effective operation. Analyzing physical and mechanical properties of geosynthetics, studying the deformation and failure mechanism of anti-seepage system and exploring the stability of liner system in landfill has become a new topic in environment science field, which has attracted broad attention of scientific researchers. With the combination of experimental and theoretical method and relying on existing research achievements, deformation failure mechanism of anti-seepage system in landfill during its service has been discussed, and mechanical model of deformation failure has been built, and then a finite element method is used to solve the coupling model which has been established. Meanwhile, a thorough analysis of mechanical response of anti-seepage system under various environment loads is given. The results can offer technical support for the design, and it can also provide theoretical basis to the defense of stability of landfill. The main research results are as follows:
     (1)The current applications, testing process and theoretical study of geosynthetics have been summarized on investigating a large number of landfill data.The anti-seepage system is mainly shear failure on analyzing its technical characteristics.It is in accordance with the international and domestic environmental policy in studying deformation mechanism and numerical simulation of anti-seepage system in landfill.
     (2)Composite liner system is superior to double-liner system, and double-liner system is superior to single-layer liner system by analyzing the different structural forms of anti-seepage system. Meanwhile, the deformation and failure mechanism of anti-seepage system is given, including impervious mechanism of geosynthetics, leachate migration mechanism, and solid waste deformation mechanism, stability mechanism of slope padded by geomembrane and rainfall infiltration mechanism in landfill.
     (3)The tensile-displacement curves were obtained (cis texture, reverse texture) through tensile test of geomembrane. There is a linear relationship between the tension and tensile deformation in initial stage, but then turned to plastic variation with the tension increased gradually. HDPE geomembrane has no obvious yield limit. The maximum extensional capacity of reverse texture is 3 to 7 times larger than the cis one through the comparison of cis texture with reverse one.Strain-time curve of anti-seepage structure was obtained through simulating the pressure test in laboratory. The curve showed that geomembrane strain is very minimal under pressure effect and there is a linear relationship between geomembrane strain and time.
     (4) Conceptual model of landfill was given. Fluid-solid coupling mathematical model that describe the deformation failure of liner system (including saturated-unsaturated percolation model of porous media and stress field mathematical model) was established. The thickness formulas of geomembrane were given, and geomembrane was considered as cable element in finite element analyzes.
     (5)A mathematics model of the seepage field for municipal landfill liner system was established and mechanical response of anti-seepage system in different working conditions has been simulated, such as seepage field features of liner system under rainfall condition, deformation laws under constant and linear variation loads, the deformation of anti-seepage system considering fluid-solid coupling and numerical analysis on stability of landfill slope padded by Geomembrane.
     a) Considering constant and liner variation loads, the deformation laws of anti-seepage system at the bottom of landfill were obtained. Longitudinal deformation decrease with the depth increase and it is nonlinear variation along with the horizontal distance. Lateral deformation is fluctuation change with the horizontal distance and depth change.
     b) Considering rain infiltration and selecting a typical section of landfill cover slope, numerical simulation showed that the storage capacity of each structural layer was gradually increased, which lead to the unit weight increased. Pore water pressure can be easily increased with increase of seepage flow at the foot of slope.
     c) Deformation law was obtained by simulated water pumping in anti-seepage system. The results showed that the water head decreased, the pore pressure is progressively lowered, which makes virtual stress increase. Therefore, the displacement of anti-seepage system increases.
     d) Some beneficial laws are obtained by analyzing the various parameters of the model of landfill slope padded by geomembrane. The slope angel and the interface friction angel influence greatly of the stability of the slope padded by geomembrane. The increasing of the slope angel, the length,the seepage forces and the seismic coefficient will lead to the safety factor of the landfill decrease, the increasing of the interface friction angel will lead to the safety factor increase, the variation of the friction angel of cover soil have little influence on the safety factor; the safety factor is decreased considering permeability factor and seismic action.
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