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     1. EFL听力理解中涉及到的属性和属性之间的层级关系是什么?
     根据研究问题,本研究包括理论探索、模型开发和验证、诊断报告和针对报告的指导干预,该论文侧重点前两个阶段。首先对前期编写的初步诊断试题(preliminarydiagnostic tests)进行项目分析和模型验证,然后按照认知诊断理论重新确定听力属性和矩阵(Q-matrix),构建了听力认知诊断试题假设模型(hypothetic model)。为了验证这一假设模型,首先组织534个学生试用,获取他们的答题结果(responses)。同时根据三方不同的主体对该试题假设模型的认识建立了三个版本的假设模型:试题设计者对假设模型试题重新标注后的模型(H1),学生有声思维结果得出来的模型(H2)和7个学科专家对假设模型试题标注的结果(H3)。然后用G-DINA分析对比,找出三个中与学生做题结果最拟合的。研究结果证明7个学科专家模型(H3)具有最好的数据—模型拟合度(data-model fit)。之后,确定的模型被应用到新的数据中进行再次验证。结果证明H3仍旧是拟合度最好的模型。研究发现如下:
     1. EFL听力认知诊断模型的属性包括:辨音语调和重音、词汇和口语表达、语法结构、细节捕获、主旨的抓取、上下文和文化背景推测、记忆和记笔记能力。前6个为听力语言语篇能力,第7为策略能力。
Cognitive diagnostic assessment (CDA) has great potentials in large scale testing. Withit, researchers in educational measurement and cognitive psychology are finally in a positionto design tests targeted specifically for providing valuable information about students'cognitive strengths and weaknesses (Leighton&Gierl,2007b).
     CDA had not been adopted in second language assessment until in recent several years,but very few cases in EFL listening research have been found. The dissertation makes a boldattempt to employ Cognitive Diagnostic Approaches (CDAs) to develop a listeningdiagnostic test model for fine-grained assessment and classification of the learner‘sknowledge state and presence or absence of certain attributes. The study also touches on thediagnostic report and the corresponding remedial guidance. The addressed questions are asfollows:
     1. What attributes count in EFL listening and how are they related hierarchically?
     2. How can we construct and validate the EFL listening CDA model?
     3. What are the considerations in presenting the online diagnostic reports?
     4. How can we guide the learners based on their diagnostic reports?
     The methodology falls into two phases. Phase I is analyzing the preliminary diagnostictest model (PDT). This includes attribute identification, Q-matrix construction, IRT andCDA analysis. In Phase II, the hypothetic model (H) is proposed based on Phase I and it isthen validated by comparing its3versions of hypothetic models, i.e. the test developer‘smodel (H1), students‘Think Aloud Protocol (TAP) model (H2) and7domain experts‘judgment model (H3).534test responses and the above three versions of hypothetic modelsare psychometrically analyzed using G-DINA model to find out their absolute and relativemodel-data fit statistics. The best-fit sub-model proves to be H3. After these exploratoryprocedures, the best-fit model is further verified with new data and its goodness of fit isconfirmed.
     Considerations for diagnostic online reports are also proposed, followed by four kindsof guidance for learners to cope with their diagnosed problems.
     The findings come as follows:
     To answer the first question, seven attributes were identified: phonological level (sounddiscrimination, stress and intonation); lexical level (less frequent vocabulary and oralexpressions); syntactic level (less frequent vocabulary and oral expressions); facts anddetails; main ideas; contextual and cultural related inference; note-taking and working memory. They are mainly independent attributes.
     How to develop the CDA model? It generally follows the4-step procedure of―attributeidentification‖→―Q-matrix construction and test item writing‖→―Psychometric analysisand verification‖→―Diagnostic reporting‖. However,the research demonstrated that―remedial guidance‖is a very appropriate and desirable destination for a diagnostic model.They five constitute a perfect system to empower learners in pursuing autonomy in EFLlearning.
     About the online diagnostic report,5considerations were proposed:1) offeringorientation information to the diagnostic score users;2) integrating the total scores into thediagnostic report;3) making diagnostic report files and scores interpretable, such as in theform of graphs, tables or other interactive ways;4) offering multi-dimensional analysis;5)including narrative interpretations for the unconventional diagnostic scores.
     Guidance is often given according to learner problems and diagnostic reports. It can bequestion-answer form of listening strategies, cases of successful learners, learners‘TAPreports and interview aural and visual of some world linguists.
     In the context of language learning and instruction, the availability of such diagnosticfeedback and guidance at a finer grain size would allow the instructor to identify thelearner‘s specific deficiencies and to plan instruction that is tailored to the needs of theparticular learner. It also facilitates learners on their journey to autonomy. In thelearner-centered and technology-assisted age of education, this study is especiallysignificant in its great potentials.
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