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Based on all-around investigation and compiling of extensive data, this paper is an in-depth systematic illustration and analysis of Western missionaries' writings and comments in other forms on Fujian society in the late Qing Dynasty in the light of the theories and methodology of history, religious study, anthropology, comparative literature imagologie, Orientalism and Cross-cultural Communicology in search of the implications and features of the image of Fujian society in the late Qing Dynasty in the eyes of western missionaries and the perspectives from which they decoded Fujian society. Fujian regional archives and literature are also references of this dissertation. Through the probe into the mixed resource of information, the dissertation presents the reality and distortion, merits and demerits, value and falsehood, and consequent mixed influences of missionaries' record of and opinions on Fujian.
     Western missionaries' writings on Fujian society in the late Qing dynasty are numerous and multi-perspective, yet with shared focus on aspects of regional daily life and folk phenomenon, showing essentially microcosmic and intuitionistic ways of observation and reflections featuring a contrast between objectivity and subjectivity. Reality presented thus and distortion coexisting reflect western missionaries had been in delicate relationship to the circumstance of Fujian. Behind western missionaries' image of Fujian interweave Orientalism, Colonialism, conception of occidental center and Christians' ideological consciousness of "salvation" and "evangelic universalism". One thing that cannot be neglected is that missionaries inevitably marked the particularity of regional contextualization through their long-time interaction with Fujian society. There is no blinking the fact that even in the westerner's universal explanation of the east are to an extent colored with colonial hegemonic language and yet with divergences of particularities of locations and principles of embodiment of presentations. And there is no denying the fact that missionaries' writings and other related literature data has brought relevant influence bridging the east and the west with a specially important impact on the history of cultural communication between the East and the West, which is obviously significantly meaningful.
    [1]Kenneth Scott Latourette,The History of Early Relations between the United States and China:1784-1844,Yale University Press,New Haven,Connecticut,August,1917,(此书已经有中译本,见(美)赖德烈著、陈郁译:《早期中美关系史1784—1844》,商务印书馆,1963年版)
    [2]Kenneth Scott Latourette,A History of Christian Mission in China,New York:The Macmillan Company,1929.
    [3]Tyler Dennett,Americans in Eastern Asia,A Critical Study of the Policy of the United states with reference to China,Japan and Korea in the 19th Century,New York:The Macmillan Company,1922,此书已有中译本,见[美]泰勒.丹涅特著、姚曾庾译:《美国人在东亚——十九世纪美田对中国、日本和朝鲜政策的批判的研究》,商务印书馆1960年版.
    [4]Marry Gertrude Mason,Western Concepts of China and the Chinese 1840-1876,Hyperion Press,Inc,1938,(此书已有中译本,见[美]M.G马森著、杨德山等译:《西方的中华帝国观》,时事出版社1999年版,另见《西方的中国及中国人观念》,中华书局2006年版.)
    [5]Paul A.Varg,Missionaries,Chinese and Diplomats:the American Protestant missionary movement in China,1890-1852,Princeton,N.J.:Princeton University Press,1958.
    [1]Harold R Isaacs,Scratches on Our Minds:American Images of China & India,Connecticut:Greenwood Press,1958,(1973年再版),此书已有专门关于中国部分的中译本,见[美]哈罗德.伊罗生著、于殿利等译:《美国的中国形象》,中华书局2006年.
    [2]Edited and with an introduction by Kwang-Ching Liu,American Missionaries in China,Papers from Harvard Seminars,East Asian Research Center,Harvard University Press,1966.
    [3]Clifon J.Phillips,Protestant America and the Pagan World:the first half century of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions 1810-1860,East Asian Research Center,Harvard University,1969.
    [4]Stuart Creighton Miller,The Unwelcome Immigrant:The American Image of the Chinese,1785-1882,Berkeley:California University Press,1969.
    [5]Robert McClellan,The Heathen Chinee:A study of American Attitudes toward China,1890-1905,Ohio State University Press,1970(Columbus:Ohio State University Press,1971.
    [6]Benson Lee Grayson,The American Image of China,New York:Frederick Ungar Publishing Co.,1979
    [7]Robert F.McClellan Jr,The American Image of China,1890-1905,Ann Arbor,Mich:University Microfilms International,1987.
    [1]Colin Mackerras,Western Images of China,Hong Kong:Oxford University Press,1989.
    [2]David Martin Jones,The Image of China in Western Social and Political Thought,New York:Palgrave,2001.
    [1]George Smith,A Narrative of An Exploratory Visit to Each of the Consular Cities of China,in the years 1844,1845,1846,London:Seeley,1847.p375.
    [1]Re.David Abeel,"Missions at Amoy and Kulangsu",Chinese Repository,vol.Ⅺ、Ⅻ:"Notices of infanticide in Fuhkien",Chinese Repository,vol.Ⅻ;"Journal kept at Kulangsu and Amoy",Chinese Repository,vol.ⅫⅠ.
    [2]Chinese Repository,volⅫ,p542
    [3]Memoirs of the Rev.Walter M.Lowrie,Missionary to China,edited by his father,New York:Robert Carter &brothers;Philadelphia:William S.Martien,1849,p209.
    [4]W.M.Lowrie,"Narrative of a recent visit to the chief city of the department of Changchau,in province of Fukien",Chinese Repository,volⅫ,p523.
    [1]"Sailing Direction for the River Min",The North-China Herald(March 3,1855);"Koo-San,or Drum Hil"l,The North-China Herald(September 1,1855).
    [1]"A Letter written by E.C.Bridgeman to Christian Friends 1844",Papers of The,American Board of Commissioners ForForeign Mission(以下简称为 A.B.C.F.M.Papers),vol1,Amoy Mission 1827-1846,Letters.
    [2]"A Letter written by C.C.Baldwin to Anderson,1850 Dec31,Fuh-Chau",A.B.C.F.M.Papers,vol2,Foochow Mission 1846-1859,letters.
    [1]R.S.Maclay,Life Among the Chinese,New York:Carlton & Porter,1861.
    [2]Justus Doolittle,Social Life of the Chinese,with some account of their religious,government,educational,and business customas and opinious,with speacial but not exclusive reference to Fuh-Chau,Vol Ⅰ、H,New York:Harper &Brothers.Publishers.1865.
    [1]罗文达(RudolfLowenthal)主编:《中国宗教期刊》(The Religious Periodical Press in China),The Synodal Commissionin China,Peking1940,p77.
    [2]Nathan Sites,"Incidents of A Country Trip",The Missionary Recorder,(Jan-Mar,1867),ⅹⅲ:W.T.Lay,"Kushan",The Missionary Recorder,(November,December,1867);W.H.Medhurst,E.Stevens,"The Island of Lam-Yit"(南日),The Chinese Recorder,(May,1868).
    [3]R.S.Maclay,"Serpent Worship in China",The Chinese Recorder,(April,1872),p307:R.S.Maclay,"Birth Place of Chu-Hi",The Chinese Recorder,(May,1872).
    [1]James E.Walker,"Shaowu in Fuh-Kien:A Country Station",The Chinese Recorder,VOLⅨ,(September-October,1878).
    [1]F·Ohlinger,"A visit to the Dogheaded Barbarians or Hill People",The Chinese Recorder,Vol17,(July,1886);James E.Walker,"A Glimpose of Fuh-kien Mountains an Mountaineers",The Chinese Recorder,Vol19,(April,1888).
    [2]J.Sadler,"The Poppy growth about Amoy","Amoy:Physical Features,Monuments,Temples,&c",The China Review,or notes & queries on the Far East(following for short:The China Review) Vol.22 No.5(1897);"Chinese Customs and Superstions;or,What they do at Amoy",The China Review,Vol.22 No.6(1897).
    [3]John.Macgowan,Christ or Confucius,Which? or The Story of the Amoy Mission,London:London Missionary Society,1889,Second Edition:London,1895.
    [4]J.Macgowan,Pictures of Southern China,London:The Religions Tract Society 1897.
    [1]Annie N.Duncan,The City of Springs or Mission Work in Chinchew,Edinburgh and London Oliphant Anderson &Ferrier,1902.
    [1]P.W.Pitcher,A Sketch of Kuliang Mountain and Environments,Foochou,China:Methodist Publishing House 1907;In and About Amoy,Shanghai and Foochow:The Methodist Publishing House in China 1909,second edition,1912.
    [2]J.Macgowan,Sidelights on Chinese life,London:Kegau Paul,Trench,Trbner,1907.
    [3]W.N.Brewster,The Evolution of New China,Cincinnati:Jennings and Graham 1907.
    [1]William C.Milne,Life in China,London:G.Routledge&Co.1857.
    [2]G.Currie Martin,One Hundred and Fifty Days in China,London:London Missionary Society,1910.
    [1]Polly Park edited,"To save their heathen souls":voyage to and life in Fouchow,China,based on Wentworth diaries and letters,1854-1858,foreword by Francis West,Allison Perk,Pa.:Pickwick Publications,1984.
    [1]E.C.Bridgman,"Topography of Fukien;situation and boundaries of the province;its area and population;subdivisions,mountains,rivers,harbors,&c.",Chinese Repository,vol.Ⅺ,pp651-652.
    [1]George Smith,"Notices of Fuhchau fu",Chinese Repository,vol,ⅩⅤ.
    [2]P.W.Pitcher,In and About Amoy,Shanghai and Foochow:The Methodist Publishing House in China,1909,p1、p27.
    [1]James E.Walker,"A Glimpose of Fuh-Kien Mountains an Mountaineers",The Chinese Recorder,vol19(April,1888).
    [2]Edwin Joshua Dukes,Everyday Life in China or Scenes along River and Road in Fuh-Kien,The Religious Tract Society 1885,p39,p51.
    [4]Book Manuscript:"Shaowu Fu:or,one little corner of China",by J.E.Walker 1908.Ⅰ1,A.B.C.F.M.Papers 16.3.7Vol1,179-192.
    [1]R.S.Maclay,"A Trip up The River Min",Chinese Repository,vol.ⅩⅧ,p446.
    [3]Isaac.W.Wiley edited,The Mission Cemetery and the Fallen Missionaries of Fun Chau,China,New York:Carlton & Porter,1858,pp17-18.
    [4]W.A.P.Martin,A cycle of Cathay:or,China,south and north,with personal reminiscences,Edinburgh:Oliphant、Anderson and Ferrier,1896,p37.
    [2]P.W.Pitcher,A Skecth of KuLiang Mountain and Environments(Second Edition Enlarged),Foochow,China:Methodist Publishing House,1907.(注:此书无页码).
    [1]R.S.Maclay,Life Among the Chinese,p158.
    [2]S.Johnson,"Notices of Fuhchau fu",Chinese Repository,vol.ⅩⅥ,p486.
    [3]Justus Doolittle,Social Life of the Chinese,Vol Ⅰ,p42.
    [1]R.S.Maclay,Life Among the Chinese,pp144-147.
    [1]Annie N.Duncan,The City of Springs or Mission Work in Chinchew(泉州),Edinburgh and London:Oliphant Anderson&Ferrier.1902,pp26-40.
    [2]Justus Doolittle,Social Life of the Chinese,Vol Ⅰ,pp294-297.
    [1]Justus Doolittle,Social Life of the Chinese,New York:Happer& Brothers,Publishers,1865,Vol Ⅰ,p21.
    [2]James E.Walker,"Shaowu in Fuh-Kien;A Country Station",The Chinese Recorder,VolⅨ,(September to October,1878),pp343-344.
    [1](美)何天爵著、鞠方安译:《真正的中国佬》(首译本),光明日报出版社1998年版,第154-157页;此书英文原本名为The Real Chinaman,London:Hodder and Stoughton,1895.,福建师范大学图书馆英文善本书库有藏本。
    [1]Edwin Joshua Dukes,Everyday Life in China or Scenes along River and Road in Fuh-Kien,p118.
    [1]Justus Doolittle,Social Life of the Chinese,Vol Ⅰ,pp321-322.
    [1]Justus Doolittle,Social Life of the Chinese,Vol Ⅰ,pp305-306、 p322.
    [2]John Macgowan,Sidelights on Chinese Life,London:Kegan Paul,Trench,Trbner,1907,p250.
    [3]Justus Doolittle,Social Life of the Chinese,Vol Ⅰ,pp376-377.
    [4]Edwin Joshua Dukes,Everyday Life in China or Scenes along River and Road in Fuh-Kien,pp195-199.
    [5]Justus Doolittle,Social Life of the Chinese,Vol Ⅰ,p377.
    [1]R.S.Maclay,Life Among the Chinese,pp23-24.
    [1]Justus Doolittle,Social Life of the Chinese,Vol Ⅰ,p43.
    [1]Justus Doolittle,Social Life of the Chinese,Vol Ⅰ,p50-52.
    [1]GJ.Gordon,"Memorandum of an excursion to the tea hills which produce the description of tea known in commerce under the designation of Ankoy(Nganke) tea",Chinese Repository,Vol.Ⅳ,(1835),pp.78-80
    [1]Justus Doolittle,Social Life of the Chinese,Vol Ⅰ,p47.
    [2]J.Sadler,"The Poppy Growth About Amoy",The China Review,Vol.22,No.5(1897).
    [1]Justus Doolittle,Social Life of the Chinese,VolⅠ,p54.
    [2]P.W.Pitcher,In and About Amoy,Shanghai and Foochow:The Methodist Publishing House in China 1909,p46.
    [1]Justus Doolittle,Social Life of the Chinese,VolⅠ,p49.
    [2]R.S.Maclay.Life Among,the Chinese.pp183-184.
    [4]Justus Doolittle,Social Life of the Chinese,VolⅠ,p43.
    [1]George Smith,"Notices of Fuhchau fu",Chinese Repository,vol.ⅩⅤ,(April 1846).
    [2]Annie N.Duncan,The City of Springs or Mission Work in Chinchew(泉州),p30.
    [1]Justus Doolittle,Vocabulary and Hand-Book of the Chinese Language,vol2,pp559-562
    [2]Justus Doolittle,Social Life of the Chinese.Vol.1,"fntroduction",p20.
    [3]P.W.Pitcher,,In and About Amoy,p47.
    [1]T.A.W.S.,"The Trade of Amoy",The China Review,Vol.22 No.6(1897).
    [3]George Smith,"Notices of Fuhchau fu",Chinese Repository,vol.ⅩⅤ,(April 1846).
    [4]Eugene Stock,The Story of the Fuh-Kien Mission of the Church Missionary Society,London:Seeley,Jackson,&Halliday.1882,2nd edition,p5.
    [1]Edwin Joshua Dukes,Everyday Life in China or Scenes along River and Road in Fuh-Kien,p25.
    [2]Annie N.Duncan,The City of Springs or Mission Work in Chinchew(泉州),pp27-29.
    [1]Justus Doolittle,Social Life of the Chinese,VolⅡ,pp139-140.
    [2]George Smith,"Notices of Fuhchau fu",Chinese Repository,vol.ⅩⅤ,(April 1846).
    [3]H.S.Parkes,"Account of the Paper Currency and Banking System of Fuchowfoo",Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland,vol13,1852.p180.
    [4]Samuel W.Williams,"Paper money among the Chinese,and description of a bill from Fuhchan",Chinese Repository,vol20,(June,1851).
    [2]Justus Doolittle,Social Life of the Cheese,VolⅠ,p55.
    [1]"A Letter from E.Wentworth to Joseph Lewis,Fuh Chau April 8,1857",Polly Park edited,"To save their heathen souls”:voyage to and life in Fouchow,China,based on Wentworth diaries and letters,1854-1858,Allison Park,Pennsylvania:Pickwick Publications,1984,pp67-68
    [1]John Thomson,Through China with A Camera,London and New York:Harper & Brothers,second edition,1899,pp136-138
    [1]Justus Doolittle,Social Life of the Chinese,VolⅡ,p332.
    [3]James E.Walker,A Glimpose of Fuh-Kien Mountains an Mountaineers,The Chinese Recorder,Vol19,(April,1888).
    [4]Book Manuscript:“Shaowu Fu:or,one little comer of China”,by J.E.Walker,1908.Ⅰ2,A.B.C.F.M.Papers 16.3.7Vol1,179-192.
    [1]John Gerardus Fagg,Forty Years in South China:the Life of Rev.John Van Nest Talmage,D.D.,New York:Anson D.F.Randolph,1894,pp132-140.
    [2]George Hughes,Amoy and the surrounding districts,De Souza & Co.1872.,pp27-29:另休士还专门将书中对小刀会的记述章节撰整成文,发表于《中国评论》上,见George Hughes,"The Small Knife Rebels",The China Review,Vol.1 No.4(1873 Feb).
    [1]R.S.Maclay,Life Among the Chinese,pp83-84.
    [1]"A Letter from E.Wentworth to His Friends,Fuh Chau April 25,1857",Polly Park edited,"To save their heathen souls":voyage to and life in Fouchow,China,based on Wentworth diaries and letters,1854-1858,Allison Park,Pennsylvania:Pickwick Publications,1984,pp69-70.
    [4]P.W.Pitcher,In and About Amoy,pp158-160.
    [2]P.W.Pitcher,In and About Amoy,pp142-144.
    [1]W.N.Brewster,The Evolution of New China,Cincinnati:Jennings and Graham,1907.pp77-78.
    [1]J.H.Worley,"The Reform in Fukien",The Chinese Recorder,(Octorber,1908).
    [2]The Fifty-Fourth Year of The Foochow Mission of The American Board,Compiled from the individual reports by Rev.Geo.W.Hinman,Romanized Press,Foochow,1901.pp14-15.
    [3]P.W.Pitcher,,In and About Amoy,p86.
    [1]Justus Doolittle,Social Life of the Chinese,VolⅡ,pp23-29.
    [1]Justus Doolittle.Social Life of the Chinese,VolⅡ,p71.
    [1]Miss Ella J.Newton,"The Betrothal and Marriage Customs of China(Foochow)",The Chinese Recorder,(August,1892),pp376-377.
    [2]John Macgowan,Sidelights on Chinese Life,London:Kegan Paul,Trench,Trbner,1907,pp21-23:Remarks on The Social Life and Religious Ideas of The Chinese,tailed Donald Matheson,Narrative of The Mission To China of The English Presbyterian Church,London:James Nisbet &Co.21 Berners Street,1866,p90.
    [1]"Hakka Marriage Customs",The China Review,Vol.8 No.5(1880 Mar),pp318-320.
    [1]Justus Doolittle,Social Life of the Chinese,Vol I,p197.
    [1]Justus Doolittle,Social Life of the Chinese,Vol I,pp214-216.
    [2]Irene H.Barnes,Behind the Great Wall:the story of the C.E.Z.M.S work and workers in China,London:Marshall Brothers,1896,pp16-18.
    [1]J.Sadler,"Chinese Customs and Superstitions;or,What they do at Amoy",The China Review,Vo1.22 No.6(1897),p756.
    [1]John Macgowan,Sidelights on Chinese Life,London:Kegan Paul,Trench,Trbner,1907,pp21-23;Remarks on The Social Life and Religious Ideas of The Chinese,tailed Donald Matheson,Narrative of The Mission To China of The English Presbyterian Church,London:James Nisbet &Co.21 Berners Street,1866,p103.
    [2]The Anti-Cobweb Club,Fukien:A Study of A Province in China,Shanghai:Presbyterian Mission Press.1925,p33.
    [3]J.Sadler,"Chinese Customs and Superstitions;or,What they do at Amoy",The China Reviewt,Vo1.22 No.6(1897),p756.
    [4]"Letter from Representatives of Kienning",ABCFMPapers,16.3.7 VOL1.175.
    [2]Justus Doolittle,Social Life of the Chinese,VolⅡ,pp167-169.
    [2]The Anti-Cobweb Club,Fukien:A Study of A Province in China,p32.
    [3]John Macgowan,How England Saved China,London:T.Fisher Unwin,1913,pp15-16.
    [1]John Macgowan,Sidelights on Chinese Life,London:Kegan Paul,Trench,Trbner,1907,p59.
    [3]Justus Doolittle,Social Life of the Chinese,Vol Ⅱ,pp201-202.
    [4]Twelve Years in China,The People,The Rebels and The Mandarins,by a British resident,Edinburgh:Thomas Constable and Co.1860,p22.
    [5]Irene H.Barnes,Behind the Great Wall:the story of the C.E.Z.M.S,work and workers in China,London:Marshall Brothers,1896,pp12-13.
    [1]Jas.Johnston,China and Formosa,London:Hazell,Watson&Viney,1897,p35.
    [3]Justus Doolittle,Social Life of the Chinese,Vol Ⅱ,pp199-200.
    [5]"Minutes of the Tenth Session of the Foochow Woman's Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church",Foochow,1894,p13.
    [2]Charles Gutzlaff,Journals of Three Voyages along the Coast of China in 1831,1832&1833,Second Edition,London:Frederick Westley and A.H.Davis,1834.p173.
    [1]Chinese Repository,vo112,p542.
    [2]P.W.Pitcher,In and About Amoy,p42.
    [3]Justus Doolittle,Social Life of the Chinese,Vol Ⅱ,p.205.
    [4]J.Macgowan,How England saved China?,p107.
    [1]Band.Edward,Working His Purpose Out:the History of the English Presbyterian Mission,1847~1947,London:Publishing Office of the Presbyterian Church in England.1947.p272.
    [2]Chinese Repository,vo113,p234.
    [4]Justus Doolittle,Social Life of the Chinese,Vol Ⅱ.p.206.
    [1]Chinese Repository,vo113,p545.
    [2]Justus Doolittle,Soctal Life of the Chinese,Vol Ⅱ.p.207.
    [3]J.Macgowan,How England saved China,pp110-111.
    [4]Justus Doolittle,Socia Life of the Chinese,Vol Ⅱ.pp.205-209.
    [5]Geo.Hugh,"Female Infanticid",The China Review,Vo1.2 No.1(1873 Jul).
    [6]J.Macgowan,How England saved China?,pp110-114.
    [7]Geo.Hugh,"Female Infanticide",The China Review,Vo1.2 No.1(1873 Jul).
    [1]Chinese Repository,vo113,p543.
    [3]Chinese Repository,vo113,p547.
    [2]John Macgowan,Sidelight on Chinese Life,pp343-345.
    [1]John Macgowan,Sidelight on Chinese Life,pp196-197.
    [4]Justus Doolittle,Social Life of the Chinese,Vol Ⅱ.p355.
    [6]Edwin Joshua Dukes,Everyday Life in China or Scenes along River and Road in Fuh-Kien,p164.
    [7]Justus Doolittle,Social Life of the Chinese,Vol Ⅱ,p355.
    [1]Justus Doolittle,Social Life of the Chinese,Vol Ⅱ,pp351-353.
    [3]John Macgowan,Sidelight on Chinese Life,pp327-328.
    [1]Justus Doolittle,Social Life of the Chinese,Vol Ⅱ.p210.
    [1]Floy Hurlbut,The Fukienese:A Study in Human Geography,Published Independent by the Author 1939,p117.
    [2]Irene H.Barnes,Behind the Great Wall:the story of the C.E.Z.M.S.work and workers in China,London:Marshall Brothers,1896,pp13-14.
    [1]W.S.Pakenham-Walsh,Twenty Years in China,Cambridge:W.Heffer & Sons Ltd,1935,p92.
    [3]Justus Doolittle,Social Life of the Chinese,Vol Ⅱ.p210.
    [4]Eugene Stock,The Story of the Fuh-Kien Mission of the Church Missionary Society,1882.2rd edition,pp184-185.
    [5]The Anti-Cobweb Club,Fukien:A Study of A Province in China,p27.
    [1]Rev.EJ.Hardy,John Chinaman at Home,Sketch of Men、Manners and Things in China,London:T.Fisher Unwin Paternoster Square.Mcmv1905,pp66-69.
    [2]Justus Doolittle,Social Life of the Chinese,Vol Ⅰ,p236.
    [3]Annie N.Duncan,The City of Springs or Mission Work in Chinchew,p39.
    [1]J.Macgowan,Pictures of Southern China,p174.
    [1]P.W.Pitcher,In and About Amoy,second edition,pp288-295.
    [3]Justus Doolittle,Social Life of the Chinese,Vol Ⅰ,p239.
    [2]西方人对道教信徒及道士往往称呼他们为Rationalists,即理性主义者(或谓唯理论者),可参见Henri Maspero,Taonism an Chinese Religion,The University of Massachusetts Press Amherst:1981或W.A.P.Martin,The Lore of Cathay:or The Intellect Of China,Fleming H.Revell Co,New York Date Published:1901.
    [3]Justus Doolittle:Social Life of the Chinese,Vol Ⅰ,p246.
    [1]Justus Doolittle,Social Life of the Chinese,Vol Ⅰ,p68.
    [2]J.L.Shuck,"Sketch of Teen Fe,or Matsoo Po,the Goddess of Chinese Seaman",Chinese Repository,vol.Ⅹ(1841Feb),pp84-87.
    [1]John Macgowan,Remarks on The Social Life and Religious Ideas of The Chinese,tailed Donald Matheson,Narrative of the Mission to China of the English Presbyterian Church,London:James Nisbet &Co.21 Berners Street,1866,p128.
    [1]R.S.Maclay,“Serpent Worship in China”,The Chinese Record,Vol4,(April,1872),pp307-308;另可参见汪毅夫:《闽台地方史料丛抄——拙稿续证录》,《福建师范大学学报》2006年第4期。令人钦佩的是,汪师这种续证、补证的严谨学风,体现了他对史料的重视和对考据学方法、态度的推崇,值得我辈学习。因为就笔者所见,在研究樟湖坂蛇神崇拜的现有成果中,尚不见有人使用麦利和的这篇英文文章作为证据,实际上麦氏是近代最早对樟湖坂崇蛇习俗进行考察的人士,其记录有助于我们认识蛇神崇拜在当时的表现形态,这对今日之研究不无裨益,或有佐证及至补充作用。汪师将此列于文章中以供学界参考使用,其无私的精神和严谨的治学态度当在学术功劳簿上记上一笔。不过这里还有一个问题,根据汪毅夫教授前偈文之介绍,樟湖坂蛇王庙的蛇神塑像是“面慈目善”,而麦氏所记却“狰狞严厉”,究竟是麦氏记载有误,还是蛇王雕塑形象确实发生了变化?还有待进一步考证。
    [2]John Thomson,Through China with A Camera,London and New York:Harper & Brothers,second edition,1899,p153,在中文译著里,译者将Ching-ku-kwan译为樟湖坂,显然有误,不仅在发音上不吻合,考察者对庙内配置的描述也与樟湖坂蛇王庙内布置情况相去甚远。参见(英)约翰.汤姆森著、杨博仁等译:《镜头前的旧中国:约翰.汤姆森游记》,中国摄影出版社2001年版,第142页。
    [4]Justus Doolittle,Social Life of the Chinese,Vol Ⅰ,p68.
    [1]The Anti-Cobweb Club,Fukien:A Study of A Province in China,p31.
    [4]The Missionary Recorder,(July,1867),p55.
    [6]此全文载Justus Doolittle,Vocabulary and Hand-Book of the Chinese Language,vol2,pp517-518;另见林立强著:《美国传教士卢公明与晚清福州社会》,福建教育出版社2005年版,第143页。
    [1]Justus Doolittle,Social Life of the Chinese,Vol Ⅱ,pp25、45、61.
    [2]Philip Wilson Pitcher,In and About Amoy,1909,pp65-70.
    [3]Justus Doolittle,Social Life of the Chinese,Vol Ⅰ,p220.
    [1]Philip Wilson Pitcher,In and About Amoy,1909,pp70-72.
    [3]Justus Doolittle,Social Life of the Chinese,Vol Ⅱ,p26.
    [1]Jas Johnston,China and Formosa:the story of the mission of the Presbyterian Church of England,London:Hazell Watson&Viney,Ld 1897,p50.
    [2]J.Sadler,"Amoy—Physical Features,Monuments,Temples,&c.",The China Review,Vol.22 No.5(1897).
    [3]W.A.P.Martin,"The Worship of Ancestors:A Plea for Toleration",Records of the General Conference of the Protestant Missionaries of China,held at Shanghai,May7-20,1890,Shanghai:American Presbyterian Press,1890,pp.619-631.
    [4]Records of the General Conference of the Protestant Missionaries of China,held at Shanghai,May7-20,1890.p701;另参见王立新:《十九世纪在华基督教的两种传教政策》,《历史研究》1996年第3期。
    [1]Jas Johnston,China and Formosa:the story of the mission of the Presbyterian Church of England,p50.
    [1]Justus Doolittle,Social Life of the Chinese,VolⅡ,p21.
    [2]Justus Doolittle,Social Life of the Chinese,VolⅠ,p250.
    [1]The Anti-Cobweb Club,Fukien:A Study of A Province in China,p33.
    [2]Annie N.Duncan,The City of Springs or Mission Work in Chinchew,p40.
    [3]Franklin Ohlinger,"A Visit to The Doghead Barbarians of Fukien",The Chinese Recorder,Vol 17(July,1886).
    [3]Edwin Joshua Dukes,Everyday Life in China or Scenes along River and Road in Fuh-Kien,pp176-178.
    [1]Justus Doolittle,Social Life of the Chinese,Vol Ⅱ.,pp337-338.
    [1]Edwin Joshua Dukes,Everyday Life in China or Scenes along River and Road in Fuh-Kien,pp180-183.
    [2]Annie N.Duncan,The City of Springs or Mission Work in Chinchew,p38.
    [1]实际上,此项工作早在基督教传教士初至闽地时即已开启。例如1852年春,美部会两位传教士摩怜(C.C.Baldwin)和简明(Seneca Cummings)就出于传教之需深入福州郊区开展考察和布道活动。
    [1]Chinese Repository,vol11,pp507-508.
    [2]Chinese Repository,vol12,p269.
    [3]W.M.Lowrie's father edited,Memoirs of the Rev.Waiter M.Lowrie,Missionary to China,New York:Robert Carter & Brothers,1849,p.209.
    [1]Chinese Repository,vol12,p542.
    [2]Chinese Repository,vol12,p544.
    [2]Justus Doolittle,Social Life of the Chinese,Vol Ⅰ,p64.
    [1]see Justus Doolittle,Social Life of the Chinese.Vol Ⅰ.pp64-65.
    [1]Justus Doolittle,Social Life of the Chinese,Vol Ⅰ,p32.
    [1]F.Ohlinger,"A visit to the Doghead Barbarians of Fukien",The Chinese Recorder,Vol17,(July,1886).p265.
    [1]F.Ohlinger,"A visit to the Doghead Barbarians of Fukien",The Chinese Recorder,Vol17,(July,1856).pp266-267.
    [1]"Koo-San,or Drum Hill",The North-China Herald,September 1,1855.
    [2]John Scarth,Twelve Yeaes in China:The People、The Rebels,and The Mandarins,Edinburgh:Thomas Constable and Co.1860,p40.
    [1]"Obituary of the Rev.Justus Doolittle",The Chinese Recorder,(Jan~Feb,1881).
    [2]Mary Gertrude Mason,Western Concepts of China and the Chinese.1840-1876,New York:1939,p27.
    [3]据现代学者研究,正月二十九称为“拗九节”、“窈九节”,又称“孝顺节”、“孝九节”,是福州的特有传统节日。其源于古时一个名目连孝母的传说。此节日女儿为甚,为报道母亲抚育之恩,必送“孝顺粥”。后来发展 成年纪逢九(明九:39、49……)或有九的倍数(暗九:36、45……)均要送九、送粥。现在这一节俗在民间得到很好地践行,也随着时代发展在物质表现等方面有一些变化,如送的粥已多为八宝粥。——参见王天杞、王晓:《福州富有特色的岁时节俗》,载福建省民俗学会编:《闽台岁时节日风俗》,厦门大学出版社1992年版,第80-81页.
    [1]Justus Doolittle,Social Life of the Chinese,Vol Ⅱ,pp41-44.
    [1]Justus Doolittle,Social Life of the Chinese,Vol Ⅱ,pp74-75.
    [1](明) 王应山:《闽大记》,卷1O,“风俗考”。
    [4]Justus Doolittle,Social Life of the Chinese,Vol Ⅱ,pp27-28.
    [5]Justus Doolittle,Vocabulary and Hand-Book of the Chinese Language,vol2,pp579-580.
    [1]Jas Johnston,China and Formosa:the story of the mission of the Presbyterian Church of England,p15.
    [2]Philip Wilson Pitcher,In and About Amoy,p96.
    [4]"On the Division and Subdivisions of Hok-Keen",The Canton Register,vol.10(1837).
    [1]Chinese Repository,vol12,p540.
    [2]参见吴义雄:《在宗教与世俗之间——基督教新教传教士在华南沿海的早期活动研究》,广东教育出版社2000 年版,第468页。
    [1]W.M.Lowire,"Narrative of a Recent Visit to the Chief City of the Department of Changchau,in the Province of Fukien",Chinese Repository,vol12,p531.
    [5]Justus Doolittle,Social Life of the Chinese,Vol Ⅰ,p18.
    [1]Suzanne Wilson Barnett & John King Fairbank ed,Christianity in China:Early Protestant Missionary Writings,Cambridge,Harvard University Press,1985,p2.
    [3](英) 奥尔德里奇著、诸惠芳等译:《简明英国教育史》,第17-18、38页。
    [2]Thomas G.Paterson,Major Problems in American Foreign Policy:Documents and Essays,Lexington.1992,p28.
    [2]Joel Spring,The American School(1642-1996),The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.1997,引见姚运标:《美国公共教育中的宗教问题研究》,第205页。
    [3]James W.Fraser,The School in the United States:A Documentary History,Boston:McGraw-Hill.2001,p38.
    [4]David Tyack,The Kingdom of God and the Common School,in Harvard Educational Review,fall 1966,p448,引见姚运标:《美国公共教育中的宗教问题研究》,第233页。
    [1](美) 卫三畏撰、史其志译:《派往中国的全部传教士名单》,载北京太平天国历史研究会编:《太平天国史译丛》(第2辑),中华书局1983年版,第131-144页。
    [2]Sidney A.Forsythe,An American Missionary Community in China 1895-1905,Cambridge:Harvard University Press,1971.p12,引自王立新:《美国传教士与晚清中国现代化》,天津人民出版社1997年版,“导言”第13页。
    [3]refer to Valentin H.Rabe,The Home Base of American China Missions,Harvard University Press,1978,p85.
    [4]E.T.Corwin、J.H.Dubbs and J.T.Hamilton,A History of the Reformed Church,Dutch:The Reformed Church,German and the Moravian Church in the United States,(New York:The Christian Literature Co.,1895),p151.,引自 (美)劳伦斯A.克雷明著、周玉军等译:《美国教育史(一):殖民地时期的历程(1607~1783)》,第290页。
    [3]关于杜嘉德生平事迹主要参考文献为John M.Douglas,Memorials of Rev.Carstairs Douglas,Missionary of the Presbyterian Church of England at Amoy,China,London:Waterlow and Sons Limited,Printers.1877,pp5-10,该纪念集承蒙香港浸会大学彭淑敏博士帮助复印,谨表谢忱。
    [1]Edward W.Said,Orientalism,New York:Vintagc Books,1978;or London:Routledge and Kegan Paul,1978.,此书中译本由王宇根译,书名作《东方学》,生活·读书·新知(北京)三联书店1999年版。
    [1]David Abeel,Journal of a Residence in China and Neighbouring Countries from 1830-1833,James Nisbet and co.,Berners street,1835,pp110-111.
    [1](美)J.M.布劳特 著、谭荣根译:《殖民者的世界模式——地理传播主义和欧洲中心主义史观》,社会科学文献出版社2002年版,第26-27页。
    [2](美)爱德华·W·萨义德 著、王宇根译:《东方学》,北京:三联书店1999年版,第268-269页。
    [2]Charles Gutzlaff,Journals of Three Voyages along the Coast of China in 1831,1832&1833,Second Edition,p17.
    [2]E.Stevens,"Excursion to the Bohea hills by Mr.Gordon and others,by way of the river Min",Chinese Repository,vol4,p82.
    [1]Ellsworth C Carlson,The Foochow Missionaries,1847—1880(福州教士),East Asian Research Center Harvard University,1974,p43.
    [2]John King Fairbank edited,The Missionary Enterprise in China and America,p260.
    [3]R.S.Maclay,Life among the Chinese,"preface".
    [5]John R.Wolfe.The Wu Shih Shah Trial.Hong Kong:printed at the "Daily Press" Office,1879,p9.
    [1]Arthur Schlesinger.Jr.,"The Missionary Enterprise and Theories of Imperialism",in John K.Fairbank edited,The Missionary Enterprise in China and America,pp.360-361.
    [4]Justus Doolittle,Social Life of the Chinese,Vol Ⅰ,p424.
    [5]当然,传播学与形象学并无绝对的学科分野,二者在很多时候有许多交互和渗透。不过,形象学更侧重文化传播者塑造的“他者”形象以及传播主体“自我”意识的问题本质,其审美分析成分较浓;而传播学更关注 的文化互动在传播过程中表现以及由此产生的结果,理论阐发和实践指导性更强。
    [2]Record of the General Conference of the Protestant Missionaries of China,held at Shanghai,1877,Shanghai:1877,p32.
    [2]Justus Doolittle,Social Life of the Chinese,Vol Ⅰ,"preface".
    [3]Charles Gutzlaff,Journals of Three Voyages along the Coast of China in 1831,1832&1833,Second Edition,pp130-131.
    [4]Herman Schlyter,Karl Cutzlaff Als Missionar in China,Hakau Ohlssons Boktryckeri,pp294-295,转引自吴义雄前偈书,第100-101页.
    [5]Chinese Repository,vol 1,p140.
    [1]Chinese Repository,vol13,pp546-548.
    [2]J.Macgowan,How England saved China?,p119.
    [3]P.W.Pitcher,In and About Amoy,pp42-43.
    [2]Philip Babcock Cove,ed.,Webster's Third New International Dictionary,G&C.Marriam Company,1976,p2501.
    [2]Benson L.Grayson ed.,The American Image of China,New York:Frederick Ungar Publishing Co.,1979,pp78-83.
    [1]Murray A.Rubinstein,The Northeastern Connection:American Board Missionaries and the Formation of American of Opinion toward China:1830-1860,载台湾中央研究院近代史研究所编:《近代史研究所集刊》,第9期,第436-438页.
    [2]Robert F.McClellan,"Missionary Influence on American Attitudes toward China at the Turn of This Century",in Martin E.Marty ed.,Missions and Ecumenical Expressions,Munich:K.G.Saur,1993 pp.21-28.
    [1]Eliza J.Crillet Bridgman ed.The Pioneer of American Missions in China:The Life and Labors of Elijah Coleman Bridgman,New York 1864,p27.
    [2]Chinese Repository,Vol18,(May,1849),pp262-263.
    [3]Alexander Wylie,Memorials of Protestant Missionaries to the Chinese:Giving a List of Their Publications,and Obituary Notices of the Deceased with Copious Indexes,pp72-75.
    [1]Murray A.Rubinstein,The Northeastern Connection:American Board Missionaries and the Formation of American of Opinion toward China:1830-1860,载台湾中央研究院近代史研究所编:《近代史研究所集刊》第9期,第433页.
    [2]"Obituary of Erastus Wentworth",in Obituary Record of Alumni of Wesleyan University for the Academic Year Ending June 24,1886,Middletown,Conn.1886.
    [3]Murray A.Rubinstein,The Northeastern Connection:American Board Missionaries and the Formation of American of Opinion toward China:1830-1860,载台湾中央研究院近代史研究所编:《近代史研究所集刊》第9期,第443页。
    [1]本地化另一个常用词汇为Indigenization,从宗教文化的接触与对话角度来看,指的是一种外来宗教文化在身处异文化情境中的适应性变化。关于宗教本地化的探讨,可参阅Nicolas Standaert(钟鸣旦)著、陈宽薇译:《本地化:谈福音与文化》,台北:光启出版社1993年版;张西平、卓新平编:《本色之探:20世纪中国基督教文化学术论集》,北京:中国广播电视出版社1999年版。
    [2]有关“处境化”概念的解释说明,请参见陈继容:《中国礼仪本地化展望》,《神学年刊》,2001年第22期: 杨慧林:《“本地化”还是“处境化”:汉语语境中的基督教诠释》,《世界宗教研究》,2003年第1期。
    [1]参考Darrell L.Whiteman,"Contextualization:The theory,the gap,the challenge",International Bulletin of Missionary Reaearch,Jan 1997,Vol.21.;王崇尧:《台湾处境化神学的发展——论一九七○年后台湾长老教会与台湾政治社会的互动》,《神学与教会》,第28卷第2期、《一九七0年后台湾基督长老教会本土神学发展》,http://www.cjcu.edu.tw/chowo/pr/teacher/01_CHOWO/data/A096.doc
    [1]“Moses Clark White”,photocopied from the United Methodist Church Archives-GCAH(美国基督教卫理公会档案缩微胶片),引见陈泽平:《19世纪传教士研究福州方言的几种文献资料》,《福建师范大学学报》2003年第3期。
    [2]Justus Doolittle,The Diary of Justus Doolittle(《卢公明日记未刊手稿》,美国汉密尔顿大学馆藏),p74.
    [3]Suzanne Wilson Barnett,"Justus Doolittle at Foochow:Christian Values in the Treaty Ports",refer to S.W.Barnett and John King Fairbank ed.,Christianity in China:Early Protestant Missionary Writings,p109.
    [4]"The Missionary Enterprise,in its Bearing Up on the Cause of Science and Learning",The Princeton Review,Vol38, Issue4,(October 1866).
    [1]Justus Doolittle,The Diary of Justus Doolittle,p86.
    [1]John Gerardus Fagg,Forty years in South China:the Life of Rev.John Van Nest Talmage,New York:Anson D.F.Randolph & Company,1894,p254.
    [3]The Anti-Cobweb Club,Fukien:A Study of A Province in China,p23.
    [1]Suzanne Wilson Barnett,"Justus Doolittle at Foochow:Christian Value in the Treaty Ports",in S.W.Barnett & John King Fairbank ed,Christianity in China:Early Protestant Missionary Writings,Cambridge,Harvard University Press,1985,p118
    [2]Darrell L.Whiteman,"Contextualization:The theory,the gap,the challenge",International Bulletin of Missionary Research,Jan 1997,Vol.21.
    [3]Kenneth Scott Latourette,A history of Christian Missions in China,New York:The Macmillan Company,1929,p408.
    [1]John Gerardus Fagg,Forty Yearn in South China:the Life of Rev.John Van Nest Talmage,pp132-140.
    [1]Justus Doolittle,Vocabulary and Hand-Book of the Chinese Language,vol2,pp399-402.
    [1]Justus Doolittle,Vocabulary and Hand-Book of the Chinese Language,vol2,pp517-518.
    [4]Justus Doolittle,Social Life of the Chinese,Vol Ⅰ,p63,福州民间流传的一首史诗也谈到类似的情况,诗曰:“元元二年天作旱。岩磹发火好惊人。奶娘脱胎去祈雨,头戴横额身缚裙。奶在江中礼做法,长坑野鬼到来临。席墘四角沉三角,咬破血云到闾山。法主看见血云到,变化四头鸭牳仔。四头鸭牳好利害,长坑看见走脱逃。片时满天下大雨,救了世间万万人”。见王振忠:《近600年来自然灾害与福州社会》,福建人民出版社1996年版,第172-173页。
    [1]Justus Doolittle,Social Life of the Chinese,Vol Ⅰ,p63.
    [4]Justus Doolittle,Social Life of the Chinese,Vol Ⅱ.p210.
    [3]J.Macgowan,Pictures of Southern China,p86.
    [5]Annie N.Duncan,The City of Springs or Mission Work in Chinchew,p37.
    [3]Foreign Relations of the United States,1888,p221;also see C.Denby,China and Her People,vol 1,New York,pp212、214-215、220-221,引自仇华飞:《早期中美关系研究(1784-1844)》,人民出版社2005年,第42页。
    [4]Eliza J.Gillett Bridgman,The Pioneer of American Missions in China:The Life and Labors of Eiljah Coleman Bridgman,New York:Anson D.F.Randolph,1864,p26.
    [2]The Missionary Herald,vol 42(1846),pp162-163.
    [4]S.Johnson,"Notices of Fuhchau",Chinese Repository,vol16.,p483.
    [5]"Fuh Chau,Letter from Mr.Johnson,January 9,1847",The Missionary Herald,vol 43(1847),pp224-226.
    [2]The Chinese Recorder,(October,1870).
    [3]The Chinese Recorder,(June,1870).
    [2]"Editors' Table",Hamilton Literary Monthly,(May,1874).
    [3]McKendree University是美国伊利诺斯州第一座也是最好的一座大学,号称“Illinois' First and Finest".
    [1]"Obituary of Erastus Wentworth",in Obituary Record of Alumni of Wesleyan University for the Academic Year Ending June 24,1886,Middletown,Conn.1886.
    [3]Ray Allen Billington,The Protestant Crusade,New York,1938,引见台湾中央研究院近代史研究所编:《近代史研究所集刊》第9期,第451页。
    [4]Harold R.Isaacs,Scratches on Our Minds:American Images of China and India,Connecticut:Greenwood Press,1958,p96.
    [1]John K.Fairbank,"The Place of Protestant Writings in China's Cultural History",in Suzanne Wilson Barnett & John King Fairbank ed,Christianity in China:Early Protestant Missionary Writings,p4.
    [5]see Suzanne Wilson Barnett,"Justus Doolittle at Foochow:Christian Values in the Treaty Ports",p.108.
    2、Church Missionary Society Archive(英国圣公会档案)
    3、Missionary Files:Methodist Episcopal Church Missionary Correspondence,1846-1912(美以美会档案文件)
    4、China Through the Western eyes(“西方人眼中的中国”缩微胶片)
    5、Missionary Herald(传教士先驱报)
    6、Canton Register(广州记录报)
    7、Chinese Repository(中国丛报)1832—1851
    8、The Chinese Recorder,and Missionary Journal(教务杂志),1867—1941
    9、The China Review,or notes & queries on the Far East(中国评论)
    10、North China Herald(北华捷报)
    11、Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland(亚洲文会会刊),vol13,1852
    12、The Journal of The Asiatic Society of Bengal(亚洲学会杂志),vol.4,1835-2
    13、China Mission at Amoy,Annual Report& Occasional Paper(厦门差会),1863-1873
    14、Foochow Messenger(福州使者),1903—1940
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